I think it's way too premature to predict the fall of Syria.They create, they find problems, then offer the solutions to advance their agendas.
Syria will fall.
Whatever Turks were promised, best believe Jews will be most affected.
Whatever the Russians were promised for compromising their shekel pursuits in the region and ending up being controlled-opposition in Syria they’re not getting. If they got it then it was for nought.
What I do find interesting is how this relates to Russia. In incredible display of compassion for their people the Russian government is going to do digital ID and biometrics for migrants, among many things to solve the non-existent migrant crisis.
Medvedev proposes radical changes to Russia’s migration policy
Russia’s approach to migration issues should reflect its citizens’ interests, according to Dmitry Medvedevwww.rt.com
I wonder what intelligence got them so spooked or maybe they’re just stirring the pot on purpose.
Seems they’re training the hell out of these central Asians. Nationalist sources in Russia say there’s going to be a civil war with the migrants since they don’t actually share a culture with them. Imagine that.
Regime change is still on the menu.
I know this is tabloid sensationalism but it’s interesting state media is ready to jump ship in case of a display of “weakness” we might soon witness with the negotiations.
Putin’s top propagandist turns on tyrant & hints at ENDING despot’s reign
VLADIMIR Putin’s top propagandist has seemingly turned on the tyrant and hinted at ending his 25 years of “catastrophic” rule in Russia. Popular Russian TV host Vladimir Solovyov …www.thesun.co.uk
Saying Syria will fall after no more than 48-72 hours of rebel success is not a very farsighted view of the situation. Maybe Syria will fall, though I would be surprised if after investing in Syria's defense for nine years Russia simply allowed them to fall, in addition to Iran, in addition to the Syrians themselves, who have held off the rebels for thirteen years now. The Syrians have been fighting for thirteen years, and you think that because the rebels have launched one surprise offensive that has gained ground in its first days, the Syrians are just going to roll over and play dead, and give up everything they won in thirteen years of war? It's very reminiscent so far of Ukrainian offensives actually. The Ukrainians launch a surprise offensive in a poorly defended area, rely on rapid mobility to create disarray and exploit any breach to the maximum, and informationally exploit any gained ground for propaganda effect to the absolute maximum. The Ukrainians have had two major battles like this: the Kharkov offensive of 2022 and the Kursk offensive of 2024. Though it took much longer in 2022 for Russia to get its act together, both of these Ukrainian breakthroughs were eventually ground down and halted without changing the overarching trajectory of the conflict. The 2024 Ukrainian offensive was especially unimpressive; it took Russia only about 3-4 days to halt essentially all Ukrainian gains and then gradually begin to reverse them.They create, they find problems, then offer the solutions to advance their agendas.
Syria will fall.
Whatever Turks were promised, best believe Jews will be most affected.
Whatever the Russians were promised for compromising their shekel pursuits in the region and ending up being controlled-opposition in Syria they’re not getting. If they got it then it was for nought.
What I do find interesting is how this relates to Russia. In incredible display of compassion for their people the Russian government is going to do digital ID and biometrics for migrants, among many things to solve the non-existent migrant crisis.
Medvedev proposes radical changes to Russia’s migration policy
Russia’s approach to migration issues should reflect its citizens’ interests, according to Dmitry Medvedevwww.rt.com
I wonder what intelligence got them so spooked or maybe they’re just stirring the pot on purpose.
Seems they’re training the hell out of these central Asians. Nationalist sources in Russia say there’s going to be a civil war with the migrants since they don’t actually share a culture with them. Imagine that.
Regime change is still on the menu.
I know this is tabloid sensationalism but it’s interesting state media is ready to jump ship in case of a display of “weakness” we might soon witness with the negotiations.
Putin’s top propagandist turns on tyrant & hints at ENDING despot’s reign
VLADIMIR Putin’s top propagandist has seemingly turned on the tyrant and hinted at ending his 25 years of “catastrophic” rule in Russia. Popular Russian TV host Vladimir Solovyov …www.thesun.co.uk
Yea I'd compare to a civil war breaking out in Southern European cities after violent attacks by digital nomads on the local population.Also, nobody in Russia believes there is going to be a civil war with Central Asian migrants. This idea would be a joke to practically anybody in Russia. That is on par with saying that America is about to fall into a civil war because the Hispanics are going to rise up and seize power. Except the Hispanics in America are a much, much larger group than migrants in Russia.
He "benefitted from a mass influence operation" that's just called "propaganda" or essentially marketing. Every party or candidate will convince voters to vote for them. But somehow it's only an issue when non left wing parties do it.Globohomo forces Romania to re-do elections because anti Ukraine war candidate won
You will keep voting and we will keep counting until globohomo likes the election result.
Romanian court annuls result of presidential election first round
The move comes after allegations of Russian influence via social media on the first round of voting.www.bbc.com
People should notice the logic here. No doubt they made up the "mass influence operation", but even if we assume that there was such a thing, they're not even saying that there was "misinformation". They're literally just implying, as you say, that this candidate obtained some extra marketing boost he wasn't entitled to. So, by implication, the people are morons who were completely seduced by being exposed to this marginal amount of marketing such that they completely reversed their voting intentions. So we're supposed to both believe that democracy is the best possible system and also that the decision-making capability of the average man and woman is so fickle and illogical that they can be duped into changing their intentions via a marginal boost from a TikTok campaign, and in such numbers that completely the "wrong" person has won the first round (and was on course to win the Presidency in the 2nd round). And as such, the establishment needs to step in and cancel the election. What a useless/clueless electorate and, by extension, what an unfit-for-purpose system we have if its built on the religious conviction that the will of the electorate is sacrosanct.He "benefitted from a mass influence operation" that's just called "propaganda" or essentially marketing. Every party or candidate will convince voters to vote for them. But somehow it's only an issue when non left wing parties do it.
Voters are expected to vote for conservative parties without being informed about those parties' intentions beforehand. It's hypocrisy at its finest.