Jews' Own System Turning Against Them

This belongs both here and the current "protests" thread. Ernst Zundel gave an interview in 1996 to an israeli journalist and clarified many of the issues surrounding Germans, jews, Weimar, and how these conditions travel across space and time to places like America, who is seeing the exact same buildup in the present day:

"Zundel's prediction"
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Has anyone ever responded to or countered these statements of history?
Has anyone ever responded to or countered these statements of history?
The israeli interviewer must have been stupefied, if you watch the entire interview he was very snarky and clueless as to the kind of questions he was asking.

As for anyone else, officially not very many, unofficially many people are connecting the dots themselves and see the inertial existence of the jews causing Weimar conditions cycle. Weimar also would not have been possible if it wasn't for the interloping House of Lords in England who, along with Balfour and Rothschild, accepted the German jews scheming together with other zionists for the land of Palestine.

America's own revolutionary blood was trigger-happy for maintaining a constitutional republic, but most of these genes have been removed from the modern pool of Americans by immigration, miscegenation, goyslop, waves of feminism, and every other cancer that jews and universalist freemasons spread under the sun. The freemasons of the founding fathers seems to be an older variety that was esoterically pro-White, or rather more narrowed down to pro-Anglo-Saxon White. There were divisions in esoterica along racial lines versus universalist lines up until the 1930s, but now all of them are on the same page with the NWO agenda.

Zundel's perception at the time was an accurate prediction based on historical data. What they were doing to America, which was very visible in the 1990s, could have very much gone the other way at 9/11 if they were any sloppier and jewish prevalence of power in the neocon movement wasn't so strong. The people may have just had a second American Revolution in September of 2001, and by rights that is when it should have happened in the very least. However, it did not happen, and we live in this reality where the battered corpse of America is still being found new ways to have its blood drained going on 23 years after the fact.

So in short, no, I don't think anyone has responded to or even countered these statements because they would have to talk about Weimar, and this subject is not something that the ruling elites of jews and shabbos masons want known. If Weimar conditions continued, the German people would have been worse off than everything that happened in WW2 and afterwards. There is no doubt to that.

For America, if Weimarica continues, the American people will be worse off, (or not even around) opposed to a major conflict that would see much blood in the streets for them to throw off their oppressors and every traitor who serves them. The more people talk about Weimar, and talk about it in depth, the more this ray of sunshine passes through the Overton and the normie masses can begin to formulate thoughts, ideas, and solutions to these storm clouds.
The israeli interviewer must have been stupefied, if you watch the entire interview he was very snarky and clueless as to the kind of questions he was asking.

As for anyone else, officially not very many, unofficially many people are connecting the dots themselves and see the inertial existence of the jews causing Weimar conditions cycle. Weimar also would not have been possible if it wasn't for the interloping House of Lords in England who, along with Balfour and Rothschild, accepted the German jews scheming together with other zionists for the land of Palestine.

America's own revolutionary blood was trigger-happy for maintaining a constitutional republic, but most of these genes have been removed from the modern pool of Americans by immigration, miscegenation, goyslop, waves of feminism, and every other cancer that jews and universalist freemasons spread under the sun. The freemasons of the founding fathers seems to be an older variety that was esoterically pro-White, or rather more narrowed down to pro-Anglo-Saxon White. There were divisions in esoterica along racial lines versus universalist lines up until the 1930s, but now all of them are on the same page with the NWO agenda.

Zundel's perception at the time was an accurate prediction based on historical data. What they were doing to America, which was very visible in the 1990s, could have very much gone the other way at 9/11 if they were any sloppier and jewish prevalence of power in the neocon movement wasn't so strong. The people may have just had a second American Revolution in September of 2001, and by rights that is when it should have happened in the very least. However, it did not happen, and we live in this reality where the battered corpse of America is still being found new ways to have its blood drained going on 23 years after the fact.

So in short, no, I don't think anyone has responded to or even countered these statements because they would have to talk about Weimar, and this subject is not something that the ruling elites of jews and shabbos masons want known. If Weimar conditions continued, the German people would have been worse off than everything that happened in WW2 and afterwards. There is no doubt to that.

For America, if Weimarica continues, the American people will be worse off, (or not even around) opposed to a major conflict that would see much blood in the streets for them to throw off their oppressors and every traitor who serves them. The more people talk about Weimar, and talk about it in depth, the more this ray of sunshine passes through the Overton and the normie masses can begin to formulate thoughts, ideas, and solutions to these storm clouds.

Weimar conditions don't matter anymore. They're already here and it makes no difference to American politics, because Talmuds figured out a way around this issue: mass immigration.

Nowadays, Whites are too easily distracted by immigrants, especially illegals, who serve to insulate Talmuds from criticism. Thus, when people are railing about Muslims, Hispanics, or Blacks, it serves as a strong buffer against the actual puppet master.

Thus, there will be no second Hitler like uprising in modern times because mass transit has enabled mass immigration, and it prevents any sort of uprising against Talmudic rule. This is why the mass immigration will never stop as long as Talmuds are in power.

The only way out of this death spiral is with something stronger than race, which is Christ. There must be a giant spiritual awakening, that can unite races, or else Talmudic Jews will rule until they are the only humans with white skin left.
Weimar conditions don't matter anymore. They're already here and it makes no difference to American politics, because Talmuds figured out a way around this issue: mass immigration.

Nowadays, Whites are too easily distracted by immigrants, especially illegals, who serve to insulate Talmuds from criticism. Thus, when people are railing about Muslims, Hispanics, or Blacks, it serves as a strong buffer against the actual puppet master.

Thus, there will be no second Hitler like uprising in modern times because mass transit has enabled mass immigration, and it prevents any sort of uprising against Talmudic rule. This is why the mass immigration will never stop as long as Talmuds are in power.

The only way out of this death spiral is with something stronger than race, which is Christ. There must be a giant spiritual awakening, that can unite races, or else Talmudic Jews will rule until they are the only humans with white skin left.
This was simply an observation about the current state of these protests and how cognitive dissonance is forming in many groups, another side effect of Talmudic manipulation in identity politics. Even Ernst Zundel himself said that the phenomena of Hitler was a product of the time, that he may very well have never done anything and rose to any prominence, but the fact that he did was a once in history event. A "2nd Hitler" is a bit preposterous because there could never be another man with those exact traits and zeal. There will never be another Martin Luther, Jan III Sobieski, or Napoleon Bonaparte either. The ideas are out there for a national body of people to be united for those who wish to study them unbiasedly, and there will always be those who have a bias towards or against them. There may be many figures arising in each race of man who have similar qualities in organization and leadership, and if they all work together then they won't have to become a tragic Hitlerian figure by having a war foisted upon any one of them, but a war upon multiple figures like this together, all united for what is best for all their people against a common foe, would have a different outcome.

Zundel was hinting that other people's solutions to Weimar conditions would never be as orderly and humane as Hitler's were. He is saying in the full interview that these jews were going to be faced with the possibility of a "real" holocaust if they kept up what they were doing to America and other countries. We may see a return of Heraclius yet, or something far more extreme. Violence does seem to beget violence as much as appeasement does. The "stage" is playing out, and we will see in time who is truly not on the zog plantation.

The rest of this post is mostly philosophizing based on seeing some things recently in the streets. I am humbled more often these days, and the more I am in proximity to the danger of our times I am given lessons I'll never forget. Not really directed at you or anyone on here:

The jews own system turning against them they can only blame on themselves, which they never will do based on their empty history of self-admission to guilt for anything. The time for commentary and evaluation is ever-ongoing. We are witnessing the result of their laboratory mishap in real time in a way that no iteration of any society ever has before. We must all be cautious, but praying for the discernment to see all things that go on, in the open, and in the dark.

Man will forever disagree with one another on the conditions to his own survival as long as he lives. Christ is the eternal, but race is the temporal. Both are required, one for obeisance, the other for acknowledgement. One never changes, the other can easily change and be undone. If the races move beyond simplistic skin color to bloodline and lineages, they will be fortified with a more divinely-inspired system of values that they are less likely to betray. These values are found in studying Christ's lineage, the 42 generations from Adam to Christ, and the struggles the Israelites endured to keep their bloodline unique.

A fortification of belief in Christ can only result in a compounded fortification in lineage out of the love every believer would foster for their own family. Races can be united on parallelisms, like regions of mutually exclusive habitation, as they did in olden times, but this understanding is deadly to the parasites who have something in them that is not of any race of man and cannot survive in this kind of world.

The Talmuds can only be in power in a world where races are confused and all knowledge of lineage is dubious due to incessant mixing of genetically disparate bloodlines. We all know this is their tactic to weaken anyone not of them. Their own mixed background is only kept from this chaos by the sheer utter control of talmudism itself, a true satanic force in the employ of skinsuit hands. However, even talmudism cannot stop the physical consequences of dysgenics from subduing members of the tribe, especially in the mind.

God's intercession at Babel made it clear that lineage, language, and differences must exist for reasons that prevent the aggregating of anti-God forces which seek to upturn creation by cloak and dagger under a miasma of confused flesh.

I have always been open to uniting the races of men along ideological fronts. On theological fronts, getting many of these non-Whites to live by a Christian ethos will not prove fruitful in the present, but counter-productive as it has turned out to be. I don't say this with impunity, but with reluctance. I wish it was not the case. I do pity all of them and wish for all of them to not live in a world of violent ignorance. A little bit of CIA coke is all it took to destroy the blacks in their own neighborhoods. I don't blame the blacks for being weak to that vector of attack, just as Whites are weak to spiritual corruption. A little taste of Santeria corrupted the Mesoamericans back to the horrors they lived before Cortez, but I do not blame them for falling for these inherent vices of both body and spirit. The Talmudic enemy of the White race is ultimately the enemy of all races, the European peoples as the chosen messenger of God's word, peace, and love are the reason they are so viciously attacked.

The way forward is primarily through Christ, though expelling ignorance on both sides of the race versus spirit dilemma is also a necessity. Instead of one or the other, it should be a spiritual lineage that regains its consciousness through the teachings of Christ, the tradition of the Apostles, and a push for Christian reunification with every man woman and child cognizant of their 2000 plus years of history. Many arguments will ensue, but they too are necessary to start discourse in reaching the ears of those whose souls know there is more out there than what we have been told.

I do not think the future will be exactly like any of us picture, and it is best to keep unity along as many fronts as possible, or the foundations of unity along one front (within one race) extending to more (between united races). The disagreements we all have are necessary, because even just the two of us are creating more content for hundreds of others to devour and grow from. I will tell every White American, westerner, and European to be cautious around non-Whites these days if the subject comes up, but I will never tell them to not pass up the chance to share wisdom with someone just because they are from a different race. The "might is right" attitude many non-Whites have is not appeased with Christian mores unfortunately, so defensive violence, or preventative violence, is necessary in many instances out in the chaos.

The talmuds force suffering on everything that comes into contact with them, man, animal, plant, tree, environment, even the sky, there is something inherently anti-life, anti-creation in the passing on of the fevered dreams which talmudism aspires towards, and it must be stopped. The guises they use for this behavior are evident that it is insidious beyond anything else that man has ever encountered prior to the Flood. Every human, genius or ignoramus, courageous or coward, noble or savage, should have their attention directed towards the head of the snake, but I will still build up my own people to live as close to God's laws as I can get them to whilst this happens. This is a war on all fronts, and none can be ignored.

The only issue I see is that in this escalation, the more any group focuses on the head of the snake, the more the snake's proxies are thrown at this group to send them into disarray. Perhaps something good can come out of these protests in uniting a majority against talmudism, but I'm not holding my breath. Anglin seems to believe otherwise, and he has been pretty prescient on many events, but we're all humans guessing at some point, especially in this storm of confusion.
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Zundel was hinting that other people's solutions to Weimar conditions would never be as orderly and humane as Hitler's were. He is saying in the full interview that these jews were going to be faced with the possibility of a "real" holocaust if they kept up what they were doing to America and other countries. We may see a return of Heraclius yet, or something far more extreme. Violence does seem to beget violence as much as appeasement does. The "stage" is playing out, and we will see in time who is truly not on the zog plantation.
I think it's hard to say because so many people believe in the reality of the world we are living in, because it is, temporarily real to us. The point I make, however, is that it doesn't have staying power - that is, it is actually something to which the term "unsustainable" would be correctly applied. The unsustainable part is that point after which the trends and tendency of man to "keep going" breeds a population that becomes on average more consumeristic, or materialistic, and thus loses faith at the margins, and then centrally. It seems you can build out only so far before the "averaging" of things takes many of the very solid survival characteristics away - easier life making on average most people soft, women allowed to do more or choose more in society, birth rates and families losing permanence, etc. I'd be curious to see what your reflection or analysis is on my ecology theory, which is that population in and of itself isn't the issue, it's that we have convergent phenomenon with population (so you can argue, yes, it all goes together) that increases the number of people, averages out quality, saves many diseased people and premature births, creates welfare systems for votes and debasement of people, which lends to dysgenics, etc. It isn't there are too many people, it's that quality of people and ease of survival, which go hand in hand, gets worse - the latter seemingly good but of course it breeds weakness and lack of character.
The jews own system turning against them they can only blame on themselves, which they never will do based on their empty history of self-admission to guilt for anything.
I have had a handful of friends or acquaintances over the years that come from "jewish" families and it is amazing to me that among the small number of conservative ones, they refuse to acknowledge the battle of their ideas is against an unbelievably high % of "jews" who promote and control politics or other social avenues of debased behavior. Sometimes these are really smart guys otherwise, and I would guess they are similar to Prager in that he even acknowledges this reality or fact, but then doesn't come to the 2nd or higher order thinking about it. Is he too scared to? Is he a deceiver? I don't understand that point in realizing things, only to not try to correct it. The most pathetic thing about it is that he can't even hide behind "it's only single digit percentage" or so of muslims being terrorists for example, the jewish revolutionary and communist spirit is in the 90% and higher range! So it is a rule, not an small percentage, it's inverting even the crazy islamic factions as far as how common it is.
God's intercession at Babel made it clear that lineage, language, and differences must exist for reasons that prevent the aggregating of anti-God forces which seek to upturn creation by cloak and dagger under a miasma of confused flesh.
This is a very interesting and profound point. I think the main problem is that, as I've stated, the people that create the best physical/material life are by far and away the europeans, so they are the most attacked for having the most desirable traits as a result. It is an interesting thing that as far as groups or ego in general goes, it is very uncommon for people to come clean regarding how europeans are the most advanced; they do admit this indirectly with their feet and desires, otherwise.
It is an interesting thing that as far as groups or ego in general goes, it is very uncommon for people to come clean regarding how europeans are the most advanced; they do admit this indirectly with their feet and desires, otherwise.

Even more obvious: property values.

Institutionalized racism comes in the form of "property values," lol, which is mainly just a codeword for how White an area is.
Even more obvious: property values.

Institutionalized racism comes in the form of "property values," lol, which is mainly just a codeword for how White an area is.
I wonder if you agree with me that DEI is coming to its end as the use of it has gone away, AND the money is running out, so any of the wealthy or upper class don't care about that anymore: they got what they wanted (a top seat, or one of the remaining seats in the musical chairs game).
This is a very interesting and profound point. I think the main problem is that, as I've stated, the people that create the best physical/material life are by far and away the europeans, so they are the most attacked for having the most desirable traits as a result. It is an interesting thing that as far as groups or ego in general goes, it is very uncommon for people to come clean regarding how europeans are the most advanced; they do admit this indirectly with their feet and desires, otherwise.

Europeans are the most advanced at this present point in history. We all know that civilizations rise and fall. Europeans were not always the most advanced and in the future they may be surpassed by others. Who knows really.
Europeans are the most advanced at this present point in history. We all know that civilizations rise and fall. Europeans were not always the most advanced and in the future they may be surpassed by others. Who knows really.
No, they genetically are according to the metrics everyone desires. That was decided long ago, so it can't change. If wiped out entirely, it'll just be who is most closely related to them. I don't even care about this, since I don't claim "better" for material things, since this world isn't all there is. But for those who do, it's peak stupidity to reject the reality, and is all emotion or pride/ego.
No, they genetically are according to the metrics everyone desires. That was decided long ago, so it can't change. If wiped out entirely, it'll just be who is most closely related to them. I don't even care about this, since I don't claim "better" for material things, since this world isn't all there is. But for those who do, it's peak stupidity to reject the reality, and is all emotion or pride/ego.
Just because you have the most "advanced" genetics it does not follow by default that you have the most advanced society. Those are two separate things.

If anyone needs a reminder of this fact just look at Argentina. They have fantastic genetics but as a country they are a complete perennial basket case.
it does not follow by default that you have the most advanced society.
I haven't talked about society (for a reason and probably due to your point here). We could just talk about potential, as we know the many traps that there are in human civilizations, the rises and falls.
Even genetic "potential" is highly context dependent (i.e. genetic adaptation to their home environment).

For example we see in Australia here where we have very harsh UV rays due to the thinner ozone layer the pale white european descended people here have much higher incidence of skin cancer than darker skinned people do as there skin is an adaptation to cold countries where sunlight/UV is more limited and darker skinned people are more likely to get vitamin D deficiency.

Also if you are referring to intelligence/IQ while it still has some relevance in the modern technologically advanced world its less relevant. Whether a population in the modern world has an average IQ of 97 or 103 does not make all that much of a difference at this point in time.
There is a LOT of noticing happening around the world. There is a lot of Austrian painter showing up on social media.

Whatever comes of it I don't know, but this thread title is definitely accurate.
There is a LOT of noticing happening around the world. There is a lot of Austrian painter showing up on social media.

Whatever comes of it I don't know, but this thread title is definitely accurate.
Lucas Gage, who is heavily shadow banned on twitter and gets a fraction of the reactions he used to get, got visited by the DHS yesterday. He recorded it, and it was over 17K likes overnight. The noticing is full blown right now and once it is seen, it can't be unseen.

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Lucas Gage, who is heavily shadow banned on twitter and gets a fraction of the reactions he used to get, got visited by the DHS yesterday. He recorded it, and it was over 17K likes overnight. The noticing is full blown right now and once it is seen, it can't be unseen.

I'm not listening to an hour of this. Can someone summarize it for us, please?
Whatever you do, don't back down, Americans. We have freedom of speech in our Constitution, and don't forget it. Don't let these intimidation tactics spook you. They are desperate to close the JQ pandora's box.
I'm not listening to an hour of this. Can someone summarize it for us, please?
Whatever you do, don't back down, Americans. We have freedom of speech in our Constitution, and don't forget it. Don't let these intimidation tactics spook you. They are desperate to close the JQ pandora's box.
If you have time, I recommend it. Mostly because he very politely invites them into his house, explains how it is him that is receiving death threats and that he only promotes peaceful discussion, and the DHS agent agrees and says she has seen all of this. He then asks if that is the case, why are they visiting him, and it is round about way of saying "well, we are worried if one of your followers does something violent" to which he again reiterates that he only promotes peace and that he isn't responsible for what other people do, to which again they agree.

So, he points out that all these tax resources are being wasted and then goes into detail about the history of Israel, the ADL, and general behavior traits, to which the DHS person has no answer. It is pretty funny to watch.