Geopolitics Lounge

Does anyone know details of what's happening in Azerbaijan/Armenia? Sounds like the Azeris figured there was no blowback for taking Nagorno Karabakh and are gearing up for another offensive.

Of course, US is backing Azerbaijan thru Israel bucks and Israel weapons.

For Russia to do an export ban means the state's refineries will lose money. I'm sure the gasoline sells for more abroad than at home.

But Putin does not always put profit ahead of his own people. So he is actually doing something kind and wise to help his nation grow, even if it comes at a short-term monetary cost to his government. I would say it is an example of wise leadership, but it isn't "free-market" (i.e. not caring about your country at all). This is why capitalism as a philosophy is bankrupt.
It's not just altruistic, it lowers internal transport and business costs. Important in a huge countries where goods have to travel large distances, it also lowers food costs.

It's the same thing with infrastructure, They have built over 30 new subway stations in Moscow this decade alone, with many more planned this decade. This significantly lowers housing costs as people in the outer suburbs where rents are cheap can easily commute to work downtown. Also improves quality of life and commuting time.


and some further commentary on it :

Starts off talking how great the room is from his Singapore hotel room.

I haven''t listened properly yet, read the article though. How bothersome for them that their chancellor won't give them permission to give Ukraine the missiles it wants to blow up the bridge. That won't stop them discussing it in case the chancellor (Schultz) changes his mind. Now they are angry with each other that they so easily let themselves be eavesdropped upon by the Russians in a webex call.
The Duran guys believe that this conversation was leaked by British intelligence in order to get back at Scholz, who publicly stated that British and French operatives stationed in Ukraine were overseeing missile strikes on Russian targets and that Germany would not follow Macron's suggestion and escalate by putting boots on the ground. Makes sense...
This war is so dirty and messy from the Western side

..but that sounds too far fetched but would be disgusting if true

Macron has really shown himself to be a lunatic, provoking such a superpower with the largest atomic arsenal and hypersonic missiles.

Well it's not like what Macron is pushing for here is different from what Ursula, Stoltenberg or Nuland are thinking, he's aligned with them. They are freaking out about the prospects of Russia taking Kharkov this Summer, and other cities in the south.
This idea that Macron is a dove was built on false premises - France was involved in the war in ukraine from day one, sending military equipment including modern artillery systems, SCALP cruise missiles, guided bombs and air defense systems. Most of that equipment came with French soldiers attached, so they're alreay there. And it's not really that surprising - Russia was successfully kicking the French out of Africa, so Macron tries to return the favor: not only in ukraine, but also in Armenia (where France will deliver their weapons) and in Kazakhstan. (where France is competing with Russia for the rights to build nuclear power plants).
We (the US and Canada) already are neck deep into Haiti, why do you think that country is falling apart? There has recently been a growing populist movement that was going to make some real change, we squashed it.

The goal is to keep the country in poverty as it is a source of labor (the cheapest in the western hemisphere), and to push a million or two immigrants from there into north America.

Also, Haiti has been one of the main sources of child trafficking into the US, with Hilary Clinton operative Laura Silsby actually being caught (and subsequently released) attempting to traffic local kids to the US. War and chaos is good business for these nasty people.
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Warning for cannibalism. ‼️⚠️

You only see this type of S in places line Africa and now Haiti.

Jimmy "Barbeque" Cherizier is neither a cannibal nor a gang leader, he's a grassroots opposition figure who has had success fighting gangs as a local leader, and he's apparently the target of a smear campaign. He got his nickname by running a food stall in his youth:
