Lounge of The Russian-Ukrainian War


He only used the Kinzhal on Ukrainian targets, right?
Using them or Hazelbuns on an actual NATO target or city would definitely be a game changer because of how the general public would react. The focus would shift from convenient unquestioned Ukraine support to people asking themselves and the government if there is a way to stop this ASAP.

Very few western civilians are interested in an actual taking place right here with mass casualties.

Yes, despite fake media reports that Putin is a madman dead-set on a full invasion and takeover of Europe, his actions have been calculated and restrained. Imagine if Russia had missiles in Canada and fired them on US soil. The warhawks in DC would go crazy.

The way he’s responding to the provocations is in a tit for tat manner. The other point from my research is that he’s facing pressure from the more hawkish and conservative Russians. They want stronger action.