Latest UK Lunacy

Keith Woods


In the UK, real nationalist voices have been censored and denied the media opportunities of Zionist figures like Tommy Robinson. The entire ledership of Patriotic Alternative were banned off this site last year, presumably at the request of the British state.Obviously, if there is major unrest over immigration, people like Robinson will have the biggest audiences to put their narrative spin on it. But the protests are absolutely an organic expression of nativist anger over diversity. Even with the effort of shills, the narrative has not become about counter-jihad, but is still focused on immigration and diversity. This is bad for the regime.

Keith Woods

In the UK, real nationalist voices have been censored and denied the media opportunities of Zionist figures like Tommy Robinson. The entire ledership of Patriotic Alternative were banned off this site last year, presumably at the request of the British state.Obviously, if there is major unrest over immigration, people like Robinson will have the biggest audiences to put their narrative spin on it. But the protests are absolutely an organic expression of nativist anger over diversity. Even with the effort of shills, the narrative has not become about counter-jihad, but is still focused on immigration and diversity. This is bad for the regime.

This is what I meant when comparing Tucker Carlson or the Trump guys who do Podcasts v. real red pill nationalists like Jared Taylor, Mark Collett, the TRS guys, Patriot Front, and groups that the media would never allow on TV, Youtube and heavily censor on Twitter "the free speech network".

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muslims pull their act in Xinjiang, China. the government reacts by arresting close to 1500 uyghars and sentencing many of them to death and life imprisonment (without the possibility of parole)

muslims start a violent disturbance at a border town in Myanmar in 2016, resulting in the death of 9 border patrol men. the government returns the affection by turning a blind eye when buddhist monks take it upon themselves and exert the forceful removal of almost 1 million rohingyans in addition to killing 25000 plus and ravaging their settlements

muslims act up again in Israel on oct 7th 2023. the government's response includes instructing the locals to be armed at all times and not be trigger shy and killing 40000 plus muslims. and still going.

muslims have been raping, stabbing , running over and blowing up women and children in the uk for decades running, the latest casualties of which are 3 very young girls. Brits are none too pleased about this. the government accuses them of being nazis for not agreeing to this and proceeds to arrest them
IRA literally joining up with loyalists. Crazy times huh, seems we're at this stage.


Earlier tonight I found two blokes staring each other down with a third behind them after I'd finished work outside the subway I was getting food at.

One black man and an Englishman who was a bit drunk and utterly furious.

I tried to talk to him, but he seemed irreconcilable and kept swearing. I told him that swears are bad because your tongue is holy. He did stop swearing so much after that.

The guy behind the black man told me he had barged in to their table at the pub and started dropping racist slurs.

I tried to get his side of the story, but he seemed convinced everyone was out to get him.

I ended up leaving after the black pulled me aside and told me to stop talking and then things started to descalate with the English bloke backing off and sitting down.

I figured if he felt I was ganging up on him it might cause a fight.

The look in his eyes breaks my heart.

These people have had enough.

I say this as a man of mixed race who's always been more loyal to his British heritage.

This cannot continue. Starmer has abandoned his duty and his country. Someone needs to give us leadership, real leadership.