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Javier Milei Elected President of Argentina

Good to see phonies like BAP getting exposed.

I was once in a group chat with him on twitter and associated with a lot of “twitter dissidents” (lol).

He is the definition of a LARPer, I am amazed he still has a following. I think people liked him for his peculiar and intriguing patois and his apparent revolt against the ugliness and aesthetic decay of leftism. But all he has to other is incoherent vitalism, a form of nihilism. Also it increasingly looks like he’s potentially zogged as he is an ideological dead-end designed to keep you away from Christ
Melei is a weird guy, but I understand he has just balanced the budget in Argentina by radically cutting spending and government personnel. I am highly in favor of this.

People, including conservatives, will scream this will hurt the people whose gravy train is being cut off. However, there's no avoiding it. When government grows to a large percentage of the total economy, it eventually runs off the rails and bankrupts everybody.

Better to shrink government to a small percentage of the economy, so it simply matters less. Yes, there is pain in the shrinking, but that kind of pain was caused by government getting too big then going bankrupt. The pain is due to the orginal sin of excess government, not due to the cure of shrinking it back down.

Like I said, Milei is a weirdo, but isn't it inevitable that the person who finally shrinks the government is going to be an unusual and probably outlandish person?

He reminds me of Bukele, who is charting a unique course for his country as well. I like Bukele a lot better than Milei, but I'm at a point where I'm in favor of countries trying radically different approaches.

Argentina has had repeated economic collapses. Another will probably come soon if they stay on the regular bankster approved policy track. I doubt Melei will do worse than that, and he might do a lot better.
Milei is not superman no matter how well intentioned or capable he is, he is still working within the constraints of a democracy and in a country that has a history of leftism (and general degeneracy) on top of that Argentina might be too far gone to recover despite his best efforts. I am not sure that Argentina can be saved at this point but I am open to being proved wrong. I have not been to Argentina but based on all of the Argentinians I have ever met so far (I would say more than 100 in my lifetime) I do not have much hope for their country.
Will there be opportunities to invest in Argentina, or will these retards just go back to a guy like Lula in Brazil, whether it's their "fault" or not?
"Argentina's poverty levels hit 57% of population, a 20-year high in January, study finds. BUENOS AIRES, Argentina (AP) — Poverty levels skyrocketed to 57.4% of Argentina's 46 million people in January, the highest rate in 20 years, according to a study by the Catholic University of Argentina."

Argentinian women are physically very attractive but they are poisoned with a lot of feminism. We all know that women are less prone to feminism when the economy craters and putting food on the table becomes a priority. Does anybody here who has visited Argentina think that in the coming years the rising poverty level in Argentina might again make it an attractive destination for wife hunting?
"Argentina's poverty levels hit 57% of population, a 20-year high in January, study finds. BUENOS AIRES, Argentina (AP) — Poverty levels skyrocketed to 57.4% of Argentina's 46 million people in January, the highest rate in 20 years, according to a study by the Catholic University of Argentina."

Argentinian women are physically very attractive but they are poisoned with a lot of feminism. We all know that women are less prone to feminism when the economy craters and putting food on the table becomes a priority. Does anybody here who has visited Argentina think that in the coming years the rising poverty level in Argentina might again make it an attractive destination for wife hunting?
Go check it out, if that's your key to finding a wife. Strange question considering the poverty level is likely considerably high even before this.

is milei making the economy better for average argentinians or not ?.
Even if he did what is right, proper, etc something like this, especially right now in the world, would take at least 3 years to see any change. Pinochet affected quick change, but the world wasn't in a debt spiral of stupid fiat at the time. Inflation was starting, but there were many tricks that were still on the table to perform, such as those used for the next 50 years (til now) if you can believe it ... amazing
Total clownshow:

It sounds extremely arrogant but seems like he’s answering a question similar to why they voted for him.

He was a soccer player, tv personality and college professor. He had followers.

I don’t know much about the guy but a politician that cuts government spending is what the world needs the most. Specially here in the States.