Marriage / Established Relationships

Serious question for the group, not sure if this is the right thread. I have my own methods for this, but how do you guys screen for long term mental issues such as BPD or bipolar disorder? Have anyone of you ever dated or been with a woman who seemed totally fine and then went off the rails or worse hid these things from you?

I find it difficult to see especially in the courtship phase. Once living together, of course it is easier to see the mood swings.
Serious question for the group, not sure if this is the right thread. I have my own methods for this, but how do you guys screen for long term mental issues such as BPD or bipolar disorder? Have anyone of you ever dated or been with a woman who seemed totally fine and then went off the rails or worse hid these things from you?

I find it difficult to see especially in the courtship phase. Once living together, of course it is easier to see the mood swings.
It seems to me that it would be harder to find someone who didn't wear their "mental disorder" on their sleeve. Most women I've known were very upfront about being bipolar or other nonsense.
For those of you in here who's wife has been through menopause, did she come out of the other side of it and become a relatively normal person again?

Its really weird but I sometimes catch glimpses of my old wife, almost like she's in there somewhere but trapped in kind of a prison.