Lounge of The Russian-Ukrainian War

Look, we may see something like a watered-down Afghanistan-style withdrawal. Maybe.

But until you see people like Toria Nuland get their comeuppance and see them run out of Washington, completely broke and persona non grata, presume the evil shenanigans will continue.

And even if she and others are indeed thrown out of so-called polite D.C. society, presume they have merely been conveniently replaced by the next dumpy-looking nerds looking to paint their own neuroses on the great canvas of geopolitics.

Never underestimate the bottomless egos of people like Nuland.

They likely discussed giving more free money to Ukraine.

Sergeant Yuri "Yura" Shcherbakov, an ATGM operator, was awarded the "Hero of Russia" medal. It is said that during the battles he destroyed 9 tanks, 4 armored personnel carriers, 12 infantry fighting vehicles, 4 trucks, 2 platoon-size strongpoints and more than 100 enemy soldiers.

In case it gets purged, the same clip on telegram.
I keep reading that "negotiations for a diplomatic solution will begin soon" AKA the Ukrainians are running out of steam.

The problem though, is they already tried that with the Minsk accords, and ZOG simply used that time to build up the Ukrainian military and attack Russian speaking citizens in east Ukraine. How could Putin and Russia ever trust a "diplomatic resolution" after that?
It's way too late for a diplomatic solution.
A machine have been set in motion that won't stop anytime soon. Since the beginning of 2023, Russia launched a large scale recruitment campaign (the goal is 400k by the end of the year) that yields pretty impressive results - already over 370k people have volunteered. Russian military-industrial complex is working 24/7, old plants are refurbished and reopened, new plants are being built, munitions from North Korea are bought in bulk. It all costs money, and since Russia is unable to print infinite amounts of money, they'll need to see a return of their investment.
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It's way too late for a diplomatic solution.
A machine have been set in motion that won't stop anytime soon. Since the beginning of 2023, Russia launched a large scale recruitment campaign (the goal is 400k by the end of the year) that yields pretty impressive results - already over 370k people have volunteered. Russian military-industrial complex is working 24/7, old plants are refurbished and reopened, new plants are being built, munitions from North Korea are bought in bulk. It all costs money, and since Russia is unable to print infinite amounts of money, they need to see a return of their investment.
Besides this, there's no way the Russians could believe any promises made in any negotiations. Without that, there can be no basis for an agreement, and no reason to even start negotiations.
Correct. If the Russians take the Coke plant you can count the number of days before Avdeevka falls since the city will almost be fully encircled and the Main Supply Road (which passes at the southern tip of the plant) will be cut.
The only question is whether they will close the cauldron completely, or leave a path open and try to squeeze the ukrainians out of Avdeevka (worked in Lysychansk, didn't work in Bakhmut).
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Yeah, maybe NATO mercs.
Mercs are the most expendable troops in any conflict. Their loses don’t really count and you don’t have to deal with the short term and long term social issues at home when they do die. Most soldiers don’t want to die, and the average Ukrainian solder pressed into service doesn’t really want to be there in that meat grinder. If you were those Ukrainian troops falling back to save your own lives and these “tourist mercs” started yelling at you to turn around, what would you do? The one merc loads his gun and starts shooting in the air. You can go back and get killed by the Russians, or you can kill the mercs and take their position. No one is going to look too hard into the death of two mercs who perished in the trenches on the front lines.

If it was Ukrainian troops and Ukrainian troops, they probably wouldn’t have shot each other.
It doesn’t sound American- maybe Europeans speaking English, or British. It’s kind of hard to tell.
They definitely don't sound British, my guess would be Northern Europe, maybe Dutch, Belgian, or Scandinavian.

There will be no long-standing peace until Kiev is either retunited with Russia or demilitarized and its anti-Russian government removed.
Any peace treaty will be used to arm Ukraine even better, train and replenish their army and the conflict will flare up again once they start bombing Donbass again or hit Crimea. Any talk about peace is just about a break to regroup here.

Russia could but would not use heavy weapons to destroy critical objects, refused to do Israel style campaign, withdrew from Kiev, Kharkov (huge mistake, likely but the bait of false NATO promises), other regions, gave up Kherson, neither Russia would liquidate Zelensky when it could be easily done, when he openly walked in the streets walking within Russian missiles reach, for whatever reason (be it oligarchs' money in Western bank accounts or American threats to destroy Black Sea Fleet and Russian nuclear facilities with missile strikes). Abramovich, zionist oligarch living in the West had been active again and flying in and out of Russia. Many in Russia think betrayal is being prepared in the form of new Minsk accords, by Abramovich's zio puppets
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