Geopolitics Lounge

EXCLUSIVE: Dr. Alexander Dugin Goes One On One With Stew Peters On Declining U.S. Hegemony​

The international struggle between Russia and the United States is about humanity versus hegemony.
Dr. Alexander Dugin joins Stew to discuss the possibility of World War 3, the Russia/Ukraine war, and the current conflict in the Middle East.
The current global order only allows countries to be socially liberal and anyone who refuses to embrace degeneracy is apparently an enemy of the United States.
Journalist confronts homosexual US spokesperson Ned Price on the hypocricy of attacking Georgia for trying to pass a law to prevent foreign meddling in its elections, while saying nothing about the most popular political figure in Pakistan being jailed over some bizarre issue related to his wife's waiting period before remarrying.

great news from moscow today.

modi visited putin.. they discussed a wide variety of points.. first visit of modi to russia since the start of the war..

we are hoping on closer cooperation on everything.. that russia can enter the india market without tariffs and restrictions.. that india will continue buying russian goods.. that india will continue to be independent in it foreign policy, as india and russia have been friends for 80 years.

first sign of this improved relationship was couple of weeks ago when russia removed all travel restrictions on indian nationals.. starting 2025.. indian students, tourists and businessman now don't have any hassle anymore, just book a ticket and go.

a historic deepening of relations.

100 million pajeets coming to find sexy Russian wife in 3...2...1...

So Excited Dancing GIF
I hope they at least try to learn some Russian:

"otprav' sis'ki i vaginu"

(send bobs and vagene)
Based on my experience with them in Western Europe, they won't. There are tons of them here and almost without exception they refuse to learn the local languages. They demand everyone speak to them in English. Hilariously, the Europeans do their best, but can't understand the Indians' accents. The Indians likewise insist that they are "native speakers" of English and get angry. It's makes for great comedy. 😁
Mali, Africa.
A joint Wagner PMC-Armed Forces of Mali detachment was hit hard by a Tuareg- Al-Qaeda in the Sahel-ukrainian military intelligence (HUR) forces.

Typical Globohomo tactic of photo-op humiliation victories and no understanding of long term effects of their actions. Now Russia can parlay this into an act of war and send air, intelligence and Spetsnaz forces. The West African BRICS aligned nations can justify sending support if they aren't already. Wagner itself will make Mali and the Tuareg rebels their number one target fueled by revenge and embarrassment. The Tuaregs seem to be tough, capable fighters that deserve respect, but they made a deal with the devil.
Ukraine is a gift that keeps on giving. Now the west has access to experienced, battle-hardened soldiers (tier 1 operators included) which can be embedded in any kind of guerilla/haji force one can think of, without having to worry about optics or consequences. And they're completely disposable.
Typical Globohomo tactic of photo-op humiliation victories and no understanding of long term effects of their actions. Now Russia can parlay this into an act of war and send air, intelligence and Spetsnaz forces. The West African BRICS aligned nations can justify sending support if they aren't already. Wagner itself will make Mali and the Tuareg rebels their number one target fueled by revenge and embarrassment. The Tuaregs seem to be tough, capable fighters that deserve respect, but they made a deal with the devil.

Hundreds of Shahed and Lancet drones incoming in the Sahel...

Look for the Russians as well to work out some kind of fair settlement with the Touareg and isolate the jihadi nuts, kind of the opposite of the divide-and-conquer, jihadi-enabler NATO approach of "order from chaos".