The Destruction of Modern Women

I was going to comment something along these lines.

She's far from a 10, but if she had reasonable standards someone probably would have given her a look.

When will these delusional women realise that Mr. Right has his pick of women half their age?

No... better not even think of lowering standards, just get a sperm donor instead...
Sperm donation is such a twisted concept. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I knew I had children being raised by the types of women who use donated sperm. Boys bearing my face being psychologically abused on a daily basis by these bitter old banshees, just absolutely emasculated beyond repair. Most likely transitioning, even.

It's even worse when, instead of an old hag or a lesbian couple, the recipient is a married woman with an infertile husband. I mean, how is that not just cuckoldry? What sick woman goes "oh, we can't have kids with your blood, let me bear another man's child instead!"? What sick man agrees?
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Sperm donation is such a twisted concept. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I knew I had children being raised by the types of women who use donated sperm. Boys bearing my face being psychologically abused on a daily basis by these bitter old banshees, just absolutely emasculated beyond repair. Most likely transitioning, even.

It's even worse when, instead of an old hag or a lesbian couple, the recipient is a married woman with an infertile husband. I mean, how is that not just cuckoldry? What sick woman goes "oh, we can't have kids with your blood, let me bear another man's child instead!"? What sick man agrees?
There are plenty of kids out there in need of adoption too. Much better to do that. Having another man's sperm inside my wife for any reason would certainly not be my cup of tea.
You clearly haven’t walked around an American mall or Walmart :LOL:

Not being fat and having a decent face puts her in the top 20% for her age.

40% of all Americans are obese.

She’d get 1000s of matches online:

[MOD EDIT: No bikini pics]

Mods: please delete if bikini pictures are not allowed.
Dude her head looks like Pennywise.
Most men don't know this, but most women have the ability to cry at will. As easy for them as moving their hands.

The sound of a woman crying has a very powerful effect on men. It's hardwired into our brains. And women take full advantage of this.
I think guys who have sisters get an early edge on overcoming a woman's crocodile tears. I didn't become immune until I had a daughter. She's fake cried so many times it no longer affects me, and I retain full control of all of my faculties.
I feel a very intense attraction to attractive younger women especially if they are virgin and feminine. If I meet a beautiful 18 or 19 year old virgin and manage to get a date with her or get her number. It’s like I literally get the butterflies in my stomach feeling talking to a girl like that and if I go on a date with such a girl (generally in other countries) I literally have trouble sleeping that night because my brain feels so overstimulated and I’m so excited.

The biological reaction to younger women is so powerful, I just literally can never feel the same way about women who are even just late 20s even if they are attractive. I can still like the girl but I just don’t get that intense burning desire for a woman if she isn’t super young.

Who else on the forum feels the same?
I feel a very intense attraction to attractive younger women especially if they are virgin and feminine. If I meet a beautiful 18 or 19 year old virgin and manage to get a date with her or get her number. It’s like I literally get the butterflies in my stomach feeling talking to a girl like that and if I go on a date with such a girl (generally in other countries) I literally have trouble sleeping that night because my brain feels so overstimulated and I’m so excited.

The biological reaction to younger women is so powerful, I just literally can never feel the same way about women who are even just late 20s even if they are attractive. I can still like the girl but I just don’t get that intense burning desire for a woman if she isn’t super young.

Who else on the forum feels the same?
This is very normal and healthy. Women are drastically more attractive in every way at 19 than they are in their late 20's. Especially with these birth control pills they all take, women hit the wall at 25, I would argue. By 28, egg quality is actually already very suboptimal, and late 20's women are usually full of resentment towards men. Incredibly unpleasant to be around 8 times out of 10.

Men only really date women past the age of 25 because we don't really have a choice. Even if you're a young man, you still have to be open to it.
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This is very normal and healthy. Women are drastically more attractive in every way at 19 than they are in their late 20's. Especially with these birth control pills they all take, women hit the wall at 25, I would argue. By 28, egg quality is actually already very suboptimal, and late 20's women are usually full of resentment towards men. Incredibly unpleasant to be around 8 times out of 10.

Men only really date women past the age of 25 because we don't really have a choice. Even if you're a young man, you still have to be open to it.

Yup fairly normal and driven by simple biology. Most men over the past half century have been beaten into submission by feminist lawfare and cultural changes that have eviscerated Western birthrates.
It’s like I literally get the butterflies in my stomach feeling talking to a girl like that and if I go on a date with such a girl (generally in other countries) I literally have trouble sleeping that night because my brain feels so overstimulated and I’m so excited.
Yes, this is a common physiological response that happens when you are young mostly, so perhaps that's a statement on what I've seen and been exposed to for the last 15-20 years (life, distraction, older women, etc). I remember having this feeling in my early 20s. Now it's almost only reserved for younger women I come across in which I would be labeled some fake term if I expressed interest. A normal, young woman who isn't even hot, let's say a 6, but is 18 yo or an age close, is so much more attractive because she has an innocence and lack of experience. That's the entire point of what we get after on this forum, while the anti-men movement tries to paint it as some sort of predatory disposition. History of course shows every man, if that were the case, to be a predator, which creates a conundrum, unless your agenda is for most humans to just die off.
women hit the wall at 25, I would argue.
I noticed this very early even among the different female ratings/rankings on apps in the mid 2010s. You could tell that at 25 or 26, and certainly over, the woman was far less attractive. Even if you didn't understand everything then like we do now, you also knew that added age and "life experience" would make that woman even more awful to deal with, rounding out my thesis of avalanche or asymmetry: young women have every characteristic you want, older women almost none.
I'm not sure if the breast reduction movement has been covered here. Personally, I think it's horrible. Some women are going from a D or DD cup to a B cup. I'm sure they're getting support from their "friends" with smaller sized pecs. As the husband this would frustrate me. Especially given that most of this back pain can just be alleviated with the right exercise regimen.

There are a plethora of good examples on IG. I couldn't find much on YouTube, but this still shows which procedure I mean.

I'm not sure if the breast reduction movement has been covered here. Personally, I think it's horrible. Some women are going from a D or DD cup to a B cup. I'm sure they're getting support from their "friends" with smaller sized pecs. As the husband this would frustrate me. Especially given that most of this back pain can just be alleviated with the right exercise regimen.

There are a plethora of good examples on IG. I couldn't find much on YouTube, but this still shows which procedure I mean.

One my friends just got her breasts done and they are actually considerably smaller than her natural breasts were. She's a tall thin little thing and just had abnormally massive breasts, she always did since she was young and of course gravity took over and they just became larger and larger. She had big time back issues because of them even though she is in amazing shape, she also hated that she had to wear double clothing everywhere she went to keep them in check. She didn't do it for looks her natural breasts looked great she did it to improve her quality of life which it has tremendously. She still has very large breasts just considerably smaller than they were before and easier to keep in control, I don't think it's as cut and dry in every situation.
One my friends just got her breasts done and they are actually considerably smaller than her natural breasts were. She's a tall thin little thing and just had abnormally massive breasts, she always did since she was young and of course gravity took over and they just became larger and larger. She had big time back issues because of them even though she is in amazing shape, she also hated that she had to wear double clothing everywhere she went to keep them in check. She didn't do it for looks her natural breasts looked great she did it to improve her quality of life which it has tremendously. She still has very large breasts just considerably smaller than they were before and easier to keep in control, I don't think it's as cut and dry in every situation.
yes, this scenario definitely makes sense. There are some head scratching examples on Instagram, but I can't find anything similar on YT.
Reposting this from the marriage thread. Again, I don't do this to mock the poser (Hermetic Seal) or put him in the spotlight so everyone can mock him. Rather I am posting this here because I think it's a very raw and honest description of what he is going through in his marriage right now. One of the big issues he is having right now is not having much in common with his wife and how he feels like it's led to his situation

I’m at the point where I simply can’t stand my family anymore, every day I think about how I regret marrying my wife, she and the two kids irritate the heck out of me most of the time, and general day to day life is unstable chaos filled with conflict. I don’t want to be around them if I can avoid it.

He did a follow up where he talked more the lack of commonality between him and his wife.

You are absolutely right. When I met my wife a decade ago I held to the Manosphere line of argument you mentioned here and didn't care that we didn't have a ton in common. Of course, that's changed somewhat over time

The whole "my wife ain't my buddy!" mindset works great for extroverted "alpha" type guys who spend little time at home, where the domestic sphere is wholly delegated to a highly-competent mother-homemaker, but as most realize at this point, trying to export the particular attitudes and circumstances of a very small percentage of men with a particular personality to all men just tends to lead to discord, if not disaster.

I'm bringing this up because I've seen a few of the tradwife hunting types talk about how they don't really care if their wife is someone they can actually interact with in at least a semi-intelligent manner. I've pushed back against that notion cause I think it can really lead to some serious problems down the line in a marriage for these type of guys in the case they do actually find the woman they are looking for after the initial rush of snagging a unicorn, young virgin wears off. I can't help but think if the story that I linked to above is going to be the end result of these men getting what they want.

You might think "Well I'm the alpha type of guy who is going to not spend time at home hence this doesn't apply to me" but you have to brutally honest with yourself if that is truly who you are. Guys on that type tend to be not on forums like ours nor do they have to look abroad to get their tradwife. What is more likely is that you are an ITNJ like Hermetic Seal is. Think deeply about whether you really are the old school man's man type of guy or do you have a personality that's more similar to the men who get into the PUA and international nomad dating thing: scoring higher on introversion, prone to introspection, less outgoing etc.

Another tendency I noticed is that the tradwife hunters find being around women irritating to the point where they said even if they get married they are going to try and avoid being at home as much as possible. I'll repeat the initial quote I pasted from the original poster: "I’m at the point where I simply can’t stand my family anymore, every day I think about how I regret marrying my wife, she and the two kids irritate the heck out of me most of the time, and general day to day life is unstable chaos filled with conflict. I don’t want to be around them if I can avoid it." These wife hunters aren't even married yet and they are already imagining how much they are going to be irritated to be when they around their wife. I can only imagine that these emotions are only to get worse when they are actually married.
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yes, this scenario definitely makes sense. There are some head scratching examples on Instagram, but I can't find anything similar on YT.

A lot of women do things on a whim to their bodies they end up regretting, this is just more of that. The problem is that they take the word of other women, they let other women dictate to them what looks good instead of men which is silly.

Pretty much every girl I've ever met that had breast implants done eventually said they hated them because they were too big, I always laugh and tell them "sounds like you forgot about gravity and what happened to your first set of tits". That's assuming it wasn't just a horribly botched job with scars and misshapen breasts, that happens a lot too. Funny because the one girl I can remember who didn't regret them and liked to tell me how much she loved them had horrible fake tits, that always made me laugh. Another one is tummy tucks, honey they pulled your skin down and sewed it shut you actually thought that was going to look good? I know probably one out of a dozen that it didn't look horrible on, some are really hard to look at bad and don't even look good covered in clothes.

One thing I've also found hilarious over the years is that women with naturally large breasts want nothing but to hide them and women with fake breasts want nothing but to show them off.

Beyond rare cases like my aforementioned friend who had a physical problem and corrected it don't see why women would mess with what God created, it never turns out well.

Don't get me started on fake lips and lashes....I have yet to meet one single girl that it has ever looked good on they all look like cartoon characters but they do it anyway because some other girl did...
When I wrote about the tradwife hunters who don't seem to actually enjoy being around women and is likely going to find marriage a constant source of stress, I have in mind this sort of mentality

Think about every conversation that you have ever had with a woman and just think if I was having this conversation with a man how interesting would it be? 99% of the time the answer is not very interesting. But as men we overlook it when we the female is attractive.

And yes raising children is the primary purpose of marriage. If you are not raising children what is the point of getting married? It literally serves no purpose otherwise.

Or this (In this case I can't help but think what this poster wrote is similar to what @Hermetic Seal had wrote about his own marriage)

If this was your wife obviously you’d need to include more substance. My wife knows where I stand and why, though I don’t dig into issues like I would with one of you unless she asks, and even then I don’t get too involved. If I need a friend with ears to listen I have a dog.
I feel a very intense attraction to attractive younger women especially if they are virgin and feminine. If I meet a beautiful 18 or 19 year old virgin and manage to get a date with her or get her number. It’s like I literally get the butterflies in my stomach feeling talking to a girl like that and if I go on a date with such a girl (generally in other countries) I literally have trouble sleeping that night because my brain feels so overstimulated and I’m so excited.

The biological reaction to younger women is so powerful, I just literally can never feel the same way about women who are even just late 20s even if they are attractive. I can still like the girl but I just don’t get that intense burning desire for a woman if she isn’t super young.

Who else on the forum feels the same?
Yes absolutely. I'm 34 and do not get nervous around most women like I used to. But around a college aged girl with wife potential, I act just like you described. Thankfully I'm a lot better at hiding it than I used to be.

I don't think they even care if a man is awkward around them, and it's because they haven't been sleeping around. Most of the time the girls are nervous and awkward too, which is a good sign.
I have yet to meet one single girl that it has ever looked good on they all look like cartoon characters but they do it anyway because some other girl did...
Today's makeup trend has ruined women. Black women in America are best example of this bollocks. Explains why I see so many Black men jumping on the passport bro planes. The problem is they are also spreading their problems unconsciously to foreign women now...😒
Today's makeup trend has ruined women. Black women in America are best example of this bollocks. Explains why I see so many Black men jumping on the passport bro planes. The problem is they are also spreading their problems unconsciously to foreign women now...😒
I blame Bratz dolls for this.


They were created by Isaac Larian. Guess his ethnicity.