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Lounge of The Russian-Ukrainian War

Forgive me for putting it in the wrong thread.

Why should NATO not expand? Maybe you will talk about the biolabs on the border of Russia. In truth, these were former Soviet biolabs that America decided to foot the bill for instead of let a bunch of biological weapons scientists loose on the open market. I bought this line at first myself about aggressive NATO expansion, but Russia are the ones invading a country, not the other way around. Why shouldn't smaller nations in the area be allowed to join a defensive alliance for their personal protection?

Colour revolutions? If you read the article, it indicates different responsibility for meddling in colour revolutions.
Screenshot from 2024-06-14 17-18-15.png

Maidan coup? What makes you think the West was meddling with this? How many CIA or Mi6 agents are capable of speaking Ukrainian... maybe dozens? How many FSB agents are capable of speaking Ukrainian...?

You lot are just as against the West as the self-hating anti-white leftists. Is that not ironic? Or strange? Utterly bizarre? You have a kneejerk reaction where you just assume the West is to blame.

Why would the Jews flood the West with Muslims? How is that logical? In blaming the Jews for immigration, how many borders have closed? What if you are wrong?

For example, take Jeffrey Epstein, notorious blackmailer of Western elites. We all assume he was working for Mossad. But all 4 of his grandparents lived in Russia. Everyone overlooks that.

Is Putin himself not ethnically Jewish? Why does he get a pass? I don't know. I guess flooding Western nations with immigrants is fine if Putin is doing it.
Initially I wanted to rant about buffer zones, provocative nature of building military facilities near the borders of another state (You think we would allow China to place their troops and weapon systems in Mexico ?). Throw some photos of high ranking US officials on the ground in Kiev during the maidan coup, things like that. But it's all in the past and it doesn't really matter, what matters is where we are right now - and right now Russia is responding to our hybrid warfare with their own hybrid attacks. Simple as that. Poland made attempts to overthrow Lukashenko, so now Lukashenko floods the Polish border with hostile swarms. Action begets a reaction.
Forgive me for putting it in the wrong thread.

Why should NATO not expand? Maybe you will talk about the biolabs on the border of Russia. In truth, these were former Soviet biolabs that America decided to foot the bill for instead of let a bunch of biological weapons scientists loose on the open market. I bought this line at first myself about aggressive NATO expansion, but Russia are the ones invading a country, not the other way around. Why shouldn't smaller nations in the area be allowed to join a defensive alliance for their personal protection?

Colour revolutions? If you read the article, it indicates different responsibility for meddling in colour revolutions.
Screenshot from 2024-06-14 17-18-15.png

Maidan coup? What makes you think the West was meddling with this? How many CIA or Mi6 agents are capable of speaking Ukrainian... maybe dozens? How many FSB agents are capable of speaking Ukrainian...?

You lot are just as against the West as the self-hating anti-white leftists. Is that not ironic? Or strange? Utterly bizarre? You have a kneejerk reaction where you just assume the West is to blame.

Why would the Jews flood the West with Muslims? How is that logical? In blaming the Jews for immigration, how many borders have closed? What if you are wrong?

For example, take Jeffrey Epstein, notorious blackmailer of Western elites. We all assume he was working for Mossad. But all 4 of his grandparents lived in Russia. Everyone overlooks that.

Is Putin himself not ethnically Jewish? Why does he get a pass? I don't know. I guess flooding Western nations with immigrants is fine if Putin is doing it.

If Mexico had tried to form a military based alliance with Russia what would have the USA done?

You're making the mistake that thinking objectively about something is the same as supporting Russia over the USA, it's not. Being a "patriot" doesn't mean you blindly support everything your country does even when it's to your own detriment, if anything being blind towards it is the opposite of being a patriot as it hurts our country. I don't support Russia and I don't support Putin, I'm an American and I know Russians wouldn't spit on me if I was on fire. But that doesn't mean I think it's okay to provoke a war with them simply because they are trying to protect their interests, if anything Russia has shown incredible restraint in the whole situation.
Why should NATO not expand?
NATO should have been disbanded - or dissolved - in 1990. Instead, as part of the Globalist Army Forces, it is being used as a cover in coup takeovers as well as acting as trainers/consultants in a war (i.e., training and helping Ukrainians to fight Russia) .
Colour revolutions? If you read the article, it indicates different responsibility for meddling in colour revolutions.
No. (((This guy))) is the go-to for color revolutions and coup takeovers.

Maidan coup? What makes you think the West was meddling with this? How many CIA or Mi6 agents are capable of speaking Ukrainian... maybe dozens? How many FSB agents are capable of speaking Ukrainian...?


You lot are just as against the West as the self-hating anti-white leftists. Is that not ironic? Or strange? Utterly bizarre? You have a kneejerk reaction where you just assume the West is to blame.
Why would the Jews flood the West with Muslims? How is that logical? In blaming the Jews for immigration, how many borders have closed? What if you are wrong?
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Is Putin himself not ethnically Jewish? Why does he get a pass? I don't know. I guess flooding Western nations with immigrants is fine if Putin is doing it.

As if Putin is to blame for Talmudic Jews opening the borders wide open to allow anyone to enter in the first place. This is easily verified by looking at any party which promotes "migration assistance" in any Western nation, and they are all run by Talmudic Jews such as the Democrat Party.

Extremely dishonest posting, how can you not see such a thing?

UKRAINE’S RARE EARTH METALS VALUED AT $11.7 TRILLION USUkraine’s handlers, the CIA, want to build a Lithium plant outside of Kyiv to oppose China’s monopoly. Ukraine has the largest unexplored rare earth minerals in Europe valued at $11.5 trillion. Depopulating Ukraine "was a necessary evil in order to take control over the resources." "Until The Last Ukrainian."~Zelenskyy quote"

Most of Ukraine’s rare earth reserves, including those of lithium, beryllium and niobium, are currently in zones occupied by Russia, mainly Zaporizhzhia and Donetsk on eastern Ukraine. Black gold soil – white gold minerals. These minerals are essential in making chips, smartphones, windmills, solar panels, laptops, and electric vehicles. And Europe wants them badly.

Not just Europe – licenses have been given to Australian companies, UK companies, US companies, and Turkish countries. The largest investor is BVG Group.BGV Group is an investment company in Kyiv established in 2015 – one year after the Ukraine coup of 2014 and the ousting of pro-Russian president Viktor Yanukovych. The same time frame wherein Hunter Biden and former CIA agent, Joseph Black, established themselves on the board of Burisma Holdings in Ukraine wherein oil and gas leases were ‘unnationalized’ and given to Burisma. Registered in Cyprus, Burisma dissolved in 2023 amidst allegations of money laundering and the funding of terrorism.It is likely BVG Group obtained their leases of mineral deposits simultaneously from the same coup inserted CIA operative government.

In 2019, BVG partnered with Holtec Company in a joint venture and incorporated in Delaware. Holtec’s founder and CEO is Dr Kris Singh. His focus is on nuclear energy. In particular – “Dr. Singh has been leading Holtec in the global race to develop a “walk away safe” small modular reactor to make nuclear energy a cost-competitive clean energy solution for a world struggling with rising carbon emissions.” Including for civilian use.

The Ukrainian founder of BVG Group is Hennadii Butkevych, a wealthy dodnor to Ukraine’s economy.March 2024, Butkevych and his team met with “British parliamentarians, members of the House of Lords and state ministers to participate in an official event on investment in Ukraine, which took place in the Houses of Parliament. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss British-Ukrainian partnership in the field of critical minerals mining, which will help the United Kingdom to develop advanced technologies and promote the transition to clean energy.

”The number of players in this earth mineral excavation is likely padded with anonymous investors through circuitous offshore shell companies. But the sheer enormity of the value of these minerals would explain the Ukraine obsession. Obviously, Russia is also well aware of these resources.While Russia is considered the largest producer of rare earth metals after China, at 2.6 thousand metric tons per year, the consequences of Ukraine’s production could impact trade. From that standpoint, Russia has no real impetus to end the onslaught in Ukraine. And a more nefarious agenda may be playing out via the CIA and MI6. There is no love lost between Ukrainians and the CIA, MI6 and Mossad. Their economy is negligible. But sharing $11.7 trillion with these citizens is not a common consideration among the Kabbalahs. Thus, using Russia as a means of eliminating the population and their share of the wealth could explain the ‘forever war concept’.

It is the same game plan used over and over in Africa. Steal their wealth while punishing the citizens and pushing them deeper into poverty. Decade after decade, there has been no reduction in poverty, no hastening to shared economic wealth, no building – there are only vacant words while they rape the land, its resources, and wealth.

The same scenario took place in Colombia wherein the CIA infiltrated themselves into the Cocaine drug wars – to steal the drugs for profit – off the books of course. The same scenario is used to steal Syria’s oil and sell it on the black market. Off the books. Iran’s oil is a dangling participle. Russian resources are the slobber of Estonia’s President calling for a collapse of the current system given Russia will not assimilate into western colonial rule."

A year+ after the fall of Bakhmut, Chasiv Yar (5 miles away) stands. Every Army on earth should be reviewing doctrine in light of new tech and events. Maybe Russia is fine with the slow churn, as attrition appears to favor them. What a grind, this huge cauldron. Russia has just said "forget it, let your men die on our slowly advancing spear." No sense in exposing their own men to unnecessary risk. Keep constant pressure across the line, take what you get, maybe something will break big - but don't get over-exposed. Make the enemy do the most dying.

Either way, however/wherever this settles, that line will be the new East/West divider. The rainbow curtain will fall and everyone west of it will be subject to the western ways. Ukrainians still don't get it - they are fighting for their grandchildren (if they have any) to be transgender mulattos. Like the Normandy meme.
A number of the more niche British and American media pundits are suggesting Putin is in serious trouble with his military losses.

I have generally been more or less convinced that the Russians are advancing the way they are to chew up vital Western-supplied resources, yet they could have done a few things much better.

The Black Sea Fleet losses, for example, are not as big a feather in Ukraine’s cap as stated in Western media - they are not unsubstantial either. Russia needs to understand the vulnerabilities of its surface fleets and adjust accordingly.

The Europeans and Americans have the luxury of concentrated coastlines with nearby populations amenable to navies, whereas the Russians have to thin out their smaller forces (smaller relative to the Americans) to cover the required distances.

Maybe surface fleets as we know them are already obsolete and we just do not know it. The submarine situation is not spellbindingly great for Russia, though. These wonder torpedoes and missiles the Russians have do not change the fact that they will need many more newer vessels, especially if surface fleets are not present in sufficient numbers/do not remain effective.
The Black Sea Fleet losses, for example, are not as big a feather in Ukraine’s cap as stated in Western media - they are not unsubstantial either. Russia needs to understand the vulnerabilities of its surface fleets and adjust accordingly.

Supposedly, Russia is rolling out their new S500 air defense systems to rectify this problem. We shall see.

As for Russia's navy, it's nothing special. Russia is a land based power, and America is a naval based power. Both are extremely strong in their respective areas.

The idea that Russia is having trouble in Ukraine is countered by almost every available metric. Ukraine continues to spend far more money than Russia, and has far more serious manpower issues. That is NOT what the winning side does.
A number of the more niche British and American media pundits are suggesting Putin is in serious trouble with his military losses.

I have generally been more or less convinced that the Russians are advancing the way they are to chew up vital Western-supplied resources, yet they could have done a few things much better.

The Black Sea Fleet losses, for example, are not as big a feather in Ukraine’s cap as stated in Western media - they are not unsubstantial either. Russia needs to understand the vulnerabilities of its surface fleets and adjust accordingly.

The Europeans and Americans have the luxury of concentrated coastlines with nearby populations amenable to navies, whereas the Russians have to thin out their smaller forces (smaller relative to the Americans) to cover the required distances.

Maybe surface fleets as we know them are already obsolete and we just do not know it. The submarine situation is not spellbindingly great for Russia, though. These wonder torpedoes and missiles the Russians have do not change the fact that they will need many more newer vessels, especially if surface fleets are not present in sufficient numbers/do not remain effective.
If I'm hearing in the media that Russia isn't doing so well, I just assume the opposite.
As I see it, the plan here is to lock Russia and Europe in a perpetual state of war to: "keep America in, Russia out, and Germany down".
..and the European Union is in on it.

With the keep America in part, it is as if Europeans still have a vision of America as it was around perhaps 1950 - 1970, the main part of the Cold War and long before it became the author and desseminator of everything woke and degenerate. Before it became as zionist-occupied as it is now.

I don't get it how there is no visible policy anywhere in Europe to perhaps have less of America in some parts Europe. You'd think some people would have cottoned on by now.
..and the European Union is in on it.

With the keep America in part, it is as if Europeans still have a vision of America as it was around perhaps 1950 - 1970, the main part of the Cold War and long before it became the author and desseminator of everything woke and degenerate. Before it became as zionist-occupied as it is now.

I don't get it how there is no visible policy anywhere in Europe to perhaps have less of America in some parts Europe. You'd think some people would have cottoned on by now.

To be truly sovereign and "independent" of American influence you need an enormous military and lots of nuclear weapons....if you don't have either you just get put on a list of "rogue" states which are then subject to american led sanctions which the USA forces ita allies to implement as well. America will destroy your country's ability to do business and create wealth with the rest of the world if you don't follow their endless globohomo mandates.

Only Russia, China, and a few very rich Muslim countries (such as Saudi Arabia, UAE, etc) are truly sovereign and free.
North Korea, Cuba, Syria, Myanmar, Iran are also free but very poor and powerless because they have all been on the globohomo blacklist for more than 40 years.
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To be truly sovereign and "independent" of American influence you need an enormous military and lots of nuclear weapons....if you don't have either you just get put on a list of "rogue" states which are then subject to american led sanctions which the USA forces ita allies to implement as well. America will destroy your country's ability to do business and create wealth with the rest of the world if you don't follow their endless globohomo mandates.

Only Russia, China, and a few very rich Muslim countries (such as Saudi Arabia, UAE, etc) are truly sovereign and free.
North Korea, Cuba, Syria, Myanmar, Iran are also free but very poor and powerless because they have all been on the globohomo blacklist for more than 40 years.
My country Switzerland has the second largest number of arms per capita and the US still pushes us around. We are so afraid to be free
To be truly sovereign and "independent" of American influence you need an enormous military and lots of nuclear weapons....if you don't have either you just get put on a list of "rogue" states which are then subject to american led sanctions which the USA forces ita allies to implement as well. America will destroy your country's ability to do business and create wealth with the rest of the world if you don't follow their endless globohomo mandates.

Only Russia, China, and a few very rich Muslim countries (such as Saudi Arabia, UAE, etc) are truly sovereign and free.
North Korea, Cuba, Syria, Myanmar, Iran are also free but very poor and powerless because they have all been on the globohomo blacklist for more than 40 years.

Gee, I (((wonder))) what the common denominator of sovereign countries are?
To be truly sovereign and "independent" of American influence you need an enormous military and lots of nuclear weapons....if you don't have either you just get put on a list of "rogue" states which are then subject to american led sanctions which the USA forces ita allies to implement as well. America will destroy your country's ability to do business and create wealth with the rest of the world if you don't follow their endless globohomo mandates.

Only Russia, China, and a few very rich Muslim countries (such as Saudi Arabia, UAE, etc) are truly sovereign and free.
North Korea, Cuba, Syria, Myanmar, Iran are also free but very poor and powerless because they have all been on the globohomo blacklist for more than 40 years.
Have not looked at the armies, but by numbers of nuclear weapons it goes :

Russia 5580
United States 5044
China 500
France 290
United Kingdom 225
India 170
Pakistan 170
Israel 90
North Korea 50

Are the 290 of France and 225 of United Kingdom too few to count?

Not sure it's just about armies and nukes, must be some other major factor that makes this as it is. France and UK at least at the top level don't have a wish to have America out. I think they don't have US bases either like Germany but they're effectively part of the Globohomo Alliance anyway, despite their nukes.
A number of the more niche British and American media pundits are suggesting Putin is in serious trouble with his military losses.

I have generally been more or less convinced that the Russians are advancing the way they are to chew up vital Western-supplied resources, yet they could have done a few things much better.

The Black Sea Fleet losses, for example, are not as big a feather in Ukraine’s cap as stated in Western media - they are not unsubstantial either. Russia needs to understand the vulnerabilities of its surface fleets and adjust accordingly.

The Europeans and Americans have the luxury of concentrated coastlines with nearby populations amenable to navies, whereas the Russians have to thin out their smaller forces (smaller relative to the Americans) to cover the required distances.

Maybe surface fleets as we know them are already obsolete and we just do not know it. The submarine situation is not spellbindingly great for Russia, though. These wonder torpedoes and missiles the Russians have do not change the fact that they will need many more newer vessels, especially if surface fleets are not present in sufficient numbers/do not remain effective.
Just like the proliferation of cheap loitering munitions affected manoeuvre warfare, naval drones have affected naval operations. None of the ships currently in service was designed to tackle this kind of a threat. The next generation of warships will be designed based on the lessons learned today in the Black Sea. And while Russia is paying a price for those lessons, it's not as high as the media tells us - "Moskva" was the only real capital ship Russia lost, other ships lost were: supply vessels, missile boats, patrol boats, etc. These losses definitely had a negative impact on the Black Sea Fleet, but they didn't affect Russian strike capabilities.

Supposedly, Russia is rolling out their new S500 air defense systems to rectify this problem. We shall see.

As for Russia's navy, it's nothing special. Russia is a land based power, and America is a naval based power. Both are extremely strong in their respective areas.

The idea that Russia is having trouble in Ukraine is countered by almost every available metric. Ukraine continues to spend far more money than Russia, and has far more serious manpower issues. That is NOT what the winning side does.
The S-500 will, most likely, be used to hunt down ukrainian F-16s at extreme long range, as soon as they leave Romanian airspace. But it obviously won't solve the naval drone threat, which can only be fixed by confronting western reconnaissance activities over the Black Sea and this can be easily done without S-500s - making a decision to shoot down western UAVs is the hard part.

If I'm hearing in the media that Russia isn't doing so well, I just assume the opposite.
So the media attention is focused on the Black Sea just when it became painstakingly clear that we lost the battle for the Red Sea.
What a cohencidence.
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Have not looked at the armies, but by numbers of nuclear weapons it goes :

Russia 5580
United States 5044
China 500
France 290
United Kingdom 225
India 170
Pakistan 170
Israel 90
North Korea 50

Are the 290 of France and 225 of United Kingdom too few to count?

Not sure it's just about armies and nukes, must be some other major factor that makes this as it is. France and UK at least at the top level don't have a wish to have America out. I think they don't have US bases either like Germany but they're effectively part of the Globohomo Alliance anyway, despite their nukes.
It is almost certain that Iran has them too, and has had them for quite a long time.

Three days’ worth of supplies: Denmark issues prepper guidelines to citizens​

All households in Denmark should be prepared to survive for three days without food, water, gas and electricity, according to new guidelines announced this morning. “Nobody should be afraid because of these new recommendations,” said the director of the National Emergency Management Agency.

Three days’ worth of supplies: Denmark issues prepper guidelines to citizens​

All households in Denmark should be prepared to survive for three days without food, water, gas and electricity, according to new guidelines announced this morning. “Nobody should be afraid because of these new recommendations,” said the director of the National Emergency Management Agency.

3 days is a very short timeframe.