Ok...I understand what you're are trying to say...
The issues is that these are the core believers with sway internationally and they have a tendency for exploitation and pederasty engrained in their culture and religious practices.
If we are going to not do the guilty by association tactic...Riddle me this Batman... How do you square that logic with:
The talmud literally says:
Jesus is in a vat of semen and excrement...
The Virgin Mary was a whore and raped by Roman Soldiers.
It's okay to rape and kill gentile children.
It's ok to steal from gentiles.
Of course there was are individuals Jews that don't highlight this and are good people, just wrong about Christ... But you absolutely can make a generalization about these people.
How familiar are you with talmudic Judaism? It appears not so much.
Reminder: this a discussion forum, not an echo chamber. Posting an unpopular opinion or challenging the consensus is not a reportable infraction, so long as forum rules are respected.
Im familiar enough with it to know what they say about the Virgin Mary and Jesus Christ. What more do I need to know?My understanding is the Talmud is like a bookshelf in and of itself. So of course I’m not familiar with it. Because it’s so long nobody outside of Jewish scholars who study it for a living are, so you aren’t either. I wouldn’t be surprised that the book does not speak highly of Jesus since he was considered a threat to Judaism at the time.
As for those specific examples, I will have to do my research on them and get back to you in a future post.
Again, none of this proves these tunnels were or are being used for human trafficking.
I generally agree with your posts. I think the Jews are up to a lot of things overall, but I think most of them occur above ground level. All I have seen is about a 4 foot high by 4 foot wide dirt tunnel, that runs about half a block. I doubt this is some kind of secret villain's lair. There was probably some bad intent behind making it, but I doubt the main people in charge of this headquarters organization were really aware of this nasty little dirt tunnel. I think it was a harebrained scheme by some bit players at the HQ. It seems pathetic to me really.My understanding is the Talmud is like a bookshelf in and of itself. So of course I’m not familiar with it. Because it’s so long nobody outside of Jewish scholars who study it for a living are, so you aren’t either. I wouldn’t be surprised that the book does not speak highly of Jesus since he was considered a threat to Judaism at the time.
As for those specific examples, I will have to do my research on them and get back to you in a future post.
Again, none of this proves these tunnels were or are being used for human trafficking.
Appreciate it. Certain members on here want to ridicule, censor, or report my posts just because I don’t agree with them and have a differing point of view. They have no leg to stand on when it comes to censorship, or free speech.
So no one can find out its contents because it's a long book?? There have been many Jews and non-Jews alike who have studied the Talmud, which was translated, although the translations are often self-censored and sanitized. That, rather than the length, was the reason its contents weren't always known:Because the Talmud is so long, nobody outside of Jewish scholars who study it for a living are, so you aren’t either.
The Talmud was written and compiled centuries after they killed Jesus. Their depiction of our Lord have been consistent across the ages.I wouldn’t be surprised that the book does not speak highly of Jesus since he was considered a threat to Judaism at the time.
I think the Jews are up to a lot of things overall, but I think most of them occur above ground level.
As almost always.Thomas wins the thread.
It's not that you have a "differing point of view", it's more that your arguments like these below are incredibly weak, they read like those of an apologist straining to make his case.
So no one can find out its contents because it's a long book?? There have been many Jews and non-Jews alike who have studied the Talmud, which was translated, although the translations are often self-censored and sanitized. That, rather than the length, was the reason its contents weren't always known:
"In 1994, Rabbi Tzvi Marx, director of Applied Education at the Shalom Hartman Institute in Jerusalem, made a remarkable admission concerning how Jewish rabbis in the past have issued two sets of texts: the authentic Talmudic texts with which they instruct their own youth in the Talmud schools (yeshiviot) and “censured and amended” versions which they disseminate to gullible non-Jews for public consumption.
Rabbi Marx states that in the version of Maimonides’ teachings published for public consumption, Maimonides is made to say that whoever kills a human being transgresses the law.
But, Rabbi Marx points out “…this only reflects the censured and amended printed text, whereas the original manuscripts have it only as ‘whoever kills an Israelite.”(Tikkun: A Bi-Monthly Jewish Critique May-June, 1994).
The Jewish book, Hesronot Ha-shas (“that which is removed from the Talmud”), is important in this regard. (Cf. William Popper, The Censorship of Hebrew Books p. 59).
Hesronot Ha-shas was reprinted in 1989 by Sinai Publishing of Tel-Aviv. Hesronot Ha-shas is valuable because it lists both the original Talmud texts that were later changed or omitted, and the falsified texts cited for Gentile consumption as authentic.
Historian William Popper states: “It was not always that long passages…were censored…but often single words alone were omitted…Often, in these cases, another method of correction was used in place of omission–substitution.” (Cf. William Popper, The Censorship of Hebrew Books pp. 58-59).
For example, the translators of the English Soncino version of the Talmud sometimes render the Hebrew word goyim (Gentiles) under any number of disguise words such as “heathen, Cuthean, Kushite, Egyptian, idolater” etc. But these are actually references to Gentiles (all non-Jews). Footnotes for certain passages in the Soncino Talmud translation state: “Cuthean (Samaritan) was here substituted for the original goy…”
The heirs of the Pharisees often deny the existence of the Talmud passages here cited, in order to brazenly claim that such passages are the “fabrications of countersemites.”
The Talmud was written and compiled centuries after they killed Jesus. Their depiction of our Lord have been consistent across the ages.
Good reading and compilation on the subject from Michael Hoffman:
If that's the case, wouldn't it be easier to exit the front door and use the sidewalk to get to where they need to be?I have a similar baby chair and it folds up flat like that but overall I think these tunnels are mundane ways for the chews to get around. Honestly silly.
Im familiar enough with it to know what they say about the Virgin Mary and Jesus Christ. What more do I need to know?
I don't have to debate it's authenticity with Ben Shapiro to know it's not aligned with me.
I don't need a PhD/MBA/MD to know that I should use toilet paper either....
”It’s almost certain now the tunnels at the Brooklyn Synagogue were made for child sexual abuse and abduction.The Synagogue has a long history that reveals a shocking pattern of rape, sodomy, incest, kidnapping and sex attacks on children.
Until 2011 they used their own court system which hid the crimes from police and never punished the perpetrators.Brooklyn District Attorney Charles Hynes finally released an expanded accounting of the nearly 100 perverts he says he has prosecuted in the borough’s ultra-Orthodox Jewish community in 2012.
Yona Weinberg, a bar mitzvah tutor sentenced to 13 months in jail after he was found guilty of molesting two students, one in a changing area of a synagogue’s ritual bath. The 60 foot tunnel was linking the Synagogue to the Synagogue’s Ritual Bath that has been used for child sexual abuse.
Brooklyn Rabbi Gershon Kranczer, fled to Israel after charges that he and his three sons repeatedly molested four young girls at the children’s home in Midwood. One whom told of being attacked for 15 years. Hirschel Pekkar the silversmith who created the famous Menorah which stands at the Headquarters abused dozens of girls. One of his victims who was just 5 when the abuse started is trying to reclaim the 6 feet tall Menorah so she can melt it down, but the Synagogue still refuses to part with the item. Till this day the Menorah is still displayed during Hanukkah at the headquarters of the Chabad-Lubavitch movement in Brooklyn.”
I threw my high chair in my basement because my son grew out of it and I don't need it right now until we have our next kid. My basement is also filed with old child toys, clothes, and even a soiled toddler bed that I can't throw out until a particular time of the year (thanks city garbage pickup).If that's the case, wouldn't it be easier to exit the front door and use the sidewalk to get to where they need to be?
I threw my high chair in my basement because my son grew out of it and I don't need it right now until we have our next kid. My basement is also filed with old child toys, clothes, and even a soiled toddler bed that I can't throw out until a particular time of the year (thanks city garbage pickup).
I guess that makes me a child trafficker.
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