Latest UK Lunacy


This is despite British Zionism's anti-Christian and anti-British policies after the Irgun Gang publicly hanged British NCOs after the UN gave the British Empire Pilate's poisoned chalice. They represented the NCOs who liberated the German camps after WW2.

Here is the sanitised wikipedia version of the case:

Lessons learnt: Don't fall for boat people's victimhood card and read Kipling's White Man's Burden
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Shocking news now as, in the middle of winter, it's going to go below freezing, and there's going to be a bit of snow. When I was young this wouldn't have registered, yet now, it's a newsworthy item. Going by the comments, I'm not the only one to be unimpressed:

Trying to make the weather seem more extreme because of climate change. They did this in summer “Temperatures SOAR to 32 degrees Celsius!”

Your average British normie must be amped up on fear constantly. I have no tv licence and don’t consume any mainstream news at all. It took me quite some time to remember who the Prime Minister was the other day. Bliss.
A few days ago, a new channel opened on satellite TV, called Thats TV 2, which is a retro/nostalgia channel. One of the series its currently showing is an innocuous sitcom from the mid 80's, called Fresh Fields:

To my utter bewilderment, there was a trigger warning shown over the opening credits (attitudes, depictions, etc).
Another £2.5bn sent to Ukraine. People are actually starting to show that they're getting fed up of this crap.
@Nordwand - why are you watching TV? There's net zero cameras that need decapitating, gays to be converted.
"Know thine enemy"

Sun Tzu

Needless to say, I don't mix with them, apart from when forced to at work, so the early evening news is the best way of finding out what they're thinking.

Of late, I watch very little regular TV (they lost me during covid) and tend to rely on what I call Netflix Black - my judicious use of the like and dislike buttons has produced something that would make the average wokie blow a gasket. Between that and Walter over at Channel 4, the likes of Strictly Come Dancing don't get a look in.
An advert on BBC1 last night, showing new programmes that are coming up in the next few months - precious few white faces to be seen.
I've often said to people, if the shoe was on the other foot and I had the opportunity to take the diversity slot, I'd decline it as I'd respect the fact the UK is predominantly a white land still. My guess is that those filling the allocated slots have a chip on their shoulder which drives them.
Go to 16:36 for the stats of one English city (Telford). Start watching from 15:40 to understand the true depravity of Pakistanis.

(remove the spacing, literally cant link it due to restrictions from the Jews)

Telford has a population of 140k
There have been 1000 white girls in Telford who have been victims of rape at the hands of Muslims (Pakistanis)
The police identified over 200 Pakistani rapists involved, independent inquiries identified 250-350
Telford has a 1.7% Mulsim population, which equates to 2800 Muslims (according to Tommy's figures altho it should be 2400/140k)
When you remove the women, under 16s and over 70s you are left with around 1000 males meaning that 25% to 35% of the Paki Muslim males aged 16 to 70 were involved in the gang rape of white girls.

The only 2 English cities were the numbers of the victims and rapists have been released were Telford and Rotherham
Telford 1.7% muslims and Rotherham 3.7% muslims
Imagine the scale of rape in cities where there is a 50% mulsim population like Luton or 30% in Birmingham
This practice of Pakistanis gang raping white girls has been highlighted in over 60 cities across England

In the north of England you have 3 major cities of Leeds, Manchester and Sheffield
Taking their populations from wiki listed as "primary urban area" you have
Manchester: 1.7m
Leeds: 750k
Sheffield: 550k

Now we will look at the smaller cities on the outskirts of these major cities where mass scale rapes of white girls has been exposed
Manchester - Rochdale (230k pop)
Leeds - Huddersfield (140k pop)
Sheffield - Rotherham (265k pop)

in the midlands and south we also have
Birmingham(2.3m) - Telford (155k)
London(8.3m) - Luton (220k)

Leicster is just an example of a mid sized stand alone city (330k) not on the outskirts of a major city but has had large scale paki rape gangs exposed, like dozens of other cities but taking it as one example.
Bradford is another city that has had mass scale rape but it's kind of in-between a stand alone city (290k) and an outskirts city (of Leeds)

Now to my conclusion:
Pakis are aware that in large cities that attract tourists, students, global workers, large commerce etc etc, there are far more resources invested into keeping the city's image good.

This means that there are enough police to immediately catch someone if they go attacking people in the city centre, there are also enough police to rush to the scene if some woman gets raped/beaten walking home from a student night out back to her uni campus, this then trickles down to general rape in a high population density area being harder to get away with thanks to constant cctv tracking.

There is also the fact that with the higher population you are less likely to bump into people more than once, so familiarity game cant be run by hanging outside a fast food place every day to scope out a victim because there many different options and things for people to do from evening to evening.

However in towns/cities with a 100k to 250k population, there are far less things to do or places to hang out so pakis are able to hang out in places where young girls frequent, often without anyone else watching because oldcels just sit indoors and most people in their 20s-30s have moved to the larger neighbouring city to seek greater prosperity. The small city for this reason is just filled with oldcels and under 18s and pakis take exploit this by taking advantage of the lack of eyes on them.

There is also an severe lack of police relative to the population in these towns/cities with no prosperity but the police that they do have were instructed not to pursue/prosecute the perpetrators because the Jews that are in the higher ranks of all white police forces want to see this mass scale rape happening.
Think of it like the jews are the pitbull owners and the pakis are the deformed flat faced inbred pitbulls being thrown into a childrens play pen to kill children.
The whole guff about "the police didn't do anything because they were afraid to be called racist" is a BS excuse to cover up that they were ORDERED
from those ranked above them not to pursue the perpetrators but the fact they took those orders makes them useless cucks and the reason the west is falling apart.

This isn't to say there aren't giga numbers of white girls being raped in the major cities, maybe its more per capita for all I know and it was exposed as being industrial scale in Newcastle as well which is a large city furthest north but I think there is something to the theory of outskirts cities since 20%+ of the pakis there are gang rapists.

For such a figure to be true in Birmingham for example would mean hundreds of thousands of gang rapists, the country would surely have resorted to the stone age with mass revenge killings by now if that was the case but maybe I underestimate the cuckedness of UK males.

I would say we should take joy in the idea of these pricks burning in hell but we should realistically make them suffer on earth by capturing them and making them suffer extreme torture.
The UK has joined Sweden and Germany to hint that conscription will be fired to fight for Globohomo.
The UK has joined Sweden and Germany to hint that conscription will be fired to fight for Globohomo.

It's not going to work. They're going to have to move to the late Roman Empire model of conscripting illegals in exchange for citizenships. They could get tens of thousands of merc migrants from India, Nigeria, Sudan etc. Already being done in the US Army now, with lots of Central Americans.
The UK has joined Sweden and Germany to hint that conscription will be fired to fight for Globohomo.
The photos shown and the words chosen by our highly respected and decorated military expert person seems to be aimed at whitey conveniently. It should be clear by now to everyone there's nothing to fight for and we shouldn't even be thinking about fighting the Russians.