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Javier Milei Elected President of Argentina

The more I read about Milei the more turned off I become. Apparently he's a big fan of Israel and has made very public his interest in "converting" to Judaism. At this point, I'm 99% sure he's another propped up globohomo stooge, another cog in their controlled opposition project. It's a shame, but I expect Argentina to either collapse entirely or transform into another US/globohomo dependency under his rule. God forbid, but we shall see.
This man is making Meloni blush in terms of selling out.

It depends on the terms of the agreement. If Argentina is seen as "behind" in carbon credits then they can sell their credits to other nations and make money. It's a big scam and I can't blame a leader for taking free cash when offered.
Protests erupt in Argentine against Milei's economic policies.

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Argentina's new president, Javier Miley, has issued a "radical" decree on economic deregulation, reports the Financial Times.
The decree introduces about 300 measures, in particular, it liberalizes the market for rental housing, customs clearance of exports, land ownership, and retail trade in food products. Changes regulations in the airline, healthcare, pharmaceutical and tourism sectors to stimulate competition.Reduces severance pay for employees and extends the probationary period for new employees.
Allows the privatization of state-owned companies

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“Today we take the first step to end Argentina's pattern of decline. I signed an emergency decree to begin to dismantle the oppressive institutional and legal system that has destroyed our country,” Miley said.
In Buenos Aires, people protested against the lifting of restrictions on the sale of land to foreigners. They chant: “The Motherland is not for sale!”
State employees are also unhappy, many of whom have lost their jobs due to state budget cuts.
Sounds similar to Musk's 2018 lithium deals in Bolivia.. Only thing that had to be done was get Morales out of the way first.

Maybe Exxon will join in since they are now Lithium miners ;)

Joke aside... Milei (newly Jewish convert and all) will bring tons of money to the corrupt and decaying Argentinian economy after hopefully actually smashing the corrupt bureaucratic rot.

I am all for deals that enrich the US interests and enrich the people in country where they've messed up their economy so bigly due to commie actions they have to go to extremes like a TV show personality.... wait a second....
He's going to sell a lot of state assets to his (((backers))). The country will be plunged in deep austerity and the middle and lower classes will suffer, especially if China doesn't play ball with them. He will be ousted in the next election.
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Argentina's President Javier Milei has ANOTHER major victory today.

He has proposed a law that affirms a right to self-defense in Argentina, which they do not currently have.

This will be applies in cases where someone tries to cause bodily harm to you or where they try to invade your property.

It also affirms that if the person trying to attack you dies, their relatives cannot sue you after the fact for defending yourself.

This is another MAJOR Milei victory in the same week where he has banned woke pronoun usage from government text, enacted reforms that will remove welfare benefits from anyone protesting in the streets blocking traffic and ban the usage of the word "free" to promote taxpayer-funded government programs.

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18 days ago, President Javier Milei was inaugurated in Argentina. Since then:
  • Eliminated 12 out of 21 cabinet posts
  • Firing 5,000 government employees
  • Ending 380k government regulations
  • Banned woke language in the military
  • Bill to affirm the right to self-defense
  • Bill to legalize homeschooling of kids
  • Proposal to punish all riot organizers
  • Future welfare cuts for road-blocking
  • Legalized paying contracts in bitcoin
  • Privatization of state-run companies
  • Opened up the Argentina oil industry

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Status quo before Milei: Bolivian economy sustained by migration to Argentina and capital leaving Argentina, courtesy of based national populist ostentatiously antiNeoliberal government. Based multiracial antielitist antiGLOBALIST populism.

Translation for above mentioned BAP (under BAP's tweet):
Bolivia’s economy is collapsing because Milei ordered control of the border

They literally lived as a parasite on us

President Milei closed smuggling to Bolivia and now its fart economy is about to collapse. The least parasitic borderline.
Is it just me, or does he need to visit his barber? I can't even imagine what he thinks he is accomplishing with his hairstyle. It's hard to take a president seriously when his hair makes Boris Johnson look sharp.

Think of all the time he spends with hairspray in front of the mirror to consistently achieve that unkempt bedhead look.
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Translation for above mentioned BAP (under BAP's tweet):


Didn't know the remittance economy in Bolivia was that dependent. According to Google there are two million Bolivians in Argentina, out of a total population of 13.5 million. That's ~15 percent of the Bolivian population. Paraguay looks similar, 550 000 Paraguayans live in Argentina out of a 6.7 million strong population.

Crazy numbers. The predicted collapse thing is probably a bit premature but it will definitely hurt the Bolivian economy.
Is it just me, or does he need to visit his barber? I can't even imagine what he thinks he is accomplishing with his hairstyle. It's hard to take a president seriously when his hair makes Boris Johnson look sharp.

Think of all the time he spends with hairspray in front of the mirror to consistently achieve that unkempt bedhead look.
I assumed he was going for a Simon Bolivar look.

It seems like he has no problems with the ladies.

18 days ago, President Javier Milei was inaugurated in Argentina. Since then:
  • Eliminated 12 out of 21 cabinet posts
  • Firing 5,000 government employees
  • Ending 380k government regulations
  • Banned woke language in the military
  • Bill to affirm the right to self-defense
  • Bill to legalize homeschooling of kids
  • Proposal to punish all riot organizers
  • Future welfare cuts for road-blocking
  • Legalized paying contracts in bitcoin
  • Privatization of state-run companies
  • Opened up the Argentina oil industry
Just your typical dog and pony show.

"Hey guys, this time things will be different!"

He is a joke, bought and paid for, as every "leader" in every "democracy" is guaranteed to be. Democracy is literally just one big children's puppet show to apaciguate the masses. The tiny "based" puppet beats another tiny puppet with a tiny bat and the crowd cheers, even as they're robbed blind and their sons are castrated and sent to die in some trench in the Middle East.

It's neither demos nor kratos. Not demos, because it's most certainly not of the people, and not kratos, power, because nobody ever knows who is in charge of anything, and nothing ever gets done about any problem. I wonder who came up with this idea?
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