Lounge of The Russian-Ukrainian War

Relax Cossack. How many more white men you want to die? Russia is already doing all it can to reduce the male population of Europe.

It’s kind of funny how Russia is solving the USSR fallout. All these Eastern Europeans were high on their own supply in their hatred for the russkies. Now they’re realizing “oh so this is just a pointless war”. Soon Russians will come around to it and brothers will mend their differences. Anybody wanted a white pill? In a way this is real 5D chess. They should add this to the Art of War. “Demoralize your enemy by having no objectives, wage war for the sake of war, tell your opponent the objectives are his responsibilities and you’re ready when they are”.

It’s good that they greenlit these strikes. This war is finally going to get interesting. Too bad Blinken demands only military and civilian targets. Zely the Jew King can end the war tomorrow by hitting big business. We’ll see how much of a wild card he is. It’s going to be tempting to be a hero and go against his Jewish superiors who like the meat grinder.