Elon Musk Thread

The other point I would add to that is that manpower will matter increasingly less in the future as AI and robotics render increasingly more humans obsolete. Then it will become a matter of the most technologically advanced countries getting ahead and manpower (for industry and the military, etc) will be largely irrelevant.
Yes, this is one of the reasons I have the point of view that I have. This is already becoming the case, as drones are set to replace any conventional war with masses of people.
However this does not negate the fact that demographics in the aggregate are destiny in a different sense: the ability of a group to maintain cultural, political, and territorial control.
Yes and no. I think we sort of agree here but what I'm stressing is that the threshold is much lower than you think. This population boom has been HUGE. We can go much, much lower and still retain overall control and sustenance; that's how big the boom has been.
This mindset is unsustainable because it forces families to shoulder all the burdens of survival without the support structures that made previous generations successful.
That is correct.

The male/female dynamic is one of the more bizarre in history at current times, due to so many of the things we've pointed out, but almost exclusively due to the decline that comes with gynocentrism (late stage wealthy, that is formerly wealthy, societies). You can have generational wealth at this point, or the kind of resources that will take care of huge families, but it's very rare to convince any woman to have very many kids, let alone treat you well as the husband. In that sense I'm curious how my life will work out as I continue to be ahead of nearly the whole world financially, which will all decrease in "wealth" dramatically at the same time, but also object to having families of any number of quality with an older man. I guess we're going to find out.
The male/female dynamic is one of the more bizarre in history at current times, due to so many of the things we've pointed out, but almost exclusively due to the decline that comes with gynocentrism (late stage wealthy, that is formerly wealthy, societies). You can have generational wealth at this point, or the kind of resources that will take care of huge families, but it's very rare to convince any woman to have very many kids, let alone treat you well as the husband. In that sense I'm curious how my life will work out as I continue to be ahead of nearly the whole world financially, which will all decrease in "wealth" dramatically at the same time, but also object to having families of any number of quality with an older man. I guess we're going to find out.

Very true. If you, or any Christian, has 4 children, it's most likely because that woman was eager to have many kids anyway, regardless of the financial situation.
Yes and no. I think we sort of agree here but what I'm stressing is that the threshold is much lower than you think. This population boom has been HUGE. We can go much, much lower and still retain overall control and sustenance; that's how big the boom has been.

That is correct.

The male/female dynamic is one of the more bizarre in history at current times, due to so many of the things we've pointed out, but almost exclusively due to the decline that comes with gynocentrism (late stage wealthy, that is formerly wealthy, societies). You can have generational wealth at this point, or the kind of resources that will take care of huge families, but it's very rare to convince any woman to have very many kids, let alone treat you well as the husband. In that sense I'm curious how my life will work out as I continue to be ahead of nearly the whole world financially, which will all decrease in "wealth" dramatically at the same time, but also object to having families of any number of quality with an older man. I guess we're going to find out.
You still have time. Change can be made to your lifestyle to accommodate and incorporate a younger wife capable of bearing you at least 4-5 children. Depending on your ethnic background, if you are Greek or Serbian with lots of family connections, even in America, there are consistent marriages with age gaps of 10-15 years for these groups. Ukrainian Orthodox women also seem to have no problem marrying a man 20+ years older. Their trustworthiness is questionable just like Russian women, but you can also look for a Bulgarian or Romanian wife as well. I wouldn't focus outside of those 6 ethnic groups unless you find a decent western girl who has converted. One of my friends had a chance with a 21 year old German Orthodox girl, was a virgin and highly feminine and intelligent, could have been very serious with her but he blew it like a moron on purpose, there was a 16 year age gap. I thought she was perfect for him. So some guys blow it and then its years before they find something or never.

Despite every advantage the self-built jewish house has propped up against men like us, regardless of wealth, we still have to do our duty and either have a large family ourselves or encourage every one of our siblings, cousins, and friends to and assist them in the social and spiritual aspect of it. If people need a spiritual reason to have children it is plain, the decisions keeping Europeans from having children ultimately harm those European children who are being born because they are left to dwindle surrounded by alien adversaries.

God's protection is not an immediate given, He did not just let Christian children be born and never have to worry about being killed, if that were the case, all the outnumbered Christian babies and children in history who were massacred by aliens and jews would not have been so had there been more of them. Our outnumbering is a very primal recognition by predatory races, and there are instincts in them to be violent with us when there are more of them and less of us. That's just how they are wired in their blood. I've seen this behavior multiple times with Blacks, Arabs, and Pakis, when there is just one they may feign friendliness, even be willing to talk to you about shared hatred for the system or the jews, but when there are 5-10 or even 15 they may even attack you for no reason, and will definitely chide you and be insulting for no other purpose because their racial gaggle makes them feel more powerful.

The next five to ten years, especially with the meddling of vulture profiteers like Musk, we will see how much dominance a minority of Aryans can maintain against the relentless in-group preferences of jews, jeets, and everyone else who only look out for themselves. If our own people do not start behaving collectively, then this mirage of control we have will evaporate like a wisp of steam in the desert, and the jungle will be laid bare for everyone to see its brutality.
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I don't care what ABC news says, I still believe those long streaks of light are the remains of rebel angels being banished from heaven and flung down to earth by God.

I'm not being sarcastic or joking....I really do NOT believe those are the remains of some failed rocket.

Yes, I DO believe Musk makes real rockets and also DO believe that they blast off into the sky.
But I do NOT believe that those lights and flashes which were filmed is that same rocket exploding and crashing.
Yes, it may well be timed to coincide with a true celestial phenomenon to diminish it's spiritual and religious impact on people....."oh it's just a crashing rocket....forget about it and go back to watching tik tok videos". That sort of thing.

You know the visible launch trajectory and the timing all line up with this shower of debris? This is like saying an artillery shell can't possibly land at the other end of the ballistic track from the cannon that fired it, so it must be God striking down a fallen angel when the shell impacts.

Who says it isn't both?

But in order to stage the rocket test as a coverup of a "celestial phenomenon", Musk would have to have foreknowledge of the event to prepare the "requisites".

What are you talking about? God decides what happens, not Musk. If they happened at the same time, it's because God decided they would.

After all, it's certainly a sensible time for rogue angels to be punished, the world is changing before our eyes.

If Elon and Trump intend to fulfil their promises, and I say this mostly because of the H1B fiasco. They could easily have pretended they would get rid of H1Bs, and then just lied about it, or left loopholes, but instead Elon was upfront about it.

If they actually intend to fulfil their promises, difficult or easy, we are about to enter some crazy times.
This jewish kabuki theater can be amusing, but don't let it distract you. This guy is a jew raised in a luciferian abusive household who LARPs as a non-jew promoting his sci-fi fantasies. The mockery of a more than 2000 year old salute is just more of their chutzpah.

He posted this the day Trump 'won' the selection:

He seems to just act like a spastic character no matter what, but the occultism is definitely there:


Don't forget his latest mischling mistress:

And how much of a fraud he is:


Triggering libs is fun and all, but the more important thing is not falling for jewish tricks.
This jewish kabuki theater can be amusing, but don't let it distract you. This guy is a jew raised in a luciferian abusive household who LARPs as a non-jew promoting his sci-fi fantasies. The mockery of a more than 2000 year old salute is just more of their chutzpah.

Maybe he was, but even a Jew can convert. If he was really Jewish, he'd definitely ban a lot more of the anti-semitism on X, as is he probably banned more people for criticising H1Bs than for being anti-semitic.

The real question is whether he changes his mind on immigration.
