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Javier Milei Elected President of Argentina

Many people do not know that the US Dollar is the official currency of Panama, El Salvador, and Ecuador.
These countries have not had their own currencies for decades.
Argentina would be the 4th latin american country to officially make the change.

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Milei's self declared 'spiritual guide' is rabbi Shimon Axel Wahnish. His ties to a Jewish Argentinian oligarch are well documented, as his is outspoken support for Israel

Milei has many plans and ideas that could benefit ordinary Argentinians. Also his popularity is in part due to his opposition to the Puebla/Forum de Sao Paolo Trotskyite/leftwing takeover of much of South America.

But recent populist right 'victories' elsewhere (Trump, Bolsonaro, Brexit, Meloni) show that his term will likely be a bust. And by being hostile to Russia and especially China he'll steer Argentina straight back onto the neoliberal plantation.


This is my issue with Tucker Carlson to be honest.
The guy has more money than any of us could dream of attempting to spend in one lifetime, he is well ensconced in the US elite, hangs out publicly with the likes of Donald Trump, his father was an ambassador for the United States, his father was CIA, wasn't just CIA - his father's name is up on the wall of the CIA Hall of Fame in Langley.
Supposedly he couldn't really say the whole truth back when he was America's most watched pundit on Fox TV but had to "steer right up to the line" but not go over it.

Well he quit that job and is now well set to retire as a very affluent man yet he continues to broadcast - completely FREE now of Fox diktats ("a company run by (((Scared Women))) according to him) and with a massive viewership, he is now in a perfect position to offer some incisive analysis.
But he doesn't do that..

He offers a voice to "the other side" of the whole CNN, NYT, Slate, MSNBC MSM complex but - he only acts as a cheerleader.
Sure he slates Zelensky but he never goes that deep into the specifics of Ukrainian politics. He says things like "he dresses as a cheap strip club owner" which sounds good but I don't think Ive ever heard him say the name Kolomoisky.
He interviews Candace Owens and sucks up to her but retreats quickly to vague condemnations of (((big Harvard donors))) and (((their role in allowing white genocide theory))).
There are many criticisms that could be made of Orban but Tucker just goes there and sucks up to him. "Wow! We got access to what's going on behind the scenes in Hungary!"
Recently he's been in Spain and is doing interviews with Spanish boss jews, he did one interview where he complained of 93 year old George Soros' role in Spanish politics: "He's not Spanish he's (((Hungarian)))!! An-d he's not even popular where he's from... in Hungary!!!"

Same with Milei, he sold him as this crazy radical departure from normal party politics. Everything he interviewed Milei on was to hear back the sales pitch from Milei and then say "Wow, that is so smart! That is such a smart thing to say!"
If you listened to Tucker you would think that Milei was this crazy-wisdom outsider who was going to shake things up.
He left out his CV which included things like being a former senior economist at HSBC and a G20 advisor with Argentinian government.
HSBC is Jardine Matheson terrtory, its indelibly liked with the zionist Tai-pans who prosecuted the Rothschild Opium wars on China and the likes of the Hong Kong boss jews like the Sassoons and the Kadoories. He didn't get that high on their roster by being some wild unconventional renegade. He's a Globalist.
He wants to legalise sex work and have open borders - very Tucker-esque positions, (oh no, wai-) and Tucker basically uncritically presented his case. Which is what Tucker always does - you've been told that Milei/Orban/Bolsonaro were bad people we decided to hear their side of the story. - that spiel is something Im getting quite tired of. He just does bumper sticker tabloid journalism.

And He Leaves Out A Lot.

Where was the analysis of Milei's Zelensky-esque path into politics or the mention of his Kolomoisky-esque benefactors?
As someone typed earlier today: "We've all seen this movie many, many, times before (Trump, Boris, Bolsonaro, Meloni ESPECIALLY, etc. etc.). No matter how many times truthers are let down or gaslit, they swallow that white pill again and again and again. ANYTHING to avoid using the pitchforks.
Milea is is a pro open borders globalist. He's not our guy at all I fear..
Milei will do the symbolic baptism in Israel, as one of his first gestures as president, just like Bolsonaro did, in order to show obedience to his real masters.
He even considered a formal conversion to judaism during his campaign

Tucker doesn't really mention any of this.
But someone as smart as him will know one thing: that judged by any metric and any measurement Argentina is one of the most politically divided countries in the entire world.
There is not so much a gap as a chasm between the Left and the Right.
I know people who've been there and who were just staggered by the violence they saw. Argentinian friends nod when the danger and despair of large parts of Argentina are mentioned. Then they shrug their shoulders, the country is hopelessly divided, what can you do?
Case in point (on a pop-culture level but still instructive) - when Maradona died - underneath it all the Left were embarrassed. Great soccer player, either the best or second best ever.
But what a Maroon.
All his coke bingeing and addictions and rifle potshots at journalists and failed drug tests and dumb statements and health emergencies and trips to get hosed down as fat shaking mess in Cuba and his entourage of dumb goons that went everywhere with him..

If Maradona had died in 1989 in a car accident the Left in Argentina and Italy would have staged mass farewells with not a hint of reservation.
But when Maradona died after years of unravelling the overwhelming sense I got was that the Left in Argentina were not that comfortable with all the footage of the older Kook Maradona all over the TV screens. They were embarrassed.
Right wing conservative Argentinians all over the country were sitting over steak and wine and repeating to each other the Spanish phrase that they all repeated for years a propos "Che"-tattooed Maradona: "You can put a Beggar on a Horse/ But that doesn't mean he knows how to ride it.."
Around the same time in the sport of the Middle and Upper Classes, Rugby, the Argentinian Pumas beat the best team in the world the All Blacks for the first time in their history.
In most countries that would have been a unifying event. The national team wins big in another sport and then dedicates the win to the memory of Diego and for a brief second "the country is united through sport etc etc"
But THAT just stung even more for left wing Argentinians, not only were they kind of embarrassed by the wall to wall coverage of their icon, Maradona, but NOW the hated conservative sports team had won a big scalp.
So suddenly all these recordings and screen shots of the rugby players saying "racist" and "countersemitic" things were leaked. Big Scandal.
What should have been Los Pumas' greatest moment was taken away from them by this sudden "cancel culture" scandal. Forget the fact that the tweets etc. were ten years old and the national captain had been 17 or 18 when he'd put them out there...
The Left in Argentina had waited patiently for TEN YEARS to take down their sporting enemies, and just when they were hurting because the incessant coverage of Maradona was embarrassing them and the team of their fellow Argentinians were winning they picked that time to strike.
Argentinains I spoke to just shrugged and said "the gap is unsolveable."

Tucker isn't stupid. he knew about this divide.
The Bankers and freemasons and their jewish masters had succeeded so much in their "Divide and Rue" approach that Argentina's political divide was intractable and threatened to stymie any attempts to steer the country to a destination they wanted - a la "Left Wing" Tony Blair and his private-finace/forever-war friendly New Labour Party.
So what did they do? In my view, they came up with a Trojan Horse. A "colouring outside the lines" supposed outsider and renegade who could appeal to both sides who were just despondent about the chances of resolving their country's problems.
Tucker knew all this. Knew his Globalist pedigree and boss Jew backers.
Didn't say anything.

As much as I am completely underwhelmed by Milei, although no doubt his rule will be interesting to observe, I am more underwhelmed with "Kabbalah bracelet" Tucker and his dumbing down of right wing journalism.

I know he is not perfect, PJW touches on his "flaws" in the video. I think as far as politics go there is no perfect politician. However some are certainly going to be better than others.... and I appreciate all of the ones who push back against the majority of clown world. Even if they are only delaying the inevitable.
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This is my issue with Tucker Carlson to be honest.
The guy has more money than any of us could dream of attempting to spend in one lifetime, he is well ensconced in the US elite, hangs out publicly with the likes of Donald Trump, his father was an ambassador for the United States, his father was CIA, wasn't just CIA - his father's name is up on the wall of the CIA Hall of Fame in Langley.
Supposedly he couldn't really say the whole truth back when he was America's most watched pundit on Fox TV but had to "steer right up to the line" but not go over it.

Well he quit that job and is now well set to retire as a very affluent man yet he continues to broadcast - completely FREE now of Fox diktats ("a company run by (((Scared Women))) according to him) and with a massive viewership, he is now in a perfect position to offer some incisive analysis.
But he doesn't do that..

He offers a voice to "the other side" of the whole CNN, NYT, Slate, MSNBC MSM complex but - he only acts as a cheerleader.
Sure he slates Zelensky but he never goes that deep into the specifics of Ukrainian politics. He says things like "he dresses as a cheap strip club owner" which sounds good but I don't think Ive ever heard him say the name Kolomoisky.
He interviews Candace Owens and sucks up to her but retreats quickly to vague condemnations of (((big Harvard donors))) and (((their role in allowing white genocide theory))).
There are many criticisms that could be made of Orban but Tucker just goes there and sucks up to him. "Wow! We got access to what's going on behind the scenes in Hungary!"
Recently he's been in Spain and is doing interviews with Spanish boss jews, he did one interview where he complained of 93 year old George Soros' role in Spanish politics: "He's not Spanish he's (((Hungarian)))!! An-d he's not even popular where he's from... in Hungary!!!"

Same with Milei, he sold him as this crazy radical departure from normal party politics. Everything he interviewed Milei on was to hear back the sales pitch from Milei and then say "Wow, that is so smart! That is such a smart thing to say!"
If you listened to Tucker you would think that Milei was this crazy-wisdom outsider who was going to shake things up.
He left out his CV which included things like being a former senior economist at HSBC and a G20 advisor with Argentinian government.
HSBC is Jardine Matheson terrtory, its indelibly liked with the zionist Tai-pans who prosecuted the Rothschild Opium wars on China and the likes of the Hong Kong boss jews like the Sassoons and the Kadoories. He didn't get that high on their roster by being some wild unconventional renegade. He's a Globalist.
He wants to legalise sex work and have open borders - very Tucker-esque positions, (oh no, wai-) and Tucker basically uncritically presented his case. Which is what Tucker always does - you've been told that Milei/Orban/Bolsonaro were bad people we decided to hear their side of the story. - that spiel is something Im getting quite tired of. He just does bumper sticker tabloid journalism.

And He Leaves Out A Lot.

Where was the analysis of Milei's Zelensky-esque path into politics or the mention of his Kolomoisky-esque benefactors?
As someone typed earlier today: "We've all seen this movie many, many, times before (Trump, Boris, Bolsonaro, Meloni ESPECIALLY, etc. etc.). No matter how many times truthers are let down or gaslit, they swallow that white pill again and again and again. ANYTHING to avoid using the pitchforks.
Milea is is a pro open borders globalist. He's not our guy at all I fear..
Milei will do the symbolic baptism in Israel, as one of his first gestures as president, just like Bolsonaro did, in order to show obedience to his real masters.
He even considered a formal conversion to judaism during his campaign

Tucker doesn't really mention any of this.
But someone as smart as him will know one thing: that judged by any metric and any measurement Argentina is one of the most politically divided countries in the entire world.
There is not so much a gap as a chasm between the Left and the Right.
I know people who've been there and who were just staggered by the violence they saw. Argentinian friends nod when the danger and despair of large parts of Argentina are mentioned. Then they shrug their shoulders, the country is hopelessly divided, what can you do?
Case in point (on a pop-culture level but still instructive) - when Maradona died - underneath it all the Left were embarrassed. Great soccer player, either the best or second best ever.
But what a Maroon.
All his coke bingeing and addictions and rifle potshots at journalists and failed drug tests and dumb statements and health emergencies and trips to get hosed down as fat shaking mess in Cuba and his entourage of dumb goons that went everywhere with him..

If Maradona had died in 1989 in a car accident the Left in Argentina and Italy would have staged mass farewells with not a hint of reservation.
But when Maradona died after years of unravelling the overwhelming sense I got was that the Left in Argentina were not that comfortable with all the footage of the older Kook Maradona all over the TV screens. They were embarrassed.
Right wing conservative Argentinians all over the country were sitting over steak and wine and repeating to each other the Spanish phrase that they all repeated for years a propos "Che"-tattooed Maradona: "You can put a Beggar on a Horse/ But that doesn't mean he knows how to ride it.."
Around the same time in the sport of the Middle and Upper Classes, Rugby, the Argentinian Pumas beat the best team in the world the All Blacks for the first time in their history.
In most countries that would have been a unifying event. The national team wins big in another sport and then dedicates the win to the memory of Diego and for a brief second "the country is united through sport etc etc"
But THAT just stung even more for left wing Argentinians, not only were they kind of embarrassed by the wall to wall coverage of their icon, Maradona, but NOW the hated conservative sports team had won a big scalp.
So suddenly all these recordings and screen shots of the rugby players saying "racist" and "countersemitic" things were leaked. Big Scandal.
What should have been Los Pumas' greatest moment was taken away from them by this sudden "cancel culture" scandal. Forget the fact that the tweets etc. were ten years old and the national captain had been 17 or 18 when he'd put them out there...
The Left in Argentina had waited patiently for TEN YEARS to take down their sporting enemies, and just when they were hurting because the incessant coverage of Maradona was embarrassing them and the team of their fellow Argentinians were winning they picked that time to strike.
Argentinains I spoke to just shrugged and said "the gap is unsolveable."

Tucker isn't stupid. he knew about this divide.
The Bankers and freemasons and their jewish masters had succeeded so much in their "Divide and Rue" approach that Argentina's political divide was intractable and threatened to stymie any attempts to steer the country to a destination they wanted - a la "Left Wing" Tony Blair and his private-finace/forever-war friendly New Labour Party.
So what did they do? In my view, they came up with a Trojan Horse. A "colouring outside the lines" supposed outsider and renegade who could appeal to both sides who were just despondent about the chances of resolving their country's problems.
Tucker knew all this. Knew his Globalist pedigree and boss Jew backers.
Didn't say anything.

As much as I am completely underwhelmed by Milei, although no doubt his rule will be interesting to observe, I am more underwhelmed with "Kabbalah bracelet" Tucker and his dumbing down of right wing journalism.
Highest quality post that I've read on the whole Milei thing. Yeah the guy's a complete spook and, like most Austrians, he has next to zero education on economic history or political philosophy. These guys will just quote Hayek and expect to be celebrated as the crown of intellectualism. Frankly, the guy is disgusting, and he fits the image I have gotten over the last couple of years of Argentinians being morally lose egotistical gaylords (I lived with several of them for three years, and they were the worst kind of White people I have ever encountered).
No offense to you if you are Argentinian. I'm sure there is some kind of good remnant left in the country, but man, the bad apples sure do the representation abroad.
Is he going to drain the swamp too?

Seems like the story repeats itself again but just somewhere else.
Probably not if you look at Italy's Meloni who changed her position on hot topic issue such as immigration/migrants after she got elected and into office. Milei's main targets are likely Radical Leftist/Marxist groups and Argentina's bloated government agencies.


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Argentina's President-Elect, Javier Milei, To Visit The U.S. And Israel Before Taking Office​

Milei said the trips will have mainly spiritual purposes. He's advocated for stronger ties with both countries

Argentina's President-elect Javier Milei announced on Monday that he will embark on a pre-inauguration trip to the United States and Israel before assuming office on December 10th.

Milei, who has pledged to close Argentina's central bank and transition to a dollarized economy, aims to strengthen diplomatic ties with the U.S. He also plans to join other leaders who have visited Israel in the aftermath of the conflict with Hamas.

The president-elect said that the trip holds "more of a spiritual connotation" and that he plans to meet with his "rabbi friends" both in Miami and New York.

"I am going to Israel from New York. We were talking about it yesterday -on Sunday- with the Israeli ambassador in Argentina", said the leader of "La Libertad Avanza" party (Liberty Moves Forward) in a radio interview.

Israeli Foreign Minister Eli Cohen congratulated President-elect of Argentina, Javier Milei, on his victory in a message on X (formerly Twitter):

"Congratulations President-elect of Argentina! We look forward to collaborating with you to strengthen the ties between Israel and Argentina and further deepen people-to-people connections. I extend an invitation to you to visit Israel soon, to continue our dialogue and inaugurate the Argentine Embassy in Jerusalem."

The Joe Biden administration also congratulated Milei on his election victory Sunday. In an online post, U.S. National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan said: "I congratulate Javier Milei on his election as President of Argentina and the people of Argentina for holding free and fair elections."

He continued:"We look forward to building on our strong bilateral relationship based on our shared commitment to human rights, democratic values and transparency."

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken commended Argentina's recent elections, emphasizing the "high turnout and peaceful conduct of the vote," which he described as a "testament to Argentina's electoral and democratic institutions." Blinken further expressed the United States' desire to collaborate with Argentina's new leadership, including Javier Milei, on issues of mutual interest, specifically "human rights and democracy, the fight against climate change, and investment in the middle class."

The Libertarian politician, who has denied climate change, is often compared with former president Donald Trump, whom Milei has expressed admiration for.

In a post on his social media platform Truth Social, former U.S. President Donald Trump extended his congratulations to Javier Milei. Trump's message stated, "Congratulations to Javier Milei on his great run for the presidency of Argentina. The whole world is watching! I am very proud of you. You will turn the country around and truly make Argentina Great again." Milei also received congratulations from other leaders with similar ideologies, including former Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro.
The Milei/Zelensky overlap is uncanny. Has Milei had "the call" yet? Z was advised it was time to toe the western line, learn to speak Ukrainian, and ramp up .mil hostilities to Russia. So many of these recent hopefuls have flipped. The "callers" have pictures.

Is there a brewing, unforeseen war for Argentina? Argentina has long been a favored "retreat." Russians, Ukrainians, wealthy Westerners, RVFers, and their like, consider it a haven. Is it time to close that option? Excuse the cynicism, but Argentina is small and vulnerable enough to wreck, but big enough for everyone to notice - and hang its fate on "that crazy right-winger" that never really was one. Has Vicky Nuland been that way lately (she visited Brasil last year)?
His ties to a Jewish Argentinian oligarch are well documented.


The above is not true, Erneukian is not Jewish. But Erneukian is most definitely a Zionist, as he writes for the Times of Israel and regularly teams up with influential Jews to organize Holocaust memorials centered around Raoul Wallenberg, an individual immersed in the early Zionist movement who helped tens of thousands of Jews escape to Sweden.

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The above is not true, Erneukian is not Jewish. But Erneukian is most definitely a Zionist, as he writes for the Times of Israel and regularly teams up with influential Jews to organize Holocaust memorials centered around Raoul Wallenberg, an individual immersed in the early Zionist movement who helped tens of thousands of Jews escape to Sweden.

Probably half-Jewish like Kasparov, Murdoch, Gert Wilders or Sarkozy, likely crypto. No one cares about Raoul Wallenberg, especially not Armenians, unless they are Jewish, or work for them.