Geopolitics Lounge

I looked this guy up. The tweet is pretty accurate. He is a slimeball who has been playing the stereotype jew who always seems to be present in the midst of misery and making money from it.
Breaking my abstinence just to chime in here.

Gilbert Bigio goes far further than just being a stereotypical jewish skeez profiting off the suffering of others.

I remember when there was trouble in Haiti back in the early '90's and the London Daily Mail did a pice on the (((White))) Haitian community who lived in its most desirable postcodes in the environs of Port au Prince. It basically did a full page on just how evil, exploitative and unpleasant these people were -then that kind of reportage on Haiti disappeared all together - around the same time David Irving was at a gathering where it was revealed that Kissinger and Friends were buying up the Daily Mail and all other London Fleet Street media.

Notice how Gilbert Bigio is being studiously avoided in these MSM conversations about Haiti.
He is the Richest man in Haiti
His little tribe live in the best real estate in Haiti.
**Whoever OWNS the best real estate in a country TENDS to also be the most powerful group in the country,**
In his case, he IS the most powerful man in Haiti through his family's GB Group AND the fact that he is an Honorary Consul FOR Israel in Haiti.
So, a (((Haitian))) Lol.. and an Israeli citizen. Their little outpost in Haiti...

The Clintons are just the front men for jewish gangsters. yes they were heavily involved in some terrible crimes and corruption but they were never the architects of the scandals that they were involved in. Whitewater, perhaps..
But the Oklahoma City bombing was about furthering the ADL and organised-jewry's pushback on Christian Militias, whilst also enabling a practice run for the coming 9-11 murders (invaluable practice in managing the aftermath of their terrorism, be it in the media, the public, whistleblowers amongst agency employees etc)
The fact that the documents linking the Clintons to the Whitewater Scandal were moved there at the last minute and then 'conveniently destroyed in the bombing means - that the Clintons were now tangentially on the hook for the murder of many toddlers and that they owed whoever arranged the bombing for getting rid of inconvenient and damning evidence against them.
Same with the murder/accident that killed JFK's son in 1999 - he posed a threat to Hillary through the election for her NY congressional seat (where Clinton was not very popular and where Kennedy had a lot of cache with democrat voters)
Hillary benefited fro his murder but.. she now owed her continued success to assassins and murderers - AGAIN. People who had wanted to kill the Kennedys going all the way back to WWII. Did Hillary have power of veto if these people wanted JfK Jr. dead? I doubt it? Owned and Controlled.

So I would like to hear more, read more, see more about Bigio and Haiti's jews Every Single Time Haiti gets mentioned in the news.
Not the Clintons so much - don't need to hear about them - they are simply the outer vestments of jewish crime.

And, for anyone interested in South Africa, look at the precedents....

South Africa and Haiti were incredibly affluent and wealthy colonies where the whites lived well and the blacks were oppressed (quote-unquote) and then the White regimes were toppled and the countries became basket cases.
So far so good. But wait..One aspect is missing.
then the White regimes were toppled and the countries became basket cases ruled over and owned by the jews. (<<Would You Look at that)
They crater the country and YET they end up living on top of the mud heap as kings of the hill --- something that they could never be if forced to compete directly with their white neighbours.

As far as South Africa goes its current President Cyril Ramaphosa was 'hand-picked' by Anglo American Mining Magnate and boss-Jew Harry Oppenheimer back in the mid Eighties to be the future leader of the ANC.
I've heard that many times from South African insiders including an ex Anglo American employee recently.
Ramaphosa was simple, weak, eager to please, and thus would be easy to control in the future, the perfect gopher of the jews.

Before the comparatively competent and well run white political parties lost power, what was the jew Oppenheimer's stake in the South Adrican Stock Exchange?
80 per cent.
Long after the former African radicals and bombers were given the keys to the government of South Africa, what was the Oppenheimer stake in the South Adrican Stock Exchange?
80 per cent.
Nothing changed for him - **EXCEPT** that the white Afrikaner politicians who had previously commissioned an enquiry into jewish power in South Africa (Dr Verwoerd in the 1960s for example) were no longer serious competition (in general terms, in more specific terms Verwoerd was conveniently **killed** not long after commissioning that enquiry).

Look at the current South African parties and powerbrokers. We have:

The ANC - strong in the middle,South, North and East of the country - always a jewish backed and funded enterprise the ANC and fond of corruption as well as political violence and thuggery, during Apartheid as much as now..
The DA - touted as a possible future 'sane and moderate' government. Victoria Nuland has visited and attended many discussions with them recently. They have asked jewish Anthony Blinken to provide 'election monitors' at the next election.
They were the legal opposition to Apartheid before 1994 and have awarded themselves numerous medals for this ever since. Janet Suzman its historical leader was jewish. The last three leaders of the DA were all jewish. The DA Mayor of CapeTown is jewish. Its as jewish as Hannukah.
The Cape Independence Movement - this is a fervently supported pipe-dream that the (comparatively) better run Western Cape will be allowed to just secede and run itself as a more-or-less functioning country run by the DA and free of the worst excesses of the ANC. It will never happen. This movement is largely led and staffed by jews and there is much overlap with the DA as the Cape is their political stronghold.
Suidlanders and AfriForum - the "Boer resistance" - media NGOs who are at the fore front of calling out the plight of the white man in South Africa generally and Fram Murders in particular. Apperances on Tucker Carlson Tonight etc. These are predominantly jewish run organisations that stay within acceptable party lines and Suidlanders got called out hard in recent years.
and last but not least -
The EFF - the MAGA or UKIP (if you will) of black South African politics - fringe extremist party (Marxist Leninist) that is picking up a lot of support with disillusioned black voters and is focusing their bitterness on the whites and the white farmers especially.. The parallels with Haiti intensify as they promise 'land reform' if they win (ANC previously engaged in Land reform) and taking back wealth off the whites, their rhetoric has become increasingly violent and racist recently. Blame Whitey. Just like the jews taking over Santo Domingo//Haiti, dethroning the white man as he is massacred and inheriting his riches.
Its kept very quiet but reputedly the funding and money behind the EFF (they have a lot of funding as is obvious) is provided by Nathan Kirsh who grew up in Potchefstroom near Johannesburg.
Guess what - he's a jew. A jewish billionaire. The EFF is run by jews as any photographer who roams around at their rallies will tell you.
And Kirsh is jokingly called "the Swazi Billionaire" as he is listed as domiciled in Swaziland (for tax purposes).
But his money was largely made in New York State, USA and the Israeli defence industry. And his offspring reside more in New York high society than in far flung Swaziland.
The international jew...
Thus we see that, behind all this disfunction and violence and squalor in Haiti and South Africa resides our jewish neighbour, amd yet they manage to avoid all the headlines.

Gilbert Bigio needs to be front and centre of any discussion of Haiti and the current violence. he is Haiti's power broker.
Its not the Clintons.
Its not the "US" (ruled and owned by jewish interests that work with Bigio anyway)*generic,
its not the State Department or any other ZOG government. they're the gophers for jewish plans.
And do you know how many jews live in Haiti? It's between 15 and 25.. tops.

Ay, but here's the rub... people don't actually KNOW very much about the jews of Haiti and their various epochs and decades of corruption and crime.. so we all end up talking about the Clintons instead.
Or we talk about the political chess pieces, popular leaders - some jewish coworkers actually once told me that Ramaphosa of the ANC was just about to 'sort out' South Africa ha ha ha - and we will say that this chess piece is okay, that one's not bad..
All for want of behind the scenes detail.
There again - talking about the realpolitik leads to discussion of both sides being played off against each other and the (((overall control))) of the situation. That isn't always a popular means of analysis though.
Freemasonry as a means of control is an extremely unpopular subject in this regard. Yet in the case of South Africa it is unavoidable.
South Africas capitulation was organised and overseen by jewish Freemasonry, the BroederBonders in particular - Ramaphosa was groomed through freemasonry.
Interestingly Jimmy Cherizier, The Haitian populist leader, has been photographed wearing Freemason symbolica.
The Masons much prefer the populist Left as their means of achieving their goals (Trotsky Lenin Mao were all Masons) and so tend to like populist leaders and revolutionary movements (see also the Bolsheviks and Malema the EFF, the ANC, Mandela etc etc)
Who knows right? But from where Im sitting the parallels between Haiti and South Africa are getting stronger.
Both prosperous white countries, both with a violent anti white 'revolution',both now complete basket cases, ... both now ruled by the jews.

Funnily enough Haiti is best known these days for gang warfare, exploitation, people trafficking, child trafficking, prostitution and child prostitution.
Jewish kingpin Gilbert Bigio has coincidentally been accused...
of arms trafficking and people trafficking. Surely though there is no 'bleed between' the crimes of Haitis jewish overlord and the crimes perpetrated by its criminal gangs?
"On December 2, 2022 the Canadian Govt imposed sanctions against Bigio - The sanctions against Bigio was a response to his alleged participation in "gross and systematic human rights violations in Haiti and engaged in acts that threaten the peace, security, and stability of Haiti." The Canadian sanctions against Bigio were intended to stop the flow of illicit funds and weapons to armed criminal gangs in Haiti.[10][11]
Specifically Bigio is accused of supporting "illegal activities of armed criminal gangs, including through money laundering and other acts of corruption" according to a statement from the Canadian Minister of Foreign Affairs."

Any comment from Israel about the conduct of its 'official envoy'? No...? surprising.

Bigio and his fellow tribe members need to kept front and centre of any Haiti reporting or discussion.

And yet I fear they won't be.
Instead some lower level popular leader will be amped up to the Max - while the higher up jewish power structure around all this (that really makes sense of how and why this is all taking place right now in particular) will be conspicuous by its absence.
Its a shame.
But a timely reminder that the South African elections are approaching. And to look beyond the ANCs, Ramaphosas, Malemas, DAs and Jimmy Cheriziers of this world - at who is pulling the strings.
Great rundown Barron, thanks.

Question though regarding the ANC: have they strayed off the ZOG plantation a bit, given that they have been leading the charge at the ICJ against Israel with the Gaza genocide trials?
I don't think they'e strayed - I think they are still on the same part of the chess board that the jews placed them on back in the 1960s
This is the jewish Diaclectic - using both sides opposing energies as the wings of a bird - to guide society or the world to their desired destination.

If you look at the Cold War the West (London and Washington especially) backed and supported Israel, the Soviet Union backed and supported the enemies of Israel: specifically Arab terrorists like the PLO Abu Nidal etc. ... AND the Soviets sponsored the ANC.
So Apartheid rulers were deeply in the Israel camp and the Anti-Apartheid ANC were communist, anti-Israel and backed by the Soviet Union.

So far so good - but who were the key players in the 'armed struggle' of the ANC - Ronnie Kasrils and Joe Slovo, gun runners and architects of terrorism and torture. The jews built the ANC - all the while that the ANC railed against '"Zionism" the West' "Capitalism" "Imperialism" was being run by jews.
Just two wings of the same bird...

As Lenin said - "the best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves" - there will always be opposition to Zionism and World jewish financial power and so it is crucial that the jews "lead it ourselves".

And where was Kasrils while he was gun running arms into Kwa Zulu Natal and responsible for huge bloodshed? Where was he based,, this thorn in the side of the Apartheid government (Israel's 'closest ally' at the time, upon which the Israeli economy was hugely dependent)?
- he was doing it all from London.. the international headquarters of Israeli and jewish Zionism.
How does that work? He was against Israel's closest allies and yet... the Israelis couldn't get to him?
he wrote extensively in communist newsprint about his adventures running around the undergrowth of Hampstead Heath testing out different forms of bomb timers.
Oh okay, as an anonymous unknown terrorsit cell member?
He was remembered by one jewish Labour party leftie as leading debates at London's LSE, headquarters of left wing protest.
"I remembered once how he defended Stalinism in a particularly big and public student debate. I didn't agree with his stance on Stalinism, but I remember thinking "That took some courage there - to be the only one on stage defending Stalinism"
Bombs and AK fire ripping the ANCs terrorism victims apart in South Africa - and the main player in that gun-running is prancing around on a London stage 'bravely' debating arcane jewish political theories.. and yet somehow the Israelis couldn't touch him?
And this was a guy who TRAINED in the Soviet Union under Red Army sergeants whilst (his fellow jewish ANC terrorist colleague Joe Slovo (a "leading theoretician of the ANC") was a colonel in the KGB - Israel's supposed enemy.
Yet the British MI6 and Israel's Shin Bet and Mossad just .. left him alone?

Kasrils was banned from South Africa yet as "a Soviet agent" he travelled freely around London, the UK, Africa and the world and often turned up on South Africa's borders alongside agents or weapons shipments - and still, the Israelis couldn't get to him?
Using the likes of (((Kasrils))) , (((Slovo))) (who introduced necklacing to South Africa) the international jewry crashed the Apartheid government and thus inherited the keys to the kingdom.
The ANC govt of South Africa still plays its role as a jewish 'left wing'.
If Israel needed to hold back from a full-on Gasa invasion or bombardment and needed an excuse for a cowardly "volte-face" --- then step forward the ICJ and ZA's big prosecution of Israel. depending on what Israel needed the ICJ drama could have been used to scale back operations and for their benefit.

In this sense the ANC is like Jewish Noam Chomsky - the so-called "critic" of Israel who happens to be about the mildest critic Israel could wish for.
^But hey.. he's a jew. Control Your Opposition.
And I think it serves a purpose: normies in SA talk about the Guptas and their money behind the ANC .. but not that Oppenheimer of (((Anglo American))) is the real power broker and that jews are behind all political parties there. Its a good disguise, and meanwhile Israel happily ignores the harping of the ANC in The Hague.

So we, on here, become aware that jews in Israel are going full Genghis Khan on the civilians of Gaxa,
but we are also aware that Jews and Israel are responsible for the violent basket case that is South Africa
AND that jews and Israel are responsible for the destitution and chaos of Haiti..
WE see that.
the rest of the world sees the ANC's effectively symbolic Hague court case and cannot even fathom that jews stand behind all this slaughter of innocents, violent revolution, chaos and suffering in South Africa, Haiti and Gaza.

African politicos sounding off means nothing. They're just dumb Golems anyway..
The ANC in many ways serves as a convenient fig-leaf for jewish power across the world.
Great stuff again from @BarrontheTigerCat. Thank you.
This man (radigancarter) has a good explanation of the blind spots created by our (US) methods of attack (cruise missile diplomacy, etc.) and distorted target selection. He sounds like a PMC type that's coming to terms with a reality he doesn't like. Nothing terribly new around here, but good to see it creeping into other outlets:

If only the (((MSM))) could even discuss such ideas.
Presidential election took place in Senegal this weekend.

With the opposition leader, Bassirou Diomaye Faye, winning in the first round.

This makes Senegal yet another African country to leave the French sphere of influence and seek cooperation with Russia.
“A win by the opposition also means major changes ahead in domestic and foreign policies,” said Rida Lyammouri of the Policy Center for the New South, a Morocco-based think tank, adding that a promise to move away from former colonial power France could define the foreign policy of the country’s new government.
Across neighboring countries in the Sahel, including Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger, that recently experienced military coups, sentiment has turned against France. The ruling juntas have ended military cooperation with France, while turning instead to Russia for support.
No wonder why Macron became so obsessive about Russia lately.
This is an American neocon to watch out for. I see her replacing functionally Victoria Nuland. She is every bit as evil, but happily a bit less bright.

Gentlemen, I present to you, Dr Evelyn Farkas:

She is currently head of the MCCAIN INSTITUTE !
"a nonprofit focused on democracy, human rights, and character-driven leadership"

From Wikipedia:

Farkas began her career with the Council on Foreign Relations in New York and the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) in Austria. As a Ph.D. student Farkas served in 1996 as a Human Rights Officer with the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) in Bosnia in the aftermath of the Yugoslav Wars. In 1997 Farkas joined the U.S. Marine Corps Command and Staff College as assistant professor and then associate professor of international relations.

You know what my first time job was? Grocery store clerk.

In 2001 Farkas began working on Capitol Hill as a professional staff member of the Senate Armed Services Committee. Farkas was responsible for policy and budget oversight of the Department of Defense policy office and military commands

In 2008 Farkas was appointed as the WMD Commission to serve as executive director. The commission was created to further examine and recommend policy changes to address threats identified by the 9/11 Commission in the aftermath of the September 11th terrorist attacks. The WMD Commission published its report, World at Risk, in November 2008.

From 2010 to 2012 Farkas served as senior advisor to the Supreme Allied Commander Europe, commander of North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) forces in Europe

Farkas joined a number of organizations to provide policy thought-leadership and national security analysis, including as a Senior Fellow at both the German Marshall Fund and the Atlantic Council, and as a National Security Analyst for NBC/MSNBC.

Good grief, how many jobs does this woman have?

Farkas is also the founder and CEO of Farkas Global Strategies, a consultancy providing strategic advisory services to government

Of course. Gotta get that grift game on, get paid both coming and going!

In 2016 Farkas was one of the first to raise the alarm about Russia's interference in the 2016 election and ties between the Trump campaign

Oh yeah, she was probably the #1 person behind the Trump Russia Pee tape collusion nonsense.

Republicans in control of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, attempting to undermine investigations into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election, invited Farkas to be questioned under oath on June 26, 2017, where they ascertained she was not drawing on intelligence to make her expert assessment.

So just all lies then.

I can't tell if she's Jewish, but there are a bunch of Israeli articles about her so I'm assuming 99% yes.
She was the architect of the "17 intelligence agencies agree" Russia BS also.

She penned an absurd op-ed in the Hill claiming that as of April 2024, The Ukraine is actually winning, and they are about to open a land bridge to Crimea!!!

Keep an eye out on this woman in the future...
If she is Jewish, she hides it very well. Not a peep anywhere about her ancestry, she appears to be a shabbos goy. I'm still with you rax, chew until proven otherwise, but this one looks old school. Her family were refugees from the Hungarian Uprising, so it could very well her family was part of the purge Stalin did on chews.
If she is Jewish, she hides it very well. Not a peep anywhere about her ancestry, she appears to be a shabbos goy. I'm still with you rax, chew until proven otherwise, but this one looks old school. Her family were refugees from the Hungarian Uprising, so it could very well her family was part of the purge Stalin did on chews.
I wonder which side of the uprising? According to historian David Irving, the commies that got temporarily overthrown were nearly all Jewish and the uprising was essentially an anti-Jewish pogrom.

JTA confirms the Jews got booted out.
This is an American neocon to watch out for. I see her replacing functionally Victoria Nuland. She is every bit as evil, but happily a bit less bright.

Gentlemen, I present to you, Dr Evelyn Farkas:

She is currently head of the MCCAIN INSTITUTE !
"a nonprofit focused on democracy, human rights, and character-driven leadership"

From Wikipedia:

Farkas began her career with the Council on Foreign Relations in New York and the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) in Austria. As a Ph.D. student Farkas served in 1996 as a Human Rights Officer with the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) in Bosnia in the aftermath of the Yugoslav Wars. In 1997 Farkas joined the U.S. Marine Corps Command and Staff College as assistant professor and then associate professor of international relations.

You know what my first time job was? Grocery store clerk.

In 2001 Farkas began working on Capitol Hill as a professional staff member of the Senate Armed Services Committee. Farkas was responsible for policy and budget oversight of the Department of Defense policy office and military commands

In 2008 Farkas was appointed as the WMD Commission to serve as executive director. The commission was created to further examine and recommend policy changes to address threats identified by the 9/11 Commission in the aftermath of the September 11th terrorist attacks. The WMD Commission published its report, World at Risk, in November 2008.

From 2010 to 2012 Farkas served as senior advisor to the Supreme Allied Commander Europe, commander of North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) forces in Europe

Farkas joined a number of organizations to provide policy thought-leadership and national security analysis, including as a Senior Fellow at both the German Marshall Fund and the Atlantic Council, and as a National Security Analyst for NBC/MSNBC.

Good grief, how many jobs does this woman have?

Farkas is also the founder and CEO of Farkas Global Strategies, a consultancy providing strategic advisory services to government

Of course. Gotta get that grift game on, get paid both coming and going!

In 2016 Farkas was one of the first to raise the alarm about Russia's interference in the 2016 election and ties between the Trump campaign

Oh yeah, she was probably the #1 person behind the Trump Russia Pee tape collusion nonsense.

Republicans in control of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, attempting to undermine investigations into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election, invited Farkas to be questioned under oath on June 26, 2017, where they ascertained she was not drawing on intelligence to make her expert assessment.

So just all lies then.

I can't tell if she's Jewish, but there are a bunch of Israeli articles about her so I'm assuming 99% yes.
She was the architect of the "17 intelligence agencies agree" Russia BS also.

She penned an absurd op-ed in the Hill claiming that as of April 2024, The Ukraine is actually winning, and they are about to open a land bridge to Crimea!!!

Keep an eye out on this woman in the future...
The saga of the CryptoJew eh?
Someone told me recently that there was an effort in the online world to rebrand the origins of the Rothschilds as being "mixed European ancestry".
Kanye Wests psychotic personal trainer who threatened him with chemical lobotomy had his jewish roots scrubbed off his wikipedia profile, until the "Streisand effect" of that move and the resultant outcry caused them to put his jewish origins back in.
So everybody authoritative online is keeping shtum as to whether Farkas is jewish or not?

Just looking at the name "Farkas" online, Hungarian name that means wolf - the headlines are:
"Mount Zion temple loses its last surviving Holocaust survivor, Edwin Farkas"
"Rabbi Noah Farkas: looking to the jewish future"
"Shimon Farkas - Chief Cantor of the Synagogue of Sydney"
"Evelyn Farkas' career next steps?" - that was in "Jewish Insider Magazine"

The Hungarian jews are well known as some of the most energetic and successful of the jews that went to America, particularly in Hollywood where supposedly they formed their own clique - think Zsa Zsa Gabor, Joe Esterhaz etc.
And Farkas' family fled Hungary when the Hungarians rose against their (((oppressors)))? Thats pretty much a slam dunk as far as I can see..

When I was 18 I was a warehouse joey unloading trucks, pallets of Coca Cola syrup in silver foil bags that would always rip open and the stains from which could not be washed out. Nearly every former teenager did some humble and often unpleasant job as Rax Moscow pointed out.
Her first job was the CEFR Council of Foreign Relations? Thats insane.
As Ive mentioned before there is only ONE Rhodesian veteran who is even treated with some respect by the media.
Peter Godwin whose books are lionised.
Only later did it turn out that
- his family were involved with Rhodesian politician and freemason AND crypto jew Garfield Todd.
- he was raised by a funny "church establishment" with spook connections.
- his Real Name was Peter Goldfarb, from Polish jews,
then we learnt that his memoirs were complete fiction and lo and behold he ended up on the CEFR the Council on Foreign Relations - a big hitter.
But at least he did have a uniform job in the Rhodesian Civil War, before university and then legal work and then journalism (and all the time being a spook).

Its generational with these jews, some networks identify their people as chess pieces when they're still just kids.
Just from the picture of her with her angular features and the "Thousand Conflict Stare" in her eyes, she looks like more of a psychopath than Victoria Nuland.
Civil unrest erupts in Georgia, where the parliament once again attempts to pass the "foreign agent" law.

Even if the law passes legislation, Salome Zourabichvili - pro-western president of Georgia - will veto the bill. Apparently full transparency goes against democratic values.
American troops are leaving Niger.

Well, this is interesting:

A senior U.S. defense official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said Russian forces were not mingling with U.S. troops but were using a separate hanger at Airbase 101, which is next to Diori Hamani International Airport in Niamey, Niger's capital.
The move by Russia's military puts U.S. and Russian troops in close proximity at a time when the nations' military and diplomatic rivalry is increasingly acrimonious over the conflict in Ukraine.
Well, this is interesting:

A senior U.S. defense official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said Russian forces were not mingling with U.S. troops but were using a separate hanger at Airbase 101, which is next to Diori Hamani International Airport in Niamey, Niger's capital.
The move by Russia's military puts U.S. and Russian troops in close proximity at a time when the nations' military and diplomatic rivalry is increasingly acrimonious over the conflict in Ukraine.
Apparently we were dragging our feet

and it looks like the locals (and Russians) decided to apply some pressure.
Coup attempt in The Democratic Republic of the Congo. Early evidence is pointing to the :alien:/U.S./Globohomo world order. DRC President has been speaking highly of Russia and China recently.

In the first video, made earlier this morning at the Palais de la Nation, Christian Malanga (who is already called “President Malanga” by his son) and his men replacing the flags of the DRC 🇨🇩 with the flags from Zaire. And declaring a new Zaire republic.

In the second video. They were apprehended and their leader Christian Malanga neutralized by the presidential guard. An American citizen have been arrested

Lastly in the third video the situation was controlled by the Armed Forces of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). Among the assailants, there was a white individual in possession of an American passport.

Boss jews stirring intra-gentile trouble is well known here.

Zelensky was a peace and reconciliation candidate, then he declared Ukraine needed to go on a war footing at his first presidential press conference. The rest is in progress, but Ukraine is already wrecked.

The US has similar precedence. Judah Benjamin was the Confederate Attorney General, then Secretary of War, then Secretary of State at the end of the Civil War. He fled and eventually became a barrister in London, after his lesser-gentile country was defeated in a lost cause to the greater-gentile country. Now, both places are subverted. Interesting that Benjamin was the first jew in the US Congress to not renounce his faith (he was a US Rep from Louisiana, pre-war). Goodness, we had some based Founders.

Has Javier Milei in Argentina started much neighbor friction yet?

Now Claudia Scheinbaum is looking strong in Mexico elections.

Chess pieces are moving and boss jews are taking position. The US has abandoned the functioning principle of the Monroe Doctrine (big powers are best kept at far distance). There's only brute force/brute diplomacy left to stop an escalation in Mexico.