Latest UK Lunacy

I'd rather fight the enemies within, thanks. Putin isn't trying to trans my kids or destroy my marriage. I think the "service guarantees citizenship" is a scarily accurate solution to the migrant problem. I can't help reading the article in Morgoth's accent, though.
Surely what's most likely, is that misguided patriotic types will sign up and Muslims, socialists, Woke-types will refuse.

"Patriotism is the last refuge of the Tory."

We will see a lot of this as the Conservative Party edges closer to the prospect of a wipe out during the next General Election.
Well as we know, British men used to throw acid in their wifes' faces as part of an ancient tradition. We all did it back in the day, that's just being trad don't you know. I swear, only a hot civil war is going to shut those feminists up.

Apparently acid attacks were quite popular in the late 19th Century, women being the main perpetrators. It was called "throwing vitriol", which is where the phrase comes from.
A fan of Newcastle United has been banned from the ground for 3 years, for expressing non woke views on the Trans fraternity. The comments were nothing to do with football, or the club and yet, she was targeted by a unit set up by the Premier League.

Read this one thorougly - the actions of this unit were full on FSU/Stasi tactics.

Article below:
I saw a tweet/x from a feminist denouncing the attack as another example of male violence against women and girls.

Multiculturalism must be defended at all costs, sometimes with left-flank counter-attacks.
A man was attacked with acid when he wound down his car window to a skitzo who escaped on moped in Surbition (Greater London) the other week....the man sent out a video from his hospital ward to others warning them not to open their car windows.

What's the righteous solution here? I'm struggling because Evangelicals I know won't say boo to anything.....are we to take this increasing onslaught with grace and accept it because we fear being judged on judgement day, or are Christians such nice, nice people that simply don't have the aggression to react to any of this madness?