Never fell for JP's schtick. Read Vox Day's book on him early on, and it was spot on.
This kind of behavior also confirms what is maybe obvious to some: He has some kind of narcissistic personality disorder. Everything needs to be about him and his view of himself as some kind of suffering messiah. As was mentioned above, becoming a truly holy man is the work and struggle of decades, and it is characterized by humility.
Way back during an interview, he made a statement along the lines of "I would have to study the Sermon on the Mount for about three years before reaching any conclusion about Christianity." Okay, its been seven or eight years, and he appears more tied up in delusion, narcissism and exhibitionism than ever before.
I think his main concern when he engages with Christianity is "How can I make this about me?" Well, he is succeeding in that attempt, and making his narcissism all the more obvious.
Takes a special kind of guy to read all those works by dostoyevsky and not have the stones to speak about who caused all that suffering, when dostoyevsky wrote it in very plain speech who the culprits were.