Elon Musk Thread

They don't need X to put big dissent-names on a list
No. But the small ones.
You only have to verify ID to monetize. I doubt they care about random commentators
You both make good points and I'm not sure who is right? However, in some sense this topic is a moot point because in 2024 everyone is on "a list" of somekind. There is no longer anonymity for anyone no matter your politics unless you have somehow managed to avoid ever having your picture on the internet and have kept your mouth shut over the last 20 years by not posting your opinions on forums such as this.They can track anyone at anytime, anywhere. They've got your bank account, they've got your medical history, they've got your location (if they really want it), your fingerprints/DNA, and your movements are being recorded by hundreds of cameras each day.

If you're worried that your political speech is bringing negative attention by the feds to your personal life then keep your mouth shut, move to the woods/wilderness, never log onto the internet, and only use a burner phone to communicate with the outside world. Problem(s) solved. If you want to add an extra level of caution/security, go celibate and avoid attractive women at all costs as they are the downfall of almost every modern man.

On the other hand, if so-called "free speech" is that important to you and you are willing to risk having your life ruined or worse for it, then go for it. Personally, for me, free speech is overrated. I can take it or leave it. If you really had something important and original to say you could always write a book (the pen is mightier than the sword) and publish it anonymously for free. There would be no reward (attention and/or money) under this publishing paradigm, but there would also be little to no risk.
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If you're worried that your political speech is bringing negative attention by the feds to your personal life then keep your mouth shut, move to the woods/wilderness, never log onto the internet, and only use a burner phone to communicate with the outside world.

Why are we so scared of Feds anyway? They haven't been able to stop Andrew Torba and Tommy Robinson.

If you ask me, the Feds aren't that scary. What's more scary is the social repercussions. Nobody wants to make enemies of family and friends, and the left is absolutely willing to turn them against you.

Why fear? Trust in God.
You both make good points and I'm not sure who is right? However, in some sense this topic is a moot point because in 2024 everyone is on "a list" of somekind. There is no longer anonymity for anyone no matter your politics unless you have somehow managed to avoid ever having your picture on the internet and have kept your mouth shut over the last 20 years by not posting your opinions on forums such as this.They can track anyone at anytime, anywhere. They've got your bank account, they've got your medical history, they've got your location (if they really want it), your fingerprints/DNA, and your movements are being recorded by hundreds of cameras each day.

If you're worried that your political speech is bringing negative attention by the feds to your personal life then keep your mouth shut, move to the woods/wilderness, never log onto the internet, and only use a burner phone to communicate with the outside world. Problem(s) solved. If you want to add an extra level of caution/security, go celibate and avoid attractive women at all costs as they are the downfall of almost every modern man.

On the other hand, if so-called "free speech" is that important to you and you are willing to risk having your life ruined or worse for it, then go for it. Personally, for me, free speech is overrated. I can take it or leave it. If you really had something important and original to say you could always write a book (the pen is mightier than the sword) and publish it anonymously for free. There would be no reward (attention and/or money) under this publishing paradigm, but there would also be little to no risk.

You can write a book and publish it, but no one will read it unless you have a way of selling it! That means you need a platform, like for example X. I agree that you have to be willing to lose everything to speak openly/truthfully. The dilemma is that people who have a platform usually have a lot to lose, while people who have nothing to lose don't usually have a platform. (and can't get one either)
Why are we so scared of Feds anyway? They haven't been able to stop Andrew Torba and Tommy Robinson.

If you ask me, the Feds aren't that scary. What's more scary is the social repercussions. Nobody wants to make enemies of family and friends, and the left is absolutely willing to turn them against you.

Why fear? Trust in God.

Depends on which country you're in. In UK for example a man was jailed for two years for posting stickers with anti mass-migration messages, so it's not easy to be a public dissident everywhere in the world.

Tommy is owned by Zionists, I'm not sure how Torba gets away with it but he's had great difficulty keeping Gab online from what I've read.
This is some really sad shit.

He should have never allowed it.

Never thought transgenderism as a form of sterilization. But it goes according to the plans of population reduction.

Transgenderism is also a sterilization program. Maybe the primary goal of elites with transgender is sterilization.

Definitely that and also just using more race and gender to turn us all against each other...
You only have to verify ID to monetize. I doubt they care about random commentators.
It's difficult for most people to comprehend how much resources the USA govt, its clients and contractors have for surveillance and various enforcement actions...until it happens to you.

Let me tell you a little tale from the past:

I was a regular poster on an obscure discussion forum, with maybe 20 daily posters and 50 daily readers, when one day, in the off-topic area, I made a brief post about the USS Liberty. This was in 2008.

I know because I went back and looked at the time stamps that a new member of the forum joined and made a post 30 minutes later with a generic "Source?" type of response, followed by a cookie cutter statement of support for our greatest ally. I don't remember every detail perfectly now, 16 years later, but I don't even think I responded to him.

Later that day, or maybe the next day, I got some messages on my facebook account, which I barely used and was not connected to my acct on the discussion forum, where I used an alias and was careful not to reveal much about my ID. After maybe one or two out of the blue, hello how are you type messages to me on FB that also referenced Israel, there was a final message that was very cleverly worded and it also used references to and synonyms for death several times, like the word morte.

It was so crafty and creepy that I wish I'd saved it, but what happened was it scared me because I thought it was from the same person who responded in 30 minutes to my forum post, and was now sort of, kind of threatening to kill me. I didn't take the threat seriously as if my physical safety was really at risk, but it was extremely creepy that this person could contact me this way, especially over something so minor. I think it's likely he/they/whomever scanned my forum posts and got a quick psych profile on me and knew I was susceptible to this kind of thing.

Fast forward a few months and I receive an e-mail from my sister, who is married, uses her husband's name, and does almost nothing online; she barely used e-mail and had no FB. In her out of the blue e-mail to me—she hadn't contacted me by e-mail in like 9 years—she said that a couple of months ago (around the time I was contacted on FB) she received a series of phone calls from different men intimating, but not explicitly stating, that they were from the IRS and that they were looking for me regarding some tax problems I had.

My sister was concerned and asked me in the e-mail what the problem was and how she could help. I was just about to reply in some detail when I realized that I was falling into their scam. I reasoned that they had access to either her or both of our e-mail accounts and we were both on g-mail. They initiated contact with her so that she would do exactly what she did: make a sympathetic offer of help to her (unknown to her) frightened brother, and I would reply to her with confidential info. that would give them ammunition to harass me further or perhaps blackmail me.

All of this over a mild post about the USS Liberty on a discussion forum where it might have been seen by at most 5-10 people.

I assume these contractors operate similarly to confidential informants paid by the police, who receive money when they can put the finger on someone the authorities can use to run through the system, confiscate their resources, and justify the existence of their law enforcement and judiciary positions.

Therefore, although it really defies common sense and any notion of fiduciary responsibility, they do care about small commentators. Harassing, scamming, and railroading them has been monetized by our gargantuan surveillance and enforcement network of LEO's, judges, lawyers, contractors, and at least 5 million others with security clearances, who see us a serfs to be extorted whenever possible.

This message will self destruct in 24 hours, before the gang stalkers can be activated, lol.
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It's difficult for most people to comprehend how much resources the USA govt, its clients and contractors have for surveillance and various enforcement actions...until it happens to you.

Let me tell you a little tale from the past:

I was a regular poster on an obscure discussion forum, with maybe 20 daily posters and 50 daily readers, when one day, in the off-topic area, I made a brief post about the USS Liberty. This was in 2008.

I know because I went back and looked at the time stamps that a new member of the forum joined and made a post 30 minutes later with a generic "Source?" type of response, followed by a cookie cutter statement of support for our greatest ally. I don't remember every detail perfectly now, 16 years later, but I don't even think I responded to him.

Later that day, or maybe the next day, I got some messages on my facebook account, which I barely used and was not connected to my acct on the discussion forum, where I used an alias and was careful not to reveal much about my ID. After maybe one or two out of the blue, hello how are you type messages to me on FB that also referenced Israel, there was a final message that was very cleverly worded and it also used references to and synonyms for death several times, like the word morte.

It was so crafty and creepy that I wish I'd saved it, but what happened was it scared me because I thought it was from the same person who responded in 30 minutes to my forum post, and was now sort of, kind of threatening to kill me. I didn't take the threat seriously as if my physical safety was really at risk, but it was extremely creepy that this person could contact me this way, especially over something so minor. I think it's likely he/they/whomever scanned my forum posts and got a quick psych profile on me and knew I was susceptible to this kind of thing.

Fast forward a few months and I receive an e-mail from my sister, who is married, uses her husband's name, and does almost nothing online; she barely used e-mail and had no FB. In her out of the blue e-mail to me—she hadn't contacted me by e-mail in like 9 years—she said that a couple of months ago (around the time I was contacted on FB) she received a series of phone calls from different men intimating, but not explicitly stating, that they were from the IRS and that they were looking for me regarding some tax problems I had.

My sister was concerned and asked me in the e-mail what the problem was and how she could help. I was just about to reply in some detail when I realized that I was falling into their scam. I reasoned that they had access to either her or both of our e-mail accounts and we were both on g-mail. They initiated contact with her so that she would do exactly what she did: make a sympathetic offer of help to her (unknown to her) frightened brother, and I would reply to her with confidential info. that would give them ammunition to harass me further or perhaps blackmail me.

All of this over a mild post about the USS Liberty on a discussion forum where it might have been seen by at most 5-10 people.

I assume these contractors operate similarly to confidential informants paid by the police, who receive money when they can put the finger on someone the authorities can use to run through the system, confiscate their resources, and justify the existence of their law enforcement and judiciary positions.

Therefore, although it really defies common sense and any notion of fiduciary responsibility, they do care about small commentators. Harassing, scamming, and railroading them has been monetized by our gargantuan surveillance and enforcement network of LEO's, judges, lawyers, contractors, and at least 5 million others with security clearances, who see us a serfs to be extorted whenever possible.

This message will self destruct in 24 hours, before the gang stalkers can be activated, lol.
I'm sorry you experienced this. It is a scam, and they cannot take your resources over such a little quip about the USS Liberty. This is a bit of a lengthy post but I read situations like yours all the time.

You have to be "involved" in something for state actors and assets to be taking actions that affect your finances, freedom, and life. I have had similar people attempt to extort me by ascertaining names and addresses of family and then harassing me. At the end of the day, unless you are tied up and someone is brandishing a weapon in front of you telling you they are going to harm you if you don't give over your money, you don't have to give anyone squat. De-googling one's self is pretty standard these days, but there are other ways to wipe away traces from the internet. A good healthy practice is never making an online profile of yourself in any way and to always remain anonymous.

The only type of event you're talking about that I can think of that is not staged ,seemingly, and on a large scale is what happened to Nick Fuentes, but the reason why the feds froze his bank account and confiscated his assets and put him on a no-fly-list without arresting him on some mock charges is likely due to the fact that he was hustling for money with his content and reaching a large audience, pissing off the status quo because he was just some kid who came out of left field. He claimed to have almost half a million dollars confiscated, so this kid was rolling in significant dough for what he was doing. It was probably the establishment right that authorized his confiscation and not the left.

Then there are examples like the guy at the 2017 Charlottesville rally who accidentally ran over a leftist fatty to escape from a mob of violent people, and he is imprisoned for multiple life sentences. It's not random, but it is merciless for sure. They have been acting like this far before recent times though.

Having no assets in the system is a good way for them to ignore you. You do not need to be broke or poor, just don't use the banks and use bartering or precious metals to accumulate your own wealth that they'll never see. Every form of wealth comes with its risks and rewards. They can't authorize a task force to go after someone who has nothing, and if you were not in the wrong place at the wrong time they cannot use you as a patsy or a political example for other dissidents.

The use of CI's (confidential informants) is a bit different. These are people with criminal records who have a recidivism problem. When they get caught again, they are pressured into becoming informants in exchange for lighter jail sentences. These are the most unstable type of people because of both anti-social criminal behavior that doesn't guarantee any sort of survival as well as addictive personalities. Almost all CI's are drug addicts. I highly doubt there is any money paid to these people by law enforcement, but if there is it is all off-the-record.

Gangstalking is also similar to using CI's. If the stalking is being done on a federal level, then there is an order to use gangstalking as a means of forcing the victim to make a mistake and reveal something of interest regarding assets. They also don't commit gangstalking on people who have nothing. Some guys have gone off the sigma end of the pool and done this to girls, but anyone who has ever done surveillance work will know how tiring it is. A young athletic sharp-witted police officer in his squad spending car 8-10 hours a day constantly scanning the environment for threats can still miss many details because the exhaustion sets in very quickly when doing this. A bunch of tweakers watching someone's house would have to take their fixes and use speed to do the same, and their perception of reality is incredibly flawed when high.

Contractors who are operatives get paid a lot of money. Whatever they are doing, it is usually several tax brackets higher than most military officer, law enforcement, or GS pay-scale employee (field agents). What you experienced sounded like a JIDF troll and you must have had some details connecting your anon account to a real account that a basic hacker could have found. They then probably forwarded your information to a series of IRT scammers who run a stock and drop con of using the gmail servers to get people to reveal pertinent compromising information about themselves.
It's difficult for most people to comprehend how much resources the USA govt, its clients and contractors have for surveillance and various enforcement actions...until it happens to you.

Let me tell you a little tale from the past:

I was a regular poster on an obscure discussion forum, with maybe 20 daily posters and 50 daily readers, when one day, in the off-topic area, I made a brief post about the USS Liberty. This was in 2008.

I know because I went back and looked at the time stamps that a new member of the forum joined and made a post 30 minutes later with a generic "Source?" type of response, followed by a cookie cutter statement of support for our greatest ally. I don't remember every detail perfectly now, 16 years later, but I don't even think I responded to him.

Later that day, or maybe the next day, I got some messages on my facebook account, which I barely used and was not connected to my acct on the discussion forum, where I used an alias and was careful not to reveal much about my ID. After maybe one or two out of the blue, hello how are you type messages to me on FB that also referenced Israel, there was a final message that was very cleverly worded and it also used references to and synonyms for death several times, like the word morte.

It was so crafty and creepy that I wish I'd saved it, but what happened was it scared me because I thought it was from the same person who responded in 30 minutes to my forum post, and was now sort of, kind of threatening to kill me. I didn't take the threat seriously as if my physical safety was really at risk, but it was extremely creepy that this person could contact me this way, especially over something so minor. I think it's likely he/they/whomever scanned my forum posts and got a quick psych profile on me and knew I was susceptible to this kind of thing.

Fast forward a few months and I receive an e-mail from my sister, who is married, uses her husband's name, and does almost nothing online; she barely used e-mail and had no FB. In her out of the blue e-mail to me—she hadn't contacted me by e-mail in like 9 years—she said that a couple of months ago (around the time I was contacted on FB) she received a series of phone calls from different men intimating, but not explicitly stating, that they were from the IRS and that they were looking for me regarding some tax problems I had.

My sister was concerned and asked me in the e-mail what the problem was and how she could help. I was just about to reply in some detail when I realized that I was falling into their scam. I reasoned that they had access to either her or both of our e-mail accounts and we were both on g-mail. They initiated contact with her so that she would do exactly what she did: make a sympathetic offer of help to her (unknown to her) frightened brother, and I would reply to her with confidential info. that would give them ammunition to harass me further or perhaps blackmail me.

All of this over a mild post about the USS Liberty on a discussion forum where it might have been seen by at most 5-10 people.

I assume these contractors operate similarly to confidential informants paid by the police, who receive money when they can put the finger on someone the authorities can use to run through the system, confiscate their resources, and justify the existence of their law enforcement and judiciary positions.

Therefore, although it really defies common sense and any notion of fiduciary responsibility, they do care about small commentators. Harassing, scamming, and railroading them has been monetized by our gargantuan surveillance and enforcement network of LEO's, judges, lawyers, contractors, and at least 5 million others with security clearances, who see us a serfs to be extorted whenever possible.

This message will self destruct in 24 hours, before the gang stalkers can be activated, lol.
Are you sure all of these things are connected, or are you just guessing?