Latest UK Lunacy

It’s nice that someone has some common sense.

The UK is a perfect example but there are parallels everywhere else. What the Muslims in particular are doing is they’re waging a terror campaign, intentionally or not. It’s working perfectly especially with the help of government. The government is waging one as well.

The issue with the government’s terror campaign is we all know that white people refuse to entertain the idea that the government doesn’t act in good faith. So when the government terrorizes the people we will find every excuse possible. It’s our subpar political party, they’re brainwashed/woke, they’re mistaken in their logic, they’re too stupid to realize what they’re doing, it’s actually not that serious, etc.

No, it’s as clear as day. They want you to be afraid. They literally say it. If you have any ounce of intelligence then you have to ask yourself a hard question.
  • What is the implication of someone wanting for me to be afraid and terrified?
The reality is anybody who wants you to be afraid seeks to destroy you. They’re an existential threat to you. They’re not a nice person, guy. As far as you’re concerned they’re the enemy. A life spent in fear is no life at all. It doesn’t matter if they leave you alone. Your fear is a prison cell.

With the government, once again people will justify it. Maybe when I’m afraid, they will still feed me and give me shelter. It’s not a total loss.

Here is where the Muslims come in. The Muslims want you to be afraid too. You can see it by their defiance. They commit crimes, some very egregious, they’re proud of it and they want you doing nothing about it. They don’t want the police to punish them. They don’t want you reporting it. They don’t want you to be a witness. They don’t want you even utter a word of condemnation. White people in the UK have learned this lesson well. They claim that people are scared to be racist in the UK. False, people are scared to death of these Muslims because these Muslims will come and see you. I know this because it’s the same story with the blacks. Americans are not scared to be racist, they’re scared of black fists. These Muslims too will make sure no one dares to utter a peep. That’s terror but with the Muslims it’s on a whole other level.

We can see the fruits of this terror. More crime, more scared broken white men, white women who don’t think you can defend them, people constantly afraid and cautious, general unhappiness. A slow death, along with the Islamification of the country.

Reject all fear. Destroy those who seek to make you afraid.

If you’re a white man and you think the situation doesn’t merit violence then you’re the lowest form of life. The situation merits extreme measures. There has to be circumstantial and group reprisals against this evil.

Riddle me this: If the "Muslims" are so powerful in the UK, then why does the British government give unconditional support to Israel?

Have you ever heard of the term "divide and conquer"?
Riddle me this: If the "Muslims" are so powerful in the UK, then why does the British government give unconditional support to Israel?

Have you ever heard of the term "divide and conquer"?
Im struggling to comprehend what you’re saying.

So the Muslims are not powerful? Everyone is pretending to care about them? They actually love the Jews and want Muslims to be genocided? King Starmer The Depraved just wants to divide his divided society so he can get elected after he just got elected?

I don’t understand how loving Jews and licking Arab ass cancel each other out in your head. These depraved cockroaches who rule us have no integrity. It’s pretty simple, they love the Jews because they’re all bottom feeders, they fear the Muslim because he’s scary and they believe browns need to be babied because they’re stupid. Yes, shitlibs are the true racists my friend! When white people push back it looks like oppression to libs that stunts brown IQ evolution they’re supposably experiencing in the west.
Do you have some examples ?
A couple of examples that come up are Victor Earnest Childs and Cruz Edward Dominguez, both extradited to Mexico on aggravated homicide charges. There are hundreds every year with various countries, usually involving serious crimes like murder, rape, drug dealing, etc. Of course, the real question is probably about whether the UK government can actually follow through on their extradition threats against Americans. They probably can't but who knows with our current administration.
Im struggling to comprehend what you’re saying.

So the Muslims are not powerful? Everyone is pretending to care about them? They actually love the Jews and want Muslims to be genocided? King Starmer The Depraved just wants to divide his divided society so he can get elected after he just got elected?

I don’t understand how loving Jews and licking Arab ass cancel each other out in your head. These depraved cockroaches who rule us have no integrity. It’s pretty simple, they love the Jews because they’re all bottom feeders, they fear the Muslim because he’s scary and they believe browns need to be babied because they’re stupid. Yes, shitlibs are the true racists my friend! When white people push back it looks like oppression to libs that stunts brown IQ evolution they’re supposably experiencing in the west.

In what way are they powerful?

You sound like a follower of the Israeli asset Stephen Christopher Yaxley-Lennon aka. "Tommy Robinson".

Don't get me wrong, there are plenty of problems with immigrants from the Middle East and Africa. But remember that most, if not all of them, has moved to the west as a result of wars fought on behalf of Israel.
In what way are they powerful?

You sound like a follower of the Israeli asset Stephen Christopher Yaxley-Lennon aka. "Tommy Robinson".

Don't get me wrong, there are plenty of problems with immigrants from the Middle East and Africa. But remember that most, if not all of them, has moved to the west as a result of wars fought on behalf of Israel.
Why are you conflating politics with basic survival?

  1. First of all you can’t speak up against them. People that do get death threats, at the very least.
  2. If you have a legitimate personal grievance with them you’re not going to get justice. It’s highly debatable what can even be achieved in this department.
  3. They won’t be punished by courts and doesn’t seem like there’s anyone in prison to hold them accountable.
  4. They can disrespect you with impunity.
  5. They’re also taking over white countries where they’re a substantial demographic.
Does that sound like an equal power dynamic to you?

So let’s imagine they’re
  • harassing your family
  • Have actually hurt your family or you
What are you going to do? Go shoot them in the head and call it a day?

Like what do Jews even have to do with any of this. Yes they import them but that doesn’t negate their threat. You can hate both.

No offence but all I’m getting from your response “I never had a problem with [x] minority so there’s no reason to hate them”. Okay, good for you but I sympathize with the victims of foreigner crime. It can happen to anyone.
Ironic that the woman at right is wearing a yellow Amnesty International bib; AI's original stated mission was to defend the rights of political prisoners/prisoners of know, like people imprisoned by repressive Orwellian authorities for questioning their governments. Hmmm...I wonder if Amnesty will speak out in defense of those arrested for retweeting/reposting protest footage...any bets?
She got away with that claiming that she didn't hear what was being shouted into a microphone 3' away but meanwhile in Belfast, someone was jailed for simply observing a riot.

Cllr Ricky Jones was a Labour Party crisis actor during COVID-19.

Why are you conflating politics with basic survival?

  1. First of all you can’t speak up against them. People that do get death threats, at the very least.
  2. If you have a legitimate personal grievance with them you’re not going to get justice. It’s highly debatable what can even be achieved in this department.
  3. They won’t be punished by courts and doesn’t seem like there’s anyone in prison to hold them accountable.
  4. They can disrespect you with impunity.
  5. They’re also taking over white countries where they’re a substantial demographic.
Does that sound like an equal power dynamic to you?

So let’s imagine they’re
  • harassing your family
  • Have actually hurt your family or you
What are you going to do? Go shoot them in the head and call it a day?

Like what do Jews even have to do with any of this. Yes they import them but that doesn’t negate their threat. You can hate both.

No offence but all I’m getting from your response “I never had a problem with [x] minority so there’s no reason to hate them”. Okay, good for you but I sympathize with the victims of foreigner crime. It can happen to anyone.

Being mad at people for coming to your country when they were invited to do so is so incredibly lowbrow.

Who invited them to come to your country, and who is it that makes the laws that you have a problem with?

Look for the hand that shakes the jar, rather than being mad at the different-colored ants in the jar.
In the video he mentions the call to prayer from the mosques; just imagine if the bells of every Roman Catholic and Church of England church in Britain began tolling the canonical hours, 24-7. The Mohammedans would lose their freaking minds, I'm sure. (Mohammedans hate the sound of bells and believe that the sound drives away angels):LOL:

Then why don't they? Who is stopping them? Certainly not "the Mohammedans".
It’s nice that someone has some common sense.

The UK is a perfect example but there are parallels everywhere else. What the Muslims in particular are doing is they’re waging a terror campaign, intentionally or not. It’s working perfectly especially with the help of government. The government is waging one as well.

The issue with the government’s terror campaign is we all know that white people refuse to entertain the idea that the government doesn’t act in good faith. So when the government terrorizes the people we will find every excuse possible. It’s our subpar political party, they’re brainwashed/woke, they’re mistaken in their logic, they’re too stupid to realize what they’re doing, it’s actually not that serious, etc.

No, it’s as clear as day. They want you to be afraid. They literally say it. If you have any ounce of intelligence then you have to ask yourself a hard question.
  • What is the implication of someone wanting for me to be afraid and terrified?
The reality is anybody who wants you to be afraid seeks to destroy you. They’re an existential threat to you. They’re not a nice person, guy. As far as you’re concerned they’re the enemy. A life spent in fear is no life at all. It doesn’t matter if they leave you alone. Your fear is a prison cell.

With the government, once again people will justify it. Maybe when I’m afraid, they will still feed me and give me shelter. It’s not a total loss.

Here is where the Muslims come in. The Muslims want you to be afraid too. You can see it by their defiance. They commit crimes, some very egregious, they’re proud of it and they want you doing nothing about it. They don’t want the police to punish them. They don’t want you reporting it. They don’t want you to be a witness. They don’t want you even utter a word of condemnation. White people in the UK have learned this lesson well. They claim that people are scared to be racist in the UK. False, people are scared to death of these Muslims because these Muslims will come and see you. I know this because it’s the same story with the blacks. Americans are not scared to be racist, they’re scared of black fists. These Muslims too will make sure no one dares to utter a peep. That’s terror but with the Muslims it’s on a whole other level.

We can see the fruits of this terror. More crime, more scared broken white men, white women who don’t think you can defend them, people constantly afraid and cautious, general unhappiness. A slow death, along with the Islamification of the country.

Reject all fear. Destroy those who seek to make you afraid.

If you’re a white man and you think the situation doesn’t merit violence then you’re the lowest form of life. The situation merits extreme measures. There has to be circumstantial and group reprisals against this evil.
I dont think anyone is scared of Muslims, they are scared of the conseqences that will happen, they might loose their jobs, have thier bank accounts closed, be put in prison and leave their wife and children behind to fend for themselves, thats what they are afraid of not the Muslims, its the same thing with the blacks, I saw first hand in South Africa when we last had those huge riots and the country was in a state of war like chaos, it seemed like the rules didnt matter anymore and it was survival mode and people were very capable of defending themselves and the minority citizens killed hundreds of the rioting blacks in self defense and I dont recall even 1 minority race being killed, but in the real world they would never be allowed to respond in that way for those same reasons I mentioned but when the country is in a state of Chaos they will rise up, people were still out at work during these riots but we took weapons with us "incase" we had to defend ourselves, I remember crossing paths with my cousin at a job and he had his hand gun on him he brought it to work that week.
In what way are they powerful?

You sound like a follower of the Israeli asset Stephen Christopher Yaxley-Lennon aka. "Tommy Robinson".

Don't get me wrong, there are plenty of problems with immigrants from the Middle East and Africa. But remember that most, if not all of them, has moved to the west as a result of wars fought on behalf of Israel.

They are not refugees, that has been proven thoroughly. To reach the UK they have to pass through dozens of safe countries including France.

Some immigrants here are actually refugees, but they are in the minority.

If what this guy is saying on this video is true then clearly the UK government is the real enemy of the British citizens since they are protecting the foreigners and attacking the citizens, thats my conclusion, Im just a dummy Im no expert I might be wrong.

Does Paul Joseph Watson still reside in England? I'm curious how he avoids arrest after putting out these scathing videos.