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Lounge of The Russian-Ukrainian War

Ah yes. The good old "give me liberty, or give me death" myth.

As we saw under covid, people will do anything and everything the Government wants them to.

Yep, I mean look at the track record. Feminism, drugs, covid, transgenderism, and government spying was all forced down everybody’s throat with little to no resistance except for stupid internet meme posts or ‘meme magic.’ As Tucker said in a recent interview:

“What are you going to do about it bitch?” Oh yeah nothing.

The average American can’t win a fight with a scrappy street brawler and is too out shape from beer and slop. This goes for military and many members of the police as well. In fact, those types are the easiest control, because they’ve been taking orders their whole life. We still have a trans Admiral right?
In the next generation war, it doesn't matter how old or fast you are very much. The drones are brutal and kills everyone the same, so all you need are bodies.
Certainly, some people got destroyed by Covid. Small businesses got shutdown, people lost long careers, some of the people who took the vax had serious health issues. But the % was too small to cause a major backlash. Probably 10 to 20% of the country had a large negative impact from Covid. For most it was a minor inconvenience. For some, like me, it was a badly needed break.
Whereas a full-scale military draft will affect a large % of our society in a major way. And it would be for something extremely unpopular. I don't foresee the American people not fighting back against a full-scale draft to go fight in the Middle East or Ukraine. I could be wrong, yes, we have lost our way. But I believe that will be the straw that broke the camel's back.

It won't be a large scale draft. It will be a trickle draft, with basically a small percentage drafted each year across all age groups. Small enough not to spark large scale resistance, but big enough to keep the wars going.

Fact is, it makes no sense to send in a large invasion force against an opponent with nukes, like Russia.

Instead you send in a small army, about 1-million strong, across a huge battlefield like Ukraine. At most in any point of the frontline you've got 1-2k soldiers concentrated in any area.

If the enemy wastes a nuke on such a small force (1k men for a nuke is a good trade) then they lose standing with the world and all you've lost is a mere 1k men instead of losing an entire city.

The idea is to bleed Russia to death by 1000 cuts, so our government will just keep sending in a small but steady stream of soldiers across a wide front until Russia breaks. That's what they are doing with the Ukrainian army and they will continue this strategy with Europeans and then Americans because our (((leaders))) believe it is working. See the D-Day speech Biden just gave.
Some users are talking about anglo saxons. Anglo saxons were decimated by Normans in 1066. The ruling language became french. As the nobility of England is french. The english crest motto is still french. The english upper class had to make trips to France and Italy because they had zero culture or art.

Rembrandt lived in a spanish territory. Paises baixos. Spanish netherlands. But I was aiming at english painters. I know some people who own them. A famous english painter, etc. What a crock of shit. When you live in a desert even a bottle of piss seems like gold. And even this bastard version of art is a copy from french.

But if you want to talk about Amsterdam or northern european cultures. We could start by Amsterdam and it´s wonderful red light district. Dutch have nice Delft tiles. That´s it.

Liberalism/protestants in it´s purest form is indifference. Which is ok when youre young. Liberal people are ok to hang out. But are worthless for anything else. And I wouldn´t trust them. Christ said love. In catholics it´s inserted into your brain. Love is not indifference.

You know it was from Spanish netherlands which came the conspirators against Spain. In empires sooner or later a small elite thinks they own the place. And doesn´t allow new blood in. This new blood associates with invaders because old elite blocks they´re ascension.

Food? Last time I was in London visiting people. They asked me what I wanted to eat. I told them Pizza. What? Fish and chips?

The glue of europeans are greek roman and judeo-christ culture. We share this values. And this is what made Europe the bastion of light. Christianity with a heavier weight. Obviously.

US is a jewel. Which requires maintenance. Americans have a lot of enemies. Jews are one of them. But you have more. Those alphabet agencies.

And bringing back to topic. Boris johnson had a great role in keeping this war going on.

I agreed with you on the food.
Yeah. Largely my fault.

Getting back on topic, how do you all think the war ends? And when?

I was thinking this morning about how the US seems dead set on giving the Ukrainians just enough weapons and equipment to keep Ukraine fighting but not actually win the war. So I imagine this continues for another year or so and ends with Russia in control of Crimea, Donbas, and likely also Odessa and Zaporozhye, and maybe even Kharkov and much of its surrounding oblast. Some of these areas area will be outright annexed into Russia like Crimea is already, others end up under de facto Russian control through some sort of autonomy.

Ukraine ends up in an at least slightly worse position than if they'd just sued for peace in the first month of the war. Slightly worse except for the hundreds of thousands of needlessly killed and maimed troops on both sides, almost all of them Christian Slavs, which is interesting when you consider who's mostly in charge at the highest levels both in Ukraine and the West.

The MSM in the West starts talking about the next big thing. All the people over here with Ukraine bumper stickers, flags, and frames on their social media profile pic quietly remove them in a stupor of doublethink and mostly forget about Ukraine. We always knew Ukraine wold lose, they tell themselves. All virtuous and educated people like me who aren't racist and transphobic have always known that. Then they move on to whatever that next big thing is.

This is just my best guess. I'm interested to hear your predictions.
Resistance would be much stronger if the war is against a peer military like Russia or China, and the casualty rates pretty high, vs shooting fish in the barell against a 3rd world country like in Iraq or Afghanistan.
Possibly, but remember a war with Syria was averted and even servicemembers themselves were photographed (with faces covered) in uniform protesting "I will not go fight and die to kill Syrians." Alex Jones took credit for averting this war, and he probably did pay a significant part, but I sure see tons of propaganda against Russia or China. I met a former army guy for a few hours the other day and he said something about Russia and I pushed back a little bit to see if he was really a Russia hating shill and he just stayed quiet which told me yeah he probably was.

I know the online stuff is censored but any of the MSN stories I see 90%+ fully China-hating Russia-hating fearmongers in the comments section. And it's not like the soldier contingent is typically the brightest or most well informed. I could see them going all in on a war with Russia or China. But good luck conscripting people in the west.

Among young people, those aged 18-24, just 14% said they would willingly fight, while 43% said they would do whatever they could to avoid doing so.

The one below is a poll of ALL VOTERS which includes a lot of old people who would like to fight in theory but are too old. The young kids hate their society and want no part in helping it continue.


I suppose some of those 12% "prefer not to say" are those of us who will outright welcome our new leaders but aren't quite ready to publicly speak up yet.
Possibly, but remember a war with Syria was averted and even servicemembers themselves were photographed (with faces covered) in uniform protesting "I will not go fight and die to kill Syrians." Alex Jones took credit for averting this war, and he probably did pay a significant part, but I sure see tons of propaganda against Russia or China. I met a former army guy for a few hours the other day and he said something about Russia and I pushed back a little bit to see if he was really a Russia hating shill and he just stayed quiet which told me yeah he probably was.

I know the online stuff is censored but any of the MSN stories I see 90%+ fully China-hating Russia-hating fearmongers in the comments section. And it's not like the soldier contingent is typically the brightest or most well informed. I could see them going all in on a war with Russia or China. But good luck conscripting people in the west.

Among young people, those aged 18-24, just 14% said they would willingly fight, while 43% said they would do whatever they could to avoid doing so.

The one below is a poll of ALL VOTERS which includes a lot of old people who would like to fight in theory but are too old. The young kids hate their society and want no part in helping it continue.


I suppose some of those 12% "prefer not to say" are those of us who will outright welcome our new leaders but aren't quite ready to publicly speak up yet.
That 30% to defend the UK against a direct invasion is mind bogglingly low. I'd assume it would be around 80% or higher in the US, but then again with the demographic changes of the last few decades I might be wrong.

Bringing it back on topic, I wonder what it is for Ukraine. Probably impossible to get anything like a real figure at this point.
The war ends with a lot of empires collapsed, probably both USA & Russia, and with a map that looks more similar to 1800's & 1900's.

The drone is the machine gun of modern times. The author of famous book "The Sovereign Individual" explains this concept well;

Dispersal of technology. Still another factor that contributes to the power equation is the degree of dispersal of key technologies. When weapons or tools of production can be effectively hoarded or monopolized, they tend to centralize power. Even technologies that are essentially defensive in character, like the machine gun, proved to be potent offensive weapons, that contributed to a rising scale of governance during the period when they were not widely dispersed. When the European powers enjoyed a monopoly on machine guns late in the nineteenth century, they were able to use those weapons against peoples at the periphery to dramatically expand colonial empires. Later, in the twentieth century, when machine guns became widely available, especially in the wake of World War II, they were deployed to help destroy the power of empires. Other things being equal, the more widely dispersed key technologies are, the more widely dispersed power will tend to be, and the smaller the optimum scale of government. - The Sovereign Individual, 1997

Between 1995-2015 the drone exclusively allowed the US for rapid expansion all over Middle East, Balkans, Africa, etc. Monkey see, monkey do. Now almost everybody has that technology & we can expect to see smaller governments & dispersed power.

Again, this tech race is only getting started. Ukraine has a domestic jet engine factory capable of producing these in mass. They're much faster & more powerful than any drone & not that much more expensive. We haven't seen how this would play out in combat but it'd probably significantly reduce the effectiveness of many jets & missiles, leading to further complete changes in how wars are fought.
Some of these guys are closing in on 70 years old. WTF? Are they trying to remove the older generation first, so they can avoid paying them retirement pensions?
It's a war to the last Ukrainian and Russian, so that jews can rebuild the Pale of Shittlement without Christian Slavic men telling them off.


This is by design meant to scrap any semblance of autonomy the US Empire has, it does have a lot of power but the jewish inserts and their well-indoctrinated prodigy are exporting globohomo to all their satellites as a force marker, which is one of the main reasons why most of the world hates the US. This scheme is also to attack the designs of the new east to be separate from the jews and their control. I could maybe see the Japanese Empire pre-WW2 being a non-White force that would never allow jewish infiltration, subversion, and control, but the new BRICS panel is not as strong, it is simply an alternative, and especially with some of the banks it is using in China, like the "New Development Bank," currently run by a former female Brazilian president whose father was a communist and has ties to other communists.

I support the idea of BRICS but I also support educating these people in these countries about the jews that have ultimately destroyed Europe and USA, whether or not they will listen to me or call me a "White Supremacist" shows their level of intellectual acumen, and is a foreshadow of how long their system will last.

As for America, well demographics are destiny, so in the very least the old "balkanization" theories might be applicable to a post-war America for the Whites who don't want to be killed, but ultimately, America will return to the levels of savagery that existed in the eons before the Colonists arrived, and the various races that the jews dumped there to spite and kill the Whites they hate so much will eat each other. We saw this happen in Haiti, in Zimbabwe, in South Africa. Without Whites, you have only the veneer of civilization as we understand it morally and infrastructurally, and especially spiritually.

This war is worse to me than any of the belligerent desert conflicts of the jewified Levant because these people, whether Ukrainian or Russian, are Slavonic and are one of three main branches of the Adamic Races (Romanic, Teutonic, and Slavonic) and this seems to be the nail in the coffin on their people for what started by the wall-street funded Bolsheviks in 1917.

What will Eastern Europe look like in 5-10 years from now? A lot less Russians, virtually no Ukrainians, more hybrid deracinated Slavs, a bunch of Asiatics deposited in the Ukraine, the constant shuffling of African/Paki/Mud migrants and flooding them against the EU by Russia, Belarus, and anyone else not in the EU (like whats happening on the border of Poland now). Neither side cares for the fates of Europeans, simply using biological weapons against their enemies and trodding over the corpse of Europa.

When you see it this way, none of these entities, be they NATO, the UN, the EU, or conversely, the new east, the BRICS system, China, has any plans for Europe, Europeans, or their White descendants in America, Canada, AUS/NZ/SA anywhere in the future. As for the fate of Christianity, well I don't need to deliver a diatribe when we can all see how it fares when the Whites leave the darker places. We carry Christ with us in our blood and our souls and we are beset by enemies on all sides, never is a crusade more righteous or a fight for survival more blessed than the one we have to contend with right now.
Again, this tech race is only getting started. Ukraine has a domestic jet engine factory capable of producing these in mass. They're much faster & more powerful than any drone & not that much more expensive. We haven't seen how this would play out in combat but it'd probably significantly reduce the effectiveness of many jets & missiles, leading to further complete changes in how wars are fought.

Russians already use Shahed-238 drones - a jet powered variant of the Shahed-136/Geran-2 drone.
shahed 238.jpg

But they're not that effective - the engine's heat signature makes them vulnerable to heat-seeking missiles.
Yeah. Largely my fault.

Getting back on topic, how do you all think the war ends? And when?
Unless ukrainians raise up and overthrow the western puppet government themselves, I don't think it will end in the foreseeable future. As I see it, the plan here is to lock Russia and Europe in a perpetual state of war to: "keep America in, Russia out, and Germany down".

I was thinking this morning about how the US seems dead set on giving the Ukrainians just enough weapons and equipment to keep Ukraine fighting but not actually win the war.
That's just part of the narrative - if ukraine only received more equipment they would surely win. But in reality we've been giving ukraine everything we can spare, and even equipment that we can't spare. M777s, Himars, Patriots, Bradleys, ATACMS - those aren't museum pieces. That's the very same equipment we're using ourselves. The only thing that we don't deliver to ukraine is aviation - because, realistically speaking, ukraine is unable to host and maintain them.

So I imagine this continues for another year or so and ends with Russia in control of Crimea, Donbas, and likely also Odessa and Zaporozhye, and maybe even Kharkov and much of its surrounding oblast. Some of these areas area will be outright annexed into Russia like Crimea is already, others end up under de facto Russian control through some sort of autonomy.

Ukraine ends up in an at least slightly worse position than if they'd just sued for peace in the first month of the war. Slightly worse except for the hundreds of thousands of needlessly killed and maimed troops on both sides, almost all of them Christian Slavs, which is interesting when you consider who's mostly in charge at the highest levels both in Ukraine and the West.
The end results - if or when it will ever end - will be much worse (not just slightly) for ukraine then what they were offered back in spring 20222. Back then Russia was more interested with imposing neutral status on ukraine and limits on their army, they had no appetite for ukrainian territory. But now, even if the war ended today along the current line of contact, ukraine would be left without the most fertile lands, without natural resource deposits and without the most industrialized parts of the country.
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Fire erupted in a metallurgical plant in Berlin, owned by a subsidiary of Diehl Defence (company that manufactures GMLRS missiles, IRIS-T interceptors, and other munitions).

This is a 3rd western defense company that suffered fire in recent weeks.
So just a few days ago there was a fire at the Scranton Army Ammunition Plant - which manufactures artillery shells.

And today there was an explosion in a munitions filling plant in the UK - which fills empty shells (made in another British plant, not the ones made in Scranton) with explosives.

Sure industrial accidents happen, but what are the odds of 2 accidents happening in the span of just few days ?
Anyway since: "once is happenstance, twice is coincidence, three times is enemy action" I'm waiting for another one.

Fire erupts in a weapons factory in Poland.
Mesko produces a wide range of weapons and ammunition, including shoulder-fired air defense missiles, portable anti-tank and anti-personnel missiles and small arms ammunition. Some of the systems made by Mesko are among the weapons Poland has sent to Ukraine to help the neighboring country as it battles to fend off Russia's ongoing invasion.
Russians already use Shahed-238 drones - a jet powered variant of the Shahed-136/Geran-2 drone.
shahed 238.jpg

But they're not that effective - the engine's heat signature makes them vulnerable to heat-seeking missiles.
I don't know much about jet engines, but brief googling shows the Toloue-10 motor is very large & has huge thrust power. With a payload that size, it's highly profitable to try to shoot it down & there's high probability of success. This dynamic favors the defense, which is why I don't think anyone in this war will consistently be able to deliver large payloads.

In the video I linked, they're using jet engines like these, which only weigh 1.5kg & cost 1.5-2k us, it's much smaller than the Toloue. Right now in the US, the high Hz thermal sensors required for heat seeking tech is minimum 4-5K us via flir. It's unprofitable to use anything heat seeking to take it down, the defense costs more than the bomb. It'd be a short range weapon like FPV drone but it favors the offense & near impossible to stop.

We're also seeing electric powered jet engines in development, which would further change things.
That's just part of the narrative - if ukraine only received more equipment they would surely win. But in reality we've been giving ukraine everything we can spare, and even equipment that we can't spare. M777s, Himars, Patriots, Bradleys, ATACMS - those aren't museum pieces. That's the very same equipment we're using ourselves. The only thing that we don't deliver to ukraine is aviation - because, realistically speaking, ukraine is unable to host and maintain them.
Russia's top performing weapon as per their MoD is the Lancet. Ukraine never got the US version of the lancet, the most recent Switchblade, that would have a huge impact for them.

Getting the US version of this would also have a huge impact for Ukraine.

There's actually quite a bit of EW/radar systems I don't think Ukraine has gotten.

Realistically, they're not going to get this stuff from the US, it's arguably as valuable as nuclear tech. Even the Russians are highly selective in it's use. Don't be surprised though if Ukraine develops their own versions, it'll be ugly, half working, low quality stuff like their drones but when it does work...
From what I've heard, Ukraine did get the smaller Switchblades, and they were not that effectve.
From the various public sources I read, they've only gotten switchblade 300. The 300 isn't much better than a cheap FPV. They didn't get that many 300s either.

The switchblade 600 is classified, but it's rumored to operate like the lancets, flying in groups of 2 & 3 acting as a relay to a control center, significantly increasing the range & improving the safety of the operating crew. Pentagon won't confirm/deny if Ukraine gets the 600s.