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Lounge of The Russian-Ukrainian War

Should have put that post above in the Lounge, although it's also relevant here as far as the motivation to depopulate Ukraine and keep the meat grinder going to the last Ukrainian.

More on topic though, top of the lline, $120 million drone disappears over the Black Sea:
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The future of conscription in WW3:

For any Russian/Ukrainian speakers: Does anyone know what they are saying in the foreground? Not the guy screaming for help, but the people filming are saying something and I'm curious as to what they are saying.
Sounds like he's asking where are they taking him. To be honest, I have troubles understanding what exactly is he saying, while I'm not perfectly fluent in Russian, usually I can understand the context even if I don't know individual words (it's a Slavic thing), but the way this guy speaks it's hard for me to even distinguish words.

Tripling-down on bringing Ukraine into NATO, furthermore, on top of this, Blinken has announced that 32 countries will be signing bi-laterial security agreements with Ukraine, and 13 have already been concluded and will be announced this July.

That means 13 countries will be sending in their troops to the Ukrainian frontline within the next two months.

On the contrary, western countries are signing bilateral security agreements because they don't have the unanimous support necessary for ukraine to join NATO.

Edit. U.S. Embassy in Ukraine put out a message for U.S. Citizens:
If you are not currently in Ukraine, we strongly recommend against all travel to Ukraine by US citizen males aged 18 to 60 who also have Ukrainian citizenship or a claim to Ukrainian citizenship and who do not wish to stay in Ukraine indefinitely. There is an extremely high risk you will not be allowed to depart, even with a US passport.


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The Ukraine has no chance of winning (never did). Being forced to conscript, it's much wiser to just play along and surrender to the Russians first chance you get. I've heard entire units are doing this.
If there was ever a reason gun lovers need to state for the right to bear arms in the USA, and the reason we need "weapons of war", these videos are evidence of it.

No man wants to watch his adult/teenaged son be drug off to a war that neither support. And if you have guns, this ceases to be an issue.
If there was ever a reason gun lovers need to state for the right to bear arms in the USA, and the reason we need "weapons of war", these videos are evidence of it.

No man wants to watch his adult/teenaged son be drug off to a war that neither support. And if you have guns, this ceases to be an issue.

They still have many other sophisticated ways to force US men into the draft. Cancel your bank accounts, credit cards, suspend passports, issue warrants for arrest, etc. They won't fight gun-owners head on but they will make life nearly impossible for those who resist.
They still have many other sophisticated ways to force US men into the draft. Cancel your bank accounts, credit cards, suspend passports, issue warrants for arrest, etc. They won't fight gun-owners head on but they will make life nearly impossible for those who resist.
True, but they are trying that with dissidents and they are only picking up steam. The satanic elites are starting to panic and make big mistakes with all the pressure put on them.
They still have many other sophisticated ways to force US men into the draft. Cancel your bank accounts, credit cards, suspend passports, issue warrants for arrest, etc. They won't fight gun-owners head on but they will make life nearly impossible for those who resist.

Resistance would be much stronger if the war is against a peer military like Russia or China, and the casualty rates pretty high, vs shooting fish in the barell against a 3rd world country like in Iraq or Afghanistan.
There are Ukrainians all over Europe right now, mostly women, but surprisingly a lot of men too. I don't know how many of them fled the Ukraine or have been there legitimately since before 2022/2014. When you hear someone speaking Russian in any major airport or bus terminal in a large metropolitan European city it is mostly Ukrainians, with some Baltics. They are quick to admit to being Ukrainian when spoken to, which I thought was unusual in case there were any NATO edicts to get the men back to the west's grinder. There are sizeable amounts of Russians in Spain, but I suspect they are (((Russians))) and not real Russians. The same goes for the Ionian Islands. They didn't seem keen to talk with the native Europeans other than ordering drinks and food. These are not the Russians I knew growing up. None of them bear the civilized refinement of those the Bolsheviks eradicated. The problem with this war other than the genocide of the Slavs is the further delineation of separating similar peoples along phony dichotomies.

Ordinary people in Europe who only badmouth Putin and Russia fail to see their own system as just as anti-nationalist and anti-White. The reactions from Czechs and Germans when I told them this were laughable, but at least now they know. The best chance for stopping this war is for the nationalist elements in Europe to rise up against NATO and sue for a peace with the new "east". Given Russia's anti-nationalist doctrine I don't know how they would react to this, but it seems that the desire of all parties west and east is the ultimate eradication of national historical identity, adhering to the proper heritages. The more Europe turns to lawlessness and chaos, the more the third position groups will foment and grow in size and strength. The jews plan of flooding Europe with muds to prevent this from ever rising again didn't seem to work.
Medvedev on Twitter/X is morphing into Bricktop from the film Snatch. He needs to tone down the swearing a bit. On the funny side, he did just call Soros a 'disgusting old geezer'.
Honestly, I find his honesty refreshing, given the sort of endless BS "diplomatic speech" that usually goes on at his level. It seems to me that he and Putin are playing good cop/bad cop on the global stage, and frankly, it's working.
Honestly, I find his honesty refreshing, given the sort of endless BS "diplomatic speech" that usually goes on at his level. It seems to me that he and Putin are playing good cop/bad cop on the global stage, and frankly, it's working.
I totally agree, but the swearing in his latest post is a bit much.
If there was ever a reason gun lovers need to state for the right to bear arms in the USA, and the reason we need "weapons of war", these videos are evidence of it.

No man wants to watch his adult/teenaged son be drug off to a war that neither support. And if you have guns, this ceases to be an issue.

Ah yes. The good old "give me liberty, or give me death" myth.

As we saw under covid, people will do anything and everything the Government wants them to.
Ah yes. The good old "give me liberty, or give me death" myth.

As we saw under covid, people will do anything and everything the Government wants them to.
Verging off topic, but I like to think that this would have been less the case in the USA if Americans were still a majority of the population. Americans in the sense of Anglo-Saxon people with roots here going back to before 1776, or "heritage Americans" as you'll hear us called sometimes.