Goyslop - Colors, Additives, Radiation, Sugar and Other Perils

I'm a big proponent of the mediterranean diet and I think we all promote non rat-race lifestyles, but I'm skeptical about the "blue zones" as it is just more of a selling point than it is actually reproduceable. Let me say first that longevity is one of the more overrated things in life, and it's a much more modern obsession. We also don't know the real ages of the people in the blue zones, and also there's the chicken and egg of genetics and the region. For example, I wouldn't trade my genetics to be a rice eating Okinawan to live 10 more years. Also, do you want to live to 100+ in the slums of latin america, or in times where the government can't or won't print money and your pension?

Things to think about.
I'm a big proponent of the mediterranean diet and I think we all promote non rat-race lifestyles, but I'm skeptical about the "blue zones" as it is just more of a selling point than it is actually reproduceable. Let me say first that longevity is one of the more overrated things in life, and it's a much more modern obsession. We also don't know the real ages of the people in the blue zones, and also there's the chicken and egg of genetics and the region. For example, I wouldn't trade my genetics to be a rice eating Okinawan to live 10 more years. Also, do you want to live to 100+ in the slums of latin america, or in times where the government can't or won't print money and your pension?

Things to think about.
I think those 100 year old Okinawans probably have a lot of family around, and are happy to be alive. If they weren't, they probably would have died sooner. Eating rice wouldn't be too much of a price to pay for that.
I think those 100 year old Okinawans probably have a lot of family around, and are happy to be alive. If they weren't, they probably would have died sooner. Eating rice wouldn't be too much of a price to pay for that.
That's fine, I don't value that and wouldn't trade what will probably be an "old" enough life. Again, much of this was only afforded in the 20th century peace time, being born at the right time, and is now sold to westerners who are obsessed with comfort and technology - but want to add on "blue zone" longevity. It's funny to me.
To be fair, I'm in the camp that believes it's all sugar and it doesn't matter much what type of sugar it is. There might some slight difference between, say, organic maple syrup and HFCS, but not much and you should consume very little sugar in any form. This includes fruit, or as I like to call it "tree candy." I love mangos, but one mango has 45 grams of sugar, more than anyone should be eating in a day. I doubt it makes much difference if you're getting that 45 grams from a mango or a Snickers bar.
It makes a huge difference if you get your sugar from a mango or a snickers bar. Firstly mango have vitamins and minerals which a snickers bar does not and secondly a Mango has a lot of Fiber which means the the GI of a Mango is lower and one Mango is a lot more filling (and bigger) than one snickers bar. So one Mango will go someway towards filling your stomach whereas a Snickers bar will hardly make a dent in your hunger.

I do not recomend overdosing on fruits either but If we take the argument to the extreme compare the weight/fat of the average frutarian compared to somebody who binges on copious amounts of goyslop and it becomes clear that their is a huge difference between fruit (however imperfect it may be) and junkfood.
It makes a huge difference if you get your sugar from a mango or a snickers bar. Firstly mango have vitamins and minerals which a snickers bar does not and secondly a Mango has a lot of Fiber which means the the GI of a Mango is lower and one Mango is a lot more filling (and bigger) than one snickers bar. So one Mango will go someway towards filling your stomach whereas a Snickers bar will hardly make a dent in your hunger.

I do not recomend overdosing on fruits either but If we take the argument to the extreme compare the weight/fat of the average frutarian compared to somebody who binges on copious amounts of goyslop and it becomes clear that their is a huge difference between fruit (however imperfect it may be) and junkfood.
It's controversial and no one agrees on much about nutrition. I'd agree that if you're going consume way too much sugar it's likely slightly better that you rationalize doing it with fruit, but not in any meaningful way. I've seen a lot of sugar addicts think they're flying under the radar by getting their fix through fruit and it never ends well. You mentioned frutarians. I had a crazy Russian ex who tried that. She ended up hospitalized for malnutrition.

I'll concede that you could argue that the guy who gets his 5x too much sugar from ice cream and candy bars might see his health deteriorate a little faster than someone who does it with fruit but, in the end, there's not much difference.
It's controversial and no one agrees on much about nutrition. I'd agree that if you're going consume way too much sugar it's likely slightly better that you rationalize doing it with fruit, but not in any meaningful way. I've seen a lot of sugar addicts think they're flying under the radar by getting their fix through fruit and it never ends well. You mentioned frutarians. I had a crazy Russian ex who tried that. She ended up hospitalized for malnutrition.

I'll concede that you could argue that the guy who gets his 5x too much sugar from ice cream and candy bars might see his health deteriorate a little faster than someone who does it with fruit but, in the end, there's not much difference.
I had no idea there was such a thing as "fruitarianism" because it's just such an obviously terrible idea. Just looked up pictures of fruitarians and it's harrowing stuff, they're skin and bones.

That being said, I think the difference between sugar from sugar cane or from fuit, and (((HFCS))), is abyssmal. Can you even compare them? I'm pretty sure it's apples to oranges. Sugar gives you a lot of easy energy and that's why your tastebuds reward you for consuming it, but it's certainly true that most people these days don't need very much energy at all. Still, you can eat fruit every day and it won't give you any kind of health issue as long as you have a sane diet full of meat and whatnot. Fruit is good for you, especially if you're eating nutrient-rich fruits. Most people in the world would see health benefits if they consumed guava or guava juice on a daily basis because of the amount of vitamin C and other antioxidants that it has. I mean, if you eat something absurd like 30 bananas a day then that's probably bad, but I don't think anyone's doing that.
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I had no idea there was such a thing as "fruitarianism" because it's just such an obviously terrible idea. Just looked up pictures of fruitarians and it's harrowing stuff, they're skin and bones.

That being said, I think the difference between sugar from sugar cane or from fuit, and (((HFCS))), is abyssmal. Can you even compare them? I'm pretty sure it's apples to oranges. Sugar gives you a lot of easy energy and that's why your tastebuds reward you for consuming it, but it's certainly true that most people these days don't need very much energy at all. Still, you can eat fruit every day and it won't give you any kind of health issue as long as you have a sane diet full of meat and whatnot. Fruit is good for you, especially if you're eating nutrient-rich fruits. Most people in the world would see health benefits if they consumed guava or guava juice on a daily basis because of the amount of vitamin C and other antioxidants that it has. I mean, if you eat something absurd like 30 bananas a day then that's probably bad, but I don't think anyone's doing that.
We'll just have to disagree about eating fruit daily and eating a lot of fruit. I strongly disagree, especially about guava juice or any kind of juice. With juice you're just drinking liquid sugar, with almost all the good stuff the fruit might have removed. Might as well just have a Coke, in my opinion.

Sugar is a tough addiction to crack, one reason being that people don't see it as on the same level as an addiction to tobacco or alcohol, which it is. I'd recommend looking up how much you should have daily (it's around 30 grams for men) and totaling up how much you're consuming. It's very easy to consume several times that amount while thinking you're eating healthy, especially if you're eating fruit daily and getting your sugar fix that way. If I had to choose, I'd probably have that Snickers bar as my one sweet of the day after some steak and eggs rather than eating "a lot of fruit." More satisfying and probably has some protein in it, although ideally you wouldn't be eating candy bars either.
We'll just have to disagree about eating fruit daily and eating a lot of fruit. I strongly disagree, especially about guava juice or any kind of juice. With juice you're just drinking liquid sugar, with almost all the good stuff the fruit might have removed. Might as well just have a Coke, in my opinion.
That's indeed the case if you buy the juice at the supermarket, which is of course going to be full of all kinds of added chemicals. But if you throw guavas in the blender yourself, fresh and organic and whatnot, if possible, then I really don't think that's anything like a coke.
Sugar is a tough addiction to crack, one reason being that people don't see it as on the same level as an addiction to tobacco or alcohol, which it is. I'd recommend looking up how much you should have daily (it's around 30 grams for men) and totaling up how much you're consuming. It's very easy to consume several times that amount while thinking you're eating healthy, especially if you're eating fruit daily and getting your sugar fix that way. If I had to choose, I'd probably have that Snickers bar as my one sweet of the day after some steak and eggs rather than eating "a lot of fruit." More satisfying and probably has some protein in it, although ideally you wouldn't be eating candy bars either.
Wait, Snickers bars have protein in them? That's interesting, I didn't know that. But that aside, they're full of soy and other nasty stuff on top of the HFCS/sugar.
Most frutarians are not fat. To the extent they get sick its because of a lack of animal nutrients from not eating meat rather than getting sick from overdosing on fruit. Unless you are talking about juice or dried fruit its hard to massively overdose on calories by consuming fruit because the calorie density of fruit is much lower than junk food.

One mango might weigh for example 400 grams on average and one snickers bar weighs around 45 grams. An average mango has around 200 calories but weighs around 400 grams. One snickers bar weighs less than 50 grams and has around 240 calories. So you can see the difference in caloric density. The mango will fill 8 times as much space in your stomach as the snickers bar but they both have around the same number of calories. So you can see how its much easier to overconsume calories with junk food than it is with fruit. That is to say nothing of the chemicals in junk food and the fact that fruit has so many vitamins and minerals.
Most frutarians are not fat. To the extent they get sick its because of a lack of animal nutrients from not eating meat rather than getting sick from overdosing on fruit. Unless you are talking about juice or dried fruit its hard to massively overdose on calories by consuming fruit because the calorie density of fruit is much lower than junk food.

One mango might weigh for example 400 grams on average and one snickers bar weighs around 45 grams. An average mango has around 200 calories but weighs around 400 grams. One snickers bar weighs less than 50 grams and has around 240 calories. So you can see the difference in caloric density. The mango will fill 8 times as much space in your stomach as the snickers bar but they both have around the same number of calories. So you can see how its much easier to overconsume calories with junk food than it is with fruit. That is to say nothing of the chemicals in junk food and the fact that fruit has so many vitamins and minerals.
This is true, but I'm almost sure that a "fruitarian" diet would be even less healthy than a junk food diet, and by a large margin. You at least get some protein, dairy, vegetables, things like that by eating a variety of junk food. Many Americans go decades eating pretty much only junk like chips (crisps), donuts, and McDonald's and other such food. They aren't healthy and don't look good, but they survive. On other hand, my Russian ex's fruitarian diet had her hospitalized in less than two months, if I remember correctly.
This is true, but I'm almost sure that a "fruitarian" diet would be even less healthy than a junk food diet, and by a large margin.

Steve Jobs was a fruitarian, and he died (relatively) young of pancreatic cancer.

Ashton Kutcher also went on a fruitarian diet while he was playing Jobs in a movie, and he was hospitalized twice with pancreatitis during filming.

It's definitely not good for you.
Fruit is great if you're active and need some carbs. Plus it tastes amazing. But our diet should be focused on meat, protein and fat. And avoiding the processed goyslop as much as possible.

I love pairing the carnivore diet with some fruit/honey. Great combination.
if you eat something absurd like 30 bananas a day then that's probably bad, but I don't think anyone's doing that.
It's not really possible to overeat with natural foods (fruits, vegetables, etc.).
As mentioned above, the enormous difference between eating sweet candy and sweet fruits is the pulp and fiber that comes with the fruit.

Not only does this act as a buffer, which makes the fructose enter your body gradually and in safe doses, but it also caps the amount of fructose that your stomach can accept. You simply cannot cram 50 bananas into your stomach, but you can easily eat ice cream that contains the same amount of sugar.

I saw a propaganda poster one time at a vegan place that showed what 1000 calories of fresh fruits and veggies look like versus 1000 calories of processed foods. You can't even fit 1000 calories of fresh foods into your stomach at once.

It's not really possible to overeat with natural foods (fruits, vegetables, etc.).
As mentioned above, the enormous difference between eating sweet candy and sweet fruits is the pulp and fiber that comes with the fruit.

Not only does this act as a buffer, which makes the fructose enter your body gradually and in safe doses, but it also caps the amount of fructose that your stomach can accept. You simply cannot cram 50 bananas into your stomach, but you can easily eat ice cream that contains the same amount of sugar.

I saw a propaganda poster one time at a vegan place that showed what 1000 calories of fresh fruits and veggies look like versus 1000 calories of processed foods. You can't even fit 1000 calories of fresh foods into your stomach at once.


Note to self - don't buy cheese again.