French Politics Thread

Indian blogger gets it right.

If this was the British parliamentary system, the RN would have gotten an absolute majority, but with the 2-round runoffs expect Macron to ally with the left and stand down in ridings where the left is ahead, and vice versa. The center-right will cuck for Macron.

French woman pleads for help:

"I am 26 years old, blonde, with light eyes, and I have always lived in the 6th arrondissement of Lyon, which is thought of as the poshest area in Lyon, and my daily life has become unbearable. I write this because, ten years ago, I could go out with my friends in the evening, at any hour, without being bothered, insulted, followed, or stabbed.

I mention stabbing because, three years ago, my boyfriend, along with two of his friends, on their way home, were approached by a group of men. They surrounded them, stole one of their cell phones. They tried to fight back, and my boyfriend, in spite of being a strong rugbyman, got stabbed, in the arm--while protecting his neck, which was the target. Someone tried to cut his throat.

As for myself, on a regular basis, men follow me, insult me because I refuse to talk back or because I say I have a boyfriend. One day, one spit on me. More and more, I am whistled at like a dog, or "ksksks"'d like I am a cat. Acts of this nature have happened to me perhaps thirty times in the past year.

Six months ago, we adopted a puppy. One evening, my boyfriend went out to walk him at 9pm, and three men tried to steal the puppy. Since then, we only go out in the evening as a couple, and I always carry pepper spray in my purse.

In our neighborhood, just in our block, there are three drug dealing spots, which work constantly. Day and night. With everything that entails: watchmen loitering outside our house, milling about, shouting, getting high and bothering people, especially women.

Every single one of the actions I mentioned (and they are only a part of what we have gone through) is the fact of men of sub-Saharan African or North African origin. A white man has never behaved towards me the way they have.

Is it racist to call out what my daily life has become as a woman, because of immigration? Is my reality, my daily life, racist? Am I not as legitimate as any other person to call out traumatising acts of violence, just because they are done by foreigners or immigrants?

To be clear, I am not talking about men in general, but specifically men, sometimes underage, who are of immigrant background.

Now, and for about four years, the way I live my life has had to change to live with this constant insecurity. Now I live with a pepper spray outside my front door, a taser, and a false pistol, after an attempted break-in. We have had an extra lock added to our door. We have a security camera in our apartment. In my purse, I carry a second pepper spray, as well as brass knuckles on my keychain. I never walk into a building without checking both sides of the street, in case a man is following me. I never make eye contact with you-know-who. I constantly cross the street. I no longer leave my home on my own after 9pm. I no longer use public transport for obvious reasons. I am afraid when I am alone at home. I am afraid when outside. Now, I am always afraid.

I do not want this future for my children who, fortunately, are not yet here. I do not understand people who do not see that France is turning into a cradle of insecurity because of immigrant men. Insecurity to women, but to men as well.

Therefore, for your future, and those of your children or your children-to-be: cast the right vote.”
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She was probably holding signs saying “welcome refugees” a couple years ago.
At least in France they are starting to talk about the rapefugee threat to women and society. In the rest of western Europe it is still a taboo subject and might get you arrested.
Let me get this straight...they are protesting "RN Fascism", but go topless while mopping the floor, wearing 1950s polka dot skirts? Tell us that you feminists deep-down want to be dominated by ultra-masculine men, without telling us. Perhaps this is why they agitate for more violent AFME invaders. I think white European men have totally lost the plot. To me, theirs is a scream for help and protection. Actions speak louder than words.

Let me get this straight...they are protesting "RN Fascism", but go topless while mopping the floor, wearing 1950s polka dot skirts? Tell us that you feminists deep-down want to be dominated by ultra-masculine men, without telling us. Perhaps this is why they agitate for more violent AFME invaders. I think white European men have totally lost the plot. To me, theirs is a scream for help and protection. Actions speak louder than words.

Interesting interpretation you have, probably basically correct.

At some level they don't like the pussification of western men who have not managed to call out the overall traitorous development of the political class.

However they are taking it out on the RN. It's only a lunatic fringe that carries out irrational actions like this but it's a sign of something under the surface...

That policeman is funny, not smiling or laughing but solemnly making a phone call about the unusual disturbance too confused about what action to take. He's not going to start swinging a baton or handcuffing one of them with everyone filming like that...
Let me get this straight...they are protesting "RN Fascism", but go topless while mopping the floor, wearing 1950s polka dot skirts? Tell us that you feminists deep-down want to be dominated by ultra-masculine men, without telling us. Perhaps this is why they agitate for more violent AFME invaders. I think white European men have totally lost the plot. To me, theirs is a scream for help and protection. Actions speak louder than words.

Women: screaming for help from white men.

Also women: white man bad, patriarchy etc etc.

Denmark has managed to take action on immigration with a female labour PM, but it's too late for France via traditional politics. What can she really do? They'll have to deport millions and I don't see that happening. Sooner or later we'll see some violent revolution or military uprising in France. It's only a matter of time.
I've been travelling extensively through France these last couple of weeks. In every town, village or city that I have passed through I've seen at least 50% African, North African or women dressed in full Islam clothing.

This place is already done. Politics can't save them.
I've been travelling extensively through France these last couple of weeks. In every town, village or city that I have passed through I've seen at least 50% African, North African or women dressed in full Islam clothing.

This place is already done. Politics can't save them.
This is false. 50% muslim population is nonsense. Unless you went to specifically cities were there are more muslim. But even there. 50% is exagerated. Maybe you´ve been only in the poorest areas of the cities. Banlieues. But to say it´s 50% is simply not true. Paris is divided between arabs and french. The north of Paris with few exceptions is arab. But Paris is not a whole 50% arab. Some parts are. Maybe even more than 50%. But the entire city. That´s a lie.

Even if you took away official statistic which say it´s probably 10% muslims probably concentrated in major cities and increase it to 20-30%. But 50%. Not true. Others can just drop a pin on google maps in a french city. And see it for yourself.

I remenber Roosh tour of US. Was also surprising for him. Since a lot of places people said were shitholes. Weren´t in fact.
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I'm just giving you and on the ground report of what I've seen with my own eyes. You've literally contradicted yourself in your own post.

I have seen what I have seen and I'm in France often. Your cities have been semi taken over. I expect out in the countryside and rural areas it's different.

I was in Châlons last night which is a small town in a very rural area and my informal count of the people I saw at 20h in t he evening was exactly 50/50
Lately there has been an emphasis on sending immigrants to smaller cities and places in the "heartland", same as in the US where for instance they send Somalis to Minneapolis. There is probably a similar program in France and other western countries.
A lot of native french leave the city in this time of the year for the beach. But even taking this into consideration. 50% muslims?!? that is crazy numbers. In every 10 people. 5 muslims? Don´t believe things are that bad. They are bad. But not...

Checked google maps streets. And it seemed like normal proportion.
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Lately there has been an emphasis on sending immigrants to smaller cities and places in the "heartland", same as in the US where for instance they send Somalis to Minneapolis. There is probably a similar program in France and other western countries.
Yes. But it´s parts. All cities have parts which are controlled by imigrants. Entire cities muslim dominated. Are an exception if they exist. At least for now. That city seem to have mosques. I haven´t heard of it before. Maybe it´s true.

Now the talk is elections. A family member send me a message. She is making fun of another member because of the right wing election in France. I told her. You are making fun. But he probably voted for Le Pen. She didn´t sent me any message after. La France coule ahahahahahah. Le Pen is inevitable. And worse will come if she isn´t elected. A beautiful country. But with one of the highest jew percentage.
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Here's my prediction: the leftist coalition and Macron's party will unite against RN, not just in the elections by withdrawing candidates who weren't in the top 2 in the first round. but also afterwards with the left and Macron forming a new coalition government.

If France had the same political system as the UK or Canada, the RN would have easily achieved an absolute parliamentary majority.
Let's hope that RN cleans house this evening. It would give France something to really celebrate on Bastille Day, coming up in a week. Link to X topic was mentioned above, but PJW goes further into the issue here:
