Just to clarify, I'm 100% pro-Russia in this conflict.
Whilst I acknowledge that Putin's Russia is far from perfect, the West's criticism of him is based on fabrications, distortions and embellishments of the truth. Meanwhile, I'm well aware that most Western governments are controlled, directly or indirectly, by an evil elite that is responsible for the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan, the meddling in Libya, Guantanamo Bay, and of course supports the Israeli regime. Dissidents and whistle blowers face persecution or death, e.g. David Kelly, Julian Assange and Edward Snowden. Meanwhile, the insidious decline in Christian values, which have been replaced with the likes of LGBTQ+, BLM and the concept of 'white privilege', have been actively promoted. Nobody will ever convince me that the West is morally superior to Russia.
My only concern is that when you have a forum populated by people who think similarly to me, who want to see a Russian victory, then objective reporting becomes difficult. Many appear to be predicting a Russian victory. Whilst I hope that's coming, is this not just the opposite of what the pro-Ukrainians were predicting for months on Twitter? I have read various reports indicating that Zelensky's army's about to be crushed, but when I look at the maps, the Russian forces don't appear to be making any progress. It just appears to have been a stalemate for some time.
@TruckDriver9 is the man who will be able to answer this, hopefully, given he appears to pay close attention to the maps.
The real score in this battle is being kept from the public, Ukrainians have been dying at far greater rates in this war of attrition where artillery is king, used in conjunction with drone warfare. The Russians have an overwhelming advantage in firepower volume, about 7-10 to 1, so the loss ratio is similarly lopsided.
Russia would have cried uncle and settled this war if their loss ratio was anywhere near Ukraine's. Ukraine has lost around 400,000-500,000 KIA, Russia around 7 to 9 times fewer.
The other factor in Russia's favor is that they use sound, efficient and conservative tactics, like encirclements and defensive postures (Surovikin Line), whereas the Ukrainians are driven by PR tactics because the Zelensky govt and NATO want to preserve their narrative and keep the arms flow and morale up. As well NATO command is relatively ineffective due to their tremendous cultural hubris that has grossly overestimated their military prowess and wonderweapons while underestimating Russia's.
Furthermore, this war has highlighted the flaws within the US/NATO MIC, which has been geared towards expensive weaponry for mideast wars against fighters in sandals with AKs and RPGs. The Russian experience has been a rude awakening for them. The US MIC is overpriced, bloated, focused on the wrong type of weaponry and unable to scale up production of war staples.
Part of the problem with NATO is that their leaders are lawyer-ideologue types who don't understand military strategy, or revolving door generals who are glorified MIC lobbyists, political animals and business climbers. Guys like MacGregor who are military experts and aren't in the pocket of the MIC don't make it to the top.
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