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Jordan Peterson Thread

The definition of a red flag is when you mention your father's farm and a woman's response is "I'd love to set it all on fire."
^ Also Kevin MacDonald of "Culture of Critique" fame to that list

Sam Hyde is definitely JQ aware as can be seen from this skit

I´ve never enjoyed JP. I was introduced to his content in the late 2010´s, by a coworker that was a rabid fan to the point of cult-like obsession. I found that his salient points were puerile, ´common sense´, and that the rest of his statements were unbearably trite platitudes, with little-to-no (personal) value in regards to enriching the lives of his listeners.

His self-help line of merchandise is utterly basic, and there´s nothing esoteric in any of his writings, or speeches, to indicate how one could cross the river from being a stuck in the matrix, mass media, NPC, mirred in the depths of purposeless, materialistic, anguish, to being enlightened in any form.

In sum, I think he´s a normie, cuckservative, that provides no means to actualise a better grasp of reality (i.e. how things work), the hidden truths that yield contentment, or material success. Even the ancient, PUA material, at least provided tangible means to success within an unhealtly sphere, in contrast to JP, who provides nothing to his disciples.

In sum: He rambles in meaningless contradictory platitudes, has nothing to say that´s remotely outside of the mainstream, Zionist, egalitarian, elite-run, cannon, and will provide you with null that can be used to actualise contentment, purpose, meaning (the irony!), or material successes.

He´s to normie men as feminism is to normie women; both lead to failure while promising everything; controlled by the elites; false opposition.

My only positive statement regarding JP is ironic. His mass popularity provided me with a metric to try to find establishments like this forum, as any entity that denoted the hollowness of his message (whatever that even truly is...?), and was simultaneously not leftist, was likely to be filled with more independent, out of the mainstream cannon, types.
And Peterson is mainstream. Fully. Just as Tucker was a release valve.

It's just politics. Marketing. Propaganda. And control in the end.
Tucker spoke as much truth as he could while staying as relevant as possible. He mainstreamed the term "the great replacement" and had large segments about (((vulture capitalists))).

By your definition everyone in the public sphere is a release valve. It does not seem that any of our edgy political commentators will hold any real political power in the future.

I will take the good advice that Peterson offers and the arguments that are helping the normal people over those that don't care about optics and get banned from everywhere.

We know who his masters are but there are plenty of cases when "controlled opposition" did not end up controlling anything at all. Case and point, Peterson talking about Solzhenistyn's books which made people read "200 years together". He also frequently names the past (((feminist scholars))) and everyone that spends a bit of time researching them will learn about the "early life" section.

It is his bible content with the Jungian stuff that I find most objectionable.

He did seem like a broken man when he first burst onto the scene and I don't believe that everything is a conspiracy just yet. Before he started touring he was a great force for good.
Tucker spoke as much truth as he could while staying as relevant as possible. He mainstreamed the term "the great replacement" and had large segments about (((vulture capitalists))).

By your definition everyone in the public sphere is a release valve. It does not seem that any of our edgy political commentators will hold any real political power in the future.

I will take the good advice that Peterson offers and the arguments that are helping the normal people over those that don't care about optics and get banned from everywhere.

We know who his masters are but there are plenty of cases when "controlled opposition" did not end up controlling anything at all. Case and point, Peterson talking about Solzhenistyn's books which made people read "200 years together". He also frequently names the past (((feminist scholars))) and everyone that spends a bit of time researching them will learn about the "early life" section.

It is his bible content with the Jungian stuff that I find most objectionable.

He did seem like a broken man when he first burst onto the scene and I don't believe that everything is a conspiracy just yet. Before he started touring he was a great force for good.
Lol 😂 Is this where we are going? Jordan Peterson apologetics?

Why use straw men? (did I say that?)
I don't believe that everything is a conspiracy just yet
everyone in the public sphere is a release valve

Tucker spoke as much truth as he could
I will take the good advice that Peterson offers
Before he started touring he was a great force for good.

Got some interesting content for you on leadership:

Peterson talking about Solzhenistyn's books

Solzhenistyn is in my opinion a total US government sponsored shill posting fake Russia is evil because they holocausted millions in Gulags. (not true)

He also frequently names the past (((feminist scholars))) and everyone that spends a bit of time researching them will learn about the "early life" section.

Ooh edgy... Haha come on man, Jews say it themselves they are the main force in social justice. This is not "hidden knowledge". It's openly accepted as fact.

I will take the good advice that Peterson offers
Good luck with that.
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I lived in a communist country and there are plenty of people that were tortured and sent to labour camps. My parents and certainly grandparents lived behind an iron curtain that I would not wish upon anyone. Are you one of the people that believe that propaganda only comes from the West?

If you imply there was a straw man in my post, what percentage of Peterson's story did you suggest was true? Which public figure with a large following is not a release valve according to you?

Once again my argument, as written by Keith Woods. The mainstream folks will not be searching the internet for banned people from the onset.

I lived in a communist country and there are plenty of people that were tortured and sent to labour camps.
I'd like that number defined, how I look at it today with what I have read and seen, the Gulag story has the exact same set-up as the holocaust, the same Elie Wiesel content, the same 100x exaggerations.

Yes works work camps, where many died, not mass extermination camps in which 10 million were killed.

My parents and certainly grandparents lived behind an iron curtain that I would not wish upon anyone. Are you one of the people that believe that propaganda only comes from the West?

If you imply there was a straw man in my post, what percentage of Peterson's story did you suggest was true? Which public figure with a large following is not a release valve according to you?
I think people like Alex Jones, Peterson, Tucker Carlson are accepted / controlled release valves.

And I think that indeed no-one is accepted in the public discourse who hurt those in power. Like Gaddafi:
"The Western elite is not democratic. It's a plutocracy, a dictatorship of the rich. The politicians are nothing more than puppets on the hands of the rich."
And then he was slaughtered.

Or Milosevic:
"The Western elite is a group of hypocrites who preach democracy and human rights but practice imperialism and neo-colonialism. They are responsible for the deaths of millions of people and the destruction of countless countries. They are the enemy of the world's people."
And then he was suicided.
Once again my argument, as written by Keith Woods. The mainstream folks will not be searching the internet for banned people from the onset.
I agree with this, but it can also be a trap. I know some guys who are getting in the accepted conservative political movement and I think it's and will be hard to be critical down the line.

I'm personally no fan of half-truths or pandered honesty.

Wait Solzhenitsyn is now a fake US asset? Well that went quick on the new forum! Where is this based on? The Gulags were most definitely real.
See above. It's not the foum, it's me saying this.
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Being a 'fan' or 'follower' of any man is bound to fail eventually, because Man is fallen. There's only one thing to follow. I suppose I enjoyed watching him dismantle Cathy Newman (the "So what you're saying is..." interview"), but ultimately it's academic word salads for the most part. As society has moved away from the Bible it has looked to thought leaders like him, but we will ultimately be lead astray as they do not follow who they are supposed to be following.
Being a 'fan' or 'follower' of any man is bound to fail eventually, because Man is fallen. There's only one thing to follow. I suppose I enjoyed watching him dismantle Cathy Newman (the "So what you're saying is..." interview"), but ultimately it's academic word salads for the most part. As society has moved away from the Bible it has looked to thought leaders like him, but we will ultimately be lead astray as they do not follow who they are supposed to be following.
I have also come to the realization that the only following I wish to do is with the Lord Jesus Christ. For most of my 20's I made the mistake of giving people like Peterson a platform in my mind, reading their books, watching their interviews, wasting my time. It is with all of these public figures - they are operatives that are allowed to exist because they lead people astray.

And, as you go higher and higher, the misdirection is more subtle. JP is a little more blatant in his misdirection than others, but all the same.

It need be said that the only books you need read were written many moons ago:

The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.
- Ecclesiastes 1:9
I tried watching a debate with JP and Sam Harris. I lasted about 20 minutes and turned it off. It was the intellectual equivalent of when Mariah Carey did a duet with Whitney Houston. Just 2 people trying to outdo each other.
I'm personally no fan of half-truths or pandered honesty.
Subjects like eating meat, global warming and the campus culture stuff I think he is brilliant at.

Don't forget how lost and lonely people are, I agree that his philosophy is no means to an end, but people in the fallen societies must start from somewhere. Not everyone has read the bible.

I have hardly met a Jordan Peterson fan that did not do additional reading and end up on the identitarian right after a while. Just going against Cathy Newman's NPC reality in a polite manner has done western societies a ton of good.

Regarding communism, let's say that there are countries that are no fans of Serbia for regional reasons and I see no angels in the global affairs, especially in the current wars.
I know several people who I convinced of not taking the jabbie jab but did so in the very end because they had Peterson's books and he told them to take it. Is he some kind of witch?

The guy is a net negative and has to be avoided at all cost.
Interesting because I remember him going after Trudeau for all the lockdowns and made sure that the trucker protesters in Canada and Netherlands had larger publicity.

People will write rubbish sometimes when they are omnipresent online, it is inevitable.