Lounge of The Russian-Ukrainian War

Have you not seen what has happened in Ukraine?

Have you not seen what has happened in Ukraine?
Ukraine is not a member of the NATO. (Not yet anyway).

And no, the govt. of the USA doesn't give a damn about their people, if they did, they wouldn't be flooding the country with people who are destroying the lives and futures of their citizens.

It is believed that the Russian Army suffered more casualties in Ukraine between March 2022 and November 2023 than the US Army in Afghanistan between 2001 and 2021.
See? That's what I meant.
Ukraine is not a member of the NATO. (Not yet anyway).

And no, the govt. of the USA doesn't give a damn about their people, if they did, they wouldn't be flooding the country with people who are destroying the lives and futures of their citizens.

It is believed that the Russian Army suffered more casualties in Ukraine between March 2022 and November 2023 than the US Army in Afghanistan between 2001 and 2021.
See? That's what I meant.
Ukraine is where NATO flexed its muscles, sent their equipment, had volunteers to fight, and got completely crushed.

Yea, because Ukraine has a real military, with advanced weapons and Iraq and Afghanistan is a bunch of guys running around in pickups with AK-47's. Trust me, as an American, this govt. doesn't care one bit about us.
As someone who loves the USA and American people...I wish you could understand what I was trying to explain to you.
The Russian Federation on its current form is a threat to the civilized world - and this threat needs to be eradicated - if you really want to secure the existence of the Western civilization and a future for our children. I just wish Americans like you could finally understand that.
As someone who loves the USA and American people...I wish you could understand what I was trying to explain to you.
The Russian Federation on its current form is a threat to the civilized world - and this threat needs to be eradicated - if you really want to secure the existence of the Western civilization and a future for our children. I just wish Americans like you could finally understand that.
Russia isn't flooding my country with violent third world people who come here and attack and kill my people. Who come here to take jobs from my people. To drive down wages, to drive up COL and to make a decent and holy life all but impossible. Russia isn't making it illegal to discriminate against me in college applications and job hiring. Russia isn't pushing BLM and phony court cases and causing our justice system to become a joke. Russia isn't passing laws to make transgender children not only legal, but if a parent disagrees, they lose custody to their own children. Russia isn't causing crime to skyrocket, to the point I am numb to hearing gun shots off in the distance. Russia didn't give satanic Blackrock Financial $5 trillion to bail them out, from our tax dollars.

Russia isn't close to who is destroying the west. In fact, of all the countries in the world, one of the few to point all these things out is Russia. And Russia is keeping this filth out of their country. God bless them for fighting to give their people a better future. I wish my govt. cared that much about me.
As someone who loves the USA and American people...I wish you could understand what I was trying to explain to you.
The Russian Federation on its current form is a threat to the civilized world - and this threat needs to be eradicated - if you really want to secure the existence of the Western civilization and a future for our children. I just wish Americans like you could finally understand that.

As someone who loves the USA and American people...I wish you could understand what I was trying to explain to you.
The Russian Federation on its current form is a threat to the civilized world - and this threat needs to be eradicated - if you really want to secure the existence of the Western civilization and a future for our children. I just wish Americans like you could finally understand that.
Western civilization is already gone. All that's left is a commie tranny globohomo dystopia. Every child in public school is groomed to become a tranny or a homo as a matter of national government policy.
As someone who loves the USA and American people...I wish you could understand what I was trying to explain to you.
The Russian Federation on its current form is a threat to the civilized world - and this threat needs to be eradicated - if you really want to secure the existence of the Western civilization and a future for our children. I just wish Americans like you could finally understand that.
Can you elaborate about what civilization you are referring to? Everywhere around me I see the promotion of adultery and sodomy. The enemy is within the gates and you want to mobilise people to fight a war on the other side of the world?
I feel like @cognitive dissonance 73 must be from Eastern Europe and doesn't realize how dire things already are in western Europe and the USA.

My greatest hope is that men who are in those regions and think that way, don't make the same mistake as the Ukrainians. You can't take on Russia, the will crush you to pieces just like they did to Ukraine. And NATO/the USA isn't going to save you either. Our countries are so weak, and our militaries so badly understaffed, that we can't even protect Israel very well right now.
I feel like @cognitive dissonance 73 must be from Eastern Europe and doesn't realize how dire things already are in western Europe and the USA.

My greatest hope is that men who are in those regions and think that way, don't make the same mistake as the Ukrainians. You can't take on Russia, the will crush you to pieces just like they did to Ukraine. And NATO/the USA isn't going to save you either. Our countries are so weak, and our militaries so badly understaffed, that we can't even protect Israel very well right now.
"Some of us still remember the times when US presidents were able to stand up against the Russians"


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"Some of us still remember the times when US presidents were able to stand up against the Russians"
An interesting story I heard on a podcast a few months ago. Margaret Thatcher met with Brezhnev. And at the outset of the meeting, Brezhnev, or someone on his team said (paraphrase) "yes, we might be foes, but we do have one very important ideology we must work towards. And that is that we both agree that European/White people must continue to be in charge of global affairs to secure the most peace and human progression".

To which Thatcher and her team threw a fit and stormed out.

This tells me in the final decades, after Stalin and the Bolsheviks were replaced and many of them moved to the west and were pushing anti-Christian and anti-White and anti-family values here, that some time between the 1960's and 80's, the Soviet Union became the good guys and the west the bad guys. Now the Soviet Union is long gone and Russia is a nation which is recovering, it is very obvious to see who is the good guy.

I don't think you comprehend how bad things are in the USA and how many men, who 20 years ago idolized Reagan, now correctly see him as a traitor and a low life scumbag. If you don't believe me, compare the responses to my posts on this forum to yours and that gives you an insight.
"Some of us still remember the times when US presidents were able to stand up against the Russians"

Nixon was set up and ousted by ZOG, in coordination with the MSM. Bush 43, Obama did far worse and never even got reprimanded, because they were weak compliant figureheads that went along with the program. Reagan as well started out more as a populist and got back into the Wall Street globalist plantation after they shot him, at which point his spook VP Bush 41 took over.

Before you stand up against Russians, you need to stand up against GAE.
"Some of us still remember the times when US presidents were able to stand up against the Russians"
Reagan is revered by post FSU/ Warsaw Pact peoples - at least the anti-communists. He delivered strength to the US at a weak point. For that, we westerners are generally thankful. What's forgotten is his abandoning of the State of California to the democrat party. He granted amnesty to 3M illegals, effectively flipping California. He never got his "border reform" concessions, as promised to him by democrats - because that would be mean and raycist. The playbook has worked on every Republican since, and the electoral college/bicameral balance will flip - permanently - if Texas falls to the Dems. For this, and other efforts, Reagan is no longer the great Republican savior. Conservatives have been in retrograde since his time.

As for "Standing up to the Russians" - Reagan offered at Reykjavik to completely ban nuclear weapons. It was an unexpected offer, which never came to fruition, but it cleared the negotiating board for meaningful "trust but verify" agreements. He's respected for that.

What many of us westerners struggle with is - "was the USSR Russian, or were the Russians the greatest victims of the USSR?" Knowing now more about the (((bolsheviks))) leads one to believe the Solzhenitsyn line - the USSR was a jewish creation that duped and victimized millions of Russians and all other Slavs. Granted, many of those Russians/Slavs were willing participants, but without the early jewish leadership and early decades of apparatchik, the USSR wouldn't have been able to get off the ground.

An interesting story I heard on a podcast a few months ago. Margaret Thatcher met with Brezhnev. And at the outset of the meeting, Brezhnev, or someone on his team said (paraphrase) "yes, we might be foes, but we do have one very important ideology we must work towards. And that is that we both agree that European/White people must continue to be in charge of global affairs to secure the most peace and human progression".

To which Thatcher and her team threw a fit and stormed out.

This tells me in the final decades, after Stalin and the Bolsheviks were replaced and many of them moved to the west and were pushing anti-Christian and anti-White and anti-family values here, that some time between the 1960's and 80's, the Soviet Union became the good guys and the west the bad guys. Now the Soviet Union is long gone and Russia is a nation which is recovering, it is very obvious to see who is the good guy.

I don't think you comprehend how bad things are in the USA and how many men, who 20 years ago idolized Reagan, now correctly see him as a traitor and a low life scumbag. If you don't believe me, compare the responses to my posts on this forum to yours and that gives you an insight.

What a telling piece that is. It coincides with the arrival of neocon founder Irving Krystal - who created the movement that co-opted and is destroying the Republican party. This does explain a lot of baffling "conservative" behavior, post USSR. Many Gen X/boomer Americans well-remember being taught "we hate the Soviet Union, not the Russian people." Our behavior post FSU has proven that was a complete lie - at least at the policy level. Main street Americans never hated (and generally still don't) Russians or Slavs. Our leadership - well that's a different story. Normies just don't get the distinction, and understandably point to the occasional USSR-nostalgic people/events that are seen in FSU as reason to believe the Russians are still downlow commies that seek world domination.

@cognitive dissonance 73, do you believe the people of Russia genuinely seek a return of the USSR? How long has it been since you lived in EE? Do you travel there often?
^ He hasn't lived there, he's a misguided William Buckley/Michael Novak boomercon, the product of a concerted effort to steer American Catholics away from the likes of Father Coughlin and into the ZOG plantation.

Reagan is revered by post FSU/ Warsaw Pact peoples - at least the anti-communists. He delivered strength to the US at a weak point. For that, we westerners are generally thankful. What's forgotten is his abandoning of the State of California to the democrat party. He granted amnesty to 3M illegals, effectively flipping California. He never got his "border reform" concessions, as promised to him by democrats - because that would be mean and raycist. The playbook has worked on every Republican since, and the electoral college/bicameral balance will flip - permanently - if Texas falls to the Dems. For this, and other efforts, Reagan is no longer the great Republican savior. Conservatives have been in retrograde since his time.

As for "Standing up to the Russians" - Reagan offered at Reykjavik to completely ban nuclear weapons. It was an unexpected offer, which never came to fruition, but it cleared the negotiating board for meaningful "trust but verify" agreements. He's respected for that.

What many of us westerners struggle with is - "was the USSR Russian, or were the Russians the greatest victims of the USSR?" Knowing now more about the (((bolsheviks))) leads one to believe the Solzhenitsyn line - the USSR was a jewish creation that duped and victimized millions of Russians and all other Slavs. Granted, many of those Russians/Slavs were willing participants, but without the early jewish leadership and early decades of apparatchik, the USSR wouldn't have been able to get off the ground.

What a telling piece that is. It coincides with the arrival of neocon founder Irving Krystal - who created the movement that co-opted and is destroying the Republican party. This does explain a lot of baffling "conservative" behavior, post USSR. Many Gen X/boomer Americans well-remember being taught "we hate the Soviet Union, not the Russian people." Our behavior post FSU has proven that was a complete lie - at least at the policy level. Main street Americans never hated (and generally still don't) Russians or Slavs. Our leadership - well that's a different story. Normies just don't get the distinction, and understandably point to the occasional USSR-nostalgic people/events that are seen in FSU as reason to believe the Russians are still downlow commies that seek world domination.

@cognitive dissonance 73, do you believe the people of Russia genuinely seek a return of the USSR? How long has it been since you lived in EE? Do you travel there often?
If you must know, my grand-grandfather were sent to the Gulag (neither of them had ever been involved in politics) when the advancing Russian Army randomly rounding up civilians in the freshly captures areas. My grand-grandfather survived and came back alive 8 year - his cousin didn't survive.

I hope you don't mind me not being sympathetic towards the Russians.
Before you start "These Russians are not those Russian"...yes, you bet they f***** are. The same people, the same mentality.
Russia and the Russians are a threat to the civilized world ....and this threat needs to be eliminated.
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If you must know, my grand-grandfather were sent to the Gulag (neither of them had ever been involved in politics) when the advancing Russian Army randomly rounding up civilians in the freshly captures areas. My grand-grandfather survived and came back alive 8 year - his cousin didn't survive.

I hope you don't mind me not being sympathetic towards the Russians.
Before you start "These Russians are not those Russian"...yes, you bet they f***** are. The same people, the same mentality.
Russia and the Russians are a threat to the civilized world ....and this threat needs to be eliminated.
Aside from calling for genocide here... Poster doesn't seem to be able to differentiate from Russians and Jewish Bolsheviks and Communists....
Aside from calling for genocide here... Poster doesn't seem to be able to differentiate from Russians and Jewish Bolsheviks and Communists....
Reading his other posts (ROCOR needs to be eliminated, Roosh was paid by the Russians etc) I don't think we're talking about someone that is genuinely ignorant, he seems to be trolling. If he's not then he has some problems comprehending reality, to put it mildly.