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Lounge of The Russian-Ukrainian War

3 days is a very short timeframe.

I guess 15 days to flatten the curve was already taken.

The list:


  • 3 litres per person per day
  • Additional water for pets

  • Enough for three days. Should have long expiry date and be easy to prepare
Medicine and first aid

  • All medicines needed by household members
  • First aid box
  • Iodine tablets for persons under the age of 40, pregnant and breastfeeding women

  • Toilet paper
  • Hand sanitiser
  • Nappies, sanitary towels/tampons and other hygiene items needed by household members

  • Blankets, duvets, warm clothing
Other essentials

  • Power bank or battery pack for mobile telephone
  • Torch
  • Batteries
  • Bank card (remember your PIN) and some cash in notes and coins (optional)
  • Candles and matches (optional)
Special requirements to consider

  • Are there children or elderly in the household?
  • Are you vulnerable to major floods? If so, do you have alternative transport available?
  • Can you get help from family, neighbours or friends?

  • Emergency FM/AM radio that is battery/wind-up/solar powered (optionally a car radio)
I doubt NK will be sending boots on the ground in large numbers to the Ukraine front, what they will send though is artillery pieces, shells, MLRS and ammunition, since they have one of the world's largest stockpiles and a good production capacity, especially if Russia provides the raw materials. So NK can help with the basic military "staples", which would allow Russia to focus on producing more sophisticated weaponry and allow them to keep their normal civilian economy going.
I doubt NK will be sending boots on the ground in large numbers to the Ukraine front, what they will send though is artillery pieces, shells, MLRS and ammunition, since they have one of the world's largest stockpiles and a good production capacity, especially if Russia provides the raw materials. So NK can help with the basic military "staples", which would allow Russia to focus on producing more sophisticated weaponry and allow them to keep their normal civilian economy going.

This is contradicted by the fact that NK signed a mutual defense pact with Russia. They already were providing munitions, therefore there was no need for a defense pact; but since they just signed a pact, it means there will be troops at some point, most likely when Europe is sending in large scale forces in a few years from now.
Large scale forces from Europe sent to the Ukraine front? Highly doubtful. Not now, not in the future. They will send like 5k or 10k and after most get slaughtered or maimed, will call it a day.

Regarding the above point about NKorean boots on the ground in Russia, I doubt they would ever participate in large numbers, but sure, they would come in in the unlikely event NATO tries to go all in. That's part of the mutual defense pact.
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The fake peace summit Ukraine recently held is widely being heralded as a failure.
Wall Street Journal:

That diplomatic push, rather than patching up cracks in global sympathy for Ukraine, has exposed them.

The Ukrainian president, who invited Chinese leader Xi Jinping to attend the Swiss conference, has since publicly feuded with China, which he says has discouraged other nations from attending.

When Zelensky begins his summit in Switzerland, he will face a crowd thinner than he had hoped for, with many world leaders—including President Biden—skipping the long-planned event. The host country’s largest political party is opposed to the gathering itself. Even some among those attending are pushing Ukraine to loosen its conditions and seek direct talks with the Kremlin.
So the big boys aren't all showing up, and those that do are like dude.. you lost.. sue for peace already while you still have a country.
Who knows how long they will continue this ridiculous war, but publicly snubbing Zelensky is a pretty big clue things are wrapping up.
Saudi Arabia, Brazil and South Africa said they wanted to help broker an end to the war. But Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman declined to attend, and while the Saudis are sending their foreign minister, the other two countries aren’t expected to send top officials.

Biden, meanwhile, will fly past the country on his way home from Italy


Meanwhile, Russia taps the Koreans for a strategic partnership. Partnering with high IQ Asians is a good long term strategy. Western countries are still pouring in money and weaponry to Ukraine but they are starting to feel the pain (regardless of whether anyone writes about it, the money dumped into Ukraine, which the US didn't have and was borrowed from the Chinese, to be paid back with interest, is one reason groceries cost 50% more than they did 5 years ago).

Here's one of Russia's bigger and better FAB3000s at work. Check out the before and after. There's no known way of detecting or stopping these.

History Legends: A big Ukrainian counteroffensive is coming in the Kharkiv Oblast.
Have they learned anything since last year? Will the outcome of this counteroffensive change things?

I think Ukraine can continue for many months, even losing thousands a day (latest estimates are 50,000 losses a month). It is a big country and near the end but there are still a lot of men there. It seems their domestic propaganda is strong, there is little will to resist the green t shirt man and the Ukranians seem to be willing to bear any cost to harm Russia, even the loss of much of their territory.

Even the fact that Z is now the illegal usuper doesn't seem to have caused many surrenders or change in morale. Perhaps they are being told they are winning?

Several Killed as Orthodox Church and Synagogue Attacked in Russia's Dagestan

"Unknown assailants have attacked two Orthodox churches and a synagogue in Russia’s majority Muslim republic of Dagestan, killing a priest and six police officers, the national counterterrorism agency and police said Sunday.
Attackers opened fire at the synagogue and church in the city of Derbent with automatic rifles at around 6:00 p.m. local time before driving away from the scene in a white Volkswagen Polo car, officials reported.
The synagogue caught fire shortly after the attack, according to videos published online.
Father Nikolai, a 66-year-old priest at the Orthodox church in Derbent, was killed in a knife attack, said Shamil Khadulaev, the chairman of Dagestan's Public Monitoring Commission. He said priests have locked themselves inside the church and are waiting for help."!
Looks to be another glow-op to destabilize the country, just like the airport riot incident a few months back.


Looks like the same guys, dead.

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I'll be honest, NOW I am very concerned about this escalating. I don't know what demonic control is forcing the NATO powers to commit the world to another world war, but it seems they are hell-bent on doing it. The ancient jewish (or masonic) hatred towards Russia is becoming full-blown at this point, but not enough people are talking about it. I don't know how to stop them. Perhaps it had to come to a head like this, to show that only God can save us from these diabolical forces.
I'll be honest, NOW I am very concerned about this escalating. I don't know what demonic control is forcing the NATO powers to commit the world to another world war, but it seems they are hell-bent on doing it. The ancient jewish (or masonic) hatred towards Russia is becoming full-blown at this point, but not enough people are talking about it. I don't know how to stop them. Perhaps it had to come to a head like this, to show that only God can save us from these diabolical forces.

Perhaps if things get really dire Putin will offer all those who oppose the faggot globohomo system, the chance for political asylum in Russia.
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“The Defence ministry said U.S. specialists had set the missiles' flight coordinates on the basis of information from U.S. spy satellites, meaning Washington was directly responsible.”

"Responsibility for the deliberate missile attack on the civilians of Sevastopol is borne above all by Washington, which supplied these weapons to Ukraine, and by the Kyiv regime, from whose territory this strike was carried out," the ministry said.”

“The Defence ministry said U.S. specialists had set the missiles' flight coordinates on the basis of information from U.S. spy satellites, meaning Washington was directly responsible.”

"Responsibility for the deliberate missile attack on the civilians of Sevastopol is borne above all by Washington, which supplied these weapons to Ukraine, and by the Kyiv regime, from whose territory this strike was carried out," the ministry said.”
Perhaps Russia will finally start properly dropping bombs on Keeev
Perhaps Russia will finally start properly dropping bombs on Keeev

No point completely destroying a city that you will later add to the territory of your own country.
Also Kiev is full of Russian cultural and historical sites, and it would be madness to flatten them.

I do however agree with you they should take out the power system, rail lines, and airports.
Why the Russians have left those things intact in Kiev for the past 2 years remains a mystery to me.
Excellent analysis of the current situation and future prospects from Mark Sleboda, a bit long but pretty thorough.

Sleboda is more realistic than say Scott Ritter or even Macgregor or Larry Johnson. He believes that NATO is all in and won't stop, and changed his mind about Russia now having to go all the way to Kiev.
Excellent analysis of the current situation and future prospects from Mark Sleboda, a bit long but pretty thorough.

Sleboda is more realistic than say Scott Ritter or even Macgregor or Larry Johnson. He believes that NATO is all in and won't stop, and changed his mind about Russia now having to go all the way to Kiev.

Good to see you coming around Cooper, been saying what Mark has been saying for years.

Our parasitical leaders aren't going to back down from this. They realize their host countries are at their apex and will never be stronger, therefore, they must go all in and force the rest of the world into a war lest they fall behind and lose power. Not to mention, they believe they have a real chance at success.
Perhaps Russia will finally start properly dropping bombs on Keeev
The real culprits behind this, and other attacks, are not in Kiev.

No point completely destroying a city that you will later add to the territory of your own country.
Also Kiev is full of Russian cultural and historical sites, and it would be madness to flatten them.

I do however agree with you they should take out the power system, rail lines, and airports.
Why the Russians have left those things intact in Kiev for the past 2 years remains a mystery to me.
Ukrainian power generating capabilities have been seriously degraded. Most of their conventional power plants (80% of thermal, 50% of hydro) have been already destroyed. There's still work to be done to finish the remainder. Right now most of ukrainian power comes from nuclear power plants and from the EU. Rolling blackouts are a common thing.
As for the airports, it's work in progress - there are almost weekly attacks on ukrainian airfields: either drone strikes on aircraft, or missile strikes on aviation infrastructure. To completely destroy the runways, specialised anti-runway munitions are needed, Russia has the BetAB-500ShP concrete-piercing aerial bombs for this purpose, but their range is limited.

Anyway, destroying ukrainian power grid and their airfields won't end the attacks on Crimea and in the Black Sea. To do so, Russia needs to put an end to western reconnaissance activities over the Black Sea.
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