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Elon Musk Thread

How to throw away $44 billion.

Step 1) Either be a stooge for the global satanic elite, or somehow be low IQ enough to not realize the global satanic elites exist.
Step 2) Buy "free speech" application, and think that somehow people are not going to notice how evil the global satanic elites are and will just post puppy videos.
Step 3) When your application is used as expected, by everyone but yourself somehow, shut it down and make is a giant honey trap and run it into the ground.

How to throw away $44 billion.

Step 1) Either be a stooge for the global satanic elite, or somehow be low IQ enough to not realize the global satanic elites exist.
Step 2) Buy "free speech" application, and think that somehow people are not going to notice how evil the global satanic elites are and will just post puppy videos.
Step 3) When your application is used as expected, by everyone but yourself somehow, shut it down and make is a giant honey trap and run it into the ground.

It's also because the government doesn't want you to earn a single penny they can't tax.



Edit. Just realized it would explain why Elon Musk was in (((Israel))) last November.

Full text
#BREAKING: X Now Requires ID For Monetization (IMPORTANT 🇮🇱)

EVERY creator, and everyone who aspires to be on a monetized X creator, MUST oppose this.

If you don't, there's a good chance your ID will end up in the hands of Israeli intelligence.

The company that X uses to verify its user's ID is an Israeli company founded by members of Israeli intelligence units Shin Bet and Unit 8200.

The company responsible for verifying people's ID on X is called "AU10TIX".

The CEO of AU10TIX, Ron Atzomn, was a member of Israel's intelligence unit 8200.

His father was once the treasurer of the Likud party (Netanyahu's party) in Israel.

AU10TIX also has a history of helping the Israeli military with military surveillance and intelligence gathering.

It doesn't stop there however.

AU10TIX was founded in 2002 as the technology arm of a dutch firm called "ICTS international".

ICTS international was established in 1982 ALSO by former members of Israeli intelligence unit Shin Bet.

This is an extreme security risk.

Not only will regular creators have to give their ID to a company with deep ties to Israeli intelligence, but PRO-PALESTINIAN creators will also have to do the same.

This is completely and totally unacceptable.

@elonmusk you have the power to prevent this from happening.

I know I speak on the behalf of a lot of creators when I say,

don't go ahead with this.


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I'm done with Twitter\X. Deleted the app on my phone yesterday. Musk is officially allowing porn on the platform. And this guy says he's concerned about population decline and yet allows porn which is probably a contributing factor to global population decline (I have no link to back this up, just a guess).
