Elon Musk Thread

Elon is a foreign born citizen. Lecturing the citizens who took him in on how to conduct their countries. Incredible. What a gigantic retard.

America is/was based on european entrepeneurial spirit and western rule of law. Not indian shit.
I've heard on some good podcasts, in the past, that they suspected Elon was a fraud and fake, just playing the role of genius.

After seeing his low IQ responses to the H-1B visa issue, I now very much believe this to be true.

To be fair, this golf thing just looks like people helping friends out.

Just as an example: My son is in a long-distance relationship with a girl from Poland. They've been dating for 2 years now. My son and her want the girl to come over to the US, but no one wants to get married quite yet.

Guess what, I have a friend who owns a golf club. We talk about the topic over some beers. During the conversation he offers me the golf coach option. I happily accept.

This is just normal networking and happens all over the world. I have western friends who do the same thing to get residency in non EU Eastern Europe.

Does this get abused? Of course it does. But to say this particular kind of migration is destroying countries is a stretch (I know that's probably not what you're saying Budo).
Elon is a foreign born citizen. Lecturing the citizens who took him in on how to conduct their countries. Incredible. What a gigantic retard.

America is/was based on european entrepeneurial spirit and western rule of law. Not indian shit.

Yep. Again him and Vivek are the great replacement. They were brought here to lord over you. They will always band together, thinking they own the place that welcomed them. Just like the Muslims in Europe. For even red-pilled people, some have not realized this. Trump and many Republicans haven’t either.

Those that have the ability need to fight back. If they are going to band together, then any business owner should never hire those types. Even for middle managers in a large corporation, just hire your own. More difficult with DEI, because HR screens and sends you their highly skilled diverse candidates but it can be done with stealth.

Also kick them out and send them back.

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I don't suspect this is going to play out the way Elon and Vivek thought.

Vance is not stupid. He knows his career in politics is tied to the working white constituents from Ohio.

Regardless of his personal attraction to women and or culture originating from India or whatever... He can't be supporting H1Bs and maintain his base.

I suspect Trump will remain quiet and let Vance do the messaging on this for a while so he doesn't have to publicly rebuke Elon Musk or Vivek, which he will be forced to do eventually as the Bannon War Room Posse is fanatical and will not stop until they win and scalps are collected.

Because musk and Vivek chose this issue NOW they are going to get ALL the spotlight on all the issues as Poso points out.

Meanwhile Vance remains on message per MAGA base.

I saw a meme that said if there's one thing guaranteed to keep Indian men out of the country it's Indian women.

Apparently Nimiratta Nikki Haley ain't having no H1B talk. She's trying to claw back some support after she got embarrassed by Vivek.

Politics makes strange bed fellows.

Oh yes. In my experience Indian women are the first line of defense as many hate the Indian men that come over here. They may not state it openly, but many feel treated like cattle and are well aware of Indian rape culture.

1. I led the drafting of legislation in the Trump ‘45 White House to create a new legal immigration framework. I saw firsthand what happens when ANY visa reform is proposed: executives from the biggest multinationals and lobbyists from all kinds of industries are banging on the door, demanding to keep what they have.

2. What they have is a tangled morass of visa classes that are carve-outs, handouts, and special favors to particular industries, bought and paid for through decades of lobbying feckless members of Congress and presidential administrations. Industries lobby for the foreign workers they claim to “need,” and then they get a visa class carve-out, which they protect (and seek to expand) at all costs.

3. And there are enormous costs for our nation - costs that fall on the American worker with devastating consequences. The statistics bear that out: job gains go to foreign-born workers while American workers post net job losses.

I also know this firsthand because I grew up a working class kid, watching my father (and by extension, our family) suffer from unfair foreign labor competition.

4. For too long, Americans have been largely unaware of the source of these problems because the policies are designed to be too complicated and are made largely invisible to public scrutiny. I’m glad the right is having an open debate about legal immigration. It is past time.

5. To be clear, the difference between O1Bs and H1Bs matters in this debate, for example, because these visas are intended to accomplish very different goals and are entirely different in scale, BUT both visa classes are rife with abuse. (Plenty of Reggaeton stars and anti-American athletes enter the U.S. on O-1 visas.) Essentially ALL visa classes are abused. Again, that’s because these things exist to serve special interests on one side of the labor market (and it’s not the side of the American worker).

6. The debate can’t be confined to a single industry - it’s about Big Tech, Big Ag, tourism and hospitality, transportation (airlines, trucking), the media & sports entertainment complex (yes, the NFL and MLB have their own special visa classes and their own special treatment by DHS and State) and many many others. They all want special visas to import cheap and convenient foreign labor. Even the roofing industry is now seeking its own special visa class. And all of these special classes get expanded over time, allowing the American worker to be flooded with foreign competitors for no reason other than labor savings for employers.

7. I, like many Americans, voted for a sealed border and an immigration moratorium. Americans need to retake control of our immigration system — how many are coming in, for what reasons, and for how long. One question absent from our current system: how does this individual immigrant benefit the American nation and her people? No more blanket exemptions or economic rationales. Immigration is a regime-based question, as both Hamilton and Jefferson wrote on extensively, and our system should reflect that Americans must also demand meaningful investment in assimilation and integration requirements for legal immigrants here already.

This is actually far more restrictive than H1Bs and a major improvement. H1Bs are given for free to anyone who produces a fake diploma from any country.

Requiring people, from all the over the world, to attend American colleges, with their enormous price tag, automatically prices out 95% of the world. Even community colleges are completely unaffordable for 99% of the 3rd world. Whites from other countries, however, would be able to earn a green card easily.

This is an example of Trump playing "4D chess," by making an offer that sounds good for his opponents, when in reality it would produce the opposite effect.

Now if only conservatives were smart enough to see the big picture as well...

I met a few foreigners in Florida that attend "college". They do a single class (because it's affordable) and keep failing on purpose. Even the professor will tell them "see you next year" because he knows the scheme. That way the"student" can maintain his/her student visa.

So that's a loophole many use to stay here. God knows how many more.
I met a few foreigners in Florida that attend "college". They do a single class (because it's affordable) and keep failing on purpose. Even the professor will tell them "see you next year" because he knows the scheme. That way the"student" can maintain his/her student visa.

So that's a loophole many use to stay here. God knows how many more.

Yes, there is more incentive to remain a student than actually graduate. So Trump's proposal is already better than what we have. But, obviously, Trump's student greencard visa proposal needs to be adjusted, and I'm sure guys like Stephan Miller are on it:

- Needs to be at least 4 years of school
- Can't be a community college
- Has to be above a B average

Stuff like that to weed out the scammers.
I met a few foreigners in Florida that attend "college". They do a single class (because it's affordable) and keep failing on purpose. Even the professor will tell them "see you next year" because he knows the scheme. That way the"student" can maintain his/her student visa.

So that's a loophole many use to stay here. God knows how many more.
This reminds me of what a friend of mine from Italy did that I met while working there. He met a girl from the US and wanted to move there with her, but he had no high school diploma or qualifications.

Thus, he simply created his own diploma using Microsoft Word and used that to enroll in a community college.

Fast forward and they're both working and happily married. It's amazing how many loopholes exist throughout systems.
This reminds me of what a friend of mine from Italy did that I met while working there. He met a girl from the US and wanted to move there with her, but he had no high school diploma or qualifications.

Thus, he simply created his own diploma using Microsoft Word and used that to enroll in a community college.

Fast forward and they're both working and happily married. It's amazing how many loopholes exist throughout systems.

For many 3rd worlders fraud is the name of the game. Many of these Indian H1Bs don’t have the credentials they claim, they are frauds. If they come to an American university and do a doctorate that’s one thing, but one from another country where you can cheat and bribe, it’s worthless toilet paper unless you can convince some bimbo in HR it’s legit.

Of course there are exceptions, as some foreign countries have good programs, but people should do an experiment, see how many PhDs you can simply purchase online.