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Lounge of The Russian-Ukrainian War

If You decide to bolt, avoid main roads and stay away from trains (railroad hubs are legit military targets) head to the nearest sane country and from there think about Your next steps.

By the time nukes fly, it will be way too late to run to another country. I'd imagine airlines will be shut down, not to mention every border closed.
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Alright men, what are we going to do? Let's say missiles launch on Romania and Poland (or possibly London, Paris, NYC, etc) and NATO declares war. What's the next step? Hop in the car with family and bugout bag and drive to Mexico and hope to get to Argentina? I'm in Eastern Europe right now, so I'd have to fly somewhere to get out. Most likely I'd have to head for Serbia, Bosnia, Austria, or Switzerland (the only officially neutral non-NATO countries in continental Europe) and try to fly to South America from there. I generally have an "I know what to do" grasp on most of life's problems, but in this case I'd be genuinely dumbfounded and not sure how to act...
If nukes start to fly it would be better to go outside and wait to die. You seriously think you can outrun a nuclear winter by heading to Argentina?
Zelensky's term expired yesterday.
I prematurely posted this back in March without fully understanding the Ukrainian political process.
Zelensky cancelled the elections in March. His term did not expire until this month.
While I'm sure it is illegal to cancel elections, I suppose he would still be the legitimate president until May, even if he lost the election, so he is only now the illegitimate usurper. This would be like cancelling US elections in November, when the new US president does not take office until 2 months later, January.

What's interesting is that this time, western media is actually reporting it.


Why would the west repeat the line that Zelensky is illegally occupying the office of presidency unless they are ready to throw him under the bus, possibly as the fall guy for the failed war efforts? "Yeah we really wanted to win but that corrupt dictator Zelensky just didn't follow our advice and now it's probably too late to win"

This supposed youtube of a Chinese merc hired by the Russians has been floating around the web for the past few days, and has gone viral.

What do you guys think? Real or fake?

100% fake.
If you have studied any body language or NLP that guy is throwing off huge tells that he is lying.

One of the most basic tells is eyes looking up and to the left.
This guy is doing that CONSTANTLY.



Then there are the ridiculous statements. 30 seconds in and I don't believe a word of what's coming out of this guy's mouth.
Plus it's just not how a mercenary would react. He's a paid killer. His only complaints should be if he's not getting adequate weaponry or support (there are videos of Latin American mercs getting angry at their Ukrainian paymasters for this).

"The fatality rate was like 8 to 10 hours."
5 seconds later...
"We fought for at least a month"
lol ok dude.

It's funny, you can almost tell sentence by sentence when he is lying vs telling the truth based off his absurd eye movements (it seems he really has served in a military and he looks to his right when saying things like "there were 12 guys in a squad" and then immediately left and says "I couldn't poop for 2 weeks".

I don't know anything about that guy, or his country, but based on physiognomy alone, I am all in with based black brother there.
My tax dollars supporting this. Makes me furious. I wonder if they eventually do this here to send troops to the Middle East, because no one in DC will tell Israel "no" and Israel cannot win without us.

If it doesn't work, it is Ukrainian soldiers dragging a man, probably in his 40's off to war.

The US customs Homeland Security reportedly seized Scott Ritter's passport today. He had just boarded a flight to Turkey, en route to the big St. Petersburg International Economic Forum. He was a scheduled speaker.


I was shocked to learn that the U.S. Government seized Scott’s passport today after he boarded a flight that would take him to Turkey and then to St. Petersburg. Scott had been invited to speak at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum. I guess they will have him appear via Zoom. I am at the same Forum and am speaking in response to an invitation from the SPIEF 2024 organizers. This forum is a big deal — 25,000 people are attending from around the world.


Larry Johnson is there already and will be speaking. I wonder what happens when he comes back. Judge Nap was supposed to be on the same flight, but did not show for some reason...

Gonzalo Lira - imprisoned and dead by the Zelensky regime. RIP.
Ritter - passport seized by Biden regime.

Who's next?

The old "understand where we are" is getting easier to understand.
Ritter's last post on Telegram:

I’ll school you on the First Amendment.

You have zero concept of what free speech is.

Try and arrest me and you’ll find out.

Sadly, Scott Ritter is about to find out we have no first Amendment and the American government will arrest and do whatever they like to him.

Michael Hastings? Murdered.
Julian Assange? Tortured for years.
Glenn Greenwald? Exiled to Brazil where his new company, The Intercept, was stolen from him.
Alex Jones? Charged a billion dollars for asking questions and shut down by feds this week.

These are huge red flags gentleman. Begin making plans while you still can.

Is there any update from Napolitano?
^Interesting. I've not heard of this Clooney Project. It looks exactly what it sounds like:

Well, Clooney took the hollywood ticket, so he has obligations.

Secret arrest warrants for commenters/journalists they don't like.


Ritter is the low-hanging fruit, because of his personal history. They'll test the market response on him, then come for the rest.
The US customs Homeland Security reportedly seized Scott Ritter's passport today. He had just boarded a flight to Turkey, en route to the big St. Petersburg International Economic Forum. He was a scheduled speaker.


I was shocked to learn that the U.S. Government seized Scott’s passport today after he boarded a flight that would take him to Turkey and then to St. Petersburg. Scott had been invited to speak at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum. I guess they will have him appear via Zoom. I am at the same Forum and am speaking in response to an invitation from the SPIEF 2024 organizers. This forum is a big deal — 25,000 people are attending from around the world.


Larry Johnson is there already and will be speaking. I wonder what happens when he comes back. Judge Nap was supposed to be on the same flight, but did not show for some reason...

Gonzalo Lira - imprisoned and dead by the Zelensky regime. RIP.
Ritter - passport seized by Biden regime.

Who's next?

The old "understand where we are" is getting easier to understand.
On what grounds ? Or should I say: What was the excuse ?
On what grounds ? Or should I say: What was the excuse ?
I looked around for some .gov comment, to no avail. Larry Johnson claims it is illegal to seize a passport unless State Dpt, IRS, or Law Enforcement asks for it. That's pretty broad and I'm not aware of the justification. The article above (about Clooney Foundation seeking secret warrants in Europe) leads me to suspect they are targeting US folks as well.

This is some Color Revolution/NGO/Cutout style stuff happening. There are several notable Americans already in Russia for SPIEF, scheduled for speeches (Johnson, Jackson Hinkle guy). I would suspect they will pursue Hinkle first, as he's next low hanging fruit (claims to be communist while being a Trump supporter somehow). It will be tough to seize passports from the likes of Johnson, Judge Napolitano without more blowback.
I’m confused.

I’ve seen Black Widow. Women are totally badass and can single-handedly beat up, without using bullets, 17 much larger, far longer-trained men with guns, all while not breaking a sweat.

Did they mistake this man for a woman?
I think these videos bring a very real situation to light.

If we are going to let women, the majority of voters, vote to decide to start/continue wars, but then they are not responsible to fight in those very same wars and the men are responsible, then we have the death blow to democracy.

UKRAINE’S RARE EARTH METALS VALUED AT $11.7 TRILLION USUkraine’s handlers, the CIA, want to build a Lithium plant outside of Kyiv to oppose China’s monopoly. Ukraine has the largest unexplored rare earth minerals in Europe valued at $11.5 trillion. Depopulating Ukraine "was a necessary evil in order to take control over the resources." "Until The Last Ukrainian."~Zelenskyy quote"

Most of Ukraine’s rare earth reserves, including those of lithium, beryllium and niobium, are currently in zones occupied by Russia, mainly Zaporizhzhia and Donetsk on eastern Ukraine. Black gold soil – white gold minerals. These minerals are essential in making chips, smartphones, windmills, solar panels, laptops, and electric vehicles. And Europe wants them badly.

Not just Europe – licenses have been given to Australian companies, UK companies, US companies, and Turkish countries. The largest investor is BVG Group.BGV Group is an investment company in Kyiv established in 2015 – one year after the Ukraine coup of 2014 and the ousting of pro-Russian president Viktor Yanukovych. The same time frame wherein Hunter Biden and former CIA agent, Joseph Black, established themselves on the board of Burisma Holdings in Ukraine wherein oil and gas leases were ‘unnationalized’ and given to Burisma. Registered in Cyprus, Burisma dissolved in 2023 amidst allegations of money laundering and the funding of terrorism.It is likely BVG Group obtained their leases of mineral deposits simultaneously from the same coup inserted CIA operative government.

In 2019, BVG partnered with Holtec Company in a joint venture and incorporated in Delaware. Holtec’s founder and CEO is Dr Kris Singh. His focus is on nuclear energy. In particular – “Dr. Singh has been leading Holtec in the global race to develop a “walk away safe” small modular reactor to make nuclear energy a cost-competitive clean energy solution for a world struggling with rising carbon emissions.” Including for civilian use.

The Ukrainian founder of BVG Group is Hennadii Butkevych, a wealthy dodnor to Ukraine’s economy.March 2024, Butkevych and his team met with “British parliamentarians, members of the House of Lords and state ministers to participate in an official event on investment in Ukraine, which took place in the Houses of Parliament. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss British-Ukrainian partnership in the field of critical minerals mining, which will help the United Kingdom to develop advanced technologies and promote the transition to clean energy.

”The number of players in this earth mineral excavation is likely padded with anonymous investors through circuitous offshore shell companies. But the sheer enormity of the value of these minerals would explain the Ukraine obsession. Obviously, Russia is also well aware of these resources.While Russia is considered the largest producer of rare earth metals after China, at 2.6 thousand metric tons per year, the consequences of Ukraine’s production could impact trade. From that standpoint, Russia has no real impetus to end the onslaught in Ukraine. And a more nefarious agenda may be playing out via the CIA and MI6. There is no love lost between Ukrainians and the CIA, MI6 and Mossad. Their economy is negligible. But sharing $11.7 trillion with these citizens is not a common consideration among the Kabbalahs. Thus, using Russia as a means of eliminating the population and their share of the wealth could explain the ‘forever war concept’.

It is the same game plan used over and over in Africa. Steal their wealth while punishing the citizens and pushing them deeper into poverty. Decade after decade, there has been no reduction in poverty, no hastening to shared economic wealth, no building – there are only vacant words while they rape the land, its resources, and wealth.

The same scenario took place in Colombia wherein the CIA infiltrated themselves into the Cocaine drug wars – to steal the drugs for profit – off the books of course. The same scenario is used to steal Syria’s oil and sell it on the black market. Off the books. Iran’s oil is a dangling participle. Russian resources are the slobber of Estonia’s President calling for a collapse of the current system given Russia will not assimilate into western colonial rule."