Marriage / Established Relationships

Since I wrote this post, everything has just kept getting worse. It feels like our whole family is right at the breaking point where everything is going to explode.

I’m at the point where I simply can’t stand my family anymore, every day I think about how I regret marrying my wife, she and the two kids irritate the heck out of me most of the time, and general day to day life is unstable chaos filled with conflict. I don’t want to be around them if I can avoid it. None of them listen to or respect me, anyway, and any attempt I make to assert authority or take charge just makes everything worse. It doesn’t help that “leadership” doesn’t come naturally to me, I’m an INTJ personality type who tends to function best when I’m fixated on some task or goal I’m deeply motivated toward. Guys with my personality type and talents tend to make for skilled artists of some sort. But not very good husbands/fathers. So I’ve got that working against me.

I still do all the chores, boy sleeps worse than ever, my wife is still astoundingly incompetent at virtually everything, and I have absolutely nothing in common with them.

I wish we had an Orthodox family and tried to focus on spiritual things and stuff real and tangible, like for instance gardening or growing things, or visiting monasteries or that sort of thing. My wife just wants to take a trip to a theme park and watch garbage TV shows and movies on her phone between endless scrolling through social media. In general, I’m focused on trying to have a stable and productive day to day life and routine, while she’s focused on unrealistic or shallow nonsense and buying useless junk that adds to the ever-escalating clutter of our house.

I have absolutely no desire for more kids since we (especially she) can’t manage the ones we already have. I don’t want to be divorced but I don’t know how my family can possibly continue like this.

Being Orthodox is just one more pain point, when we met and married we were both evangelicals who basically believed the same thing, but then I got into Orthodoxy and she had no interest in following me, mostly because of rather shallow reasons (you can’t dump your kids in a nursery at Orthodoxy Church!) rather than much concrete theological objection. Trying to talk about my faith with her is so fruitless and generally just creates more ground for animosity so I’ve basically just stopped.

My wife and her in laws take the two kids (who haven’t been baptized) to the local mega church while I go to Orthodox Church. This might be just a trial of patience and endurance if I was getting anywhere myself, but four years into being Orthodox, I’m worse than ever. I not only have not had improvement aim regards to sexual sin, anger, gluttony, avarice, and so on, I’m worse at these and everything else by any objective measure.

So in other words the family situation is bad and getting worse, I’m bad and getting worse, and nobody I talk to at church or elsewhere has had any helpful insight or advice beyond superficially nice sounding but ultimately useless platitudes. I’m burnt out, exhausted, and since nothing I try at home or in my faith is working, I just feel like giving up because there’s no point in trying anymore.

I’ve never been married, but I can relate to the personality type thing. I usually fluctuate between an INTJ, INTP, ENTJ, depending on how I answer the questions, but my preference is to be alone. I’ve found long term relationships, especially with women who annoy me over time extremely challenging. I can’t even imagine what it would be like with a couple of kids. My time alone is my sanctuary. I’ll pray for you brother, but I’ll let the married guys offer more constructive advice.
I think lots of guys on this forum have the type of personality described in Hermetic Seal's post. It's why I point out that in the those "finding a tradwife" threads that the optimal solution might actually be to remain single. Sure you have to deal with the issue of handling sexual urges but I argued on those threads that no matter what path you take on the marriage question there's going to be struggle whether it be with maintaining chasity in the case of remaining single or with the stress of family life as detailed in HM's post.

I've heard a few guys on this forum mention that they wouldn't really care if they didn't have much common with their wives or whether they share any interests as long as she's young and feminine but the post above illustrates how frustrating it can be constantly around a woman you don't have a lot of common ground with. I can't help but think that if some of the wife hunters are going to end up in the situation above if they ever do actually land their unicorn.

Also I hope none of what I wrote above is going to be seen as an attack on HM. My intention was just to highlight certain things that popped out to me because I thought it was relevant to a lot of the relationship issues that comes up regularly on here. I wish I had advice to give but I do not so I can only offer prayers and a sympathetic ear.
Since I wrote this post, everything has just kept getting worse. It feels like our whole family is right at the breaking point where everything is going to explode.

Like a bomb?

I’m at the point where I simply can’t stand my family anymore,
Go on a trip. I don´t orthodox how it works. But there´s a thing at least with catholics. Where you go on a retreat.

every day I think about how I regret marrying my wife, she and the two kids irritate the heck out of me most of the time,

I like being around my kids everyday. And have incredible laughs with them. They are 8 and 12. Today we watched lionheart. Van damme. And we finished the best Van Damme movies.

and general day to day life is unstable chaos filled with conflict. I don’t want to be around them if I can avoid it. None of them listen to or respect me, anyway, and any attempt I make to assert authority or take charge just makes everything worse.
You know what reasserts authority? A good smack in the bottom. Is this too blue collar for you?

It doesn’t help that “leadership” doesn’t come naturally to me, I’m an INTJ personality type who tends to function best when I’m fixated on some task or goal I’m deeply motivated toward. Guys with my personality type and talents tend to make for skilled artists of some sort. But not very good husbands/fathers. So I’ve got that working against me.
It doesnt matter. Your the head of the family. Act like one.

I still do all the chores, boy sleeps worse than ever, my wife is still astoundingly incompetent at virtually everything, and I have absolutely nothing in common with them.

Did you hire a housekeeper? Still a cheapfuck? HIRE A HOUSEKEEPER.

My housekeeper didnt came during holidays. It´s crazy how shit pile up. My wife has to cook breakfast, lunch and dinner. Except when we eat out or friends/relative. And to be honest even to me. It´s seems like crazy work. When the kids go to their school they eat there. You dump them at the school door. And no headaches on them eating properly.

I wish we had an Orthodox family and tried to focus on spiritual things and stuff real and tangible, like for instance gardening or growing things, or visiting monasteries or that sort of thing.
Loooooll. How old are your kids? You liked doing gardening when you were young? During corona I made a table with my kids. The ugliest shit imaginable. But it still stands. What my kids enjoy is travels. Just as I or any kids I suppose enjoy. But now I need to dedicate myself to refurbish a house.

When we were young we hated anything related to manual labor. My parents are intellectuals who consider manual labor to be peasant work. Except if it´s related to arts. I don´t dislike manual labor per si. I hate the time it consumes. It´s so much time consuming. And you can´t pause. Fucking shit doesn´t pause. If you start you have to do it in one shot. Also some things you need a helper. It doesn´t matter how good you are.

Also people generally treat you worse if they see you doing manual labor. But this might be a southern europe thing.

My wife just wants to take a trip to a theme park and watch garbage TV shows and movies on her phone between endless scrolling through social media.
She is a woman? And you expect her to act like a man?

In general, I’m focused on trying to have a stable and productive day to day life and routine, while she’s focused on unrealistic or shallow nonsense and buying useless junk that adds to the ever-escalating clutter of our house.
Buying junk is a problem. Buying useless shit is a problem.

I have absolutely no desire for more kids since we (especially she) can’t manage the ones we already have. I don’t want to be divorced but I don’t know how my family can possibly continue like this.

Have more. This is one mistake I will carry with me. Not having more kids. But I will correct it with grandchildren. I´m thinking on paying my kids like 50K for each kid they have. And paying everything they need.
Being Orthodox is just one more pain point, when we met and married we were both evangelicals who basically believed the same thing, but then I got into Orthodoxy and she had no interest in following me, mostly because of rather shallow reasons (you can’t dump your kids in a nursery at Orthodoxy Church!) rather than much concrete theological objection. Trying to talk about my faith with her is so fruitless and generally just creates more ground for animosity so I’ve basically just stopped.
Oh she is religious. And you are still not happy? You did marry her. So why do you want to change the woman you were attracted to Dude orthodox has no expression in US. Actually I have no idea why doesnt the orthodox churches invest more. With this wave.

My wife and her in laws take the two kids (who haven’t been baptized) to the local mega church while I go to Orthodox Church. This might be just a trial of patience and endurance if I was getting anywhere myself, but four years into being Orthodox, I’m worse than ever. I not only have not had improvement aim regards to sexual sin, anger, gluttony, avarice, and so on, I’m worse at these and everything else by any objective measure.
It´s not your wife problem.
So in other words the family situation is bad and getting worse, I’m bad and getting worse, and nobody I talk to at church or elsewhere has had any helpful insight or advice beyond superficially nice sounding but ultimately useless platitudes. I’m burnt out, exhausted, and since nothing I try at home or in my faith is working, I just feel like giving up because there’s no point in trying anymore.
Since I wrote this post, everything has just kept getting worse. It feels like our whole family is right at the breaking point where everything is going to explode.

I’m at the point where I simply can’t stand my family anymore, every day I think about how I regret marrying my wife, she and the two kids irritate the heck out of me most of the time, and general day to day life is unstable chaos filled with conflict. I don’t want to be around them if I can avoid it. None of them listen to or respect me, anyway, and any attempt I make to assert authority or take charge just makes everything worse. It doesn’t help that “leadership” doesn’t come naturally to me, I’m an INTJ personality type who tends to function best when I’m fixated on some task or goal I’m deeply motivated toward. Guys with my personality type and talents tend to make for skilled artists of some sort. But not very good husbands/fathers. So I’ve got that working against me.

I still do all the chores, boy sleeps worse than ever, my wife is still astoundingly incompetent at virtually everything, and I have absolutely nothing in common with them.

I wish we had an Orthodox family and tried to focus on spiritual things and stuff real and tangible, like for instance gardening or growing things, or visiting monasteries or that sort of thing. My wife just wants to take a trip to a theme park and watch garbage TV shows and movies on her phone between endless scrolling through social media. In general, I’m focused on trying to have a stable and productive day to day life and routine, while she’s focused on unrealistic or shallow nonsense and buying useless junk that adds to the ever-escalating clutter of our house.

I have absolutely no desire for more kids since we (especially she) can’t manage the ones we already have. I don’t want to be divorced but I don’t know how my family can possibly continue like this.

Being Orthodox is just one more pain point, when we met and married we were both evangelicals who basically believed the same thing, but then I got into Orthodoxy and she had no interest in following me, mostly because of rather shallow reasons (you can’t dump your kids in a nursery at Orthodoxy Church!) rather than much concrete theological objection. Trying to talk about my faith with her is so fruitless and generally just creates more ground for animosity so I’ve basically just stopped.

My wife and her in laws take the two kids (who haven’t been baptized) to the local mega church while I go to Orthodox Church. This might be just a trial of patience and endurance if I was getting anywhere myself, but four years into being Orthodox, I’m worse than ever. I not only have not had improvement aim regards to sexual sin, anger, gluttony, avarice, and so on, I’m worse at these and everything else by any objective measure.

So in other words the family situation is bad and getting worse, I’m bad and getting worse, and nobody I talk to at church or elsewhere has had any helpful insight or advice beyond superficially nice sounding but ultimately useless platitudes. I’m burnt out, exhausted, and since nothing I try at home or in my faith is working, I just feel like giving up because there’s no point in trying anymore.

I’d like to point out one more thing. Note that my experience is in RC. Most ‘advice’ I’ve gotten from people in church and even clergy has been completely useless. This hasn’t been in the area of holding a marriage together, although priests have offered advice on modern dating and courtship, which was so useless I had to restrain from laughing at how out of touch they were. They also say things like it’s your cross to bear.

On that note, I’ll state something that has been obvious to me. There is a cult of suffering and magical thinking in the church that has to go away. Instead of working hard and using your brain to solve problems, advice is given that God will take care of it. Even worse, some idiots take pride and think that wallowing in suffering, that most of time is solvable, is some noble act. Not to say all suffering is avoidable, but much of it is.

Another thing. In this fast paced world, most people in church don’t care. People will offer up prayers, platitudes, then two seconds later be looking at the next video on TikTok. In other words, if you want to fix your situation, you’re going to have to do the grunt work and find solutions yourself.
I think lots of guys on this forum have the type of personality described in Hermetic Seal's post. It's why I point out that in the those "finding a tradwife" threads that the optimal solution might actually be to remain single. Sure you have to deal with the issue of handling sexual urges but I argued on those threads that no matter what path you take on the marriage question there's going to be struggle whether it be with maintaining chasity in the case of remaining single or with the stress of family life as detailed in HM's post.

I've heard a few guys on this forum mention that they wouldn't really care if they didn't have much common with their wives or whether they share any interests as long as she's young and feminine but the post above illustrates how frustrating it can be constantly around a woman you don't have a lot of common ground with. I can't help but think that if some of the wife hunters are going to end up in the situation above if they ever do actually land their unicorn.

Also I hope none of what I wrote above is going to be seen as an attack on HM. My intention was just to highlight certain things that popped out to me because I thought it was relevant to a lot of the relationship issues that comes up regularly on here. I wish I had advice to give but I do not so I can only offer prayers and a sympathetic ear.
If we were to take the option of single life wouldn't some kind of Christian retreat option be worth considering? I think there are some places where you can live in mountains just praying all day or whatever.
If we were to take the option of single life wouldn't some kind of Christian retreat option be worth considering? I think there are some places where you can live in mountains just praying all day or whatever.

Off topic, but yes. I went and lived in a RC monastery for a while. It was very peaceful, and basically consisted of going to mass multiple times a day all in Latin. The monks mostly leave you be and they are all based. The particular Abott at my monastery was strange though and seemed to have some sort of grudge against me. Never figured out why, but since I was new to the masses and they were all in Latin, I was definitely messing some things up in mass. I’m not sure if I could do it long term, but I could write a thread about it if there is interest.

I went to mass, ate sparingly, and took walks in the afternoon. It was very regimented.
Since I wrote this post, everything has just kept getting worse. It feels like our whole family is right at the breaking point where everything is going to explode.

I’m at the point where I simply can’t stand my family anymore, every day I think about how I regret marrying my wife, she and the two kids irritate the heck out of me most of the time, and general day to day life is unstable chaos filled with conflict. I don’t want to be around them if I can avoid it. None of them listen to or respect me, anyway, and any attempt I make to assert authority or take charge just makes everything worse. It doesn’t help that “leadership” doesn’t come naturally to me, I’m an INTJ personality type who tends to function best when I’m fixated on some task or goal I’m deeply motivated toward. Guys with my personality type and talents tend to make for skilled artists of some sort. But not very good husbands/fathers. So I’ve got that working against me.

I still do all the chores, boy sleeps worse than ever, my wife is still astoundingly incompetent at virtually everything, and I have absolutely nothing in common with them.

I wish we had an Orthodox family and tried to focus on spiritual things and stuff real and tangible, like for instance gardening or growing things, or visiting monasteries or that sort of thing. My wife just wants to take a trip to a theme park and watch garbage TV shows and movies on her phone between endless scrolling through social media. In general, I’m focused on trying to have a stable and productive day to day life and routine, while she’s focused on unrealistic or shallow nonsense and buying useless junk that adds to the ever-escalating clutter of our house.

I have absolutely no desire for more kids since we (especially she) can’t manage the ones we already have. I don’t want to be divorced but I don’t know how my family can possibly continue like this.

Being Orthodox is just one more pain point, when we met and married we were both evangelicals who basically believed the same thing, but then I got into Orthodoxy and she had no interest in following me, mostly because of rather shallow reasons (you can’t dump your kids in a nursery at Orthodoxy Church!) rather than much concrete theological objection. Trying to talk about my faith with her is so fruitless and generally just creates more ground for animosity so I’ve basically just stopped.

My wife and her in laws take the two kids (who haven’t been baptized) to the local mega church while I go to Orthodox Church. This might be just a trial of patience and endurance if I was getting anywhere myself, but four years into being Orthodox, I’m worse than ever. I not only have not had improvement aim regards to sexual sin, anger, gluttony, avarice, and so on, I’m worse at these and everything else by any objective measure.

So in other words the family situation is bad and getting worse, I’m bad and getting worse, and nobody I talk to at church or elsewhere has had any helpful insight or advice beyond superficially nice sounding but ultimately useless platitudes. I’m burnt out, exhausted, and since nothing I try at home or in my faith is working, I just feel like giving up because there’s no point in trying anymore.

Sad to read this. I recognise your courage in posting here, and this is a very complex situation that deserves a correspondingly thoughtful response. Unfortunately I'm unable to offer this in writing at the moment.

Instead, as I believe you are sincere, I'll offer you my personal consultation in private in case you want to discuss this in depth. (No cost involved, I consider this to be meaningful volunteer work).

Feel free to read my thread in the Meetups section for info and instructions, then PM me if you want.

All the best.
If we were to take the option of single life wouldn't some kind of Christian retreat option be worth considering? I think there are some places where you can live in mountains just praying all day or whatever.
I would say that living a monk-style life would be a good option but that doesn't necessarily mean actually formally becoming a monk. Roosh would be a good example to observe. He spent a lot of time visiting monasteries and was intrigued by what he saw but he also at the same time never felt the calling to be a monk himself so he didn't go down that path. If there's no calling and you join a monastery for the wrong reasons that could lead to spiritual disaster. Rather he seems to be living a semi-monk lifestyle where he works in the secular world but also is devoted to prayer and practicing his faith though without being in a monastery himself.

In my own (Protestant) church they've mentioned that if you don't have a family yourself then you should be devoting yourself to service. I was at a service once where they profiled a single guy in his 40s who was talking about how he knew family life likely going to be a reality for him so instead he devoted himself to the small group that he leads. He spends a lot of time praying for the other guys and checking on up on them to see how they are doing in their lives and acting as a sympathetic ear if they ever have something on their heart.
I've heard a few guys on this forum mention that they wouldn't really care if they didn't have much common with their wives or whether they share any interests as long as she's young and feminine but the post above illustrates how frustrating it can be constantly around a woman you don't have a lot of common ground with. I can't help but think that if some of the wife hunters are going to end up in the situation above if they ever do actually land their unicorn.

You are absolutely right. When I met my wife a decade ago I held to the Manosphere line of argument you mentioned here and didn't care that we didn't have a ton in common. Of course, that's changed somewhat over time - back then we were both in the evangelical megachurch world, and as I mentioned in my previous post, now I'm Orthodox and she isn't. At the time, we also shared some common interest in nerd pop-culture stuff and would go see Marvel movies and stuff together, but I grew to despise that sort thing within a few years.

My parents are (well, "were" since my mom passed away about a year ago) a shining example of a successful marriage, and a big part of that was that they enjoyed doing shared activities together that they both enjoyed. They had their own individual interests and pursuits, but genuinely enjoyed spending time together. Perhaps more importantly, their personalities gelled exceedingly well. They were on the same wavelength about things like parenting and lifestyle. My brothers and their wives have the same thing going on. My wife and I... don't. On a surface level we seem to hold similar values (for instance, she loves Trump and is enthusiastic about homeschooling - though I sincerely doubt at this point she could actually pull it off - and is skeptical of vaccines, Big Pharma, toxic garbage food.) But below this surface level, there's a huge disparity.

It's not like I had a lot of other women vying for my attention back in 2015, but if I had to do it all over again I'd prioritize trying to marry someone with a personality type that complemented rather than clashed with mine. It didn't help that the pre-marital counseling I received was utterly useless and avoided any focus on anything that actually mattered. What I needed was somebody to boldly force me to reckon with the issues in my relationship that I couldn't really perceive at the time, but sadly there was none of this.

The whole "my wife ain't my buddy!" mindset works great for extroverted "alpha" type guys who spend little time at home, where the domestic sphere is wholly delegated to a highly-competent mother-homemaker, but as most realize at this point, trying to export the particular attitudes and circumstances of a very small percentage of men with a particular personality to all men just tends to lead to discord, if not disaster.

I don't know that I would have wanted to be a monk if I had been aware that option existed. I do think my personality type would potentially be well suited to that, but the demand for celibacy is clearly beyond me.
@Hermetic Seal I hope you don't mind, but I reposted your posts in another thread. As I mentioned in that thread I don't do this in a mocking way but because I think your story is something that is very relevant to what I've seen other guys talk about when it comes to their own aspirations for marriage. Please feel free to add your own comments too especially if you think I misrepresented anything.

No problem at all, I appreciate your comments/responses.
The whole "my wife ain't my buddy!" mindset works great for extroverted "alpha" type guys who spend little time at home, where the domestic sphere is wholly delegated to a highly-competent mother-homemaker, but as most realize at this point, trying to export the particular attitudes and circumstances of a very small percentage of men with a particular personality to all men just tends to lead to discord, if not disaster.
I disagree with this conclusion. There’s no way for you to know whether a woman that shares your interests, whatever that means, would have respected you and been led by you. Especially considering that you’ve changed quite a bit over the years.

Sounds like you’re experiencing a tale as old as time. Your wife is creating her own bubble and you’re just the provider.

I don’t think this is a situation where you need to re-alpha the relationship per se, since it doesn’t work like that, but rather find a way to come to terms with your situation and make the best of it.

A good way to look it at is your wife is grounding you to the society at large while you seem to be withdrawing from it.

Rather than resenting your wife for not holding your coattail, which I can empathize with fully, I would suggest trying to reassert yourself inside your wife’s world. Seems like you’re refusing to participate in the stupid things she does. I would wager it’s because you’re not able to shape those situations to your liking and just go along for the ride. Even if you’re going along for the ride, you can at least demand terms. Then you can use that to do “give and take” with your wife.
I don't know what country you currently live in but in any English speaking 1st world country house keepers cost a fortune.
I think an Airbnb turnover costs about $150 for a modest three bedroom house. That's comparable to the level of service you'd want for a cleaning crew to come to your own home. If you had two of these a month, and then just kept up with dishes, trash and laundry for two weeks between deep cleanings, it would do a lot of good. That's $300 a month, which is not trivial, but it is affordable for a lot of middle class families with both spouses working. If the family can afford it, and housework is otherwise a critical source of stress, then it's money well spent.
I think an Airbnb turnover costs about $150 for a modest three bedroom house. That's comparable to the level of service you'd want for a cleaning crew to come to your own home. If you had two of these a month, and then just kept up with dishes, trash and laundry for two weeks between deep cleanings, it would do a lot of good. That's $300 a month, which is not trivial, but it is affordable for a lot of middle class families with both spouses working. If the family can afford it, and housework is otherwise a critical source of stress, then it's money well spent.
Most people who hire cleaners want their house cleaned once per week. At $150 a pop that would be around $600 USD per month.

Also I assume when he writes housekeeper he means a part time maid rather than just a cleaner.

If you want a part-time maid to clean your house then do additional chores like laundry, dishes, cooking etc on top of the cleaning you would be looking at least $1000 - $1500 USD per month if you want somebody dependable. For a lot of families that is a substantial amount of money.
I don't have any advice to give for your marital situation, I appear to be no expert on that but what I can say is that you have brought kids into this world and however much your regard yourself as an introspective artist type, you cannot leave them without a father figure in their lives. You have a responsibility to raise them.

Too many men and women leave because they find themselves in a difficult situation without considering the long term impact on their children that they brought into this world.

It's on you to find creative solutions to this problem and stop worrying about abstractions.
Most people who hire cleaners want their house cleaned once per week. At $150 a pop that would be around $600 USD per month.

Also I assume when he writes housekeeper he means a part time maid rather than just a cleaner.

If you want a part-time maid to clean your house then do additional chores like laundry, dishes, cooking etc on top of the cleaning you would be looking at least $1000 - $1500 USD per month if you want somebody dependable. For a lot of families that is a substantial amount of money.
600€ is not a lot. I think we pay more. My wife takes care of that. Actually at this moment the maid is there. I always get the fuck out when the maid comes. Cause they will want raises or bitch about something. I took my kids to school. And now Im going to eat a great croissant. Normally i would stay until lunch time doing stuff until my oldest leave school. But i have to go back to talk with contractor.

You dont pay per day. You pay per hour.

The romanian used to come 2 times. She would clean one day and put laundry washing and drying and clean dishes. The second day she would iron and put clothes in drawers. She was always bitching and ask for advancements. So we gave her the keys and everybody would leave when she was there. This new one we dont have trust so my wife stays there while she cleans. She comes one day/week. Cleans everything changes bedsheets. Doesnt do ironing. My wife outsources ironing and takes a bag of our clothes and puts it in a ironing service. It sucks. Her car sometimes looks like a gipsy fair.

The biggest problem with maids is not salary. Its what they steal. Generally they will steal open tooth paste or shampoos. But we had one which stole my wife parfum. And we think she stole clothes. If they have kids same age. They will steal clothes. Safety is the biggest concern with maids. The price is second problem. Third is privacy.

Romanian was perfect. But she was old. And went back to Romania.

People with family should have maids. Try just every 15 days one time. And see how it works.IMG_8500.jpeg
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600€ is not a lot. I think we pay more. My wife takes care of that. Actually at this moment the maid is there. I always get the fuck out when the maid comes. Cause they will want raises or bitch about something. I took my kids to school. And now Im going to eat a great croissant. Normally i would stay until lunch time doing stuff until my oldest leave school. But i have to go back to talk with contractor.

You dont pay per day. You pay per hour.

The romanian used to come 2 times. She would clean one day and put laundry washing and drying and clean dishes. The second day she would iron and put clothes in drawers. She was always bitching and ask for advancements. So we gave her the keys and everybody would leave when she was there. This new one we dont have trust so my wife stays there while she cleans. She comes one day/week. Cleans everything changes bedsheets. Doesnt do ironing. My wife outsources ironing and takes a bag of our clothes and puts it in a ironing service. It sucks. Her car sometimes looks like a gipsy fair.

The biggest problem with maids is not salary. Its what they steal. Generally they will steal open tooth paste or shampoos. But we had one which stole my wife parfum. And we think she stole clothes. If they have kids same age. They will steal clothes. Safety is the biggest concern with maids. The price is second problem. Third is privacy.

Romanian was perfect. But she was old. And went back to Romania.

People with family should have maids. Try just every 15 days one time. And see how it works.View attachment 16293
How much do you spend per month on your maid and which country do you live in?
I live in western Europe in a non english speaking country. Thank god. I have a cousin who went to study in Scotland she started to call herself “they”. Now she is normal again. I have family in many english countries.

If you are asking if I have a maid because they are cheap? Nope. Due to a massive foreign influx. Prices are crazy up.

Like all services theres a shortage of labor. I think its because of unemployment benefits. I would cut all subisdies to people bellow 30 years old unless they have children or are sick.

Anyway In propotion on average salary Australia probably is cheaper. Its cheaper to have a maid in Australia compared to where I live in. And maybe even in total. Maids dont receive minimum salary. They receive above average salary. People keep thinking manual labor is cheap. Its not. Were not living in dickens tales anymore. At least in Europe. In Middle east, africa China, thai, etc its different.

I have a maid for my mental sanity. I asked my wife at dinner how much we were paying and she looked almost offended. And really surprised. Who gives a shit? Thats not my problem to handle. I dont want to handle. What i know its from my wife complaining.

I left my wedding ring on my bedtable. And the maid didnt steal it. My wife says they only steal shit we wont notice. But more 2-3 months she will start ironing clothes.
Even though she asked if we could send a box of old children clothes to Mozambiq. From this moment on. We know she wants to steal our kids clothes. But this wont happen with new closets.

When my wife fires the maid she spends the saturday pretending she can do all the house chores. Its funny. But her mood changes 100%. To bad.

You can hire a maid for hours. When i finish a house I pay a company per hour. In our house we only have referrals.

Not companies.

The biggest issue is not price. Its safety.

Russian is here. Time to work. Plumbing and electricity finished time to start putting cement on walls. I will try a method i saw in YT. For the cement sauce last guy who was here proportions: One general cement bucket. 3 Buckets of river sand. 1 yellow sand. 1 Bucket of water. Here we go. I add a little bit of impermeabilizant. In some walls. But the trick one old contractor did was add lime. But I dont know the proportions. I dont buy any of those ready shit. Next putting windowns door. Pladur on ceiling finish electricity. Plaster tiles. Paint. And its done. March is up to rent.
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