Geopolitics Lounge

Sheinbaum putin relation off to a very good start.

Last week mexico invite putin for the inauguration. Mexico is long friend of Russia. Obrador friend of putin too. Sheinbaum is obradors heir, she will be good for russia and putin too.

Sheinbaum is the first leader to defy ICC arrest warrant.

Also neo nazis in Kiev want sheinbaum to arrest Putin this is not going to happen!

Everything in this world is so whiny and jewish. No class, no civility, no beauty, no ascesis, just jewish ugliness.

What is Mexico now but a minority of jews controlling the bloodthirsty aztec dope hordes? All theater man. Too many people goyslopping it up like it's the last ice cream cone on earth.
Everything in this world is so whiny and jewish. No class, no civility, no beauty, no ascesis, just jewish ugliness.

What is Mexico now but a minority of jews controlling the bloodthirsty aztec dope hordes? All theater man. Too many people goyslopping it up like it's the last ice cream cone on earth.
Most people don’t live with greater awareness or purpose, but just live day to day, sleepwalking through life. Complaining, being weak, and living with a sense of innate scarcity is how TBTB want us to exist.
All the fuzz about Bangladesh seems to be gone. Suddenly all the usual suspects screaming 'COLOUR REVOLUTION' on the top of their lungs backed off. I follow quite a few Indian channels on TG, and it's truly like a lightswitch.

Right now everybody is pandering to Yunus, who is supposedly just an advisor but from the looks of it runs the show. The Indians, Americans, Russians and Chinese all seem to be interested in improving their position in Bangladesh so there must be some bidding going on behind the scenes.

Just an example. The Russian Prime Minister (((Mishustin))) congratulated Yunus on his new job, and China's main Twitter propaganda channel called the deposed leader Hasina a political stooge who was toppled by 'the people'. Couple of days ago Indian leader Modi also received a phone call from Yunus wherein continued mutual cooperation was discussed.


In his first international performance Mohammed Yunus attended the online and Indian organized. Voice of the Global South summit. Yunus can be seen in the top right corner

One more thing, Bangladesh is facing some of its worst floods in decades. Ordinary Bengali are accusing India of being the culprit as an alleged dam has been opened. Indians deny. Not irrelevant: large parts of India's Tripura state are under water too.

One more thing, Bangladesh is facing some of its worst floods in decades. Ordinary Bengali are accusing India of being the culprit as an alleged dam has been opened. Indians deny. Not irrelevant: large parts of India's Tripura state are under water too.

Regional rivalry trumps the climate change drumbeat.

Judge Napolitano interviews Dr. Gilbert Doctorow re: Russian sentiment and current geopolitics. Of note, the US aircraft carriers in the Middle East might be at this location to conduct a first-strike against Russia, not necessarily Iran. How they can range to Russia, he does not say (and mistakenly claims they are in the Med). He notes that Russia believes it should first-strike the US mainland if they deem necessary, hence all the recent talk about reformulating Russian nuke policy. Backdrop for this concern are the otherwise inexplicable Ukrainian strikes on ICBM early warning radar sites this summer in southern Russia. Doctorow also cites Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Ryabkov as a hawk that is alerting on such matters. Also, Russian Duma member Kincevich, a respected national defense figure, has similar sentiment about the nuclear threat (and also remarks candidly on Russian weaknesses in the war).

Lavrov this week commented that the US is like a child playing with matches, callous to the nuclear threat for all of Europe, believing it will never be exposed to that threat from such a distance. He is laying the groundwork for Russia to re-think her no-first-strike nuke policy.
Things are getting interesting in Turkey.
Turkey has applied to join BRICS.
US Marines accosted and abused on the streets of Izmir.
Protests on the streets of Turkey against "Yankees".

My gut tells me that Turkey is not long for NATO...and that might set off a chain of events perhaps Biblical in consequence. There are prophecies by Orthodox Saints about just such events.

Things are getting interesting in Turkey.
Turkey has applied to join BRICS.
US Marines accosted and abused on the streets of Izmir.
Protests on the streets of Turkey against "Yankees".

My gut tells me that Turkey is not long for NATO...and that might set off a chain of events perhaps Biblical in consequence. There are prophecies by Orthodox Saints about just such events.

My friend this is youth union of Türkiye. They are Socialist anti imperialist group, good friends of Russia 😁.

They put sacks on head of us sailors since 2004. They often have big fight with Türkiye police. All people in video now arrested

More Putin in Mongolia

My friend I respond to you here.

There is big problem with China and power of Siberia 2, Chinese are make problems, they don't want to sign deal, they make extra conditions and requirements, want extra discounts from russia.

This is the reason putin is now in Mongolia. Power of Siberia 2 goes through Mongolia. He will meet with representative of Chinese party in Mongolia to get this project back on track.

Chinese are very stubborn.
My friend I respond to you here.

There is big problem with China and power of Siberia 2, Chinese are make problems, they don't want to sign deal, they make extra conditions and requirements, want extra discounts from russia.

This is the reason putin is now in Mongolia. Power of Siberia 2 goes through Mongolia. He will meet with representative of Chinese party in Mongolia to get this project back on track.

Chinese are very stubborn.

The Chinese want to bypass Mongolia, which they deem unreliable. The alternative might be through Kazakhstan.

^ Wrong.

Reason why putin go to Mongolia is power of Siberia 2. He is meeting with Chinese representatives and mongol representatives.

Our company gazprom lose have its export customers after smo in Ukraine start. So we look for new customers in east, China.

The Chinese are very very cunning. They know our current gas export levels are historically low and we need new customer, so they try trick us into deal that is not good for Russia

Russia and China after 2 years of negotiating still don't agree on key details. Has nothing to do with Mongolia


Anyone have more information on this? It's completely steeped in globohomo. Fighting misogyny, climate change, you name it.

I can't even find information on voting results. Thank you democracy.

Looks like China went along with it. Russia protested "non-interventionism" clauses since they're worried it would make their foreign policy illegal in international law. lol. Clowns.

The African delegation shut Russia down hard since all the non-whites are single issue voters. This expands the role of third world nations in the UN and I'm guessing will facilitate more sheckles for them.

I found out about it from Anglin but his article is garbage.
This on the heels of recent Red Sea USN shuffling, the western Pacific going carrier-less for a few weeks, and now the grounded oiler leaving the Lincoln CSG without a sea-borne fueler:

Balance of power is shifting in the Pacific. China has 3 carriers at sea for the first time. Their ship production far outperforms the US. They even have ice-breakers now...