French Politics Thread

Thanks for the whole post, will think about it when more awake. What is the French word for 'constituencies' is it région or départements or something else.. I suspect it is this :
Yes, that's right.

We probably need a diagram eventually to understand it..
This French site has an interactive map, if you click on the constituency you can see the breakdown for both rounds:

If you look at the example below for Cher, 1st district, the National Rally had 45% in the first round with the other parties trailing by more than 13%.


The leftist candidate withdrew in the second round and it was a two-horse race between the Macron candidate and the National Rally candidate. The latter obtained nearly 49% but failed to win the seat and therefore the National Rally got nothing. This played out in many constituencies.


Sounds like the first round results are totally discarded after it's done.
Yes, unless you win 50% in the first round.

The first round just filters for the second round. I wonder what the thinking is behind it, who designed it, maybe like a cooling off period if everyone thinks they did something crazy the first time they have a chance to fix it.
I believe it was instituted originally to keep the Communist party out of power.
The UK has a similar electoral set up where seats do not follow proportional representation but first past the post in each constituency of which there are around 650 across the UK. It produces really weird results like the Reform party having 14% of votes nationwide, but only 5 seats in parliament, while the Liberal Democrat party has 12% nationwide (2% LESS than Reform) but gets a whopping 72 seats in parliament.

Look at the huge differences between vote share nationwide, and actual seats won in parliament in the table below
It's nonsense.

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The UK has a similar electoral set up where seats do not follow proportional representation but first past the post in each constituency of which there are around 600 across the UK. It produces really weird results like the Reform party having huge numbers of votes nationwide, but only 5 seats in parliament, while the Liberal Democrat party has much less votes nationwide than Reform but get more than 70 seats in parliament.

It's nonsense.
We have the same situation in Canada, which is why in our last election the Conservatives got about 149,000 more popular votes, yet Justin Castro-Sinclair's Liberals won a plurality of seats and so here we are...
Considering that those Mohammedans are busy out-breeding those namby-pamby leftists as we speak, that day isn't too far off. Just made me remember Jean Raspail's 1973 novel, Camp of the Saints.

Never read it, but keep meaning to find a cheap used copy. Has anybody else here read it?

Also reminds me a bit of the small town in Michigan where the Homosexual/Pervert lobby rallied behind the Mohammedan community. Eventually the Mohammedans reached a critical mass, took complete control of City Hall, and said: "no degenerate LGBTQXYZ Pride nonsense in our town."
The fruit brigade lost their collective minds and screeched about how the Mohammedans had basically 'betrayed' them. Oh well, sucks to be stupid, Nancy-boy.
I've read it. It's pretty accurate so far.

Recommended reading for anyone on this forum
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The F is wrong with these people ?
I think the truth is dawning that most people are absolute idiots. Very few people have a higher spirit that is inoculated against this garbage.

The herd, the masses, are incredibly stupid.

This is why religion and God was so important everywhere, basically since the beginning of time. Because without it, most people devolve into lower animals.

If you have any doubt what is going on at the Olympics opening ceremony

A single rider on a pale horse is straight out of the book of Revelation

"And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth."

Revelation 6:8
Semïtism's finest provocateurs were dug out of their putrid think-tank for events like this.

France will be forced back into religion, either by the Christian Church at stake point or the Muslims at knifepoint. I pray for the former, the spirit of the likes of Vercingetorix and Godfrey of Bouillon in the last of the Gallic peoples will not forever depart from this earth without taking as many of these demonic scums with them.
Perhaps we should create a separate Olympics thread (under sports), since there is bound to be a lot more insanity coming from that. Plus, it doesn't exactly align with the scope of this politics thread. Who knows, maybe there might even be something sports-related to come that needs posting.

This demonic ritual fits into French politics thread - those weren't just some random homos on a street corner. This ceremony was planned months in advance and had to be approved by the organizers: the city of Paris and the French government.
Sure, sports related posts should go to a sports thread, but I don't know how many people are still interested in the Olympics after this sh#tshow.
paris 2024 opening ceremony.webp
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