Latest UK Lunacy

Btw, if someone uses a VPN, how does the government track them? Is there such a thing as private posting?
I'm not sure but I've heard there are ways of getting past VPNs.

The first is if the VPN provider is insecure in some way. AVG had a scandal about selling private information. I wouldn't trust them.

Another is metadata, photos you take have metadata in them that can be used to find your location. Or some autist on 4chan will calculate your location using the time and height of the sun in the photo.

The last is likely the most common. A lot of people use their real names on social media.
Btw, if someone uses a VPN, how does the government track them? Is there such a thing as private posting?
Only if the government would need to have access to someone's VPN provider’s servers or logs in order to see user's online activities. It is tough to find a reputable VPN provider that does not keep logs of one's internet activities.

If I was a Brit, I would prefer to use Whonix instead of VPN.
When is the last time the USA has EVER extradited one of its own citizens to face charges in a country abroad ??

Zion don did it to this nonagenarian Ukrainian Pole man, Jakiw Palij, in 2017. Stripped him of his USA citizenship too, and the day he was deported, fatmerican boomers were harassing him while he was being loaded into an ambulance on a stretcher to be deported. The jews rubbed their hands so much everyone's electric bill went down in NYC for a month.

Make no mistake, a majority of the normies, even Whites who have been fed up with the system, will not lift a finger to oppose their American neighbors being extradited to Cold Pakistan to face injustice at the hands of the race traitors.

The British people need to be armed somehow and they need to shoot every public official in their rotting husk of what they call parliament, and in the constabularies. This is not a call to violence, it's what they must do to survive. They are in existential danger and the only recourse is to fight back against their state with greater violence than that state is able to inflict. There is no other way out of this. They are going to genocide the Anglo-Saxon people for nothing. What will these migrants create in this world? The jews can't even use them for slave labor because they're so worthless. The whole point is to just kill Whites. That's it. Not replacement voters, not equality, not for Anglican charity, just to kill Whites and end their bloodline. What becomes of the British Isles after the fact has no bearing on international jewry, they will just kill all the browns and blacks at some later point in time AFTER all the Whites are dead.

It's a Shakespearian sense of tragedy in the most cringing of fates. Better to go out fighting and take as many of the enemy with you as you can. This is a war of numbers and they are ready for any kind of attrition against rioters. They are more likely to make mistakes with escalation. Like I said before, the Turner Diaries explains all of it.

Zion don did it to this nonagenarian Ukrainian Pole man, Jakiw Palij, in 2017. Stripped him of his USA citizenship too, and the day he was deported, fatmerican boomers were harassing him while he was being loaded into an ambulance on a stretcher to be deported. The jews rubbed their hands so much everyone's electric bill went down in NYC for a month.

Make no mistake, a majority of the normies, even Whites who have been fed up with the system, will not lift a finger to oppose their American neighbors being extradited to Cold Pakistan to face injustice at the hands of the race traitors.

The British people need to be armed somehow and they need to shoot every public official in their rotting husk of what they call parliament, and in the constabularies. This is not a call to violence, it's what they must do to survive. They are in existential danger and the only recourse is to fight back against their state with greater violence than that state is able to inflict. There is no other way out of this. They are going to genocide the Anglo-Saxon people for nothing. What will these migrants create in this world? The jews can't even use them for slave labor because they're so worthless. The whole point is to just kill Whites. That's it. Not replacement voters, not equality, not for Anglican charity, just to kill Whites and end their bloodline. What becomes of the British Isles after the fact has no bearing on international jewry, they will just kill all the browns and blacks at some later point in time AFTER all the Whites are dead.

It's a Shakespearian sense of tragedy in the most cringing of fates. Better to go out fighting and take as many of the enemy with you as you can. This is a war of numbers and they are ready for any kind of attrition against rioters. They are more likely to make mistakes with escalation. Like I said before, the Turner Diaries explains all of it.
It’s nice that someone has some common sense.

The UK is a perfect example but there are parallels everywhere else. What the Muslims in particular are doing is they’re waging a terror campaign, intentionally or not. It’s working perfectly especially with the help of government. The government is waging one as well.

The issue with the government’s terror campaign is we all know that white people refuse to entertain the idea that the government doesn’t act in good faith. So when the government terrorizes the people we will find every excuse possible. It’s our subpar political party, they’re brainwashed/woke, they’re mistaken in their logic, they’re too stupid to realize what they’re doing, it’s actually not that serious, etc.

No, it’s as clear as day. They want you to be afraid. They literally say it. If you have any ounce of intelligence then you have to ask yourself a hard question.
  • What is the implication of someone wanting for me to be afraid and terrified?
The reality is anybody who wants you to be afraid seeks to destroy you. They’re an existential threat to you. They’re not a nice person, guy. As far as you’re concerned they’re the enemy. A life spent in fear is no life at all. It doesn’t matter if they leave you alone. Your fear is a prison cell.

With the government, once again people will justify it. Maybe when I’m afraid, they will still feed me and give me shelter. It’s not a total loss.

Here is where the Muslims come in. The Muslims want you to be afraid too. You can see it by their defiance. They commit crimes, some very egregious, they’re proud of it and they want you doing nothing about it. They don’t want the police to punish them. They don’t want you reporting it. They don’t want you to be a witness. They don’t want you even utter a word of condemnation. White people in the UK have learned this lesson well. They claim that people are scared to be racist in the UK. False, people are scared to death of these Muslims because these Muslims will come and see you. I know this because it’s the same story with the blacks. Americans are not scared to be racist, they’re scared of black fists. These Muslims too will make sure no one dares to utter a peep. That’s terror but with the Muslims it’s on a whole other level.

We can see the fruits of this terror. More crime, more scared broken white men, white women who don’t think you can defend them, people constantly afraid and cautious, general unhappiness. A slow death, along with the Islamification of the country.

Reject all fear. Destroy those who seek to make you afraid.

If you’re a white man and you think the situation doesn’t merit violence then you’re the lowest form of life. The situation merits extreme measures. There has to be circumstantial and group reprisals against this evil.
A lot of people use their real names on social media.
Or at least their email address.
I never give out my email address for free services.
I used to have a discord account. Recently tried to log in and it it said "Hey we need to verify you"
Couldn't verify and I tried to make a new account with 3 or 4 burner emails and they were all rejected. It's getting harder and harder to stay anonymous.

If there were a free service I really cared about, the ONLY WAY I would use it is with fake credentials (either buy a verified account or purchase SMS verification services for a couple of bucks).

I recently needed to use facebook messenger while abroad (that's the way many businesses abroad communicate) and I had to bribe someone to register their ID to even sign up!
ID Verification will be universal in all countries in a decade I predict...

If needed, a false flag from someone who used "anonymous accounts" will force the hand of government