Latest UK Lunacy

Its just intimidation I dont think in reality much can happen, you get arrested and go to jail for a few nights, free food and housing then you go to court and they have nothing to convict you of, unless the judges are totally corrupt and dishonest then its another story. How do they know if you retweeting something to show that you support or if you are against it? Its so silly
I refer the Right Honorable gentleman to the post made by the Right Honorable gentleman MrRedsquare..
I refer the Right Honorable gentleman to the post made by the Right Honorable gentleman MrRedsquare..

If thats the case the public should hire a good lawyer and they take all the news media to court because they are showing footage of the riots, if its a crime to show it then the media is most guilty, use their laws against them
I hate to advocate passive-aggression but the people of the UK need to harness the power of social sanction. I'm talking about shunning/ostracization. Human beings are social creatures and humiliation/social rejection can often hurt more than physical pain; just ask anybody who's been through an old-school style military boot-camp.

These politicians who write and enact unjust laws, judges, Crown prosecutors, and police officers who enforce unjust laws and arrest the innocent...these people don't exist in a vacuum, they are members of communities...they have families. Business owners, deny these people and their families entry/service. Wife of an Orwellian judge or prosecuter come into your store? Publicly humiliate her in front of bystanders and identify her as someone who sleeps with the enemy. Parent of school-age children? Have your kids shun their kids in the classroom and on the playground. See how they feel when their kids come home every day in tears.

Don't actively bully them, simply turn the cheek and ignore them as if they don't exist. This works, I've seen it in action. A PoS family in my hometown was shunned, the kids were taken out of public school, the wife attempted suicide, and they were eventually forced to leave town.

And if all that fails...the British people may not have access to firearms but they still have access to torches, pitchforks, and billhooks.
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Its just intimidation I dont think in reality much can happen, you get arrested and go to jail for a few nights, free food and housing then you go to court and they have nothing to convict you of, unless the judges are totally corrupt and dishonest then its another story. How do they know if you retweeting something to show that you support or if you are against it? Its so silly
The fact that it is happening at all should set off alarm bells.For the average Britoon,getting arrested for whatever reason and spending time in a police cell is NOT a badge of honour as opposed to the likes of the Just Oil/Extinction rebellion lunatics who see arrest and conviction for whatever, a right of passage into the woke world of left wing ideaology and madness.A myriad of support networks including the Open Society Foundation octopus come out of the woodwork to bale out or defend said loonies.Who steps up to defend Mr/Mrs 'say no to illegal immigration'?No one that's who!
I was born and brought up in one of those cities featured on the 'news'.Those Britoon 'rioters' looked like your average beer swilling nutters that frequent said towns with nothing better to do than go looking for a scrap and may I add,just warming up for the start of the British (not English) football season.The other thing that bothered me about some of the 'riots' is that they looked like Police riot control practice.Have you ever seen them?I remember striking miners fighting back against Police thuggery.

Let's get this straight!These are NOT riots.They are pathetic,unorganised street protests.An embarrassment.Beer swilling 'rioters'?Always the same with yer football mobs and general miscreants.Anythin for a larf an a bit of bovver.How many remember bovver boys?Coppers were hard pressed to contain real bovver boys in the day.
Cargo pants,England T shirts ,can of 'favourite @ lager' in the hand,Sez it all really.

As for a corrupt judicial system and bent coppers.....that prompted me to go and rewatch the movie 'In the name of the Father' staring Daniel Day Lewis and recounts the disgraceful and shameful fitting up of the Guildford Four and the Birmingham six.

Perfidious Albion indeed !
Saluting the publican for tossing Two-Tier Kier out of his establishment, not for the brown infidel copper arresting a Christian for preaching the Gospel in what is officially a Christian nation.
If I'm not mistaken ED,these videos are old.The publican is angry about the covid lock downs and is angry about the loss to his livelihood.Two tier Kier was extremely pro lock down and was and most probably still is a lock down zealot.The man is shaping up to become a veritable tyrant and the best is yet to come for the Britoons. Incidentally, Starmers' sidekick, Deputy Prime Minister Angela Rayner,was seen wandering around the city I hailed from this last week chewing the fat with yer local leftwing city councilors.It's like salting the battlefield.
The fact that it is happening at all should set off alarm bells.For the average Britoon,getting arrested for whatever reason and spending time in a police cell is NOT a badge of honour as opposed to the likes of the Just Oil/Extinction rebellion lunatics who see arrest and conviction for whatever, a right of passage into the woke world of left wing ideaology and madness.A myriad of support networks including the Open Society Foundation octopus come out of the woodwork to bale out or defend said loonies.Who steps up to defend Mr/Mrs 'say no to illegal immigration'?No one that's who!
I was born and brought up in one of those cities featured on the 'news'.Those Britoon 'rioters' looked like your average beer swilling nutters that frequent said towns with nothing better to do than go looking for a scrap and may I add,just warming up for the start of the British (not English) football season.The other thing that bothered me about some of the 'riots' is that they looked like Police riot control practice.Have you ever seen them?I remember striking miners fighting back against Police thuggery.

Let's get this straight!These are NOT riots.They are pathetic,unorganised street protests.An embarrassment.Beer swilling 'rioters'?Always the same with yer football mobs and general miscreants.Anythin for a larf an a bit of bovver.How many remember bovver boys?Coppers were hard pressed to contain real bovver boys in the day.
Cargo pants,England T shirts ,can of 'favourite @ lager' in the hand,Sez it all really.

As for a corrupt judicial system and bent coppers.....that prompted me to go and rewatch the movie 'In the name of the Father' staring Daniel Day Lewis and recounts the disgraceful and shameful fitting up of the Guildford Four and the Birmingham six.

Perfidious Albion indeed !
I was just thinking yesterday that we are probably seeing all the football rival finally all walking together.

Yes its pathetic to see the British government being against the British population, the government is clearly the enemy as they are protecting the migrants and have been for years.
I cant understand whats the big deal if someone calls you racist anyway? So what?
It has nothing to do with being racist, they’re put into an extreme situation where there’s absurd amount of cognitive dissonance and knowing the fact other people will not side with you. They just refuse to participate because the whole situation is so outside their comfort zone. That’s why the only way these crimes can even be looked at is when a whole agency of people are looking into it.

Imagine approaching a typical white woman and saying “hey, you know those thousands of pakis in town? The ones that every single authority in the country say are regular people just like us? The ones who’ve been mistreated by white people historically? The ones that makes us bad people for generalizing? Well, almost all of them keep holding me down and anally raping me for hours. There’s lines to the door. They also say I’m a worthless white bitch and they’ll slit my throat if I dare to complain. Do you think you can help in this matter Stefanie?”

It’s too much for them to process.
The police and authorities will turn a blind eye to Muslim pedophile gangs just to avoid being called racist . It’s nothing new

This is kind of a naive take, they are only letting those gangs fester in order to create social chaos and the kind of strife you are seeing now in the UK in order to tighten the state control grid.

Police in Germany, France or the US have had no issues cracking skulls when it comes to people protesting over Israel, no qualms about being called racists there.

I cant understand whats the big deal if someone calls you racist anyway? So what?
Being a racist is seen as morally wrong in our society. Furthermore being “islamophobic” is lumped in with racism. Which is quite stupid because Islamophobia is defined as “irrational fear of” Islam. Why would it be irrational to not want terrorists or people attempting to force Islam on the west?
Being a racist is seen as morally wrong in our society. Furthermore being “islamophobic” is lumped in with racism. Which is quite stupid because Islamophobia is defined as “irrational fear of” Islam. Why would it be irrational to not want terrorists or people attempting to force Islam on the west?
but in that same society killing the unborn baby, fornication, adultery, homesexuality, witchcraft, idolatry, lying, blasphemy etc etc is not seen as morally wrong