Marriage / Established Relationships

For those older gents with wives going through the menopause and pré menopause, talk to me about your experiences of this.

I don't even recognise who my wife is anymore. It's like aliens took her away and replaced her with an angry, frumpy, sexless schizophrénic. It sure isn't the girl I fell in love with and it's been going on for years now.

I don't know what I did to deserve this but I'd like to know I'm not alone. I also need to know if this is something that maybe passes or that's just life kicking you in the balls.

Menopause is nature's ultimate bait-and-switch towards monogamous men.

This is why older generation of men (pre world war 1) married girls 10 to 25 years younger than them, so that when the wife hit menopause the man was already in his mid 50s, or 60s or even in his 70s and it mattered a lot less sexually.

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After I posted last night, I was reading more about this. Menopause is a factor in a huge number of divorces. However, it was mentioned that hormone therapy really helps womem tremendously in overcoming the symptoms, and makes them feel much better (and easier to live with).

There is evidence of increased risk of breast or ovarian cancer, but it helps prevent osteoporosis, and helps with managing weight. My wife didn't take hormones during menopause, but she did die of ovarian cancer. I wouldn't wish the cancer on my worst enemy, but I still think it's worth the risk to reduce the misery of menopause.

Some wives will instinctively be opposed to this, seeing the hormones as chemicals causing fake feelings. Others will think it's a no brainer to use it if it makes the symptoms go away. I use TRT myself, so I'm in the no brainer category. If a solution exists, use it!
Moving this discussion from the Lent 2024 thread to here since it was getting off topic:

... just a personal question how is your sex life with your wife?

Not great, but that's mostly due to chaotic life circumstances. My wife is naturally affectionate and on the rare occasions we manage it she always enjoys it, the problem is that the logistics are almost impossible. She still hasn't sleep trained our baby who's about a year and a half, and thus she sleeps badly almost every night, takes forever putting him to bed in the evening, and by spends most or all of the night sleeping in his room after he wakes up after midnight.

By the time she gets out of his room from putting him to bed (maybe about 9:45 or 10 PM), I'm either finishing up the evening prayers or finishing cleaning up after dinner, and about ready to bathe and get ready for bed, while she's either exhausted and wants to rest, or have a snack before bathing.

On top of this, we are on dramatically different schedules. I'm a morning person; I naturally wake up early and hate being up late, and she's a night owl who goes to bed very late and wakes up late. I usually try to go to bed by 11:30 and get up by 7:30 in the morning. I go through my whole morning routine before my family wakes up, generally around 9 AM. Our tiny children are on a 9 AM to 9 PM schedule, which seems absolutely insane, but it's all hinged on when my wife is able to get up. I do my morning routine and then start WFH.

As a result our natural mealtimes don't align at all, I usually eat lunch at 12, and they eat whenever, which isn't really a problem. The wife and kids eat a snack around 4:30. What's more of an issue is dinner, I should be eating around 6 PM but usually don't eat until after 7, so I'm naturally crabby and impatient by then.

We almost never eat the same thing, my wife almost never cooks. Because of Orthodox fasting and all that I'm usually on my own preparing my own food for each meal. I'll make larger food things, like lentil soup, which I'm happy to share, but they won't eat it. I'd eat whatever she made for me, regardless, but it's pretty much a moot point. She always says she's going to, but I must've thrown out hundreds of dollars of ingredients that have gone bad over the last few years. She's never figured out how to get anything done while having kids around/not giving them almost her total attention. So unless I or my in laws who live in our basement are watching the kids, she basically never gets anything done ever.

I feel like I should just eat dinner at my natural time before everyone else, and sit down at the table with the others when they eat.

This whole way of living has taken a serious toll on all of us. I'm constantly distracted and having to step away from work during the day to put out fires or do household tasks/chores she's unable to do. The only idea I've been able to come up with is to say I'm done with this, I'm going to a coffee shop or somewhere like that to work every weekday from 9 to 5, you're just going to have to figure out how to keep the house without me around.

When I was a kid my dad worked in the office five days a week and my mom managed to watch three tiny boys all by herself and cook, clean, go grocery shopping, do all the chores. If my wife could manage to be even a quarter as competent/productive as my mom was, it would be a monumental improvement. Needless to say, I'm tempted basically constantly to be irritated with my wife for a whole host of things.
Moving this discussion from the Lent 2024 thread to here since it was getting off topic:

Not great, but that's mostly due to chaotic life circumstances. My wife is naturally affectionate and on the rare occasions we manage it she always enjoys it, the problem is that the logistics are almost impossible. She still hasn't sleep trained our baby who's about a year and a half, and thus she sleeps badly almost every night, takes forever putting him to bed in the evening, and by spends most or all of the night sleeping in his room after he wakes up after midnight.

By the time she gets out of his room from putting him to bed (maybe about 9:45 or 10 PM), I'm either finishing up the evening prayers or finishing cleaning up after dinner, and about ready to bathe and get ready for bed, while she's either exhausted and wants to rest, or have a snack before bathing.

On top of this, we are on dramatically different schedules. I'm a morning person; I naturally wake up early and hate being up late, and she's a night owl who goes to bed very late and wakes up late. I usually try to go to bed by 11:30 and get up by 7:30 in the morning. I go through my whole morning routine before my family wakes up, generally around 9 AM. Our tiny children are on a 9 AM to 9 PM schedule, which seems absolutely insane, but it's all hinged on when my wife is able to get up. I do my morning routine and then start WFH.

As a result our natural mealtimes don't align at all, I usually eat lunch at 12, and they eat whenever, which isn't really a problem. The wife and kids eat a snack around 4:30. What's more of an issue is dinner, I should be eating around 6 PM but usually don't eat until after 7, so I'm naturally crabby and impatient by then.

We almost never eat the same thing, my wife almost never cooks. Because of Orthodox fasting and all that I'm usually on my own preparing my own food for each meal. I'll make larger food things, like lentil soup, which I'm happy to share, but they won't eat it. I'd eat whatever she made for me, regardless, but it's pretty much a moot point. She always says she's going to, but I must've thrown out hundreds of dollars of ingredients that have gone bad over the last few years. She's never figured out how to get anything done while having kids around/not giving them almost her total attention. So unless I or my in laws who live in our basement are watching the kids, she basically never gets anything done ever.

I feel like I should just eat dinner at my natural time before everyone else, and sit down at the table with the others when they eat.

This whole way of living has taken a serious toll on all of us. I'm constantly distracted and having to step away from work during the day to put out fires or do household tasks/chores she's unable to do. The only idea I've been able to come up with is to say I'm done with this, I'm going to a coffee shop or somewhere like that to work every weekday from 9 to 5, you're just going to have to figure out how to keep the house without me around.

When I was a kid my dad worked in the office five days a week and my mom managed to watch three tiny boys all by herself and cook, clean, go grocery shopping, do all the chores. If my wife could manage to be even a quarter as competent/productive as my mom was, it would be a monumental improvement. Needless to say, I'm tempted basically constantly to be irritated with my wife for a whole host of things.

I am just going to jump in here and point out some major red flags. If your kids are under 12, they are not getting enough sleep. They should also be finished eating by 7 and in bed, ideally asleep, by 8. You want them up by 8am at the latest, as their whole life ahead of them hinges on being somewhere well before 9am. You need to instill a strict morning routine in them from an early age. Trust me on this, your future sanity requires it.

Also, your wife needs to match your schedule. When women say they are 'nightowls' I take it to mean that they can't sleep and are most likely looking at a screen. If you want a stress free as possible family unit, you and your wife will need to be out of bed before 7am. Most likely by 6am. It takes some compromise and the willingness to build a cohesive family unit together. But it HAS to be done, or else your marriage is in for some real hardships once the kids get into things like school and activities.

Also, please try and eat together as a family every night. This will pay the most dividends in the future than pretty much anything else you can do.
We almost never eat the same thing, my wife almost never cooks. Because of Orthodox fasting and all that I'm usually on my own preparing my own food for each meal. I'll make larger food things, like lentil soup, which I'm happy to share, but they won't eat it. I'd eat whatever she made for me, regardless, but it's pretty much a moot point. She always says she's going to, but I must've thrown out hundreds of dollars of ingredients that have gone bad over the last few years. She's never figured out how to get anything done while having kids around/not giving them almost her total attention. So unless I or my in laws who live in our basement are watching the kids, she basically never gets anything done ever.

I feel like I should just eat dinner at my natural time before everyone else, and sit down at the table with the others when they eat.
Find out what time the culture of where you are living requires you to eat dinner and conform to that culture. It does vary from place to place. Force both yourself and the rest of the family to eat at exactly that time. Probably more important to have a united family than everyone pulling their own way. Or prepare different sets of meals to match everyone's wishes but then eat them at the same time. I wouldn't personally push too hard that the woman cooks rather than the man especially when the children are that young. Probably bedtime etc won't be such a struggle for that much longer.
Moving this discussion from the Lent 2024 thread to here since it was getting off topic:

Not great, but that's mostly due to chaotic life circumstances. My wife is naturally affectionate and on the rare occasions we manage it she always enjoys it, the problem is that the logistics are almost impossible. She still hasn't sleep trained our baby who's about a year and a half, and thus she sleeps badly almost every night, takes forever putting him to bed in the evening, and by spends most or all of the night sleeping in his room after he wakes up after midnight.

By the time she gets out of his room from putting him to bed (maybe about 9:45 or 10 PM), I'm either finishing up the evening prayers or finishing cleaning up after dinner, and about ready to bathe and get ready for bed, while she's either exhausted and wants to rest, or have a snack before bathing.

On top of this, we are on dramatically different schedules. I'm a morning person; I naturally wake up early and hate being up late, and she's a night owl who goes to bed very late and wakes up late. I usually try to go to bed by 11:30 and get up by 7:30 in the morning. I go through my whole morning routine before my family wakes up, generally around 9 AM. Our tiny children are on a 9 AM to 9 PM schedule, which seems absolutely insane, but it's all hinged on when my wife is able to get up. I do my morning routine and then start WFH.

As a result our natural mealtimes don't align at all, I usually eat lunch at 12, and they eat whenever, which isn't really a problem. The wife and kids eat a snack around 4:30. What's more of an issue is dinner, I should be eating around 6 PM but usually don't eat until after 7, so I'm naturally crabby and impatient by then.

We almost never eat the same thing, my wife almost never cooks. Because of Orthodox fasting and all that I'm usually on my own preparing my own food for each meal. I'll make larger food things, like lentil soup, which I'm happy to share, but they won't eat it. I'd eat whatever she made for me, regardless, but it's pretty much a moot point. She always says she's going to, but I must've thrown out hundreds of dollars of ingredients that have gone bad over the last few years. She's never figured out how to get anything done while having kids around/not giving them almost her total attention. So unless I or my in laws who live in our basement are watching the kids, she basically never gets anything done ever.

I feel like I should just eat dinner at my natural time before everyone else, and sit down at the table with the others when they eat.

This whole way of living has taken a serious toll on all of us. I'm constantly distracted and having to step away from work during the day to put out fires or do household tasks/chores she's unable to do. The only idea I've been able to come up with is to say I'm done with this, I'm going to a coffee shop or somewhere like that to work every weekday from 9 to 5, you're just going to have to figure out how to keep the house without me around.

When I was a kid my dad worked in the office five days a week and my mom managed to watch three tiny boys all by herself and cook, clean, go grocery shopping, do all the chores. If my wife could manage to be even a quarter as competent/productive as my mom was, it would be a monumental improvement. Needless to say, I'm tempted basically constantly to be irritated with my wife for a whole host of things.
I see and understand the frustrations you are experiencing, its not an easy stage or marriage you guys are going through we have also gone through that stage with the small kids and the nappies ans crying and sleeping, yes my wife too during these phases was not very sexual and was always tiered etc, I always laught at my wife because she is neither a morning or night person she sleeps eary and wishes she could wake up late but cant coz kids wake up early. Fortunately my wife is a very good cook and cooks us supper every single night and we all eat supper together, this is something she got from me because when she grew up her family never did this so it was something I grew up with and always did, my parents were very hard working people I never saw them in pejamas in the morning they were always awake before us and fully dressed, my mom also raised us but also worked from homez cooked for us, she even made a lot of our clothes, she played music and church every sunday and went to band practice like twice a week with my father for years, i never came home and saw my mom watching tv, she never had a maid and still doesnt today and works full time, but its very rare to find woman like this today, who have this energy, my grandmother was the same I think only in her 80's did she get a maid because my grandfather was sick and she needed to care for him, my grandfather never cooked in his life he only knew how to boil the kettle my grandmother even dressed him she would buy his clothes and put the clothes he had to wear on the bed everyday, she was an amazing cook, she did ALL the house work, she used to watch TV standing while doing the ironing, she also did all the grocery shopping my grandfather never even used an atm in his life she would do all that, but I think these kind of woman are extinct now 😂. So the 9 to 9 thing doesnt sound to bad because your kids have a routine, I know some parents who let their kids go to bed whenever they want no routine thats not good for them. Im just wonderinf what do you guys eat if your wife isnt cooking? My dad used to cook supper he liked that, have you ever thought about making the supper maybe since your wife isnt interested and then you guys could all eat together, maybe hold out until 7 for your supper and get them all to sit at the table its such a blessing to eat like this with your family together, no phone or tv allowed, maybe just tv on weekends but not during the week it forces relationship with your family. Maybe also try eat that snack with them at 16:30 if possible, for the sake of the family, I heard some saint once say we have to bear the greater burdens for the sake of the others. I find a lot of similarities in my life with yours, I too struggled to get anything done at home it was affecting my work and income and many times I also had to be putting out fires and being with the kids and the worst part that I fought a lot with my wife was that she would complain that I was neglecting my work but I couldnt do my work because I was too busy doing her work so we had some big fights about this but its kind of resolved now after many years. A time and place when TV and games come in handy is lets say your wife wants to cook or do somethings thats the time the kids should be watching some tv to allow the parents that gap to do the evening chores thats what we do, but games only on the weekends. The baby not sleeping is a problem, your wife needs to look into sleep training its going to help the baby, going to help you and going to help your wife, its basically putting the baby down to sleep and just letting him cry for about 7 days and not go and try comfort him, then once he is trained he sleeps like a dream, its something along those lines, so everyone suffers for about 1 week then after that its over, my first born was very difficult and never slept we all never slept for months it was terrible but the sleep training really helped, sometimes you might also need to drop some of the kids naps so they tiered enough to sleep the entire night without waking. Your wife would benefit with a walk once every few days push the baby in the pram and everyone goes for that stroll to clear the mind and get some oxygen my wife felt better and enjoyed that. One day you and I our kids will get married and move out then its like we gonna have a 2nd chance in life so we just need to endure this and enjoy the ride as we go. Regarding your wifes faith (and mine) Im sure some hard times will be coming into the world soon, like war or famine, disease, whatever it is then it might shake them up to the reality of death and its usually during difficult times like this that people can wake up
Menopause is nature's ultimate bait-and-switch towards monogamous men.

This is why older generation of men (pre world war 1) married girls 10 to 25 years younger than them, so that when the wife hit menopause the man was already in his mid 50s, or 60s or even in his 70s and it mattered a lot less sexually.


Hi all

A little off topic but here's a must-watch for anyone considering marrying outside the faith

She sounds like another sweet person that is totally confused, generally clueless and likely not raised in the faith. It looks like she's even got a Greek name. Even though Sam's advice is of course spot on and needs to be said to people - notice that since we don't treat confusion and chaos like this anymore, "nicely" - that just prolongs the problem or its potential. What we don't know that can probably somewhat explain it, not that it matters, but it is that there are a large number of fat and/or older women who just want male attention or kids, and they end up trying to do things like this. I've had family members that have asked me "Why did so and so marry or get with guy X"? I am seemingly the only one that has told them, "That's all that she could get."
I see and understand the frustrations you are experiencing, its not an easy stage or marriage you guys are going through we have also gone through that stage with the small kids and the nappies ans crying and sleeping, yes my wife too during these phases was not very sexual and was always tiered etc, I always laught at my wife because she is neither a morning or night person she sleeps eary and wishes she could wake up late but cant coz kids wake up early. Fortunately my wife is a very good cook and cooks us supper every single night and we all eat supper together, this is something she got from me because when she grew up her family never did this so it was something I grew up with and always did, my parents were very hard working people I never saw them in pejamas in the morning they were always awake before us and fully dressed, my mom also raised us but also worked from homez cooked for us, she even made a lot of our clothes, she played music and church every sunday and went to band practice like twice a week with my father for years, i never came home and saw my mom watching tv, she never had a maid and still doesnt today and works full time, but its very rare to find woman like this today, who have this energy, my grandmother was the same I think only in her 80's did she get a maid because my grandfather was sick and she needed to care for him, my grandfather never cooked in his life he only knew how to boil the kettle my grandmother even dressed him she would buy his clothes and put the clothes he had to wear on the bed everyday, she was an amazing cook, she did ALL the house work, she used to watch TV standing while doing the ironing, she also did all the grocery shopping my grandfather never even used an atm in his life she would do all that, but I think these kind of woman are extinct now 😂. So the 9 to 9 thing doesnt sound to bad because your kids have a routine, I know some parents who let their kids go to bed whenever they want no routine thats not good for them. Im just wonderinf what do you guys eat if your wife isnt cooking? My dad used to cook supper he liked that, have you ever thought about making the supper maybe since your wife isnt interested and then you guys could all eat together, maybe hold out until 7 for your supper and get them all to sit at the table its such a blessing to eat like this with your family together, no phone or tv allowed, maybe just tv on weekends but not during the week it forces relationship with your family. Maybe also try eat that snack with them at 16:30 if possible, for the sake of the family, I heard some saint once say we have to bear the greater burdens for the sake of the others. I find a lot of similarities in my life with yours, I too struggled to get anything done at home it was affecting my work and income and many times I also had to be putting out fires and being with the kids and the worst part that I fought a lot with my wife was that she would complain that I was neglecting my work but I couldnt do my work because I was too busy doing her work so we had some big fights about this but its kind of resolved now after many years. A time and place when TV and games come in handy is lets say your wife wants to cook or do somethings thats the time the kids should be watching some tv to allow the parents that gap to do the evening chores thats what we do, but games only on the weekends. The baby not sleeping is a problem, your wife needs to look into sleep training its going to help the baby, going to help you and going to help your wife, its basically putting the baby down to sleep and just letting him cry for about 7 days and not go and try comfort him, then once he is trained he sleeps like a dream, its something along those lines, so everyone suffers for about 1 week then after that its over, my first born was very difficult and never slept we all never slept for months it was terrible but the sleep training really helped, sometimes you might also need to drop some of the kids naps so they tiered enough to sleep the entire night without waking. Your wife would benefit with a walk once every few days push the baby in the pram and everyone goes for that stroll to clear the mind and get some oxygen my wife felt better and enjoyed that. One day you and I our kids will get married and move out then its like we gonna have a 2nd chance in life so we just need to endure this and enjoy the ride as we go. Regarding your wifes faith (and mine) Im sure some hard times will be coming into the world soon, like war or famine, disease, whatever it is then it might shake them up to the reality of death and its usually during difficult times like this that people can wake up

Exactly this. I was reflecting on my wife's 'journey' through menopause during a long bike ride today and just realising the extent to which my wife is a completely different person to the person I fell in love with. She 100% is not into me anymore, that's for sure, which is weird because in every way, I'm more successful and a better man than when we met.

It leaves me (and I guess a lot of men) in really a really tricky spot. You don't want to break up the marriage because of it because of the detrimental effect it would have on you both financially plus the documented negative effect on the kids, so you end up living like flatmates with this person you barely understand and aren't sure you even like.

I now understand why older men spend time in their garages or sheds.

No-one tells you this. So I'm here to tell you you fellas in your 20s and 30s, look up and learn about menopause. Look at how long at lasts and what age it arrives. Correlate that with the divorce statistics initiated by women ages 45-55.

It's sad. YMMV
Exactly this. I was reflecting on my wife's 'journey' through menopause during a long bike ride today and just realising the extent to which my wife is a completely different person to the person I fell in love with. She 100% is not into me anymore, that's for sure, which is weird because in every way, I'm more successful and a better man than when we met.

It leaves me (and I guess a lot of men) in really a really tricky spot. You don't want to break up the marriage because of it because of the detrimental effect it would have on you both financially plus the documented negative effect on the kids, so you end up living like flatmates with this person you barely understand and aren't sure you even like.

I now understand why older men spend time in their garages or sheds.

No-one tells you this. So I'm here to tell you you fellas in your 20s and 30s, look up and learn about menopause. Look at how long at lasts and what age it arrives. Correlate that with the divorce statistics initiated by women ages 45-55.

It's sad. YMMV
Have you looked into hormone therapy for her? Is she open to it?

Edit: I've been through this whole situation, and eventually I looked back and saw that as ugly as things were, I should have loved my wife anyway, and took everything that came my way, out of devotion to God. I can hardly see how I could have done that imagining my frame of mind at the time, but I now realize that's what I should have done.

Once you adopt this attitude, the best thing to do is find a way to cope, and do everything you can to make things better.
Have you looked into hormone therapy for her? Is she open to it?

Edit: I've been through this whole situation, and eventually I looked back and saw that as ugly as things were, I should have loved my wife anyway, and took everything that came my way, out of devotion to God. I can't hardly see how I could have done that imagining my frame of mind at the time, but I now realize that's what I should have done.

Once you adopt this attitude, the best thing to do is find a way to cope, and do everything you can to make things better.
I have looked into it but can you imagine how that conversation goes?

'hi honey, you've basically gone crazy, want to go to the doctor together?' we are probably too far gone to have that conversation.

It's her body, so it's up to her to find a solution if she wants to do that. Knowing her, she will want to do it naturally. After 6 years of this nonsense, she might as well do it all naturally and finish it off
Language is gratuitously and needlessly vulgar, borderline pornographic. Occasional, moderate cursing is tolerated to make a point, but this is crossing the line.
Exactly this. I was reflecting on my wife's 'journey' through menopause during a long bike ride today and just realising the extent to which my wife is a completely different person to the person I fell in love with. She 100% is not into me anymore, that's for sure, which is weird because in every way, I'm more successful and a better man than when we met.

It leaves me (and I guess a lot of men) in really a really tricky spot. You don't want to break up the marriage because of it because of the detrimental effect it would have on you both financially plus the documented negative effect on the kids, so you end up living like flatmates with this person you barely understand and aren't sure you even like.

I now understand why older men spend time in their garages or sheds.

No-one tells you this. So I'm here to tell you you fellas in your 20s and 30s, look up and learn about menopause. Look at how long at lasts and what age it arrives. Correlate that with the divorce statistics initiated by women ages 45-55.

It's sad. YMMV
Are you sure it´s her which is not into you or the opposite? What if you would just fuck her? You know spread her legs and bang her. She´s there for this you know. To be fucked. Fuck her every time your alone in a room with her. Fuck her exactly like you feel like fucking. What she wants is totally irrelevant. If she says no. Fuck her anyway. When she passes grab her ass. Grab her tits. She doesn´t want to fuck? Who cares. She´s your wife. That´s what´s good about marriage. She needs to feel desired by you.
You sleep next to her. And don´t fuck her? Why? She says no. I´m not in the mood. Who gives a fuck? She´s not a street whore is she? What ?you want her to send you an invitation letter? It´s her job to say no. And it´s your job to fuck her anyway.

With this menopause thing. There´s not even menstruation anymore. Even better.

Another bad option could be she´s cheating. But if that´s the case it´s your fault. Because you didn´t fuck her enough. But your still in time to correct it.

Forget about divorce. That´s for LOSERS. You married you stick with it. You want a divorce? You shouldve thought about it before getting married. And if he she divorces. It´s your fault.

A friend of mine. Said to his wife. Do whatever you want. Fuck the tennis teacher. Fuck the pool guy. But we will never divorce. That doesn´t exist in my family. He has 5 children. I doubt his wife will ever cheat him.

A man should never EVER EVER help a woman in the household. You giver her money to hire a housemaid. You sometimes go to supermarket to buy things you enjoy (wine cheese, etc), and buy frozen food so she doesn´t have to cook. Or go to a restaurant. The only thing you cook is BBQ. Or pasta. A man should only work in the exterior part of the house. Or doing repairments inside.

My wife has no doubts I won´t do shit in the house. Zero. But during kids holidays. Sometimes she doesn´t leave the kitchen the entire day. And I also thing that might not be fair. But restaurants also suck. Having a 24h maid would be a privacy intrusion. So she just has to suck it up.

The only thing I dislike about my wife is she´s not ambitious like me. I´m going 200mph she´s still on second gear. Sometimes I slow down. Because she´s not doing her part. But it´s ok. And she doesn´t plan things. Catholic woman have this thing about destiny. Living one day at a time. Her mother is like this also. And the need for social stuff. Meeting friends. Waste of time. I tell her to go alone. I don´t care. But she wants me to go. Why? She can go. She misses them. But when she meets them after praise me much more. Cause she realizes what her life would be without me.

Celebrate mother´s day with her even more than her anniversary. Mothers day is a day to be celebrated much more than her birthday. It´s a really special day.
Last edited:
I have looked into it but can you imagine how that conversation goes?

'hi honey, you've basically gone crazy, want to go to the doctor together?' we are probably too far gone to have that conversation.

It's her body, so it's up to her to find a solution if she wants to do that. Knowing her, she will want to do it naturally. After 6 years of this nonsense, she might as well do it all naturally and finish it off
You know her better than me. Some people are like "I'm not putting those weird chemicals in my body", and other people are like, "if there's a pill that will make me feel better, then bring it on!". My wife would have been one that wouldn't have taken them, but my mom would have.

Her doctor may not be mentioning it to her, because of studies saying it's risky. However, I think those studies can be taken with a grain of salt, and the benefits are proven. I'd innocently mention that you heard about hormone therapy easing menopause symptoms for women, and see if she shows interest. Make it sound like doctors are trying to oppress women by withholding something that is known to help. She might get indignant and demand that her doctor give her some.
Are you sure it´s her which is not into you or the opposite? What if you would just fuck her? You know spread her legs and bang her. She´s there for this you know. To be fucked. Fuck her every time your alone in a room with her. Fuck her exactly like you feel like fucking. What she wants is totally irrelevant. If she says no. Fuck her anyway. When she passes grab her ass. Grab her tits. She doesn´t want to fuck? Who cares. She´s your wife. That´s what´s good about marriage. She needs to feel desired by you.
You sleep next to her. And don´t fuck her? Why? She says no. I´m not in the mood. Who gives a fuck? She´s not a street whore is she? What ?you want her to send you an invitation letter? It´s her job to say no. And it´s your job to fuck her anyway.

With this menopause thing. There´s not even menstruation anymore. Even better.

Another bad option could be she´s cheating. But if that´s the case it´s your fault. Because you didn´t fuck her enough. But your still in time to correct it.

Forget about divorce. That´s for LOSERS. You married you stick with it. You want a divorce? You shouldve thought about it before getting married. And if he she divorces. It´s your fault.

A friend of mine. Said to his wife. Do whatever you want. Fuck the tennis teacher. Fuck the pool guy. But we will never divorce. That doesn´t exist in my family. He has 5 children. I doubt his wife will ever cheat him.

A man should never EVER EVER help a woman in the household. You giver her money to hire a housemaid. You sometimes go to supermarket to buy things you enjoy (wine cheese, etc), and buy frozen food so she doesn´t have to cook. Or go to a restaurant. The only thing you cook is BBQ. Or pasta. A man should only work in the exterior part of the house. Or doing repairments inside.

My wife has no doubts I won´t do shit in the house. Zero. But during kids holidays. Sometimes she doesn´t leave the kitchen the entire day. And I also thing that might not be fair. But restaurants also suck. Having a 24h maid would be a privacy intrusion. So she just has to suck it up.

The only thing I dislike about my wife is she´s not ambitious like me. I´m going 200mph she´s still on second gear. Sometimes I slow down. Because she´s not doing her part. But it´s ok. And she doesn´t plan things. Catholic woman have this thing about destiny. Living one day at a time. Her mother is like this also. And the need for social stuff. Meeting friends. Waste of time. I tell her to go alone. I don´t care. But she wants me to go. Why? She can go. She misses them. But when she meets them after praise me much more. Cause she realizes what her life would be without me.

Celebrate mother´s day with her even more than her anniversary. Mothers day is a day to be celebrated much more than her birthday. It´s a really special day.
Sounds like you've got it all worked out and I'm pleased for you.

Clearly we have different ideas on what a marriage should look like and that's OK.
Sounds like you've got it all worked out and I'm pleased for you.

Clearly we have different ideas on what a marriage should look like and that's OK.

If you’re saying a marriage should mean your wife not wanting you. Than yes. Obviously we have different views.
But I’m not a relativist. Your view is wrong. And mine is right.
Of course my speech could be less abrasive. But it was on purpose.

It’s clear your actions. Not hers. Are having an undesirable effect on how she views you. And normally this besides the chemical imbalances from menopause can only mean one thing:

- You are being too weak. Contrary to your belief.

Sex is obviously not the solution for all marriage problems. But not having surely means something is wrong. But if one of the effects of menopause is the loss of libido. You and not her should make up for the loss. In some ways your being selfish to believe she should act the same way. She doesn’t. You have to make up for the imbalance. You are the pill. And she is your wife. Trading wife because she starts to malfunction is a sad way of thinking.

Im used to ppl not enjoying what I say. But after in some way they pay attention. It’s never my goal to be enjoyed. Because that doesn’t work. It’s not hard to say what people want to hear. Regardless. In court or in business the good thing is there’s no bullshit. You win or lose. And I won.

But to each their own. In the end Im just some user spitting bullshit.
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It´s almost has the wife broke a leg. And this guy is telling her to walk the same way. Same speed. Fuck her broken leg. This makes any sense? And your angry she can´t walk as fast? The degeneracy is brutal. Brutal.