January 6th / Capital Insurrection Thread

What's the real nexus or origin of this, Max? Easy?

Do you think that the evil one and his minions know the other groups/races are far more easily to be enslaved, so even if they have big numbers it doesn't matter? That brings up a surprisingly genetic component and link to life that can be goth good and bad for the european (bad because it can confirm things I think we know about ourselves and inflate our egos).

Where is this all coming from? Is this the main central banking plan, that certain people or groups, or those that help the zionists maintain wealth and influence, and the only bulwark against that is the european? That's what is funny about BTC and its founders, which is a big time change to this system, and why I think you see what you see. What's more? The developers of crypto and those holding BTC in general are almost all european and east asian guys, the ones legally discriminated against in the west at this point.

Talmudic ultimately. But it's taken on various recognizeable forms since it first manifested publicly as early revolutionary movements