Jews' Own System Turning Against Them

This is so satisfying to watch. Call it schadenfreude, I don't care. The lazy Haredim, who don't even have jobs, but sit around "studying torah" all day, while their wives have to cook, clean, shop, take care of the kids, and hold down jobs, are now freaking out that they have to get their hands dirty for once. It's literally jews calling other jews "NAZIs".

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This is so satisfying to watch. Call it schadenfreude, I don't care. The lazy Haredim, who don't even have jobs, but sit around "studying torah" all day, while their wives have to cook, clean, shop, take care of the kids, and hold down jobs, are now freaking out that they have to get their hands dirty for once. It's literally jews calling other jews "NAZIs".

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I've heard them admit they don't actually study the Torah. They spend all their time studying the demonic Talmud. If they want to know something from the Torah, they're supposed to ask their rabbi and he will give them the jewified version. You know, with the parts that talk about a certain man they killed 2000 years ago conveniently ignored.
I've heard them admit they don't actually study the Torah. They spend all their time studying the demonic Talmud. If they want to know something from the Torah, they're supposed to ask their rabbi and he will give them the jewified version. You know, with the parts that talk about a certain man they killed 2000 years ago conveniently ignored.
To my knowledge, the Torah only includes the first few books of the Old Testament, not all of the Old Testament and certainly none of the New Testament.
I've heard them admit they don't actually study the Torah. They spend all their time studying the demonic Talmud. If they want to know something from the Torah, they're supposed to ask their rabbi and he will give them the jewified version. You know, with the parts that talk about a certain man they killed 2000 years ago conveniently ignored.

To give an analogy, imagine instead of reading the Book of Genesis, you instead only read St. Basil's Hexaemeron. But now replace St. Basil with some 3rd Century AD Rabbi with a vengeful heart.
I've heard them admit they don't actually study the Torah. They spend all their time studying the demonic Talmud. If they want to know something from the Torah, they're supposed to ask their rabbi and he will give them the jewified version. You know, with the parts that talk about a certain man they killed 2000 years ago conveniently ignored.
This is correct. What they call "torah" is largely study of the talmud. They just call it torah to obfuscate. Likewise, good little jewish boys in the west have to "go to torah school", where they also study the talmud. Sometimes kabbalists also "study torah", but are actually studying the zohar.
This is correct. What they call "torah" is largely study of the talmud. They just call it torah to obfuscate. Likewise, good little jewish boys in the west have to "go to torah school", where they also study the talmud. Sometimes kabbalists also "study torah", but are actually studying the zohar.
Now there is a Jewish group, well two Jewish groups I do respect. Karaite Jews basically say the Talmud and Zohar are medieval gargbage and only acknowledge the Torah. I also guess the Samaritans are still around too.
This is so satisfying to watch. Call it schadenfreude, I don't care. The lazy Haredim, who don't even have jobs, but sit around "studying torah" all day, while their wives have to cook, clean, shop, take care of the kids, and hold down jobs, are now freaking out that they have to get their hands dirty for once. It's literally jews calling other jews "NAZIs".

Bill Hader Reaction GIF

I would say give them a choice, either serve or cough up a hefty tax every month to pay for the protection they receive from those who do.