Geopolitics Lounge

US' main geopolitical thinker and executive for the last 50-60 years (up until his death, he was in Beijing trying to salvage the China Project couple of months ago) is dead.

Seems like a lot of solid evidence, so I posted this here, and not under Conspiracy Theories.

The latest film by David Sorensen that provides an exeptional view of the ongoing conflict in the middle east from a higher perspective. The shocking secrets revealed in this documentary, with lots of original footage and testimonies, shine a bright light on those criminal organi-zations that - according to Sorensen - have always been hiding behind the State of Israel and Hamas. This film relentlessly uncovers the terrible face of the satanic elites who want to establish a one-world-government and don't shrink from any violence.


Lawrence Wilkerson with Alex Mercouris on the Glenn Diesen show.

Wilkerson admits the folly of the Iraq War, foolishness of how the Afghan war was managed, and subsequent unnecessary conflicts. Surprisingly explains that at that time there were massive plans for US military intervention around the world (even beyond the famous claim of Wesley Clark). Saner heads prevailed but the fact that the plans had much support is unsettling. From GW Bush forward, DC has had a propensity to war (admitted to Wilkerson by President Obama).

The US won the Cold War and has lost the Peace. We blew any effort for a good Russian relation, allowing Larry Summers et al to pillage Russia. We made it worse by antagonizing Russia (and ROW) with expansionist doctrine going back to the Clinton era.

Wilkerson sees a coming era of new world leaders and diplomats that will break from American empire. As the old cold war hands retired and were replaced by a truly unworthy crop of leaders and diplomats, this group shall also pass. As a result, America will be shunned by many people that are just tired of the drama. America's financial weakness will manifest and the US will no longer be able to dictate as she does today. America will remain powerful, but not at the same level.

Wilkerson believes Israel will not exist in 20 years. As told to him by a long-standing NY Rabbi, "Bibi is the primary source of antisemitism." NY Jews would be better off without him. Israel has lost support of many jews already.

Wilkerson comes with plenty of baggage, and he has some beliefs (Climate Crisis!) that are not agreed upon, but this was such an outstanding interview that even Mercouris was quiet for the vast majority of it.
Sudan being back in the news is solely due to the Ukrainian GRU pushing the narrative that their SF are now in Sudan countering 'Wagnerites'.

Did this massacre happen? Possibly, but it's been almost certainly embellished in terms of numbers. I've seen the pictures and it looked closer to 70-80 killed.

Either way, Visegrad (funded by the Polish government) has been going full on Israel. Maybe the Visegrad admin is not up to date with the spaghetti tier alliances in Africa, but Israel supports the RSF/Janjaweed. Not on the level the UAE/Haftar/Saudi Arabia does, but still.

And the RSF/Janjaweed originate in Darfur (heavily Africanized Arab clans) and have been on and off committing ethnic cleansing of the Black tribes in Darfur (Zaghawa, Massalit and others).

The RSF in April immediately communicated they would respect the Sudanese-Israeli normalization accords. They have also condemned Hamas as a terrorist organization and have routinely called the SAF (junta under Burhani) composed of Islamists.View attachment 1045

So that's Sudan. Strange thing: Ukraine got involved in order to 'take the fight to Russia' yet Russia keeps still maintains with Sudan. The naval base in Port Sudan is still on the cards. There were Sudanese representatives during the July Africa-Russia summit in Saint Petersburg and Sudan+ Russia maintain diplomatic relations. There also hasnt been a single piece of evidence scaffolding the claim that Wagner/Russia is supporting the RSF

Wagner on the other hand pre-April 2023 ran gold mines in Northern Darfur together with the RSF. They used their bases in Libya for further transportation.

Funniest thing: over the last month the RSF has been making serious ground in Kordofan and Darfur, overrunning SAF base after SAF base. So Ukraine is losing that war as well.

The RSF have taken over one of Sudan's biggest cities, Wad Madani.

An Egyptian intervention (mirrored after Egypt's intervention in Libya) might happen if the SAF/Sudan government really starts crumbling.


Rybar reports that the CAR government has entered talks with Bancroft, a US PMC tied to the State Department and CIA. The CAR has since mid 2010s been Russia leaning and hosts around 2000 Wagner fighters. However, Rybar implies that since the murder of Utkin, Prigozhin and the likes the advisory functions of the Wagner Group have stopped.

A holy place is never empty: Americans are attempting to enter the Central African Republic

Today, French media reported that the American private military company, Bancroft, is in talks with the government of the Central African Republic and is even in the process of selecting a base location.

Bancroft, along with many other American contractors, has close affiliations with the CIA and the State Department. They also have extensive experience operating in Africa. The PMC has been active in Kenya, Somalia, Libya, and Uganda for many years. Considering their expertise in training African units, such as the Danab brigade of Somali commandos, it is not difficult to speculate that the Americans will try to undermine the efforts of Russian specialists who are currently engaged in training the Armed Forces of the Central African Republic.

The CAR government has not yet commented on these rumors, and with nearly 2,000 Wagner PMC fighters still present in the country, it is clear that the negotiations will take a considerable amount of time.

However, given the active efforts of the United States to gain influence in the former French colonies, the situation in the Central African Republic is taking on a clear direction. There are no longer any Russian advisors who can protect the interests of the Russian Federation in the country or regulate political processes following the well-known events.


Talks between Sudan, Ethiopia and Egypt on the GERD Dam have failed. The dam is nearly finished and the Ethiopians want to start filling up the lake even without an agreement.

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Anti Vucic and pro EU protestors tried to storm the Serbian Parliament yesterday.


The US expanded its continental shelf claims out of the blue. It will require 'settlement' with Japan and Canada.

Very strange move. Did the US just claim territory that is internationally considered part of Japan and Canada?

Been reading about the US nuclear arsenal for a while (yes, I do believe nukes are real). Minuteman missiles are about 60 years old now and there are troubles. $96B later and the troubles aren't gone.

Not my thought (maybe read here): imagine parking a car in a garage for 60 years, losing maintenance records, all the service techs dying/aging, the car has never left the garage, not keeping in-house production knowledge from base technology, and then expecting that car to be one of the primary legs of your national defense strategy.

From second hand info, the USG is spending a whole lot of money (much more than recent history) right now in various nuke/missile weapon programs. This article substantiates that. Why do you think RE in Hunsville, Alabama is red hot?

Edit - this is another example of the "complexity crisis" that is bound to plague the West as things develop. Complex systems require hyper-competent people. Remove/minimize the most competent for PC reasons, lose the ability to operate complex systems. Elon Musk is putting stuff into deep space whilst NASA is seriously worried about even attempting a new program. DOE/USG spent 2 recent years driving competent white men out of our super-tech facilities (with mask, vaxx, and EEO litmus tests). I've personally heard the stories from men that checked out.
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Through Somaliland Ethiopia finally has its access to the sea. The danger of an invasion of Eritrea seems gone

The deal wasn't met with lots of enthusiasm. Ethiopia will recognize the breakaway region Somaliland as an independent state in return for access to the port of Berbera. They will turn Somaliland into a state under Ethiopian patronage.

The Federal government of Somalia considers this a casus belli. The Egyptians and Americans don't like it either.

I pulled this from the Health Ranger on Telegram, but because it wouldn't post properly, I'm copy/pasting the text:

"This is a truly incredible development. Joe Biden has just halted LNG exports from the United States (, and this comes after the US Navy destroyed the Nord Stream pipelines feeding energy to Europe. In addition, Qatar has just announced a halting of LNG exports due to the risk of ships being damaged in the conflict between the Yemen rebels and the US Navy in the Red Sea.

As a result, Europe has lost THREE sources of LNG (Liquid Natural Gas), while at the same time Europe has largely destroyed or mothballed its own energy infrastructure in order to appease whiny Greta Thunderpants and her crybullying over climate cultism nonsense. With no energy imports and very little in the way of domestic production of energy, Western Europe is headed into a total economic collapse (which has already begun).

The USA is clearly at war with Western Europe and Biden's latest moving is essentially the latest chapter of an energy embargo against European countries, all of whom still bizarrely consider the USA to be an "ally." The real ally that can help Western Europe is Russia, but the USA continues to drive a wedge between Germany and Russia in order to try to make Western Europe dependent on USA LNG exports... and then Biden cuts those off too!

This is a truly insane series of sabotage events being carried by the United States against Western Europe, in order to destroy Europe's industry and economy in order to make the USA more powerful by comparison. Europeans should be outraged, but they are too obedient and indoctrinated by the climate cultists to lift a finger as their own countries are gutted, overrun and energy starved into oblivion."

I pulled this from the Health Ranger on Telegram, but because it wouldn't post properly, I'm copy/pasting the text:

"This is a truly incredible development. Joe Biden has just halted LNG exports from the United States (, and this comes after the US Navy destroyed the Nord Stream pipelines feeding energy to Europe. In addition, Qatar has just announced a halting of LNG exports due to the risk of ships being damaged in the conflict between the Yemen rebels and the US Navy in the Red Sea.

As a result, Europe has lost THREE sources of LNG (Liquid Natural Gas), while at the same time Europe has largely destroyed or mothballed its own energy infrastructure in order to appease whiny Greta Thunderpants and her crybullying over climate cultism nonsense.
Sorry, but the details are wrong.
Neither Qatar, nor the US have canceled their gas exports to Europe.
Qatar is rerouting their gas carriers around Africa, which causes delays and will result in an overall lower volume of gas delivered to Europe.
And the Biden's decision halts approval for new exports, but the already existing contracts will be fulfilled.
With no energy imports and very little in the way of domestic production of energy, Western Europe is headed into a total economic collapse (which has already begun).
The EU continues to import gas from other sources like Norway, Turkey or Algeria. So there won't be a total economic collapse happening anytime soon, however there won't be any growth either. Europe will have enough gas to keep the lights and heating on, but European consumers and, especially, European industries will bear the brunt of increased energy prices - caused by the overall lower volume of available gas.
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I pulled this from the Health Ranger on Telegram, but because it wouldn't post properly, I'm copy/pasting the text:

"This is a truly incredible development. Joe Biden has just halted LNG exports from the United States (, and this comes after the US Navy destroyed the Nord Stream pipelines feeding energy to Europe. In addition, Qatar has just announced a halting of LNG exports due to the risk of ships being damaged in the conflict between the Yemen rebels and the US Navy in the Red Sea.

As a result, Europe has lost THREE sources of LNG (Liquid Natural Gas), while at the same time Europe has largely destroyed or mothballed its own energy infrastructure in order to appease whiny Greta Thunderpants and her crybullying over climate cultism nonsense. With no energy imports and very little in the way of domestic production of energy, Western Europe is headed into a total economic collapse (which has already begun).

The USA is clearly at war with Western Europe and Biden's latest moving is essentially the latest chapter of an energy embargo against European countries, all of whom still bizarrely consider the USA to be an "ally." The real ally that can help Western Europe is Russia, but the USA continues to drive a wedge between Germany and Russia in order to try to make Western Europe dependent on USA LNG exports... and then Biden cuts those off too!

This is a truly insane series of sabotage events being carried by the United States against Western Europe, in order to destroy Europe's industry and economy in order to make the USA more powerful by comparison. Europeans should be outraged, but they are too obedient and indoctrinated by the climate cultists to lift a finger as their own countries are gutted, overrun and energy starved into oblivion."

This has been Tom Luongo's theory for a long time, btw.
^Is it possible to be more pernicious to our European vassals? Reminds me of the old saying "none of it makes any sense until you accept the fact that they want you dead. Once you accept that fact, it all makes perfect sense."

Meanwhile, Russia has developed a small fleet of nuclear-powered ice breakers. The NE Asia passage to N/W Europe has changed (no idea how much, but time will tell). Doesn't Russia have huge gas resources in the far north? I wonder if the aliens will blow these up.

^Is it possible to be more pernicious to our European vassals? Reminds me of the old saying "none of it makes any sense until you accept the fact that they want you dead. Once you accept that fact, it all makes perfect sense."

Meanwhile, Russia has developed a small fleet of nuclear-powered ice breakers. The NE Asia passage to N/W Europe has changed (no idea how much, but time will tell). Doesn't Russia have huge gas resources in the far north? I wonder if the aliens will blow these up.

The Russians have figured everything out. They are OK with what they have and they also realize they won't come out of Soviet communist regime realities into some western "developed" economy soon, if ever, and they are OK with that. They probably also realize that you can't have wealth and not be debased like the west is, since they aren't muslim and won't be with all that social restriction.

As much pride as Russians or FSU country people have, they are clueless about what wealth and advanced economies do on average, and of course this is especially women, since they are unaware of what it takes in the real world to live normally - they just take things for what they are but yearn for material. The funny thing is that like parents, they don't realize that if you give people or kids material, it ruins them. They are examples of great women, thin, mothers, etc who are that way because they had it difficult. Yet they refuse to see that you don't get that with people when spoiled. It's like immigrants coming to the US and their kids, mostly daughters, becoming basically childless losers since the new country spoiled them and they now work. I've seen it over and over again. Alright, I think I'll make the population boom thread today. Damn, I've been putting it off.