Latest UK Lunacy

I got roasted for pointing this out before but Brexit was a wet fart and is now being used to punish the (white) UK people for even daring to stand up for themselves.
I got roasted for pointing this out before but Brexit was a wet fart and is now being used to punish the (white) UK people for even daring to stand up for themselves.
Not sure if I mentioned here, or elsewhere, but the more cynical amongst us now refer to Brino - Brexit in name only.
I got roasted for pointing this out before but Brexit was a wet fart and is now being used to punish the (white) UK people for even daring to stand up for themselves.
I recall the RVF Brexit thread warning that Farage would gladly replace Eastern Europeans with the entire Indian sub-Continent.

The scenes of Merkel's men of fighting age walking into Eastern Europe were just too vivid and people in disenfranchised areas outside of London and university cities just want to vote in the only election that meant something in their lifetimes.
"Emily knew she was gay in her mid-teens and came out to her supportive parents when she was 16. Kerry was at university to train as a teacher when she realised she was a lesbian and came out to her equally accepting family."

If, as a daughters, you have effitte, docile progressives for a fathers, as likely in this scenario, who gave you no real model of manliness and no foundation to counter the indoctrination from school and university, then this aberration is not shocking.

Just yesterday, on a predominantly boomer biker forum I read that one bloke, who wanted to buy a project bike, was thwarted by SWMBO (she who must be obeyed). I feel like giving such wimps a slap.