Finding a traditional wife abroad

This thread has gone from talking about finding a traditional wife to now talking about and advocating for prostitution. Pretty good illustration of what these sort of threads end up leading to.
Let's be honest, most of the unmarried men participating in threads such as these just want to find a "waifu" from remote parts of the world in order to have an excuse for sexual release. They don't go wife-hunting for rational reasons, like uniting families or out of a feeling of obligation towards their own parents who wish to be blessed with grandchildren. Misogynist threads like "Destruction of Modern women" where all western women get demonized exist only because of men subconsciously wanting to vent their frustrations and surpressed desires.

Masturbation and casual dating or PUA are strictly forbidden (rightly so), thus men apparently only have marital sex as lawful options for sexual release. Now what to do if you can't get a (suitable) wife like so many western men? You have to realize that hookers would be the best and most dignified option if all you want from a woman is pleasure anyway. I'm willing to say as soon as you release pressure with a hooker you will instantly become more attractive to a potential wife anyway. Despite all what women are saying in public they secretly value a man with sexual options (even if it's just prostitutes) much higher than a "loser" who can't get any.​
I'm willing to say as soon as you release pressure with a hooker you will instantly become more attractive to a potential wife anyway.​

Who is this man with a shiny dome? Whenever I see a baldie with hair loss I can't help but think God is punishing him with ugliness for all the masturbation and fornication in his life. Bald men are the biggest wankers of all. Thankfully I read that you can regrow some hair even as late as your 50s if you keep to strict semen retention...​
Who is this man with a shiny dome? Whenever I see a baldie with hair loss I can't help but think God is punishing him with ugliness for all the masturbation and fornication in his life. Bald men are the biggest wankers of all. Thankfully I read that you can regrow some hair even as late as your 50s if you keep to strict semen retention...​

In real life it’s exactly these type of hypocritical busybodies that lead to declining numbers of people joining churches and newcomers leaving the church.

A good Christian should encourage others by their actions and by serving as a good example rather than trying to pridefully browbeat others into behaving well. Pride is clearly a sin according to the bible. There are many prideful posters on this forum. I’m not a Christian but those who are Christian should stick to the rules of their religion.

Australia, yes there is tons of hypocrisy in the church which drives people away and many members are not acting with charity towards you.

With that said, let’s point out a few things…

The reason people are responding negatively is that they believe you are acting disingenuously. Some of us are trying to give you the benefit of the doubt, but that requires certain corrective actions on your part.

Approaching hundreds of women in a foreign country doesn’t inspire confidence in that regard.

It seems like you really don’t like your own country and are trying different options. That’s fine, but this is a faith based forum. What we’re trying to tell you is you need to make that a priority, so step back for a second and take a serious spiritual inventory of your life before moving forward.
Not every wanker is bald. But almost every bald man is a wanker - or had so much sex in his life that he lost all his hair. Chaste men, women and eunuchs (castrated before puberty) usually don't lose their hair except for possibly disease.​

Speaking of baldness and sexual degeneracy, there are two famous Youtubers I can think of:

The first guy from UK is a global sex tourist who is especially infatuated with Slavic women from the former USSR. He reminds me of some people on this forum who want to travel to Eastern Europe to find a wife there.​

The second guy from Macedonia (raised in Germany) is a former cradle Orthodox who converted to Islam later in life. He's also travelled large parts of the world and is currently living in Thailand with his Ethiopian wife. Can you be less loyal to your roots and ancestors than that?

Masturbation and fornication (with the latter I mean casual dating, not legal prostitution) lead to rootlessness and weakening of your cradle faith, many members of former RVF are ample proof for that.​
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Was re-reading the first pages on this thread and the content was actually solid and still in line with the values of this forum. The transformation of it from that to being what it is now shows why there needs to be some enforcement of what is considered to be acceptable to be discussed in regards to dating. I'm not one of the guys that thinks what is referred to as 'PUA/game tactics' is inherently sinful but I do think the passport bro/constant spam cold approach life that accompanies is in iffy territory.
Not every wanker is bald. But almost every bald man is a wanker - or had so much sex in his life that he lost all his hair. Chaste men, women and eunuchs (castrated before puberty) usually don't lose their hair except for possibly disease.​

Speaking of baldness and sexual degeneracy, there are two famous Youtubers I can think of:

The first guy from UK is a global sex tourist who is especially infatuated with Slavic women from the former USSR. He reminds me of some people on this forum who want to travel to Eastern Europe to find a wife there.​

The second guy from Macedonia (raised in Germany) is a former cradle Orthodox who converted to Islam later in life. He's also travelled large parts of the world and is currently living in Thailand with his Ethiopian wife. Can you be less loyal to your roots and ancestors than that?

Masturbation and fornication (with the latter I mean casual dating, not legal prostitution) lead to rootlessness and weakening of your cradle faith, many members of former RVF are ample proof for that.​

Don't put some infidel wanker who became a muzzie out there as some authority for us to listen to.

And what in the fuck are you talking about.

So now hookers are a net good for society, and blad men are being punished by God for something?
So now hookers are a net good for society, and blad men are being punished by God for something?

Yes, legalized prostitution has indeed always been regarded as a necessary evil to channel dangerous lusts and prevent greater evil from befalling society by Christian thinkers. Read for example Augustine:​

Remove prostitutes from human affairs, and you will unsettle everything because of lusts; place them in the position of matrons, and you will dishonor these latter by disgrace and ignominy.

The latter case is true today. Women with a promiscuous past are being promoted to "girlfriends" and even wives. They dominate their men by holding the sexual monopoly, leaving the man with no other option for sexual relief other than obeying the woman's whims. Simps exist because men feel they have no other sexual options. Of course, they also lack self-control.

And as for bald men: How many men aged 40 today do you know who are not either visibly balding or greying already? Premature aging and increased liability to diseases are results of sexual sin, or more precisely the results of self-abuse and "free" sex.​
You went to other countries in search of a lower bar and the bar still wasn't low enough for you.
People have to realize at this point in history, even the low bars can be difficult ones, and mostly that's because there are very few places that aren't influenced at least in some way by the west or technology, or both (seeing the hope of economic prosperity or wealth), of whatever variety. As such, even if you can get to a Kazakhstan let's say, the tradeoffs will be there in spades.
Let's be honest, most of the unmarried men participating in threads such as these just want to find a "waifu" from remote parts of the world in order to have an excuse for sexual release. They don't go wife-hunting for rational reasons, like uniting families or out of a feeling of obligation towards their own parents who wish to be blessed with grandchildren. Misogynist threads like "Destruction of Modern women" where all western women get demonized exist only because of men subconsciously wanting to vent their frustrations and surpressed desires.
I'm a traditional, orthodox person (always have been) but I was raised in a society that obviously has affected me in various ways. Still, I'm very honest about the general directions in life. All attempts by men with attraction to women are going to be for sanctioned sex, and what goes along with that when rightly directed as well (attraction to person, energy, personality, etc) is family formation.

I don't find it helpful to blame men for women being among the worst in this epoch. It's probably one of the three worst periods for women in all time, arguably #1. Whether any man "deserves" something means nothing, which is why I never make any assertion of claim of the sort. That doesn't stop a swath of men from being horny or frustrated, which is the point.
Masturbation and casual dating or PUA are strictly forbidden (rightly so), thus men apparently only have marital sex as lawful options for sexual release. Now what to do if you can't get a (suitable) wife like so many western men? You have to realize that hookers would be the best and most dignified option if all you want from a woman is pleasure anyway. I'm willing to say as soon as you release pressure with a hooker you will instantly become more attractive to a potential wife anyway. Despite all what women are saying in public they secretly value a man with sexual options (even if it's just prostitutes) much higher than a "loser" who can't get any.
Here you turn it around, so I'm unsure what the totality of your opinion is on the subject. To be fair, most guys only have options with a sort of prostitution. But heck, I call modern dating just drawn out prostitution anyway. You're cynical in this post but I sorta agree with you.

The modern man, even with good looks or other good attributes, still largely doesn't have a complement. In the west, or even with other cultures women that come to the west (a point all of us know well), the degree to which you will get desirable behavior and attributes from a woman is crazy low. It's not hard to see why guys eschew marriage or "date" women to get sex in some capacity, regardless of it not being the "right" thing to do. The options at this point so frequently are marry a hambeast and/or someone who spends your money without a care in the world, or both. It's really bad and blaming men in any capacity, when so many are locked out, is just the wrong way to look at things, in my opinion.
And as for bald men: How many men aged 40 today do you know who are not either visibly balding or greying already? Premature aging and increased liability to diseases are results of sexual sin, or more precisely the results of self-abuse and "free" sex.
Your Augustine quote was interesting as his comment clearly shows one that what was going on then is also going on now. It's very interesting and telling.

As for your aging comment, I totally disagree. There are a lot of people in bad shape, but there are a ton of people that look decades younger than people at the same age, from just 40-50 years ago. I've seen countless examples recently as I was perusing old pictures and even reels. Heck, I saw a balding bass player on one reel where the guy was jamming with a famous drummer and one of the comments said, "That guy was 25 here and looks like he's almost a grandfather!" It was in the 1970s.
don't insult
Yes, legalized prostitution has indeed always been regarded as a necessary evil to channel dangerous lusts and prevent greater evil from befalling society by Christian thinkers. Read for example Augustine:​

The latter case is true today. Women with a promiscuous past are being promoted to "girlfriends" and even wives. They dominate their men by holding the sexual monopoly, leaving the man with no other option for sexual relief other than obeying the woman's whims. Simps exist because men feel they have no other sexual options. Of course, they also lack self-control.

And as for bald men: How many men aged 40 today do you know who are not either visibly balding or greying already? Premature aging and increased liability to diseases are results of sexual sin, or more precisely the results of self-abuse and "free" sex.​
No priest I know is going to say prostitution is a necessary evil. As far as St. Augustine, I am not sure if the context of your quote but it doesn't really matter regardless.

As far as Balding... are you fucking retarted? It's proven as a Genetic predisposition and associated with DHT conversion.

If you're going to go bald, there's nothing you can do to change that short of investing nasty drugs or hair plugs.

This is getting to the point of retardation.
Yes, legalized prostitution has indeed always been regarded as a necessary evil to channel dangerous lusts and prevent greater evil from befalling society by Christian thinkers. Read for example Augustine:​

I don’t think legalized prostitution is the solution you make it out to be. You seem to be from Germany, so your view is probably clouded by the culture you grew up in. In the US, prostitution is illegal in all states except for certain counties in Nevada.

Do rapes and other violent crimes decrease when it’s legal? You’re going to have to source that. I’ve heard those arguments before and even if crime does go down, overall it’s still a net negative and drain on society.
I don’t think legalized prostitution is the solution you make it out to be. You seem to be from Germany, so your view is probably clouded by the culture you grew up in. In the US, prostitution is illegal in all states except for certain counties in Nevada.

Do rapes and other violent crimes decrease when it’s legal? You’re going to have to source that. I’ve heard those arguments before and even if crime does go down, overall it’s still a net negative and drain on society.
I lived in Germany for many years and the legalized prostitution there has not diminished people's appetites. The "release valve" argument is proven wrong. As a matter of fact, they have become more degenerate and depraved. Skat pr0n and cuckoldry are normal there, and the wives, instead of being challenged by female competition to step up and be better wives, have actually become hyper-masculine and abrasive.
stop posting off-topic garbage
As far as Balding... are you fucking retarted? It's proven as a Genetic predisposition and associated with DHT conversion.

If you're going to go bald, there's nothing you can do to change that short of investing nasty drugs or hair plugs.

Maybe you're right. I distrust those (((doctors))) though, especially when it comes to the topics of sexuality and gender. They tell us that self-abuse and frequent sex is normal & healthy, or that men are born as homosexuals and must always stay as such.

People on r/Semenretention say that you can regrow and de-grayify your hair as well as cure chronic diseases with semen retention, God willing. Men in their 50s supposedly have done it. You have to practice strict semen retention though, not even a wet dream. They also say that homos are reversed to heteros after long periods of celibacy. Is it only Broscience?
I don’t think legalized prostitution is the solution you make it out to be. You seem to be from Germany, so your view is probably clouded by the culture you grew up in. In the US, prostitution is illegal in all states except for certain counties in Nevada.

Do rapes and other violent crimes decrease when it’s legal? You’re going to have to source that. I’ve heard those arguments before and even if crime does go down, overall it’s still a net negative and drain on society.

Yes, I've been to German and Dutch red lights. Many men travel to Hamburg or Amsterdam just for the hookers, even if only out of curiosity. I am aware that there are western states with no system of legal prostitution. However, prostitution could be legalized (again) in the future if only TPTB wanted it.

In Germany and the Netherlands, I feel muslim men dominate in the red light districts. Muslim men not only clog the brothels but also try to rape civil women. If it weren't for brothels, rape numbers would probably even higher.​

I lived in Germany for many years and the legalized prostitution there has not diminished people's appetites. The "release valve" argument is proven wrong. As a matter of fact, they have become more degenerate and depraved. Skat pr0n and cuckoldry are normal there, and the wives, instead of being challenged by female competition to step up and be better wives, have actually become hyper-masculine and abrasive.

Is it porn/masturbation or prostitution that came first though? If you combine both and try to act out perversions you saw on screen with a hooker, this is dangerous. Like I said, masturbation should be discouraged at any cost. Pornography and sexualization of public (outside of red light district) should be illegal.​