Elon Musk Thread

I would like a law that allows anyone of European Christian heritage in Africa to immigrate to the US.

But that’d be raysiss right?

But we have a law that allows any Jew in Eastern Europe to immigrate to USA. That’s why we have so many Russian Jews in the USA.
I didnt know you guys had that law for eastern European jews, who cares what any other country thinks and if they think its racist, the fact is so many western countries have made it very difficult to allow their own white people into western nations, Im Portuguese for example, Portugal, an agying population with few young people living in Portugal didnt allow portuguese citizens to nationalise their white husbands and wives, I have portuguese family members who are married for years and they have kids but because their spouse isnt registered from birth or they not a citizen (they still white) they didnt allow them to love or work i Portugal, only now they recently changed it because the villages have become ghost towns and theres no people, but they full of other foreign immigrants, I also know people who are english and they facing the same problems trying to move to England and other western nations, the amount of money and hurdles they have to go through, but I dont see non white people having these difficulties moving into western nations, something doesnt seem right
Make immigration Zero. This is how it used to be. Except for wealthy. The ones who are good enough will find a way.

And europeans should populate india. Not the other way around. The level of faggotry of western politicians. F indians should be scared.

Indians have factory of fake documentations.

Musk is a eficiency fanatic. Didnt he sell all his houses. Countries are not algorithms. Theres the soul. Soul of people.

I was in Eurodisney last summer. And they´ve put some shit in the rails. So kids cant sit while their waiting on the line. I thought to myself what is this american shit? Efficiency efficiency. F efficiency.
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I have no problem with white, Christian immigrants, especially from the anglosphere.

This would even help offset all the brown people moving here, and the lower birth rates from urban white liberals.

But the American worker should still be priority #1.
Ofcoarse, many of these white people are self employed or business owners anyway but even so wouldnt you rather have a white Australian or white South African doing a labor job that a central America is currently doing? I know lots of good white people who wouldnt mind moving there but they dont ever consider it because the paper work, costs and difficulty just puts them off, it would be cool if Trump turned to the liberals and said "you guys want immigrants, ok we bringing in a few million white people to boost the demographics"😂
This is like someone shooting you and then the shooter tricking you into blaming the person who gave him the gun....and then that person tricking you into blaming the bullets.
Yes of course they can all be games. Are you sure they were O1 or just H1B?

For the O1 visas to get scrutiny the H1bs need to go away.

What should happen is get rid of H1B and then scrutinize the O1.

Chinese guy I’m sure, because our manager at the time mentioned the visa was because of his apparent extraordinary ability. For the Brazilian, I am pretty certain since the H1B would not fit for that category and you can look up various law firms who work with MMA and other combat sport athletes to get O-1 visas.
The big irony in all of this is that Musk comes from South Africa.

A country that used to be rich, respected and prosperous, and then got slowly completely destroyed once they abolished racial segregation in the 1990s, and let blacks run the whole thing.

Musk of all people should know better.
To be fair, their prosperity was built on racially segregating 87% of the population. That kind of stuff just inevitably leads to issues down the line. The Whites would have been better off completely ethnically cleansing the country and then living with whatever international sanctions they would have faced.

It reminds me of how Yugoslavia was held together also due Tito not valuing religion at all, for example Christmas was not a holiday. At some point such policies rear their ugly head, because of the sheer numbers and then identity politics tear the country apart.

South Africa's racial segregation is not comparable to what was formerly happening in the US or what the Chinese do to the Uyghurs etc. I have no idea where the critical threshold for where the "oppressed" group is simply too large is, but it's probably well below 80%.

That said, I still agree with the general sentiment of your post. But, unfortunately, Musk comes across as someone with too little social, historical and political awareness to even notice that could happen to the USA too.
Plot twist - what would you guys do if it wasn’t the Jews it was actually the Indians. Worlds gone crazy. OUR MISSION ISNT KALGARI PLAN NOT DO WE WANT TO ENSLAVE. WE JUST WANT BOBS AND VAGENE. THANK YOU COME AGAIN.

That comment - guys shoved into the locker and the spelling bee winner should get the hot blondes. What if we were wrong about the Jews and it was angry Indian Techies in Silicon Valley the whole time 😂
The big irony in all of this is that Musk comes from South Africa.

A country that used to be rich, respected and prosperous, and then got slowly completely destroyed once they abolished racial segregation in the 1990s, and let blacks run the whole thing.

Musk of all people should know better.
My guess is that pretty much everyone you see on TV is, in one way or another, an actor for the satanic elite. They have a role they play, this role determines how much they make, which will always be a large reward for selling their fellow man out, and they have a certain set of boundaries they must stay in when talking.

I don't see people like Elon Musk as independent thinkers and certainly not some scientific genius. He is just a paid actor, to play the role of high IQ scientific genius and sell White genocide to the masses, because he is "so smart and so cool". Look into Roy Cohn and other people like him. They are the true puppet masters and the man behind the curtain.
I hear this more than you’d think from white gitls, about wanting to visit India. They are looking for their mysa moment,

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This is how white girls envision a trip to India

Call it a white savior complex or whatever you want
Great white savior is a huge part of well … where leftism comes from. Nobody realizes the connection between progressiveism and white supremacy. The great chain of being - God is on top and then England and Anglic culture. We shall spread it to the world and civilize it! Vs libertarianism is we do us, you do you, let’s be good neighbors.

As an aside, they’d find out Mysa can’t cook, can’t clean, bad with kids, and they’d be like “who’s this bish think she is?” Only reason the lady in that show had her success is her subjects were held by the most cartoonishly brutal slavers on TV
Elon is just a weird dude.

Forget about the positive and negative. Forget about the money or influence. He's just a strange dude. His family is strange......and people don't trust that. It's uneasy. He's exposed himself by having the greatest platform to share his thoughts yet shoots himself in the foot constantly.
To be fair, their prosperity was built on racially segregating 87% of the population. That kind of stuff just inevitably leads to issues down the line. The Whites would have been better off completely ethnically cleansing the country and then living with whatever international sanctions they would have faced.

It reminds me of how Yugoslavia was held together also due Tito not valuing religion at all, for example Christmas was not a holiday. At some point such policies rear their ugly head, because of the sheer numbers and then identity politics tear the country apart.

South Africa's racial segregation is not comparable to what was formerly happening in the US or what the Chinese do to the Uyghurs etc. I have no idea where the critical threshold for where the "oppressed" group is simply too large is, but it's probably well below 80%.

That said, I still agree with the general sentiment of your post. But, unfortunately, Musk comes across as someone with too little social, historical and political awareness to even notice that could happen to the USA too.
At some point a few years ago I read that there were hardly any blacks in Southern Africa when the Dutch and Brits initially took turns controlling the area, but they brought in large numbers of blacks and Indians to work their mines and farms and other enterprises. The present black and mixed populations primarily consist of people who descended from these original non-white workers. They would have been better off doing like the US north, and making even the working class whites relatively well off with farms and small businesses. It was a mistake to bring in large populations of non-white workers.
My guess is that pretty much everyone you see on TV is, in one way or another, an actor for the satanic elite. They have a role they play, this role determines how much they make, which will always be a large reward for selling their fellow man out, and they have a certain set of boundaries they must stay in when talking.

I don't see people like Elon Musk as independent thinkers and certainly not some scientific genius. He is just a paid actor, to play the role of high IQ scientific genius and sell White genocide to the masses, because he is "so smart and so cool". Look into Roy Cohn and other people like him. They are the true puppet masters and the man behind the curtain.
Musk was a real dweeb when he was younger. He definitely got rich doing tech stuff first, then starting hanging out with the Beverly Hills crowd after he was rich. It was only then, after he got hair plugs and learned how to interact with other rich people that he was able to carry off any kind of cool persona.

There's no way he was recruited to play a billionaire tech guy because he was cool. Any coolness came last.

In fact, now that he has pissed people off with this H1B stuff, his charm has worn pretty thin, and he's got some work to do to rebuild his flair.