Game-like tactics for Christian Relationships?

Yes, the western media has done a number on women and once last 35 you are considered an old man and it is only acceptable to get cat ladies or used up whores. God forbid you chat with a younger woman.

Call me naive or a fool for Christ, but how many here have jtaken time off from the daily grind and dedicated themselves to their church? I seriously am considering quitting my job and doing this. Let it all be in Gods hands. Note I have paid off all debts. Let’s say I do this for 6 months, after that I will have a much better understanding of God’s will for me.

I think you are ready for an Orthodox Church.
Yes, modernity without development of younger people towards marriage and family formation as a priority really hurts things. I think the powers that be realized that they could kill all sorts of birds with one stone, that stone being "encourage women to work and/or be like men". What no one wants to hear is that things can function just fine with men at all different ages getting married, because they take so long to mature and procure. That can't happen with women for many reasons we've discussed over the years here. As a result, people just try to convince men that being attracted to young women isn't important, and marriage with older women is an OK substitute - which is why we see marriage and relationships being avoided.

Another thing that bothers me and this goes back to my desire to exit the world and focus on the church for a while…I work with many married couples, most of which are liberal. I don’t believe these are good examples or good for my mental state. First there are the DINKs who openly don’t want the kids which I consider selfish.

Then, and these are the most annoying are the ones who openly brag about their wives. I’ve seen some of their wives and they are not lookers. Again looks are not everything, but the way they talk them up makes them seem like models. Then you see them interact and it’s clear the wife wears the pants. Then later secretly they trash their wives to me.

Then there are the open affairs that happen in the workplace. Disgusting.

I need to be around God-fearing good examples of people, marriages, and families. Granted I see some that seem fine, (they are usually Asian couples, some religious, some not)

Be in the world, but not of the world. I agree, but it gets harder and harder every day to escape the effects the morally inept culture has in your mind and soul.
Another thing that bothers me and this goes back to my desire to exit the world and focus on the church for a while…I work with many married couples, most of which are liberal. I don’t believe these are good examples or good for my mental state. First there are the DINKs who openly don’t want the kids which I consider selfish.

Then, and these are the most annoying are the ones who openly brag about their wives. I’ve seen some of their wives and they are not lookers. Again looks are not everything, but the way they talk them up makes them seem like models. Then you see them interact and it’s clear the wife wears the pants. Then later secretly they trash their wives to me.

Then there are the open affairs that happen in the workplace. Disgusting.

I need to be around God-fearing good examples of people, marriages, and families. Granted I see some that seem fine, (they are usually Asian couples, some religious, some not)

Be in the world, but not of the world. I agree, but it gets harder and harder every day to escape the effects the morally inept culture has in your mind and soul.
It can be very hard to keep the faith just going about your day-to-day life. Constantly you're exposed to oversexualization and promiscuity everywhere, the rainbow people, big business bombarding you with giant billboards and ads, the obsession with status and status symbols like cars, the most inane and asinine topics of conversation, and worst of all is the way selfish people constantly mistreat and judge one another.

Society has made the unnatural seem natural, and the natural seem perverse, and he who follows God's law is seen as an abominable outsider, an unwelcome interloper. Outside of my church I hardly ever meet other men of faith, most people have become incredibly worldly. Some days I feel like I'm barely holding onto my faith surrounded by them. Yet with all its assaults on the senses, we know what union with the world brings. At the end of the day, we just have to hold on to that trust in God, that He will get us through it because there is nothing else. But with all the iniquity out there, finding a good woman who hasn't succumbed to the world's attacks is like a needle in a haystack.
Fixed that for you. Just as we shouldn't envy (covet) others, we should not also be happy about their misfortune, lest God looks down upon us as he did on the Pharisee who considered himself superior to the tax-collector.
Their perception and anger towards someone else for living a life by his own decisions, is a reflection of their envy. You corrected me incorrectly.
But with all the iniquity out there, finding a good woman who hasn't succumbed to the world's attacks is like a needle in a haystack.
Yes, it is hard, and it brings up again the idea of agency. Either way, it's sad that most of the women with good characteristics that are left don't do anything for a solid man in terms of his biologically top priority of attraction. That's the issue and why youth is so important.
Their perception and anger towards someone else for living a life by his own decisions, is a reflection of their envy. You corrected me incorrectly.

I agree they are envious, but rather than laugh at them I suggest to pray, lest we lower ourselves to their level.

I also understand I may be reading you incorrectly.
I agree they are envious, but rather than laugh at them I suggest to pray, lest we lower ourselves to their level.

I also understand I may be reading you incorrectly.
It's a curious thing to me what people do when they group or associate people. For example, (this is slighly off topic) have you ever met people that know others who have been divorced a couple of times, always go for young women, something like that. They then think that people who "seek young women" are the same - when in reality it's just a single person they know that's got issues. I think they like to complete their narrative, in this case not liking older men going after younger women, just because they know a weird guy that happened to do that - uhh, because he's a man too.
I have a crazy question that boggles my mind (and yes if I meet my priest when he is available I will ask him).

Is it possible that Christian prayers if done correctly, will be able to grant us supernatural abilities in attracting female attention?

Observation 1:
For years my mother was puzzled why so many Catholic priests despite being ugly as hell, were always able to garner female attention and some women even straight up falling in love with the priest. Most women tried to get into a better relations with the Catholic priests either by seeking attention, get in close, giving gifts etc.

Now being curious, finally my mother asked her friend who was a mystic, what makes this particular Catholic priests so attractive to women?
The friend: What the priest is doing, at night he prayed using beads.
My mother: Beads? It must be the Rosary, but the Rosary is prayers to the Mother of God. How is it possible that such prayers be used for such purpose?
The friend: All prayers start out as white and pure

Observation 2:
Back when I was still in high school, I saw that minor Catholic seminarians of my age were able to get dates or even going steady with the girl students easily (ironic isn't it?). Now most of the seminarians were ugly like monkeys or goblins and dark skinned, yet they were able to consistently attract women above their league. It's like seminarians with SMV 5 were able to get an SMV 7 girlfriend. It is a literal embodiment of "flowers stuck in cow dung".

Observation 3:
It almost always happened that in a major seminary, low SMV seminarians are chased by infatuated beautiful young women. Also it is the women that tried to take the seminarians for lunch, dinner etc. It turned red pill theories upside down, that women are willing to chase and spend money for broke low SMV seminarians. It does not make any sense, but it happened. (Note that the women are attractive, and they should have no problem getting into a normal relationship with high SMV men)

Also some seminarians who does not made it to priesthood, ended up marrying the women who were infatuated with them. I personally knew several seminarians like these.

Observation 4:
My mother was puzzled at someone she knew. The man was an ugly baldhead in his 50's with dark skin, but his wife was still in her 30's, attractive and light skinned. The wife was also rich and have her own businesses. My mother noted that the couple has a little kid, so the couple must have been married for only a few years.

Not long after my mother got information that the man was an ex-Catholic priest.

  • Hey I know you guys will think I'm crazy for asking such question. But if it is true then it will be a gamechanger for "Christian Game". Imagine if for example by routinely reciting Jesus Prayers, Sub Tuum Praesidium, Te Deum, or akathist to St. Xenia we become a magnet for women.
  • For another mind-boggling reasons, the things in the observations above only happened to Catholic priests or seminarians. I have never encountered such female attractions for Orthodox priests or seminarians🤔
Catholic priests don't get married. Sounds like you've got several things mixed up. Only Orthodox priests do.

As for them marrying up, I'm sure they pray for a wife, but they do not pray for "supernatural" powers to get a woman. Most of the priests I've known are married to women who are not better looking than them.

On top of this, religious parents will encourage their daughters to marry priests, which allows seminarians to have access to a marriage pool normal men will not have.

Priests do not have a high income, but they do have a guaranteed income, which also shows some kind of stability for the future wife. However, being a Presbytera is hard work and is not for most women. Such a woman should ideally enjoy Church or else they won't like being a priest's wife.

Praying for "supernatural" powers to attract women is praying in vain. Don't pray for something like that, God won't give it to you. Instead ask God to be blessed to attract a good wife, and to be blessed enough to find one.
I agree with Samseau generally. Forgive me Doraemon, I'm also skeptical that there is a big smv difference between anyone generally in life that gets together, across the entirety of the population (some small exceptions may occur, sure). What stands out to most are the recall biases of someone they thought was better looking than she was, and/or the competitive juices or envy towards a guy they thought shouldn't have been successful, relatively.

As for them marrying up, I'm sure they pray for a wife, but they do not pray for "supernatural" powers to get a woman. Most of the priests I've known are married to women who are not better looking than them.

On top of this, religious parents will encourage their daughters to marry priests, which allows seminarians to have access to a marriage pool normal men will not have.

Good point on the marriage pool, which has to be true to some degree at least, and it's something of a positive action. Most modern men suffer from the overcrowding of the population/men overall, as well as the breakdown in social connections due to the fact that previous generations had a culture where things were set up correctly, and "worked out" because everyone was looking to get married young. Lots of things were smooth sailing generally speaking for most Americans, so they don't see a need to be vigilant or aren't curious to recognize that the world changes and if you aren't continuously invested, you won't as easily have grandchildren. Inertia, laziness in general, and thoughtlessness or carelessness are far more common than anyone wants to admit. One has to remember that slowly over time as well, women became increasingly worse partners in pretty much every way. The threshold for that was probably the decade of the 2000s; still reasonable but the trajectory of women and feminism/working/careers was already fully launched.
Is it possible that Christian prayers if done correctly, will be able to grant us supernatural abilities in attracting female attention?
Why would you assume they’re praying for women? There are several things that would apply in your observations from red pill theory.

  • Priests hold unique social status and even some social authority. They’re also usually pretty confident.
  • A woman will always like a father figure
  • Women like emotional stability on days they’re not running after Chad.
  • Priests generally don’t drool over women which is extremely unattractive to a woman, or try to baby talk them back to their apartment or whatever. The only exception is if a woman finds you irresistible, in which case you can drool or do whatever you want [temporarily].
  • Priests are suppose to be and appear to be non-judgemental, women always have big fears about being shamed and being judged. It’s comforting.
It doesn’t mean that women love the clergy, but women in those circles will definitely gravitate towards them rather than some mute glancing at their ass from the other side of the room [aka average man].
Is it possible that Christian prayers if done correctly, will be able to grant us supernatural abilities in attracting female attention?

I would say that even if you did pray for this God is not going to grant it due to the temptation to sin that it would bring. It would be much more prudent to pray to meet your wife.

Also God doesn't give us something that we aren't willing to work alongside Him for. For instance if you pray to meet your wife every single day but you don't go anywhere, He isn't going to send someone knocking at your door.

Put yourself out there. Make yourself presentable. Do things that will likely attract the kind of woman you want to marry. Have goals in life other than finding a wife. Avoid things that are unattractive to the kind of woman you want to marry. If you want a Godly woman, be a Godly man.

Your time as a man is precious, don't give it to women who don't deserve it. Be exacting in your standards. It doesn't matter how hot she is, looks do not last, if she is a wreck don't waste your time. If she doesn't care about God, don't waste your time.

In Orthodoxy women go to hang out at seminary to meet a priest because they want to be married to a priest. First off, take heart that women like this do exist. Secondly ask yourself what is it that would make a woman want to marry a priest? Well he is going to care about God way more than the average man, he has a mission in life (that isn't just 'pls sleep with me'), he is entering and taking place of authority in a hierarchy etc. Think of how you can apply some of these qualities to yourself. Priests aren't supernaturally attractive, many are just doing things that are attractive (to a certain kind of woman)
I would say that even if you did pray for this God is not going to grant it due to the temptation to sin that it would bring. It would be much more prudent to pray to meet your wife.

Also God doesn't give us something that we aren't willing to work alongside Him for. For instance if you pray to meet your wife every single day but you don't go anywhere, He isn't going to send someone knocking at your door.

Put yourself out there. Make yourself presentable. Do things that will likely attract the kind of woman you want to marry. Have goals in life other than finding a wife. Avoid things that are unattractive to the kind of woman you want to marry. If you want a Godly woman, be a Godly man.

Your time as a man is precious, don't give it to women who don't deserve it. Be exacting in your standards. It doesn't matter how hot she is, looks do not last, if she is a wreck don't waste your time. If she doesn't care about God, don't waste your time.

In Orthodoxy women go to hang out at seminary to meet a priest because they want to be married to a priest. First off, take heart that women like this do exist. Secondly ask yourself what is it that would make a woman want to marry a priest? Well he is going to care about God way more than the average man, he has a mission in life (that isn't just 'pls sleep with me'), he is entering and taking place of authority in a hierarchy etc. Think of how you can apply some of these qualities to yourself. Priests aren't supernaturally attractive, many are just doing things that are attractive (to a certain kind of woman)
Slight correction: these women hang out/help out at seminaries to meet seminarian students, not priests. Once a man is ordained as an Orthodox priest, he can no longer get married. I know some women who have done this. They were indeed successful and are now top-shelf wives.
Slight correction: these women hang out/help out at seminaries to meet seminarian students, not priests. Once a man is ordained as an Orthodox priest, he can no longer get married. I know some women who have done this. They were indeed successful and are now top-shelf wives.
True, I misstyped there. I should have said prospective priests
Catholic priests don't get married. Sounds like you've got several things mixed up. Only Orthodox priests do.
In my observations above I wrote Catholic priests/seminarians, it is true and not a mistype. Now to clarify some things:

Observation 1:
This observation happened at a particular Catholic parish. The women there although they are already married and have their own husbands, and knowing that Catholic priests are required to be celibate, they keep trying to get to know the priests better. When my mother asked her mystic friend why does this thing happened, the mystic said that the priest routinely prays the Rosary at night. So in this case the conclusion is although the priest himself is not praying for a relationship with women, praying the Rosary itself grants supernatural abilities such as charm and charisma.

Observation 2:
When I was a high school student, I enrolled in a Catholic (Jesuit) high school. The school complex consist of two buildings, the minor seminary and the high school. It was combined into one because the higher-ups wanted the seminarians to socialize better with regular people and not be socially inept, especially to females. However in my experience the seminarians ended up with hot girlfriend. Although this could also be caused by the seminarians receiving better educations in the field of arts, leadership, humanities, etc.

Observation 3:
This event happened at a particular Catholic major seminary. Most of the ex-seminarians explained that there are young women who attempted to take them out for lunch/dinner, and trying to get close to the seminarians. The young women themselves already knew that the seminarians are required to be celibate. In the end some of the ex-seminarians who failed to become Catholic priests ended up marrying their female suitors.

Observation 4:
Basically an unattractive aging man with baldhead quit his job of being a Catholic priest. Ended up having an attractive wife much younger than him and the wife is also a well-off businesswoman. He and his wife then have a child together.

As for them marrying up, I'm sure they pray for a wife, but they do not pray for "supernatural" powers to get a woman. Most of the priests I've known are married to women who are not better looking than them.

On top of this, religious parents will encourage their daughters to marry priests, which allows seminarians to have access to a marriage pool normal men will not have.

Priests do not have a high income, but they do have a guaranteed income, which also shows some kind of stability for the future wife. However, being a Presbytera is hard work and is not for most women. Such a woman should ideally enjoy Church or else they won't like being a priest's wife.
I agree with you and the things you described also applies to my parish priest. However it is the Catholic priests that goes on a wild ride with regards to female attraction without even asking for it.

I agree with Samseau generally. Forgive me Doraemon, I'm also skeptical that there is a big smv difference between anyone generally in life that gets together, across the entirety of the population (some small exceptions may occur, sure). What stands out to most are the recall biases of someone they thought was better looking than she was, and/or the competitive juices or envy towards a guy they thought shouldn't have been successful, relatively.
This could probably be true and I am biased in my observations. But in my second and third examples above I am sure that low SMV men can easily get, and even chased by high SMV women in that circumstances.

Why would you assume they’re praying for women? There are several things that would apply in your observations from red pill theory.

  • Priests hold unique social status and even some social authority. They’re also usually pretty confident.
  • A woman will always like a father figure
  • Women like emotional stability on days they’re not running after Chad.
  • Priests generally don’t drool over women which is extremely unattractive to a woman, or try to baby talk them back to their apartment or whatever. The only exception is if a woman finds you irresistible, in which case you can drool or do whatever you want [temporarily].
  • Priests are suppose to be and appear to be non-judgemental, women always have big fears about being shamed and being judged. It’s comforting.
It doesn’t mean that women love the clergy, but women in those circles will definitely gravitate towards them rather than some mute glancing at their ass from the other side of the room [aka average man].
That is true, however in my experience women are not falling head over heels over Orthodox priests/seminarians or Protestant pastors. This phenomenon only happened to Catholic priests/seminarians. Paradoxically the more one tried to be a celibate, the more women become attracted to them.

As noted in my first observation, a Catholic priest regularly praying the Rosary (although of course he is not praying to get a woman) can get supernatural abilities such as charm and charisma that attracts women without even trying. So I concluded that there must be something that makes Catholic priests/seminarians so attractive to women, or their Catholic prayers indeed does grant them special favors from God.

Also God doesn't give us something that we aren't willing to work alongside Him for. For instance if you pray to meet your wife every single day but you don't go anywhere, He isn't going to send someone knocking at your door.
Agree with you. However for unknown reasons this common sense doesn't apply to Catholic priests/seminarians. They tried to be celibate, but women keeps getting attracted to them. In fact I know a Catholic priest that acts aloof and put on an unfriendly face to fend off female attraction to him.

Closing remarks:
Next Saturday before the All-Night Vigil if my priest has the time I will ask his opinions on this matters. Also there might be some cultural factors at play here, that is only applicable to my geographical area that skewed my observations. Another possibility is these are particular cases that only applies to some Catholic churches or seminaries that cannot be generalized.
Interesting observation and post. What I glean out of it is that the most beneficial scenario for both men and women, and we all know this, is for women to be pursuing marriage. The modern world is what happens when they don't, so as a result we all know the institution is unstable. The problem is that your examples, while possibly legit, are so rare they likely have very tenuous or even random underpinnings when compared to the population at large.

As I've said before, nothing changes until wages and jobs aren't taken for granted, and M:F ratio goes down drastically. Even then, you'll still have to have some avenue for exercise and weight issues to become paramount. The male visual/boner system is objective. Remember, erectile discrimination, not dysfunction, in the end.
Agree with you. However for unknown reasons this common sense doesn't apply to Catholic priests/seminarians. They tried to be celibate, but women keeps getting attracted to them. In fact I know a Catholic priest that acts aloof and put on an unfriendly face to fend off female attraction to him.
Women are not rational. It's plausible that they think "if I can bag one before they are ordained, then I can bag me a godly man" or they get a kick out of pursuing someone "unavailable". Or they know something about Catholic seminaries that we don't...

Most of the time women don't know why they are doing what they are doing
In my observations above I wrote Catholic priests/seminarians, it is true and not a mistype. Now to clarify some things:

This observation happened at a particular Catholic parish. The women there although they are already married and have their own husbands, and knowing that Catholic priests are required to be celibate, they keep trying to get to know the priests better. When my mother asked her mystic friend why does this thing happened, the mystic said that the priest routinely prays the Rosary at night. So in this case the conclusion is although the priest himself is not praying for a relationship with women, praying the Rosary itself grants supernatural abilities such as charm and charisma.

When I was a high school student, I enrolled in a Catholic (Jesuit) high school. The school complex consist of two buildings, the minor seminary and the high school. It was combined into one because the higher-ups wanted the seminarians to socialize better with regular people and not be socially inept, especially to females. However in my experience the seminarians ended up with hot girlfriend. Although this could also be caused by the seminarians receiving better educations in the field of arts, leadership, humanities, etc.

This event happened at a particular Catholic major seminary. Most of the ex-seminarians explained that there are young women who attempted to take them out for lunch/dinner, and trying to get close to the seminarians. The young women themselves already knew that the seminarians are required to be celibate. In the end some of the ex-seminarians who failed to become Catholic priests ended up marrying their female suitors.

Basically an unattractive aging man with baldhead quit his job of being a Catholic priest. Ended up having an attractive wife much younger than him and the wife is also a well-off businesswoman. He and his wife then have a child together.

I agree with you and the things you described also applies to my parish priest. However it is the Catholic priests that goes on a wild ride with regards to female attraction without even asking for it.

This could probably be true and I am biased in my observations. But in my second and third examples above I am sure that low SMV men can easily get, and even chased by high SMV women in that circumstances.

That is true, however in my experience women are not falling head over heels over Orthodox priests/seminarians or Protestant pastors. This phenomenon only happened to Catholic priests/seminarians. Paradoxically the more one tried to be a celibate, the more women become attracted to them.

As noted in my first observation, a Catholic priest regularly praying the Rosary (although of course he is not praying to get a woman) can get supernatural abilities such as charm and charisma that attracts women without even trying. So I concluded that there must be something that makes Catholic priests/seminarians so attractive to women, or their Catholic prayers indeed does grant them special favors from God.

Agree with you. However for unknown reasons this common sense doesn't apply to Catholic priests/seminarians. They tried to be celibate, but women keeps getting attracted to them. In fact I know a Catholic priest that acts aloof and put on an unfriendly face to fend off female attraction to him.

Closing remarks:
Next Saturday before the All-Night Vigil if my priest has the time I will ask his opinions on this matters. Also there might be some cultural factors at play here, that is only applicable to my geographical area that skewed my observations. Another possibility is these are particular cases that only applies to some Catholic churches or seminaries that cannot be generalized.

What country are you in?

I have a Catholic Indian friend who said priests live a lavish lifestyle in that country. Couldn’t verify it myself, but I can tell you in the US there is little respect for Catholic priests, some are thought to be pedophiles or gay.
In my observations above I wrote Catholic priests/seminarians, it is true and not a mistype. Now to clarify some things:

This observation happened at a particular Catholic parish. The women there although they are already married and have their own husbands, and knowing that Catholic priests are required to be celibate, they keep trying to get to know the priests better. When my mother asked her mystic friend why does this thing happened, the mystic said that the priest routinely prays the Rosary at night. So in this case the conclusion is although the priest himself is not praying for a relationship with women, praying the Rosary itself grants supernatural abilities such as charm and charisma.

When I was a high school student, I enrolled in a Catholic (Jesuit) high school. The school complex consist of two buildings, the minor seminary and the high school. It was combined into one because the higher-ups wanted the seminarians to socialize better with regular people and not be socially inept, especially to females. However in my experience the seminarians ended up with hot girlfriend. Although this could also be caused by the seminarians receiving better educations in the field of arts, leadership, humanities, etc.

This event happened at a particular Catholic major seminary. Most of the ex-seminarians explained that there are young women who attempted to take them out for lunch/dinner, and trying to get close to the seminarians. The young women themselves already knew that the seminarians are required to be celibate. In the end some of the ex-seminarians who failed to become Catholic priests ended up marrying their female suitors.

Basically an unattractive aging man with baldhead quit his job of being a Catholic priest. Ended up having an attractive wife much younger than him and the wife is also a well-off businesswoman. He and his wife then have a child together.

I agree with you and the things you described also applies to my parish priest. However it is the Catholic priests that goes on a wild ride with regards to female attraction without even asking for it.

This could probably be true and I am biased in my observations. But in my second and third examples above I am sure that low SMV men can easily get, and even chased by high SMV women in that circumstances.

That is true, however in my experience women are not falling head over heels over Orthodox priests/seminarians or Protestant pastors. This phenomenon only happened to Catholic priests/seminarians. Paradoxically the more one tried to be a celibate, the more women become attracted to them.

As noted in my first observation, a Catholic priest regularly praying the Rosary (although of course he is not praying to get a woman) can get supernatural abilities such as charm and charisma that attracts women without even trying. So I concluded that there must be something that makes Catholic priests/seminarians so attractive to women, or their Catholic prayers indeed does grant them special favors from God.

Agree with you. However for unknown reasons this common sense doesn't apply to Catholic priests/seminarians. They tried to be celibate, but women keeps getting attracted to them. In fact I know a Catholic priest that acts aloof and put on an unfriendly face to fend off female attraction to him.

Closing remarks:
Next Saturday before the All-Night Vigil if my priest has the time I will ask his opinions on this matters. Also there might be some cultural factors at play here, that is only applicable to my geographical area that skewed my observations. Another possibility is these are particular cases that only applies to some Catholic churches or seminaries that cannot be generalized.

I don't have enough information to make any generalized conclusions about this seminary or these men and women. What I can tell you, however, is that prayer has nothing to do with these guys being pursued by women.

What your situation sounds like to me is that this is a very rich, exclusive Jesuit seminary school, full of young rich men whose parents have tried to send off to the Catholic priesthood, so young women flock there trying to bag a rich husband before he takes the oath of celibacy.

Additionally, the seminary may have their own reasons for allowing their seminarians to be tempted like this; to get rid of those who would be unable to keep a vow of chastity.

That's about the most I can infer based on your cryptic stories.
What country are you in?

I have a Catholic Indian friend who said priests live a lavish lifestyle in that country. Couldn’t verify it myself, but I can tell you in the US there is little respect for Catholic priests, some are thought to be pedophiles or gay.
In other countries that don't have high economy and other "things to do" in terms of status, normal people will become things like priests. That's not to say that there aren't a good number of solid priests in America, but it is saying that in America you will get far more weirdos that go into the priesthood, of all types, because they can't cut it elsewhere or don't know what else to do. I am speaking for the USA, but I'd make a similar conclusion for other developed economies, such as the 5 eyes types.