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Lounge of The Russian-Ukrainian War

Verging off topic, but I like to think that this would have been less the case in the USA if Americans were still a majority of the population. Americans in the sense of Anglo-Saxon people with roots here going back to before 1776, or "heritage Americans" as you'll hear us called sometimes.

Those Americans don't exist anymore and aren't coming back. For Christ's sake brother, you aren't even married to an American woman. Those days are gone, and it's never coming back. Time to think of something new.
Those Americans don't exist anymore and aren't coming back. For Christ's sake brother, you aren't even married to an American woman. Those days are gone, and it's never coming back. Time to think of something new.
Yes, that's what I was saying. We're a minority in our own country now. Or our own empire, if you prefer. Regardless, there's no way out for us at this point that I can see.

"Give me liberty or give me death" applies to the modern US about as much as "senatus populusque romanus" does to modern-day Italians. It's still very sad to me in a way I suspect that you, a follower of an alien religion, can't understand on a genetic level. I imagine I feel a lot like a Western Roman might have felt in about 450 A.D.
It's still very sad to me in a way I suspect that you, a follower of an alien religion, can't understand on a genetic level.

The Orthodox Church is 4x as old as America. We understand that all countries are fake and built to die, moreover, America is the true alien force that was never going to last. The Church on the other hand will be around 2000 years from now. You're the one part of something alien, but are unable to realize it because it's all you've ever known.
The Orthodox Church is 4x as old as America. We understand that all countries are fake and built to die, moreover, America is the true alien force that was never going to last. The Church on the other hand will be around 2000 years from now. You're the one part of something alien, but are unable to realize it because it's all you've ever known.
Alien to you. I understand that you don't care about my nation. It's to be expected of you as a foreigner.
Alien to you. I understand that you don't care about my nation. It's to be expected of you as a foreigner.

My family has been here for 100 years, don't make assumptions. The smart ones of my family knew this place was fake and gay from the start - no way a Protestant nation was going to last. My Great-Grandfather talked about how much control the Talmuds had, and that was 80 years ago.
My family has been here for 100 years, don't make assumptions. The smart ones of my family knew this place was fake and gay from the start - no way a Protestant nation was going to last. My Great-Grandfather talked about how much control the Talmuds had, and that was 80 years ago.
"100 years." Yes, that was my point. My roots here go back to the 1600s. You're not a heritage American and you hold us largely in contempt. To be fair, it's understandable, given our shameful decline in the last half century or so. I doubt your average fifth century Ostrogoth or Hun admired the Western Romans much either.
My roots here go back to the 1600s. You're not a heritage American

Heritage American by these standards are less than 5% of the country at this point. Pretty sure the 1600's heritage boat sailed back in the 1860's when Lincoln let all the Irish in.
Heritage American by these standards are less than 5% of the country at this point. Pretty sure the 1600's heritage boat sailed back in the 1860's when Lincoln let all the Irish in.
I'm not sure of the exact stats, but it has to be less than 30% with Anglo-Saxon ancestors who were here before 1776. That's where I'd draw the line, maybe with a few exceptions for the few Anglo-Saxons who came after that point (I don't think there were many).

This is why your reaction and mine are entirely different when we see a quintessentially American quote like "give me liberty or give me death." It inspires reverence tinged with sadness in me, contempt and derision in you. It's to be expected. The sentiment itself is alien and nonsensical to most non-Americans.
1565 - First permanent European settlement in North America - St Augustine, present-day Florida - founded by the Spanish.

Founded in 1565, St. Augustine is the oldest continuously occupied settlement of European and African-American origin in the United States. Forty-two years before the English colonized Jamestown and fifty-five years before the Pilgrims landed at Plymouth Rock, the Spanish established at St. Augustine this nation's first enduring settlement.

And english were savages before french civilized them. Noble crests are written in french. All they do is copy. Bad copies. Nobody ever travelled to England for art or culture. They have this insipid knock offs. Oohhhh look that beautiful english painting. Its of course a copy of a french or italian. Ohhh the master. A french peasant made better.

And the food. Incredible. How can someone eat that shit?

I never understood the admiration for northern european cultures.

But US is a marvel. And its sad to witness the degradation. Too bad they like jews. Protestants.
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Ah yes. The good old "give me liberty, or give me death" myth.

As we saw under covid, people will do anything and everything the Government wants them to.
The risk of loss for not following covid protocols for most Americans was tiny.

For me, personally, Covid was one of the best things that has ever happened to me. It gave me the break I badly needed. It allowed me to actually be at my house and have a big life realignment. It allowed me to save/earn more money. In exchange, I just had to wear a mask in certain places for a year or so.

And that was true for probably a majority of Americans. Others, who were hurt, were mostly hurt so little they didn't notice. Whereas a war, that will require people's children to be drug off to die is a whole different dynamic.

And don't forget, when pushback was growing, they dropped the vax requirements during covid for most people. The system was scared to push that far.
I'm not sure of the exact stats, but it has to be less than 30% with Anglo-Saxon ancestors who were here before 1776. That's where I'd draw the line, maybe with a few exceptions for the few Anglo-Saxons who came after that point (I don't think there were many).

This is why your reaction and mine are entirely different when we see a quintessentially American quote like "give me liberty or give me death." It inspires reverence tinged with sadness in me, contempt and derision in you. It's to be expected. The sentiment itself is alien and nonsensical to most non-Americans.
To be fair, as a Brit, that saying (and the many slighty different versions meaning the same thing) resonates with me.
To be fair, as a Brit, that saying (and the many slighty different versions meaning the same thing) resonates with me.
Yes, I'd be surprised if it's not based on something someone British said long before Patrick Henry supposedly said it in 1775. I should have probably included all Anglo-Saxons. I know it's not always a popular idea in the UK but I think of actual British people and Americans descended from the original British colonists as slightly different branches of the same people.
Yes, I'd be surprised if it's not based on something someone British said long before Patrick Henry supposedly said it in 1775. I should have probably included all Anglo-Saxons. I know it's not always a popular idea in the UK but I think of actual British people and Americans descended from the original British colonists as slightly different branches of the same people.
From Rule Britannia, written in the early 1700s I believe - "Rule Britannia! Britons never shall be slaves".

I think that belief has pervaded western white culture for a long time.
1565 - First permanent European settlement in North America - St Augustine, present-day Florida - founded by the Spanish.

Founded in 1565, St. Augustine is the oldest continuously occupied settlement of European and African-American origin in the United States. Forty-two years before the English colonized Jamestown and fifty-five years before the Pilgrims landed at Plymouth Rock, the Spanish established at St. Augustine this nation's first enduring settlement.

And english were savages before french civilized them. Noble crests are written in french. All they do is copy. Bad copies. Nobody ever travelled to England for art or culture. They have this insipid knock offs. Oohhhh look that beautiful english painting. Its of course a copy of a french or italian. Ohhh the master. A french peasant made better.

And the food. Incredible. How can someone eat that shit?

I never understood the admiration for northern european cultures.

But US is a marvel. And its sad to witness the degradation. Too bad they like jews. Protestants.

What about Rembrandt? Wasn't he Dutch? Or is he (and the movement after him) not considered "Northern European culture"? I agree on the food thing but you might want to attribute that to climate etc. But let us all rejoice in the fact that we're all Europeans and that those ones dividing us are not? Aren't our differences something to celebrate?

What is the point of your comment exactly?
The risk of loss for not following covid protocols for most Americans was tiny.

For me, personally, Covid was one of the best things that has ever happened to me. It gave me the break I badly needed. It allowed me to actually be at my house and have a big life realignment. It allowed me to save/earn more money. In exchange, I just had to wear a mask in certain places for a year or so.

And that was true for probably a majority of Americans. Others, who were hurt, were mostly hurt so little they didn't notice. Whereas a war, that will require people's children to be drug off to die is a whole different dynamic.

And don't forget, when pushback was growing, they dropped the vax requirements during covid for most people. The system was scared to push that far.
I had the opposite experience. Worst 2 years of my life.

And it's not like its over. All the money they printed during that time is still out there, making life worse for everyone who wasn't able to game the system.
I had the opposite experience. Worst 2 years of my life.

And it's not like its over. All the money they printed during that time is still out there, making life worse for everyone who wasn't able to game the system.
Certainly, some people got destroyed by Covid. Small businesses got shutdown, people lost long careers, some of the people who took the vax had serious health issues. But the % was too small to cause a major backlash. Probably 10 to 20% of the country had a large negative impact from Covid. For most it was a minor inconvenience. For some, like me, it was a badly needed break.

Whereas a full-scale military draft will affect a large % of our society in a major way. And it would be for something extremely unpopular. I don't foresee the American people not fighting back against a full-scale draft to go fight in the Middle East or Ukraine. I could be wrong, yes, we have lost our way. But I believe that will be the straw that broke the camel's back.
The risk of loss for not following covid protocols for most Americans was tiny.

For me, personally, Covid was one of the best things that has ever happened to me. It gave me the break I badly needed. It allowed me to actually be at my house and have a big life realignment. It allowed me to save/earn more money. In exchange, I just had to wear a mask in certain places for a year or so.

And that was true for probably a majority of Americans. Others, who were hurt, were mostly hurt so little they didn't notice. Whereas a war, that will require people's children to be drug off to die is a whole different dynamic.

And don't forget, when pushback was growing, they dropped the vax requirements during covid for most people. The system was scared to push that far.

Ah yes. The "it wasn't that bad"-narrative. "You just had to wear a mask sometimes" LOL.

The "covid"-era is by now a muddy haze for most people. Like a strange dream that you can't quite remember. "Covid" shattered society like a porcelain vase on concrete. It's been glued together and is holding on, but the cracks are visible for all who care to notice.

People accepted without question that their children were forced to wear debilitating masks all day long - in fact they wanted it because the government told them so. They accepted that their children had to be locked inside their rooms for years on end- in fact they wanted it because the government told them so. They accepted that their children developed deep psychological traumas and social anxiety - in fact they wanted it because the government told them so. They accepted that their children were given several doses of experimental and dangerous drugs - in fact they wanted it because the government told them so.

You think people would oppose their adult children being sent off to war? In what world do you even live. They will applaud it and ask for it themselves.

Oh, and the only reason that they dropped the "covid"-scam was because Russia invaded Ukraine. The focus shifted.

It's a real tragedy that the old forum was closed. All that information and chronological recording of recent history is now lost.
What about Rembrandt? Wasn't he Dutch? Or is he (and the movement after him) not considered "Northern European culture"? I agree on the food thing but you might want to attribute that to climate etc. But let us all rejoice in the fact that we're all Europeans and that those ones dividing us are not? Aren't our differences something to celebrate?

What is the point of your comment exactly?
Some users are talking about anglo saxons. Anglo saxons were decimated by Normans in 1066. The ruling language became french. As the nobility of England is french. The english crest motto is still french. The english upper class had to make trips to France and Italy because they had zero culture or art.

Rembrandt lived in a spanish territory. Paises baixos. Spanish netherlands. But I was aiming at english painters. I know some people who own them. A famous english painter, etc. What a crock of shit. When you live in a desert even a bottle of piss seems like gold. And even this bastard version of art is a copy from french.

But if you want to talk about Amsterdam or northern european cultures. We could start by Amsterdam and it´s wonderful red light district. Dutch have nice Delft tiles. That´s it.

Liberalism/protestants in it´s purest form is indifference. Which is ok when youre young. Liberal people are ok to hang out. But are worthless for anything else. And I wouldn´t trust them. Christ said love. In catholics it´s inserted into your brain. Love is not indifference.

You know it was from Spanish netherlands which came the conspirators against Spain. In empires sooner or later a small elite thinks they own the place. And doesn´t allow new blood in. This new blood associates with invaders because old elite blocks they´re ascension.

Food? Last time I was in London visiting people. They asked me what I wanted to eat. I told them Pizza. What? Fish and chips?

The glue of europeans are greek roman and judeo-christ culture. We share this values. And this is what made Europe the bastion of light. Christianity with a heavier weight. Obviously.

US is a jewel. Which requires maintenance. Americans have a lot of enemies. Jews are one of them. But you have more. Those alphabet agencies.

And bringing back to topic. Boris johnson had a great role in keeping this war going on.
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