Jordan Peterson Thread

Next up. Ben Shapiro has bought a dress for Jordan.

That was weird...

I am among those who were influenced by Peterson back in the day, but I find myself resenting him nowadays.

I've spoken to Christians who are conviced he is also a Christian, but I've never heard him say anything that indicates he is genuinely a man of faith. He just skirts around the issue. To me that suggests something strange is going on.

Generally I think he's far too enamoured with his own apparent intelligence. I still maintain that the most cringe worthy thing I have ever read in my entire life was the section in 12 Rules for Life when he is talking about this pen he found that lights up, and he is talking to it and writing answers to the questions he asks it. Even when I read it at the time I thought this was bizarre. The throes of someone caught stroking their own ego...
Jordan may be blessed now that his wife is on her way to becoming a Catholic... can't help but think that will be a good influence on him. What from little I've observed, I think he needs to replace his Jungian categories/worldview with Biblical ones before he can get serious with God. His public persona and reputation as an intellectual is his bread and butter- hopefully he takes that a lot less seriously in private.
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That was weird...

I am among those who were influenced by Peterson back in the day, but I find myself resenting him nowadays.

I've spoken to Christians who are conviced he is also a Christian, but I've never heard him say anything that indicates he is genuinely a man of faith. He just skirts around the issue. To me that suggests something strange is going on.

Generally I think he's far too enamoured with his own apparent intelligence. I still maintain that the most cringe worthy thing I have ever read in my entire life was the section in 12 Rules for Life when he is talking about this pen he found that lights up, and he is talking to it and writing answers to the questions he asks it. Even when I read it at the time I thought this was bizarre. The throes of someone caught stroking their own ego...
He is so proud that he cannot bring himself to just say "I am a Christian". He has to do it in such a way that preserves his "special boy" status: Some unusual, bizarre or otherwise "creative" interpretation, with a lengthy explanation of how and why he needs to distinguish his beliefs from those of [name your church father]. I can't find the link, but I recall his giving some novel interpretation of what the Adam and Eve story signified, and I could not take more than about ten seconds of it, because I knew it was not about articulating any truth; it was about showing off how special and brilliant he is.

I've never been taken in by Peterson's schtick. I'm old enough to have had access to any number of really really good self-help bloggers over the years, many of whom were anonymous. They provided actionable and useful tips. Peterson voiced platitudes and unintelligible gobbledygook without any evidence that he actually is competent at self-improvement. Even when he was right about something -- say, carnivore -- he was so late to the game, that it was like "uh, yeah, dude, we know. Where have you been the last decade?" I mean, if anyone has gotten something beneficial from Peterson, good for them and I don't begrudge it, but my view is that he is a highly screwed up individual who is at best a gateway drug to something better, and more often than not a gate-keeper preventing people from finding something better.
I agree Jordan Peterson is fun to talk about. In my case, to bash, because he sucks. For example, when Brett Kavanaugh was being accused as a rapist during his Supreme Court hearings, Peterson — a man who claims to be an expert at resisting mob mentality and of the Soviet dissident Alexander Solzhenitzyn - tweeted “If confirmed Kavanaugh should step down.” When Canada rolled out the COVID vaccine mandates, instead of resisting Peterson gave in and got the shot, then later regretted it (“you’d have to kill me first” to get the booster, he tweeted). His daughter had an ongoing relationship with sex trafficker Andrew Tate. Peterson works for Ben Shapiro, who muzzles his employees through highly restrictive contracts, as Ben Crowder revealed. He cries when discussing Israel. With all that he's supposed to be some hero to Christians or to the right?

Basically, he talks a good game, but under any pressure from globohomo he immediately folds. Sad...
^ It has somehow gotten much easier to see the mechanism of manufactured "truth" since after the covid scam (although I see now that the more pure hearted people have known (and warned) of this all along). We are all easily compromised for money and/or prestige. I think most people doing it don't even realize they are doing it half the time. It's pride.

"Just keep petting and adopting cats"

Michael Jordan Lol GIF
There is a lot of overlap between Christian circles and self-improvement ones. Jordan is on the latter, and his main thing is that he's a conservative. I feel bad for the people who buy into his self-improvement things since they're basically common sense. If you can't clean your room without a university professor telling you to do so in 20 pages, there are bigger worries in your life.
The only thing Peterson tries to conserve is the state of israel.
JBP is apparently getting the band back together for a 51 city US tour entitled... "We who wrestle with God".

I'm not sure how this compares to his previous itineraries, but it sounds like a real stretch on his continued relevance. I'd wager this was underwritten as a reward for his rabid anti-Palestine comments over the past few months.

It seems the grift continues..
Please forgive me if this is including any disrespect or sin. I haven't really followed JP, especially lately, but this is surprising:

I don't have access to Twitter (it will remain blocked for me until Elon stops permitting porn on there) but I am guessing this is in reference to his jacket with the angellic schema symbols on them?

Its kinda ironic really because this is Peterson all over. Taking the symbols and wearing them without actually being in a position to do so. Schema monks are the most spiritually advanced, and faithful people we have living on this earth. Then we have Peterson who is basically just looking for the best overlay to put onto nihilism, whos just like "those are cool and deep symbols, imma make a jacket from them". Its totally symbollic of what he's doing. I hope and pray he is going in the right direction, but nothing in his exchange with Fr Stephen De Young seemed to indicate that JP is anything other than a materialist and a nihilist.
Never fell for JP's schtick. Read Vox Day's book on him early on, and it was spot on.

This kind of behavior also confirms what is maybe obvious to some: He has some kind of narcissistic personality disorder. Everything needs to be about him and his view of himself as some kind of suffering messiah. As was mentioned above, becoming a truly holy man is the work and struggle of decades, and it is characterized by humility.

Way back during an interview, he made a statement along the lines of "I would have to study the Sermon on the Mount for about three years before reaching any conclusion about Christianity." Okay, its been seven or eight years, and he appears more tied up in delusion, narcissism and exhibitionism than ever before.

I think his main concern when he engages with Christianity is "How can I make this about me?" Well, he is succeeding in that attempt, and making his narcissism all the more obvious.