Lounge of The Russian-Ukrainian War

In order for Ukraine to become a big Israel, you have to depopulate the natives, and they're doing a great job at this. Ukraine is down to less than 20 million people, nearly half of what they had a couple of decades ago.

This is irrelevant if Russia, Poland, Hungary and Romania carve up the country up like a big turkey at the end of the war.

Russia will probably claim everything up to (and including) eastern Moldova and the entire black sea coast, and the other countries will take the western regions. No one wants to say it openly (not even Putin) but this is what will probably happen in the end.

Map of a possible Ukrainian partition after the war.

Red = to Russia
Blue = to Poland
Green = to Hungary
Yellow = to Romania


An alternate partition scenario would still entail all neighbouring countries getting a piece of the Ukrainian carcass, but would leave a neutral and demilitarised leftover "rump state" of Ukraine in the middle as a buffer zone between Russia and globohomo. However I see this 2nd partition scenario as less likely, as east/west conflicts over the new "mini Ukraine" would continue.

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Most of the mappers get their info on Russian advances from geolocating the drone footage that the Ukrainians upload, featuring their strikes on Russian units. Military Summary channel has said that following the debate, a whole load of footage was uploaded that was being held back. This footage makes clear that the Russians are making significant gains all across the front lines.
The US camp that ordered the withholding of the videos was obviously not in on the plan to set up Biden to fail at the debates.
True that, but also I haven't had the time to upload map updates.
Gonna post some later today, I'll probably skip the least active sectors and update only the most important Donetsk ank Toretsk areas to avoid floodposting.

Looks like Zelensky is starting to sweat:

This statement was released right after the debates, which means Zelensky is trying to cover his rear if Trump does actually win.

And that is the real problem, a Trump victory is more damaging to Ukraine than another Russian offensive. Without the easy money Ukraine has no chance.

Of course, a Trump victory is probably only 4 years of peace. As soon as a Democrat gets in, it will resume war with Russia.

However, even 1 year of peace is deadly to someone like Zelensky. He's a puppet with no use in peacetime, which means he will be discarded like a trash bag. He needs to think of an escape plan because he has a lot of enemies. Hence, calling for the war to end.
Looks to me like a PR salvage attempt, after the failure of the Swiss summit.
No prominent politicians/diplomats from outside of the trans-Atlantic community showed up. And Putin, preemptively, dropped his own proposition of a ceasefire agreement, which only highlighted the hypocrisy of the west: when they were repeating their lines about unwavering support for ukraine until the 91 borders are restored, Putin showed his willingness to negotiate. This had an impact on the summit, global south leaders like the president of Colombia withdrew their support for the summit, because it didn't offer any way to end the war, but instead sought only to prolong it.
This was Zelensky's personnal failure, after all his global recognition and showmanship are his only qualities. If he can't put on a show, what good is he for?
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This is irrelevant if Russia, Poland, Hungary and Romania carve up the country up like a big turkey at the end of the war.

Russia will probably claim everything up to (and including) eastern Moldova and the entire black sea coast, and the other countries will take the western regions. No one wants to say it openly (not even Putin) but this is what will probably happen in the end.

Map of a possible Ukrainian partition after the war.

Red = to Russia
Blue = to Poland
Green = to Hungary
Yellow = to Romania
The main question I have with these partition predictions are whether Russia would ever allow Poland to be rewarded for its insane pro-NATO acts. Poland is perhaps more hostile to Russia than any country after the US and UK. And they are oddly eager to host western nuclear weapons in their country ( I guess they are paid handsomely for this? Because it seems suicidal!)

Also, historically, it is very rare for a country to benefit from territorial gains unless it has made considerable sacrifices in war. So I have difficulty envisioning Poland benefitting from its hostile actions like training F16 pilots and eagerly hosting western NATO shills.

I could see the Russia/Hungary/Romania partition with the blue sector remaining a rump state for hardcore Ukrainian Azov nationalists (that would actually be a brilliant gift by Russia to put Banderite Nazis on the Polish border) or perhaps cede it to Hungary or some other nation that aids Russia (my inner Harry Turtledove wants to imagine it as a North Korean colony hahaha).

But I think at this point we can say Odessa goes to the Russians. Stupid strategic moves by the west have now almost guaranteed that.
The main question I have with these partition predictions are whether Russia would ever allow Poland to be rewarded for its insane pro-NATO acts. Poland is perhaps more hostile to Russia than any country after the US and UK. And they are oddly eager to host western nuclear weapons in their country ( I guess they are paid handsomely for this? Because it seems suicidal!)

Also, historically, it is very rare for a country to benefit from territorial gains unless it has made considerable sacrifices in war. So I have difficulty envisioning Poland benefitting from its hostile actions like training F16 pilots and eagerly hosting western NATO shills.

I could see the Russia/Hungary/Romania partition with the blue sector remaining a rump state for hardcore Ukrainian Azov nationalists (that would actually be a brilliant gift by Russia to put Banderite Nazis on the Polish border) or perhaps cede it to Hungary or some other nation that aids Russia (my inner Harry Turtledove wants to imagine it as a North Korean colony hahaha).

But I think at this point we can say Odessa goes to the Russians. Stupid strategic moves by the west have now almost guaranteed that.

The Russians could allow Poland to annex western Ukraine as this would be a poison pill.
^ I think Lavrov told the US Ambassador this week "we are not at peace."

We may need a "suspected sabotage/covert ops" thread here soon. Things like this and the North Carolina incident with the Delta Force Colonel shooting a Chechnyan "immigrant utility worker" at his off-post residence are starting to add up.

On another note, Simplicious posted about this Ukrainian soldier this week:

It is simply an axiom of war - senior commanders absolutely cannot/refuse to objectively assess the capabilities of subordinate personnel. Fantastic tasks are created, which are designed either for space marines, or for at least fresh units packed with 20-year-old sports equipment and equipment. That these people are physically and psychologically battered by the years of the Great War, that there is a total lack of means and ammunition to support the infantry - all this is stupidly ignored. And the commanders who voice these things, instead of stupidly trumping - are ostracized, ridiculed as weaklings and snots. As a result of such short-sightedness/stupidity/criminal negligence, fantastic tasks are not completed, people die, fall out of control, and when appetites decrease and it comes to realistic tasks, no one can complete them. And domino farts further


2 years and unknown amounts of casualties have taken their toll on the Ukrainian Army. Every engagement is a probability of kill equation and eventually your number is up. Those that live more than 6 months at the front are promoted of necessity as much as skill. Some leaders are skillful, some are just able to manage to get to the safe post and savvy enough to stay there. The bravest are probably dead by now, even if they were skillful.

Much as the US tried to "train and equip" Ukraine, it is a decades long institutional-level task to run such a large force properly. Ukraine simply doesn't have the depth, tough or brave as they are. I suspect there is major in-unit replacement with new troops, whilst the most experienced and sometimes cowardly of officers have managed to move up to field grade command posts and are less subject to the heavy pounding their front-line troops get. These are the guys that dream up 'fantastic tasks" to keep their bosses excited. 40 year old grunts with 30 days of training can't do "fantastic tasks," creating the conditions where the command post either lies or hides their losses, whilst dreaming up more "fantastic tasks" to save the day tomorrow.

Doug Macgregor reported this week that he's been told Ukraine has had 600k KIA and 1M+ wounded. Contrast that to MSM reports of only 50k KIA. If Macgregor's sources are right, the AFU have to be running on fumes now.

Hungary's Victor Orban visited with Putin, in effort to open peace talks. NATO/US/EU types are upset. Supposedly, Ukraine is mad also (supposedly). Odd thing is, it looks like Orban just had a visit with Zelensky a few days ago...

Of course, this is all in the recent footsteps of Biden self-destruct and the rise of Trump. Does Zelensky understand his odds are going down with time (it does appear AFU is taking a hammering now also). If he doesn't strike a deal soon, then he has 5 months of ground and pound until the US election and he gets real possibility of being told to hang it all up anyway. If I was in Zelensky's shoes, I would at least want to hear the offer. I doubt the deal in the future will be better than it is today.

Orban might be the most hated man in Europe now, but I wish him luck.
Excellent insider piece on Orban's peace initiative, it was planned in secret, and Orban states that he was motivated by Christian values to stop the unnecessary bloodshed:

"Critics say that I'm a friend of Putin, but I'm a friend of the Hungarians and a friend of peace. The reason I negotiate with Putin is because I'm looking for the quickest way to stop this war and create peace.

Regarding how the meeting was prepared: it was done in a totally secret way.
First, I went to Kiev to meet Zelensky. Once that was concluded, I started organizing the meeting with Putin.
Imagine organizing such a meeting for two days later!

[When did you do that—on the highway, on the way back from Kiev to Budapest?]
No, I sent a secret message to the foreign minister [Péter Szijjártó] to organize it because telecommunications are under surveillance by the other 'big guys'.

I tried to keep it under the radar until they noticed a Hungarian military plane asking for permission to fly over Poland. That's when it leaked, but until then, it was under control.

I will have some meetings next week that will be equally surprising and under strict control. Anyway, back to the Russians—how to prepare mentally? To make peace is a Christian action; it's a Christian attitude-based action. If you approach peace in a political way, you become more bureaucratic—what kind of negotiation authority you have, what the council will say, what the high foreign policy representative of the council, Mr. Borrell, will say. It gets more complicated. If you want to act morally—peace is a moral issue—you must prepare yourself spiritually. That's what I have done.

I made a decision, knowing that bad reactions would come from the West and Brussels, but being convinced that this is the only way and this is the duty I have to fulfill now. I remain the only Western leader who can talk to both Kiev and Moscow. All the others have created a situation where they have no chance for direct communication with the two main actors, especially with the Russians.

[Was that a historical week for you, personally, to meet these two war leaders so close in time, within a few days—a historical week for Viktor Orbán?]
No. If you take it personally, you make a big mistake. Don't do that. What does not count at all is me. Who cares? The far more important issue is peace and war. Don't forget, during this interview, on the front line, at least a dozen young guys have died. Every minute, there are widows, children without fathers, orphans.What is going on is so dreadful, so emotionally unacceptable, so bad.This is my motivation, whatever political price I have to pay in Brussels.

I try to do something because I am in a special position—as the rotating president of the council and a man who has a chance to talk to everybody."

Excerpts above are based on this interview by a Swiss-German journalist (intro is in German, but interview is in English):
I can't tell you how much it annoys me that this prick Zelenkski goes everywhere in pretend military gear of combats and a jumper.

I could understand it for a photo op or two early on for the war effort but it's getting a bit old now.

He's trying to establish a 'signature look' for himself, like Castro always wearing fatigues because he's locked in perpetual combat for the proletariat or some such trite.
Controversial topic:

"Ask yourselves: why do you think NATO is funding and supporting a NAZI regime in the Ukraine? Have you asked yourself who NATO is? Who founded NATO? Who were the first heads of NATO, back in the 1950s?"

Easily debunkable. Long post incoming, but this needs to be cleared up here.

I don't know how many people here would believe this article's claim by this just by reading this sensationalized text, but it is dead wrong on the premise. The idea that card-carrying members of the NSDAP who were also high-ranking military officers had any hand in creating NATO is a complete farce. These idiots even repeat the Alex-Jonesian trite that "the world is ruled by "nazis"." NATO is a jew and masonic invention, like everything else that plagues the world. Zelensky is a jew, the government of Ukraine is thoroughly kosher and corrupt, and the Azov battalion of Ukraine is a completely different entity that is not related in any way to the original NSDAP, most of its ideology is incompatible with German NS.

By their flawed logic, for comparison, every captured German officer who willingly joined the East German intelligence services or became propaganda booty for the USSR like General Paulus did after Stalingrad would effectively make the USSR and its successor, the modern day Russian Federation, full of knotsees too.

The German military officers and scientists brought to the west were effectively plunder from the war. They were given stern options, immigrate and work for us with your knowledge or go to jail forever / be hanged by Pierrepont.

The entire point of "West" Germany being in NATO after the war was that Berlin was now under jewish control again, and therefore Germany would be party to the agenda from NATO just like all the other occupied European countries were. The jews had re-established what they sought to before: one, they removed Hitler by winning the war, and two they re-installed all their jews in positions of power within Germany once again and used whatever production and creativity spawned by the German minds as plunder for their present and future goyim wars.

I'll break down each of the examples they give and why they are false:

-Hans Speidel was not a member of the National Socialist German Workers' Party (NSDAP). He was a soldier who served in the Wehrmacht during World War II, but his political affiliations did not include membership in the party. Therefore he is not a "nazi" but simply a German military officer. He literally served in over 4 variations of the German military, from the German Empire to the Weimar Republic to the NSDAP to the West German military and later on in NATO. He was privy to the July 20th 1944 assassination plot on Hitler so that speaks volumes more than anything he ever did with (((NATO))).

-Adolf Heusinger was not a member of the NSDAP, another German general who cooperated completely with his western captors, he testified at Nuremberg and was sought to rebuild the occupied-German "West German" military called the Bundeswehr.

-Johann von Kielmansegg, another aristocratic July 20th co-conspirator and anti-Hitler officer who likely disobeyed orders on purpose. He was also never a member of the NSDAP, so him being a supreme commander of a land division of NATO in Europe in the 1960s has no relation to the claim of the article.

-Johannes Steinhoff, fighter pilot who mostly served on the Eastern front, he was also not a member of the NSDAP but had a lot of knowledge of the Luftwaffe, and he was given the job to rebuild it within the strict confines of NATO air doctrine in the 1950s.

Not a single one of any of the government officials and NSDAP party members who codified the points of the party program into German law ever had anything to do with NATO: Roland Freisler (State Secretary of Justice, died in a bombing) Franz Schlegelberger (Justice Minister sentenced to life at jewish Nuremberg tribunals), Otto Georg Thierack (President of the People's Court, suicide in detention before Nuremberg),
Curt Rothenberger (top NSDAP jurist, sentenced to 7 years, "rehabilitated" and released in the 50s). Any potential National Socialist who could have injected some of the policies of NS Germany into NATO, who A survived the war and B was not incarcerated was never allowed near the organization.

The architects of NATO were all freemasons, communists, or agitators before and during the war against Germany, and all ultimately enemies of Nationalists, National Socialists, and Fascists:

US President Harry Truman - Freemason, a member of the Belton Lodge No. 450 in Missouri and eventually he became a 33rd Degree Freemason. Decided to bomb excess cities

US Secretary of State Dead Acheson - another gloating occupier, he was instrumental in developing the Truman Doctrine and the Marshall Plan, which laid the groundwork for NATO. He was Truman's shoulder parrot.

US General and future president Dwight D. Eisenhower - jewish heritage and destroyer of the captured German people after the war. Nothing else needs to be said about this murderer.

British Foreign Secretary Ernest Bevin - Freemason and war agitator, played a huge role in the the trade and labor unions in London in the 1920s that allowed a lot of the communist influence to seep into the workers.

Belgian Foreign Minister Paul-Henri Spaak - corrupt politician and freemason who also fled to London during the war to be a "government in exile". Spaak presented the proposal that no government, thinking primarily of Spain, which had risen to power with the help of the Axis, should be admitted to the United Nations. This garbage tried to kidnap Degrelle multiple times and failed miserably. The limp-wristed letter he wrote to Franco speaks for itself: "The government of General Franco has seriously injured the sense of justice of the Belgian people and caused a great malaise between the two countries and their respective governments. The attitude of the Spanish government towards Degrelle is a blatant act that aims to make Spain a refuge for former Axis agents and their cronies. The Belgian government considers the collusion of the Spanish government with these elements as an attempt to create a dangerous nest of agitation, whose actions are directed against the war’s victorious nations."

Canadian Foreign Minister Lester B. Pearson - Prime Minister of Canada, who was made a freemason at "St. Paul’s" Lodge № 374 in Ottawa.

British General Hastings Lionel Ismay - "The purpose of NATO is to keep the Russians out, the Americans in, and the Germans down." Someone else quoted this recently on this thread. He was Churchill's close aid during the war. The whole point of NATO was to prevent nationalist militarism from rising in Europe by keeping America as a military occupier on the European continent. Therefore NATO is strictly against National Socialism, Ultra-nationalism, and Fascism. The occupation by the American military in Europe directly led to the creation of the EU later.

These lazy articles never mention the brutality of denazification forced upon all German people. The article also says that the Queen and the Allies were in secret cahoots with the very Germans they were genociding, it's pure nonsense. No wonder the writer is a woman, Dutch sounding, and one who is based in Moscow, so she takes the easy way out and calls the west "nazis" because that's official state policy, courtesy of the jews in the dark corners of the Kremlin. Another die-hard state actor who calls the opposing side a "fascist" yet has no idea what the concept even means. Some of these people are starting to give the west a run for its money in false propaganda. She makes ridiculous accusations of the EU puppet bish Ursula Von de Leyen's grandfather being a mystic allegedly connected to Himmler. All of it is speculation that reeks of village-level superstition. I've heard all these theories before from the wandering criminals of Europe. At least with gyppos you know they are crusty juggling thieves and their atavistic shamanism that conspires everything together is probably only sticking around because they've never witnessed a real mass in their entire lives or have ever partaken of the sacraments. The kind of people who fictitiously link everything together under the premises of speculation and not methodically through explicit facts and data are no help in the search for truth. It is some of these people who would even claim to be Christian and not pagan while still keeping the superstitious belief system of an unbeliever as an outlook on life. This Dutch writer may not be one, and neither is Alex Jones or other right-wing gatekeepers, but the caliber of their information deciphering is severely limited, which is usually evidence of it being tailored to an existing agenda on purpose.

NATO, the UN, the EU, the USA, the entire west has a lot of legitimate reasons to be antagonized, like its zionist warmongering, its jewish weltanschauung, its degenerate satanic politics, and its poisoning of all the food, water, and air in the 1st world. Any legitimate opponent of the west would do better focusing on these ills, not reviving the fake jewish hollywood trope of "evil nazis" which is a complete lie. The jews behind this war allow nationalist sentiments to be directed into combat that kills people, in this case Russians, but now a lot more foreign fighters for the east like Indians, Asiatics, and Africans are getting a taste of it. These jews will also kill or subdue every surviving Azov battalion member if they "win" this war against Russia, which neither side is designed to do. They are just supposed to die so mongrel slaves can take their place serving jews in the new "Greater Israel" on the Steppes of Eurasia. 2800 slaves for every 1 jew is the goal, each jew dreams of an entire village where he is a deity among the goyim.

Remember, third position. There are more options out there than the degenerate west (NATO) and the communist countries of the east. Right now, this position has to be fought for and carved out, of both if need be.

The ethnic Russian people deserve better, they deserve to know the truth and not these jewish fables. The Ukrainians for that matter, would also benefit from more knowledge if the NATO boots weren't pressed so far down on their backs as well.
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Controversial topic:

"Ask yourselves: why do you think NATO is funding and supporting a NAZI regime in the Ukraine? Have you asked yourself who NATO is? Who founded NATO? Who were the first heads of NATO, back in the 1950s?"

Azov Battalion is not a NAZI regime. They are a Neo-Nazi regime, and the two are nothing alike.

Nazism can be better learned by reading their very specific writings, political goals, beliefs, philosophy, etc. I highly suggest it, because it will change the way you view the world around you. And it isn't some cartoon version that you have learned from Hollywood.

Neo-Nazis are just poor/low IQ Whites, who are used as puppets by the satanic elites, for whatever purpose. In the USA/West they are used to get young White men to commit crimes and throw their lives away, so the White men most likely to both notice race and take physical action, are stored in a prison. In the Ukraine, they take the same low IQ/poor Whites and train them to fight for a Jewish President and kill other White Christians who happen to be Russian (same genetic makeup).

If the Azov Battalion were real NAZI's, the first thing the would have done was run Zelinsky out of office and kicked out all the immigrants. Anyone who is confusing these two groups should be strongly ignored. Jack Posobiek (Federal Agen) must be strongly ignored for this low IQ take.
China along with North Korea could easily field a million troops within a year. NATO is not only badly outmatched in military hardware, but also in personnel. The only area where NATO is superior is in airpower, but that is negated by the fact that Russia and China have a huge arsenal of long-range missiles that would pulverize NATO airport hangars.

The Chinese aren't going to move troops to the Ukraine front, but they are signaling to NATO that their side has complete escalatory dominance.
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