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Javier Milei Elected President of Argentina

The Milei/Zelensky overlap is uncanny. Has Milei had "the call" yet? Z was advised it was time to toe the western line, learn to speak Ukrainian, and ramp up .mil hostilities to Russia. So many of these recent hopefuls have flipped. The "callers" have pictures.

Is there a brewing, unforeseen war for Argentina? Argentina has long been a favored "retreat." Russians, Ukrainians, wealthy Westerners, RVFers, and their like, consider it a haven. Is it time to close that option? Excuse the cynicism, but Argentina is small and vulnerable enough to wreck, but big enough for everyone to notice - and hang its fate on "that crazy right-winger" that never really was one. Has Vicky Nuland been that way lately (she visited Brasil last year)?
There is always the Falklands issue.

Have to admit that I feel the same about Milei. Some thing's off about him. He's got that same fake outsider vibe, complete with clownish antics.

Zelensky the soft gay porn actor that walks around in high heels and leather underwear, Milei the tantric sex coach. Zelensky with an obvious coke addiction, Milei mentally unstable.

Retarded sexual dance on live TV

Voices in his head. Or is he joking?

The Milei/Zelensky overlap is uncanny. Has Milei had "the call" yet? Z was advised it was time to toe the western line, learn to speak Ukrainian, and ramp up .mil hostilities to Russia. So many of these recent hopefuls have flipped. The "callers" have pictures.

Is there a brewing, unforeseen war for Argentina? Argentina has long been a favored "retreat." Russians, Ukrainians, wealthy Westerners, RVFers, and their like, consider it a haven. Is it time to close that option? Excuse the cynicism, but Argentina is small and vulnerable enough to wreck, but big enough for everyone to notice - and hang its fate on "that crazy right-winger" that never really was one. Has Vicky Nuland been that way lately (she visited Brasil last year)?

Interesting and deeper stuff, Argentina/Patagonia has often been mentioned as a possible home country for at least part of the world's Jewry.

Theodor Herzl in his first Zionist work, Der Judenstaat.

In his book Der Judostaat, Herzl (1860-1904) evaluated the different alternatives for the establishment of a "national home" for the Jewish people and reflected: "Is Palestine preferable or Argentina? [...] Argentina is one of the naturally richer countries in the world, with an immense surface, low population and a moderate climate. ” And he even added that "the Argentine Republic would have the greatest interest in giving us a piece of territory."
Herzl clarifies that "it was an vast empty territory in which there was no need to expell any nation already established"

Below is top tier investigative journalism from Whitney Webb. Original work was from Joe Vialls, an Australian Jew who exposed the extent to which Zionist financiers were entrenching themselves in Patagonia 18 years ago. He has since passed away. One name gets mentioned very often, British-Jewish billionaire Joe Lewis.

After 'New Khazaria' and a whole lot of other blanks it sounds very unlikely and farfetched.
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I'm reading all of this and I'm not defensive. I just ask people to pump the breaks on all of this controlled opposition paranoia, it gets out of control. It's the corollary of the "conspiracy theory" narrative for normies (dismissing things because you have extra knowledge or good opinions in general, but in reality you are thinking too hard about things, whereas normies don't think at all).

Change takes time. It is slow. You act like all of a sudden a guy who drops truth bombs left and right is going to appear and act 100% in accordance with what we think would be the "perfect" leader. I've got news for you, it doesn't work that way, and come on now, we all know why.
At this point i don't know if we make a thread about every "ring wing" politician kissing the ring.

It's not because of what's happening lately, even a few years ago with Bolsonaro:


Bolsonaro sons with mossad shirts:


Every right wing party in the west is owned by Likud.

And if you aren't, you get destroyed and sent to jail, look at Golden Dawn in Greece.

The Central Bank of Argentina (BCRA - Banco Central de la República Argentina) is 100% state owned, from their website:

The Central Bank of Argentina (BCRA) was created as a mixed private-public institution as a consequence of the monetary and banking reform of 1935. Among its duties, the BCRA was in charge of issuing notes and coins in its exclusive character of issuer, regulating the amount of lending and money, accumulating international reserves, controlling the banking system and being the financial agent of the government. The monetary authority was thus vested with powers to act as “lender of last resort” and to adopt countercyclical policies to mitigate economic fluctuations.
However, the implementation of monetary policies continued to be subject to the preferences and interests of foreign—mostly British—investors, who sought to transfer their profits abroad in the absence of national currency’s devaluation.

The Central Bank became a fully state-run institution in 1946 with the main goal of fostering economic development. It thus sought to reduce the number of loans being channeled to speculative activities and to redirect resources to finance productive activities.

So Milei's pledge to shut it down, might as well mean its privatization.
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The Central Bank of Argentina (BCRA - Banco Central de la República Argentina) is 100% state owned, from their website:

So Milei's pledge to shut it down, might as well mean its privatization.

Their central bank was most likely about to implement the BRICS currency, that bloc being by far their main trading partner.

In this interview, Neo-Con Trump.... I mean, whoever this puppet is, reminds of Dave Chappelle in the SNL skit making fun of the Trump situation.

"Trump came out of that house and said 'yep, we are screwing you over, we are doing everything bad you think we are doing', and then he went right back in and kept doing it".

Talk is cheap, in fact, in this case I see him as taunting the people needing his help, promising help and then doing the opposite. But we will see if he turns into another Neo-Con Trump or not. I would bet he does so.

Argentina's 1st jewish president to impose a CBDC​

He also said that he is really pro vaccines, while publically and notoriously vaccinating himself

Argentina’s first jewish president, Javier Milei, plans to impose on the population a Central Bank Digital Currency. This is measure for the enslavement of the citizenry, and opens the possibility of a genocide against us, by the jewish president and his backers against the population of this country.

A former Goldman’s Sach’s “Argentinian” employee with a PhD from Harvard will be in charge of its execution.

News source:

Full text
"I work at the Central Bank of the Argentine Republic, and we will end the use of cash in our country"
Appointed by Milei as the president of the Central Bank, Demian Reidel, who once was employed by JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs and was an official of the Central Bank during the presidency of Macri, proposes the end of physical money. According to Reidel's statements, we understand that in his mind, cash is a criminal tool. With the end of physical money and the appearence for example a CBDC, the government will have total and absolute control over the population similar to the one in China.

Photo Source:

He saying he is really pro vaccines:


Argentina won’t join BRICS as scheduled, says member of Milei’s transition team​

BUENOS AIRES, Argentina (AP) — Argentina will not be joining the BRICS bloc of developing economies next year as scheduled, a senior official in President-elect Javier Milei’s team said Thursday.

“We will not join the BRICS,” Diana Mondino, who Milei picked as foreign minister once he is sworn into office on Dec. 10, wrote on X, formerly Twitter.

The move appears to be a preview of the drastic shift in foreign policy that will be implemented in Argentina once right-wing populist Milei takes office.

Milei, a libertarian, harshly criticized China while on the campaign trail and threatened to break diplomatic relations with the country ,saying in an interview with former Fox News host Tucker Carlson that “I am not going to do business with any communist.”

- https://apnews.com/article/brics-ar...entina (AP),Javier Milei's team said Thursday.